The Golden Bachelor’s Susan Noles Claims Theresa Never Should Have Made This Major Promise To Gerry (2024)


  • The Golden Bachelor's Susan Noles defends Gerry Turner after his divorce from Theresa Nist.
  • Susan Noles believes Theresa made a mistake by promising Gerry she would move to his hometown.
  • Susan and Kathy Swarts saw the genuine connection between Gerry and Theresa during their time on The Golden Bachelor.

The Golden Bachelor contestant Susan Noles showed her support for Gerry Turner after he and wife Theresa Nist announced their divorce by saying that Theresa should never have promised Gerry that she'd move to his hometown. Gerry and Theresa met, fell in love, and got engaged during The Golden Bachelor season 1. They were married on January 4, 2024, in a live, televised wedding, which was officiated by Susan. However, just three months later, Gerry and Theresa shared that they were getting a divorce because they couldn't decide where to live after neither one of them wanted to leave their family.

"Theresa decided not to move and not to quit her job. He got frustrated. Who can blame him?"

On SiriusXM's The Jess Cagle Show, shared via the SirusXM YouTube channel, Susan and her Golden Bachelor co-star Kathy Swarts were interviewed about the divorce.

Co-hosts Jess Cagle and Julia Cunningham shared that they weren't surprised by Gerry and Theresa's divorce because they'd "turned on" Gerry early before anyone else did. However, Susan replied, "I gotta support this man a little bit...Theresa decided not to move and not to quit her job. He got frustrated." Susan doesn't blame Gerry over the situation and added some shade at Theresa by saying, "I would’ve never said I would move to that place, wherever that is, in the middle of nowhere."


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Susan Noles Claims Theresa & Gerry Really Did Fall In Love

Kathy Reveals That She Knew Gerry & Theresa Would End Up Together

Susan explained that, even though Gerry and Theresa are now getting divorced, "I think they got caught up in the moment. We watched them fall in love. They bonded that first night, on that date. It was real." Kathy shared that she'd told Susan and their roommates, Nancy Hulkower and April Kirkwood (aka the ASKN ladies), that "he's gonna end up with Theresa." She added that it was "so obvious after their initial meeting and then their first one-on-one. You could just feel it."

Is Susan Noles Right That Theresa Nist Made A Major Mistake?

Theresa & Gerry Might Have Gotten Caught Up In The Moment

It's hard to say whether Theresa made a big mistake. Although both Gerry and Theresa would've had to compromise about where to live, it was Gerry's Golden Bachelor season. If Theresa really had no interest in moving to Indiana, then she shouldn't have said that she would. However, Gerry seemed to have given Theresa the impression that he'd move to New Jersey with her as well. It seems that Susan is right, and they got caught up in the moment during The Golden Bachelor season 1, but they didn't consider how their relationship would translate to the real world.

It's bittersweet to hear that Susan and Kathy saw the connection between Gerry and Theresa from the first night that they met. Their connection really did seem real, as did the hope that they gave each other that they could find love again. During their first date, Gerry and Theresa danced with a flash mob to Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'," which became the theme of their relationship. Although their marriage quickly ended in divorce, Gerry and Theresa's Golden Bachelor journey was very special because it inspired so many people. Hopefully, everyone involved will find the love that they're searching for.

The Golden Bachelor is available to stream on Hulu.

Source: SiriusXM/YouTube

The Golden Bachelor’s Susan Noles Claims Theresa Never Should Have Made This Major Promise To Gerry (2)
The Golden Bachelor




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The Bachelor returns to TV with The Golden Bachelor, a romantic reality competition series created for ABC. The show will focus on an older generation of hopefuls, with one senior male hoping to court and win the heart of one of several older female contestants.

Gerry Turner , Jesse Palmer

Release Date
September 28, 2023

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  • The Golden Bachelor (2023)
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The Golden Bachelor’s Susan Noles Claims Theresa Never Should Have Made This Major Promise To Gerry (2024)
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