The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1910. 1,51,0 ons al iCy I Pard Ay. build one ASSOCIATED LATEST MENDERS we NEWS 07 The '10PM A Progress ESTABLISHED-1892-NO. 9,107. L.

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 9,1919 TWO CENTS A COPY OFFICIAL VOTE. THE COUNTY is the official vote of j'ollowiss the The total vote was 1,700: county la -COURTHOUSE House of Delegates--W. H. LanK25, D. 11.

PIttA 13,. Lemuel borne Salts of Circuit Court- wt Ralley 26, Clerk 54. Attorney T. W. Duke," 53 I C.

-M. Thomas. 38. Treasurer- Stuart Hamm Jackson Heal, 8, 3." Jr. 6.

Board of Rinchart 53. B. Early Revenue, No. George Commisioner- of Revenne, a No. Gates.

Garth 53. Constable, Charlottesville trict -W. W. Nortell 58. Justice of Peace, Charlottesville, District--J.

E. Gibson 53. MONTICELLO. "House of 35, Pitts 24, Smith 34, Railey 29. Clerk.

of. Circuit Court- -Maupia 67. Common wealth's Attorney- Judge "Date 68. 0 -Thomas 68. Treasurer--O.

Stuart. 40, Jacksos Beal :0, J. R. Wingfeld, 1. Beard of.

Supervisors Hollis mate N. D. Early 69: 1 in Commissioner of Revenue, District No. 1-George T. Omobundro 41.

Commissioner of Revenue, Distin No. 2-B. Gates Garth 69. Constable, Charlottesville Distid-W. W.

Norvell 68. of Peace, Charlottesville District Gibson 68. 4 WINGFIELDS. Home of Delegates-Langhorne. 2, Mitts 12, Smith 5, of Circuit S.

15. Common wealth' Attorney- Judge Date 15 Sherif on loo Hamm Wingdeld'1! Board of Supervisors- Rinchart 15. of Revenue, District No. 1-Omohundro 1 15. Commissioner at District No.

2-Garth 15. Constable, Charlotesrille District -Norvell 15. 1 Justice of Peace, Charlottesrille District- Gibson 15. NORTH GARDEN, -ad pi Tor Delegates d1 6a, Pitts 41, Smith 35, Railey 33. Clerk of.

Circuit. Coutt-Maupin 95. Commonwealth's Attorney--Judge Duke Sherif--Thomas Treasurer- llamm, 69, Deal: 10, 18. Board of Supervisors--C. E.

Harwow 93, C. Purcell MeCue Senate Early 92. Commissioner of Dis trict No. 1-Omohundro 97. Commissioner of Revenue, Dis-No.

2- Garth: 1 Justices of Peace, Samuel Miller District -D. H. Page 66. C. C.

Cook VILLE House' of Delegates 46, Pitts 26. Smith 23. Ralley 8r. Clerk 46. of Circait Court-Maupta, 1., Duke 46.

Commonwealth's Attorney--Judge Sherif -Thomas 46. Flandeld 1. 29, Heal Treasurer--Hamm 16, Mclue Board 10. of Supervisors--Harris 36. Senate---Early 46.

trice Commissioner of. Revenue, DisNo. 1-Omohundro 46, triet No. Commissioner of DisJustices 2-Garth of Peace, Samuel Miller (Continued From Second Page) July Meet me's the Park. 26-ta.

1p. Many a poor money. man is nothing but FIRST MAIL FROM (By- Associated Press.) Ang The first mail from. America arrived today. London, Aug.

Fond Controller announced that, the koreroment resume trol of the supply, distribution and of hand. lard 4 dir THREE COUNTIES For A. Work- To: Mert Here Nest Year Leader: Discussion of many pertinent questions and phases of student work In the young peoor. the Sunday School through the organised. class.

and. what Joan organized class? constituted subject matter for much thought: at- the session of the Tri-County Sunday School Conference which opened here Monday and closed Tuesday afternoon. Progressive steps were taken toward the construction of strong. active and influential Sunday School amociation in the counties of Highland and Albemarle. Organization of the: conference was effected at the morning assion, those Alerted "To executive in the tri-county union being: President- Watson Sadler, of Charlottesville.

Vice President Guy Jordan, of Staunton." T. Pru4 fer, of Staunton. A conference council was appointed and consists of the following members: Frederick C. Hamer and Guy Jordan of. Staunton, and J.

F. Patterson, of Harriston. Albemarie: county was selected. as the place -for meeting. to 1920; Charlottesville being designated to entertain the conference, MEETING "AT SLATE -HILL Me, Wingfeld, who has concluded meeting at.

Laurel! nil will begin series services at fill church- tomorrows with service at- 11.30 Mt. and m. each evenpert week at 8.30 o'clock. WEATHER FOR 21 HOURS. The following were the' readings of the thermometer at the University Observatory for the 24 hours ending nt 9 o'clock this morning: Maximum, 88; minimum.

61; at 9 a. 65. Direction- of the Sun rose this morning at 6.23 and will set at 8.15 Mr. Tucker Strickler Durham, of. Alberene, and Bliss Emma Mario Masenhelmer, of.

this city, married at go o'clock Tast'erening bye the Rev. Cecil V. Cook: D. of the First Baptist church: The groom is in the employ ot the Lembn-Cola Bottling Works -of this City. AT THE JEFFERSON Today- -Wallace Reid in "The Love Burglar," from the stage aurExtra--A 2 real Sennett comedy.

Vivian Martin in "Lousatana;" delightful and fascinating. Stewart In "Virtuous Wives," a masterpiece. AT ST. MARTA Rev. B.

D. Tucker, will preach and celebrate the Holy Communion at St. Mary's Chapel, Forest Lodge, tomorrow, August at 3:30 P. M. For quick sale we are offering some fine office fixtures, furniture, typewriters, at attractive prives.

See us. 218 West Street. Natl. Soil Improvement Co. Aug 7-4t 1p.

Try Progress Want Ad. 17 DIE IN MINE EXPLOSION 4 Mesko City, ANK. tree are deal from a dynamite ca in- The Mine, st: at Parbura, two trains WILL PUT FLOUR TO CONSUMER AT A CHEAPER PRICE New. York, Aug. -Jullus H.

Barnes, government wheat Tires tor, announced today- that ed -Stater Grain sell four- through the usual. Channels at rate permitting the -pubto obtain it for $11.75 to $12 a. four will be deliver pred to wholesalers cant of the basin of $10.35 a. and west. of the lines, exclusive of Pacific coast territory, -for $10.

will quired to guarantee not to charge more than seventy-ive' cents. barrel additional and retailers not more than $1.75. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. W. P.

Cleveland is alek at his home on Maple Avenue. Mrn. M. M. Timberlake, of Alton, was a visitor in the city: today.

Mrs. Charles Hughes, of Shadwell, was the city yesterday? The Rev. J. Morgan, D. is spending his vacaton in Florida.

Miss Virginia Fletcher is spending her vacation In Mias Ruth Boas. of -Coresriller was in the city today for a few hours, Mr. and Mra. J. A.

Gilmore have returned from their trip to Asbury Park. Mr. George Boyle has returned to him home in Washington: to friends hero. Mr. Richard Carrol has returned to his home at Shipman, after relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. John Franks, -of Washington, are visiting friends and relatives in the city. Misses Minor and a Elinor Kent, of the University, are Glenrochle for, the, balance of August. Fair ani continued.

cool night ami or S.IT° TANK PEACH CROP. Clifton. Forge Review: On account of the annullment of all freight and passenger trains on the C. 0. Railway, the fruit growers of the afraid they will lose a good part of their crop.

It' said that hundreds of bushels of peaches are ready for the market with no means of transportation. Although handicapped by the atrike, the railway officials are doing their test to "handle the peaches awaiting shipment SUGAR EXPORT PROHIBITED Buenos Aires, -1 de prohibiting the esportation of sugar has been promulgatal by the government. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET MONDAY The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at, the church. Every member is. urged to be present to transact important business.

0 JUST ARRIVED Vantine's Perfume, Face Powder and Creams. the best to he had. P. MERTENS, Aug.5-ts. 107 Main St.

DANCE TONIGHT: 3- Fry. Springs. Colgan's Orchestra. Aug. 6-4t 1p.

WILL EXECUTE ARMISTICE TERMS A (Dy Associated Press.) Paris, Ang. -The Supreme Council 'of. the has ronskiered the message from. du 10 lain Intention to ca cute the of the armistice end a charity to arnd delegates 10 Allied Make And. at that -the- Entente.

are all! in with the Hungarian enna ankl. 1.4 Aug. general' trike Haste; ended, in come piete Then party- the Hortot was Ala 1 of Panama, has premed anxiety over the attitude of the United States toward! the Art article in the guarantor Panama Independence, pelt af the objection of Ameri. can to Article of the I eager of Sat lone. CAMP of World War Veirrams In at Palmyra Afidland Virginian: Incorporating in their constitution provision "for an annual joint reunion with -the Confederate "on the last Saturday of July, the world war veterans 'of Fluvanna county last Saturday organized what is omcially known Furanna- Camp- of World War Veterans.

meeting win called, to order Lieut. W. W. Moss and Judge J. 0 war a called.

to preside. After talks by Judge. shepherd and Capt. Snead, Lieur: Moss, J. Thomas Ayres and -Grover C.

Clements were appointed a committen to drat the as constitution. which WAR adopted. Oncers were elected as follow White of" Shores. a us First -Identenant W. Perkins.

Serond Lieutenant CommanderLieut. Surgeon George Snead. First CONGRESS IS READY TO ACT (By Associated P'ress.) W'ashington. Aug. Lender Mondell that Congress la ready to act on legi.

lation carrying out the dent a to reduce the a cost of living. Wash iglint, -The Got or firing problems may tea taken up by the President in hicoming tour, it was indicated At the White House. CHILDREN'S DAY. AT SIMEON CHURCH A mystery play will be given at st. Luke's Church.

Simeon, on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. for the bone. fit of the Children's hom*o. this city. The public.

is invited to attend and help along this worthy cause in this naive way. RAILROAD Account of Labor trouble. Enective today trains47 and ho. tween Charlottesville and Clifton Forge and trains and 30 tween Charlottesville and Richmond will be temporarily discontinued. Effective tomorrow August 8th trains 19 and 16 will also be dis.

continued. Aug. 8-1t. 1p. Meet the Parks July 26-ts.

16,000 PEOPLE ATTENDED- SHOW John Robinson Circus after Ink greeted here -by -about people. pulled up. slakes last night and early this" morning loft for the afternoon performs terday the tent. was packed really i above its capacity, hundreds being: forced "to orcupy wats covered ground surrounding the All. resorted seals at the down town office.

were sold" before noon, and there big Tush 1 the to gain: to the die ah0 Blundreds remained on the grounds taking in tho Ride shows. About 6,000 people night performance, the reserved spat section- being nearly. Alled The best of order "The cirrus, while not on large a as in former years, wan a clans, and the were n- off -with promptness. and dispatch that characterized the John Robinson Shows of former years, repecting credit on the present management. Following.

the grand entree, the show opened with an exhibition of statuary that was highly pleaning. Each of the two rings. was occupied by a lady and a milk white horse and white dog. and the platform between the ringa by Ave young women who grouped Into represcatations of famous stature Ten elephants, Ave in each rink; showed the results of, wonderful training. and gave evidence of almost A- human- knowledge, -Nelson.

family girls sane representing four generations--and they received glad hand from the crowds, Each wam star when it came to -tumbling and acrobatic stunts. trapeze, performance of the Aerial Youngs and Hands 'and the swinging ring. work was very clever. The trie, walkers. made a big One.

of them walked on the. wire. 4 with 'apparent case, The horseback riding was about AN "AN the formance, headed. by lodgin's troupe. of English riders, Madame Bedini and.

her. lamous horse, Capt. Mor: can, this the last of the Morgan stock continent, Marat ap. platine, DA -did the 'high. school and chasers.

Horse lovers were epocially pleased with a Ane black that" a "high stepper "Indued: Other acta that pleased were the 200-feet drives: by Minnie Fisher and Madame Lorette. the former suspended in: mid air by her tooth, and the latter by her hair; Felix DeMorris and his trained bamboon. on and globes; Lowonda, the South. American. Rider, and Charles Hell and- his comedy acrobats.

Dick Masters' band furnished ex. collent music throughout the per formance, while Henry -and hix clowns kept the throng laughing at their antic. the continsion of -the whir show, with- cow hoy and long time Buffalo Rave: an- exhibition the pioneer days of the Early Wrat. This busting, tralian whip cracking. fancy and trick riding and.

rope-spinning. Judy, a trained mule. which proved to be unridable, furnished much" amusem*nt: PROSECUTION IS PROMISED SOON (B) A Washington, recited Ins the In Justice Indicated that much evidence against Das already accumu. Prows ution in promi-1 -com in many part- of the l'ountry. state onicial.

taro urged. to with the authorities. It's dead easy for woman to beat man in an argument; all who lia: to do is to turn on the briny now. 20,000 SHOPMEN- BACK WORK thousand West hate to work, that wage cries would at bc a bile thry are kite, from the Houthi and men they A hate not to return to work their wage. demandie are mot.

The" at- Atlanta resolution. along. this. in Limited freight' are all. male Aug.

con of Micen Falli worker unions have a Joint that, they. have to force, the nationalist hon, rail boy a tolewre or threat. They maki the wage mparato from the prate lem. While the Aftern lentore the not mention the al. dress to Congress, 16- le.

believed: A 'that their statement realted from the warming to the mow to return work. Now York. Aug. The Put lie Arriko Inters 4 renal lu the rapht. transit strike when a complete to up was threatened.

BURIED IN MAPLEWOOD funeral of Mins Latte Brockman, who died of blood pointoning Wednesday morning, was hold from the residence of Mr. '11. C. Chap1101 East Street, at 11 o'clock Thursday morging the vices being conducted by her. Dr.

H. W. Battle, of the ligh Streat L'aurch- The. In- Maplewood Cemetery. Mias Brockman la survived by two MAN: 1 C- Chaplin and Mattie Brockinan, both of this city.

3. 1. CALLED HOME Paris Aug. Delt la ported that General Pershing ham Iron recalled suddenly to the U'nited TO VISIT HERE. Mra.

James Y. Edwardi, (neo Mine Ta Ware Bramham) of 4 passed through this city yester-, en route to Richmond to vialt her slater, Afre. K. W. Jastings.

Lator Mra, Edwards will vieit in this city. Albeinarla and Orange County, before to. Kentucky. I Sidney Mina Klur. both of this ritz, Were Tuesday, Angurt by RAY, Andrew D.

Mann They Their future home in Thu whor*they have. a wide circle of friends. Forgo 1. Wood returned home last night from a business trip to Crozot. taptain Wood awns a valuable farin anar on which he has a fine orchard.

MISSION MEETING Woman's Missionary Sortity of the First Methodist church will hold it.a regular meeting Monday afternoon at o'clock In the Sunday School room, in "The Love Burglar." It'- great. A140 a Sennett comedy. Vulranizing done- satisfactorily at Calhoun Garage. First and Water Streets. W'.

Ohemert. Aug. 8-2t. 1p. ROADS AROUND MILLER- The Road man, the Editor and de the Observer put in the day Wednes day Inspecting roads, and we found ronditions, going out the.

"Garth Road," In. all its windings and "contortions, north, and mouth with air the potter of the compare between whiles, up hill. and down. and enjoying the beautiful mountain views in all 1 directions, and enjnying (00, the macadam goodly stretch of old time Virginny road, Juntil section of the road and that bit. for.

the. next two miles. showa. what. can be done.

with. the. old, that used to be there, and until you reach the convict camp you can do nome real riding theroad. There is one tinge of sadness, and regret, hen you pans land' and we the ruina of once beautiful home of Mr. J.

De. Cary, who surely has the repuine thy of everyone in Albemarie. At the rock cut, west of "Mr. Cary's, they have made great ross "and are rapidly making the all down tor the -new concrete bridge east of Mechum's River, and' the grading from the bridges to the river is completed. We met Mr.

and his force survey. Ink and diving levels to Mr. Durrelle: aad rot their. climate of. the time of completion, which put it "some la' Reptember.

IT We plowed through the stone and carth until we hit the river bridge, whor* we turned the left, going up to- Brownsville, thence south over the Miller Road, until we reached a point opposite the achool when the rain began, and then our troables appeared in so uncertain form, for the heavy rain of the might beforehad given the suttare that slippery condition when the akidded, and rut' up all sorta of stunts: sultabia tocone of John Robe Ines's And Junt. we the car bridle; wise the bessn and rain, it card as Hoe the needs oh that we territory. we inore modern than the crooked excuse for a road that exists southwest of the Miller School. The and a patient they would' have. hung some one long the feting condition there.

The rain way Inhospitable, that- we -did not -tarry. as along. we wished, a to. Interriew. the good people of Batenville, and no 1we turned westward.

until; we' the home of Mr. Quincy A. Shaw, 11. where we turned on, but an Mr. Shaw was away' from home we sumed the mud drive until weirrachrd the good macadam near Mr.

4 where turned -south until we reached the "entrance to the beautful lawn surrounding Mr. Ortman's home, We were fortunate In finding the master of "BlueRidge Farm" at home, having just I returned from the Pacific coart. We talked road. with well" known: advocate of- good: roads. and told of our they hope that -more interest in belpe.

Th the ca good than ever before. "hy their thim." Mr2 Ortman- 1 should get bix vote of thanks, for he in make ing Ana road of macadain from entrances to -the mala Atton, west of the Greenwood road; which, when completed. will give him.a zund road all the way 'to Greenwood or to Staunton, while ho will still be cut off from CharlottesI villa, for at leant one more year. Why the people of Charlottesville ArG no Indifferout to the logs of business caused by the missing link from Soven Oaks to Morbum's and from Ivy. to Birdwood, la in(Continued on Sixth Page.) For quick male w'U are offering some fine office fixtures, furniture, typewriters, at.

attractive'. prices. See us. 218 West Main St. Natl.

Soil Improvement Co. 4t 1p. IRTUOUS TUESDAY featuring Anita Stewart. No advance price. 6.

Try 4 4 i..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.