The Relief Society Declaration: Just Be Good and Do Good (2024)

I loved the time I spent servingin the Young Women’s organization. During the YW opening exercises, we would recite the Young Women’s Theme before breaking off into our individual classes. There ispower inthose words, and to recite it as a unified group of Young Women and leaders, would often times bringme to tears. It always reminded me of my present purpose in lifeand my future potential that the Lord not only hopes for me, but expects of me, and all of his daughtersworldwide.

I have since been called to serve in the Relief Society organization. It’s been a few years since I have been present in these adult women meetings, and I have to admit, it’s been an equally inspiring experience. I’ve been wanting to hand-letter the Relief Society Declaration for several months. After all, it’sthe basically the Relief Society Theme. I feel so many expectations of me in the world today. In talking to women of the church, weoften times share in our feelings that we must have a a glamorouscareerAND be a full time mom with perfectly dressed children that take music lessons and play at least 3 sports, in addition to accepting andmagnifying a couple church callings. And then there is thepressure I feel to make a perfect meal everynight that includes something to the effect of sautéed kale with herbed quinoa and marinated grilled chicken breast on an ivory platter with a flax linen napkin draped on the side as the sun is setting in the kitchen window? Who knows why that has become a standard in my head, I don’t do it. Like ever. We eat very simple around here. And my husband generally is the cook. But there is still the hope that I may someday get the dinner routine thing down where I rotate my food storage and have meals planned for the month, using the same produce for multiple meals so nothing rots in the fridge. I try to run every morning, and I use the term “run” very loosely. It’s more like an out of breath jog. Um, well, a light jog. Okay so my daughter says it’s more like a brisk walk. Let’s just say I don’t tag Lululemon in my IG photos. But often times there is guilt in that department as well. We can’t be everything to everyone. We can’t do everything all the time. But we can do small things with great love, to quote Mother Teresa. We can go to the temple, read our scriptures, pray often, and then whatever time is left, just do good and be good. Use the Relief Society Declaration as your framework for your days. We understand that we all have different talents to share as we serve. We all have something we do well, and we serve even betterwhen we use those talents. But don’t let someone else’s little perfect square pictures on your smart phone (AKA someone else’s strongest talent and strength) be your standard of measurement for you. Keep in mind for the rest of this post, events and hand-lettering are my greatest strengths. I wish I was a fast runner, a healthy cook, more organized and prioritized more of my time for noble volunteer work. But I’m going to focus on my strengths, so you do that too!

Tiered birthday cake by Annie Larrabee of @annie_bee_cakery

For our RS Birthday Celebration this year, we focused on the RS Motto and Declaration. It was a “going back to the roots of Relief Society” kind of evening. We entitled it “Glorious Women and Their Stories.” The Relief Society Declaration was theframework for the entire evening. We chose women who represented the 9 different points of the Declaration, and had them share their personal stories. During my remarks, I shared the talk by Sister Patricia Holland entitledOne Thing is Needful: Becoming Women of Greater Faith in Christ . One of the best readsof all time, for all women, everywhere, of all faiths. It reminds us to have a strong faith in our Savior and then beyond that, just be the best we can be using the talents we have been given. We must work on letting go of the impossible expectations. Love you Sister Holland, and the honesty you share in your messages.

On the tables to represent the “Glorious Women and their Stories” we had clusters of the old Reader’s Digest books, potted flowers to create a little garden and Willow Tree figurines of women.

You can find the Relief Society Declaration on the official church’s website HERE or a hand-painted signed print as pictured above available in my Etsy shop HERE or the 8.5 X 11 digital file is available HERE. Also available in the shop are downloads in 11X14 sizes, 4 up per 8.5 X 11 page, and a 16X20″ poster size.

As Sisters in Zion group hugs,

This guest post was submitted by Aimee Ferre. She grew up in the desert of East Mesa in Arizona, but married a mountain loving Utah boy. She currently lives in Sandy, Utah and is a mom to 3 daughters. She owns a small crafting business where she creates holiday decor and specializes in hand-lettering. You can always find her creating new projects or planning gatherings for friends and family. Follow her on Instagram to see what is currently on her desk or find her blog at

The Relief Society Declaration:  Just Be Good and Do Good (2024)


What are the words to the Relief Society Declaration? ›

We are women of faith, virtue, vision and charity who: "Increase our testimonies of Jesus Christ through prayer and scripture study. "Seek spiritual strength by following the promptings of the Holy Ghost. "Dedicate ourselves to strengthening marriages, families and homes.

What is the best quote about the Relief Society? ›

“You will serve your organization, your cause—the Relief Society—this great circle of sisters. Your every need shall be fulfilled, now, and in the eternities; every neglect will be erased; every abuse will be corrected. All of this can come to you, and come quickly, when you devote yourself to Relief Society.” (Boyd K.

What did Joseph Smith say about Relief Society? ›

More than a social club or a charitable organization, Joseph Smith taught, “the Society is not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls.”7 The Prophet invited the women, in addition to seeking the poor and relieving the needs of others, to help the leaders of the Church by “correcting the morals and strengthening ...

What was the purpose of the Relief Society? ›

In the latter days, the Lord established the Relief Society to help women in His Church continue in this pattern of discipleship and to prepare them to receive the blessings of eternal life. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the Relief Society was not only to relieve the poor but to save souls.

What is the motto of the Relief Society? ›

The motto “Charity Never Faileth” expresses the commitment of Relief Society members to love and nurture one another and to minister graciously to the needs of Church members and others.

What is the goal of the Relief Society? ›

Relief Society helps prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement; strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants; and work in unity to help those in need.

What did Joseph Smith criticize? ›

Founder of a uniquely American religion, Joseph Smith was a poor farm boy who became a charismatic prophet, much criticized polygamist, town and temple builder, and finally a martyr for the faith he had established.

Why did Joseph Smith start Relief Society? ›

Smith stated "the object of the Society—that the Society of Sisters might provoke the brethren to good works in looking to the wants of the poor—searching after objects of charity, and in administering to their wants—to assist; by correcting the morals and strengthening the virtues of the female community, and save the ...

What was Joseph Smith trying to do? ›

On April 6, 1830, Smith organized a few dozen believers into a church. From then on, his great project was to gather people into settlements, called “cities of Zion,” where they would find refuge from the calamities of the last days.

What Relief Society means to me? ›

“The Relief Society was created to care for us and watch over the needy and the fallen. When I think of the fact that I am a woman and that I belong to this organization, I am filled with a lot of love. How wonderful it is to belong to a group of women of strength, faith, hope, bravery and who love the Lord.”

What are the principles of the Relief Society? ›

Relief Society leaders support members in living the gospel of Jesus Christ. They emphasize exercising faith, repenting, increasing in self-reliance, and making covenants with God by receiving ordinances.

Why does charity never fail? ›

In Mormon's final witness, he declares that “charity [the pure love of Christ] never faileth” (Moroni 7:46). The gift of charity comes from the Savior. Charity is there because Christ is there. It endures into the darkest night through difficult trials and on into the sunshine because He does.

When was the Relief Society Declaration written? ›

Then in 1999, feeling the guiding influence of the Lord, in order to help sisters “catch the vision of the magnificent potential of the Relief Society organization,” President Mary Ellen Smoot and her counselors wrote The Relief Society Declaration to unite the sisters in our devotion to Jesus Christ in an effort to be ...

What is the purpose statement of Relief Society LDS? ›

Blessings of Belonging to Relief Society: The Relief Society serves under the guidance of the priesthood as the Lord's organization for sisters in the Church. The purpose of Relief Society is to assist priesthood leaders in carrying out the mission of the Church by helping sisters and families come unto Christ.

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.