News | Learning for Well-being (2024)

Here you will find updates of our upcoming events, news about our foundation and activities as well as reporting of our previous events. At each item you have the opportunity to receive more information or to subscribe for the upcoming events. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our events!


The Netherlands are looking for new members and Germany addresses social disadvantage on social media

The Netherlands ACT2gether Netherlands is looking for new members to join their Youth Team ACT2gether Netherlands is looking for – Dutch speaking – young people (aged 16 to 23) based in the Netherlands to join their Youth Team. The ACT2gether...


Supporting and strengthening children’s participation systems at a national level

In Bolivia, the legislation sets up the guidelines to implement participation spaces so that children’s voices and needs are taken into account and so they can express their desires and work towards improving their communities. These spaces start at ground...


ACT2gether Palestine’s volunteer training closing ceremony

On Friday, the 23rd of September, 130 participants of all ages gathered in a ceremony organised by ACT2gether Palestine in Ramallah. This event was the closing ceremony of the peer-to-peer education training held over the past two months for the...


Webinar • Educational Evaluation For Well-Being: Personal, Relational, And Global

Educational Evaluation For Well-Being: Personal, Relational, And Global Webinar A warm invitation to educational thinkers, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the challenges of the current assessment paradigm and to explore the potential of an innovative orientation to education, one that...


“What Makes Me?” Report Launches in 2022

“What Makes Me?” Report Launches in 2022 European Launch The What Makes Me? report shares the results of a 3-year research study led by UNICEF Research – Innocenti, the Learning for Well-being Foundation, and the Fetzer Institute. The report names...


We held a successful workshop on Core Capacities

In a collaboration with the International Step by Step Association, we hosted a 2-part online Peer Learning activity exploring the concept of core capacities and its implications in early childhood education and care. The first part was dedicated to presenting...


Some insights of our Intergenerational Board Strategy Meeting

From the 16th to the 18th of September, the intergenerational Board of the Learning for Well-being Foundation held a 2 day Strategy Board meeting to have deeper discussions on the direction of the Foundation and envision its future. Our Chair...


Intergenerational Forum for Citizen Participation

Last month, children and adults spent a beautiful day at the Intergenerational Forum for Citizen Participation, a space for reflection between authorities, child leaders, teachers, parents, and civil society actors. Filled with energy everyone could work together interactively to identify...


An inside view of 2getherLAND Germany

Let me present myself, my name is Carolina Ledezma, and I am the Communications Director at the Learning for Well-being Foundation, and I am based in Bolivia. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to participate at 2getherLAND Germany...


2getherLAND Germany, an example of intergenerational partnerships

2getherLAND, one of the main components of the ACT2gether initiative, stewarded by the Learning for Well-being Foundation, designed to create an experiential opportunity that acts as a catalyst for children’s participation in any region by gathering a community of allies,...


Palestine and The Netherlands: building new networks

ACT2gether Palestine keeps building networks to work on children’s well-being During the first days of June, ACT2gether Palestine signed a memorandum of understanding with The Palestinian Child institute / An-Najah National University, which cares for children with special needs and...


Andri Pantoura, a Young Board Member’s experience at Philea Forum

Between 29th May and 1st June, I had the great opportunity to attend the Philea Forum with the Learning for Well-being Foundation, alongside 18 incredible and diverse young changemakers. The Youth Pre-Meeting, co-facilitated by Learning for Well-being’s Director Child Participation...


Learning for Well-being’s participation at the Philea Forum 2022

Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea) gathers many foundations, philanthropic organisations, and networks in over 30 countries that work for the common good. Among the many actions Philea pulls forward, the Philea Forum is one of the most important; it allows members...


2GETHERLAND Germany is almost here and A2G Netherlands is growing!

Germany Meeting of the A2G-youth experts to plan the 2GETHERLAND-Camp! Only a few weeks are left until the German 2GETHERLAND camp kicks off from 1st to 6th of May 2022! Preparations are in full swing. An in-person meeting with...


Exciting news from Palestine!

Children from Palestine participated in the presentation of a child-friendly version of the annual report to the Human Rights Council On March 12th, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children, Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid, presented and...


Our Semilleros (seedbeds) of child-led projects are bearing fruit!

Children and young people are agents of social change with the ability to become leaders and positively transform their communities. Und er this conviction, last November, Educo Bolivia and Act2gether Latin America, in alliance with the Kolibrí International Festival for...


ACT2gether celebrates three years of working for intergenerational partnerships

During 2013 and 2018, The Learning for Well-being Foundation was an active partner (in collaboration with the Caux Foundation and IoFC France) in the implementation of CATS (Children as Actors for Transforming Society) Conference. L4WB-F participated in 6 conferences, where...


Spring Online Retreat

The vision of the L4WB-F is to promote inclusive and supportive societies where everyone realises their unique potential throughout their life, focusing on supporting environments and processes that allow individuals and groups to develop as competent systems. This vision...


ACT2gether • What is new in Germany and The Netherlands?

The Netherlands Act2gether Youth Netherland’s first discussion On Thursday, the 3rd of March, Act2gether Netherlands will hold its first Act2gether NL Youth Discussion! The main aim is to have an informative discussion where the possible future A2G NL...


Our quest to raise awareness around mental health

‘Global Voices’ is a project developed by ACT2gether Youth for young people globally. It aims at allowing people from different backgrounds to share their perspectives and talk about the issues that matter most to them, providing safe spaces to raise...


Children from Palestine enjoyed our first Art Session of 2022!

The ‘Art Sessions’ were created to allow all ages to come together to do something fun, learn something new, and most importantly, reconnect in times of isolation. In 2021, ACT2gether ran four successful editions from painting like Mondrian to writing...


ACT2gether Bolivia• Matafuegos, advocating for our Mother Earth most innovatively!

Matafuegos is an animated series created in 2020 aimed at raising awareness among teenagers and young people on the impact of forest fires. It also tackles several environmental issues that challenge our societies by sharing preventive actions and valuable information...


The Steiner-Waldorf Education Council reflects on Core Capacities

The European Council for Steiner Waldorf education gathered together with their representatives around Europe in an online session to plan for 2022. Delegates shared recent developments in their countries, updated each other on their work in different thematic working groups,...


ACT2gether • News from Palestine, Germany and The Netherlands

Palestine ACT2gether Palestine: starting 2022 with enthusiasm A2G Palestine and its advisory children group started the new year with activism and enthusiasm. Their main hope for 2022 is to have a year full of activities focused on reducing the...


ACT2gether • Bolivia has a National Committee ofChildren!

After two years of effort, we can celebrate this achievement! Last December, the Plurinational Committee for Children and Adolescents in Bolivia was formed. It is the highest form of representation of children at a national level. Having this means...


​​Core Capacities, exploring our individual connection to the world

The exploration of core capacities emerged years ago, from the work of Linda O’Toole, senior fellow and researcher from The Learning for Well-being Foundation, with processing patterns and individual differences. The capacities were instruments to explore subtle differences in how...


Rescuing Assessment from the exam factory

In 2016, the then Director General of Education in the European Commission invited select civil society organisations to provide policymakers with inspiring stories that would illustrate that educational systems in Europe can change for the better. The Learning for...


QoC Talk presented the results of the L4WB- Hungarian Waldorf Federation, and ECSWE Project

Since 2019, The Learning for Well-Being Foundation, the European Council of Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE) and the Hungarian Waldorf Federation took the challenge to work on the project “Personalised and Formative Assessment Practices Supporting School and Learner Development” as part...


What Makes Me? Core Capacities for Living and Learning

On Thursday the 9th of December on a virtual Policy Panel Discussion at the WISE Summit, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti and The Fetzer institute and The Learning for Well-being Fundation, released What Makes Me, a report built on...


Celebrating our Community Gathering

On September the 30th, we held a meeting with the Learning for Well-Being Foundation family to talk about something that touches our hearts and drives us to work for a better society: CORE CAPACITIES. The meeting took about two...


Our Annual Report from 2020 is ready!

We are delighted to be able to share our Interactive Annual Report for 2020. There is no doubt that 2020 will be a year to remember, exceptional in almost every way, and even with all its challenges we have...


Maria Paz has been elected to the Child Rights Connect Executive Committee

Representing the L4WB Foundation, our Director of Development and ACT2gether Latin America, Maria Paz was elected to the Child Rights Connect Executive Committee In its call for nomination of new candidates to stand for election to the ExCo, the...


[Project Summary] The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) establishes economic, social, cultural, civil, political, and participation rights of persons under 18 years. Since its adoption in 1989, it has been ratified by 196 countries. As an...


The “new normal” is for all ages — Luis Manuel Pinto &Daniel Kropf The pandemic revealed the colours of the embedded ageism in our societies. Children and older adults— two edges of the age spectrum—have been the most impacted by...



How can the path towards gender equality take in consideration the role of children? How can children’s rights, and in particular, child participation, be a vehicle for creating gender equality? These were some of the questions explored in a joint...


We all have Super Powers! Human Core Capacities

The Learning for Well-being Foundation launched a social media campaign on human core capacities. Core capacities are abilities that we use every day in order to explore and connect with ourselves, each other, and the world we live in. These...


Delphine Moralis, CEO at the European Foundation Centre, talks about the importance of the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child

“When it comes to supporting the rights of children and addressing the harsh consequences of the pandemic, philanthropic organisations also play a key role. Already today, many foundations contribute actively to the well-being and support of children – and this...

News | Learning for Well-being (38) 26/03/2021

The EU Strategy on Children’s Rights is available now

The EU Strategy on Children’s Rights was developed in consultation with 10,000 children, it includes actions and recommendations targeting the EU, Member States and the private sector. It will provide the framework for EU action to better promote and protect...


Working group on the quality of childhood: ‘OECD’s International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study (IELS). Is this the way forward for the EU?’

The presentation at our lastQoc meetinghas beengiven byProfessor Dr. Mathias Urban, who holds the Desmond Chair of Early Childhood Education at Dublin City University.He presented the ‘OECD’s International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study (IELS). Is this the way forward...


2getherland Global goes ONLINE

2getherLAND Online is a campaign to promote partnership between children and adults for fairness and sustainability using different social media and virtual platforms in order to overcome physical distancing and still create together. In this campaign we aim to...


A big thank you to the EFC for allowing us to present Act2gether and be part of the kick off meeting of their Children’s Thematic Network!

A big thank you to the EFC for allowing us to present Act2gether and be part of the kick off meeting of their Children’s Thematic Network! The new EFC Children’s Thematic Network kicks off with an exploratory meeting looking at...


Quality of Childhood session, September 3, 2019 in Brussels

Quality of Childhood at the European Parliament, on Tuesday 3rd September, 2019 “Our last Qoc meeting at the Parliament welcomed Marshall Marcus, the founder and the chairman of the Sistema Europe This organisation gathers volunteer musical teachers, children and young...

News | Learning for Well-being (43) 10/10/2019

Learning for Well-being Foundation joins ERASMUS+ partnership on personalised assessment

Brussels, 13 September 2019 Measuring what matters — according to Learning for Well-being perspectives — is essential for well-being, including for school children. Too often, however, standardized assessment in schools undermines children’s well-being rather than enabling each child to develop...

News | Learning for Well-being (44) 21/02/2019

ISSA Conference ‘Nurturing Environments’, June 18-19, 2019 in Leiden (Netherlands)

ISSA: International Step by Step Association Children’s wellbeing in their early years is crucial and it depends tremendously on the physical, mental, social-emotional, cultural, economic, and political conditions of the environment where they live or where they were born. The...


Workshop ‘Partnering with Children Across Sectors’, June 17, 2019 in Leiden

Pre-conference workshop ‘Partnering with Young Children across Sectors – Beginning a Movement’ offered by the L4WB Foundation Objectives This one-day workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of note-worthy practices in the collaboration between (young) children and adults, and to involve...

News | Learning for Well-being (46) 19/02/2019

Launching new briefing paper on lifelong learning, May 29, 2019 in Brussels

Can learning for well-being over the life course be achieved through lifelong learning community centres in neighbourhoods? A new briefing paper, called ‘Implementing a holistic approach to lifelong learning: Community Lifelong Learning Centres as a gateway to multidisciplinary support teams’...

News | Learning for Well-being (47) 19/02/2019

Eurochild General Assembly and Members’ Day, April 17-18, 2019 in Brussels

The children’s rights community will gather in Brussels for Eurochilds 2019 General Assembly and Members’ Day on 17-18 April, 2019. Eurochild, member of the L4WB Community, is organizing her annual meeting at the office of ‘KindEnGezin’, Avenue de la Porte...


L4WB Community Day on April 3rd, 2019 in Brussels

After the successful L4WB Community Day last year, we invited our community composed by young people and adults to participate at our annual Community Day in Brussels. After the amazing virtual launch we had for our new project called ‘Act2Gether’...


Quality of Childhood session, March 5, 2019 in Brussels

Quality of Childhood at the European Parliament, on Tuesday March 5th, 2019 Helping, sharing, collaborating… are not words generally associated with adolescents. Drawing on insightful new neurocognitive research, however, Professor Eveline Crone – winner of the Spinoza Prize, the highest...


Conference ‘Strengthening integration within Early Childhood Systems’, April 2nd, 2019 in Brussels

CONFERENCE The ConferenceStrengthening integration within early childhood systems – why and how?will bring together European and country policy makers and programs implementers to discuss about the rationale for strengthening integration in the early childhood systems and about ways in which...

News | Learning for Well-being (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.