Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (2024)

As the week unfolds from June 16 to 22, the stars align and the tarot cards reveal their wisdom, guiding us through the labyrinth of love in this week’s Weekly Love Horoscope. Whether you’re single and searching or deep into a committed relationship, the tarot offers insights that can illuminate your path. From the possessive tendencies highlighted by the Four of Pentacles for Aries to the passionate sparks ignited by the Ace of Wands for Taurus, each sign receives tailored advice for navigating romantic currents. As Gemini meets the stable King of Pentacles and Cancer grapples with the choices presented by the 7 of Cups, the cards encourage reflection and action. Join us as we delve into the cosmic messages of the week, helping you to embrace love’s journey with clarity and confidence in this week’s Weekly Love Horoscope by Himani Goyal.

These are based on the Moon Sign. These are general guidance.

Aries Moon Sign: 4 of Pentacles

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (1)

This week Aries, it shows that one of your partners is very possessive in a relationship and not letting you breathe freely. It might affect your relationship as jealousy, insecurity, or control in a relationship always affects the relationship. If you are single, you might hide your emotions or feelings from your partner which might lead you to lose your love. Also, you need to be less conservative in finding a suitable partner. Some might be building a solid foundation for the future together.

Taurus Moon Sign: Ace of Wands

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (2)

Taurus this week, if you are single, you might find a new relationship with spark and passionate love. For partners, it indicates packing your bags and going for a holiday to spend close time with each other. It also indicates, Intense love together. If your relationship is going dull, this card indicates that it’s time to have a spark in your relationship by going out on a date night alone and having an intimate relationship.

Gemini Moon Sign: King of Pentacles

This week Gemini, if you are single, you might find a partner who is an established and wealthy person. It is reliable love, and he will be an excellent husband. If you are in a relationship, it shows commitment and focus on long-term relationships.

Cancer Moon Sign: 7 of Cups

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (4)

Cancer, if you are single and looking for a partner, you are confused as to what exactly you are looking for in a potential partner. It shows there are potential suitors who are trying to win you but be honest with your choice. If you are already in a relationship, you might be feeling that something is missing in your relationship which you need to figure out and work towards it.

Check out our latest Weekly Horoscopes

Leo Moon Sign: 5 of Pentacles

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (5)

This week Leo, it shows your relationship is disturbed and you both are feeling lonely. There seems to be distance in your relationship. Your relationship is going through a rough phase. Maybe some truth had been revealed and there was too much of negativity in the relationship. Don’t lose hope as it’s the time to communicate with each other and sort out the differences.

Virgo Moon Sign: The Magician

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (6)

This week Virgo, it is the time to have love and romance with your partner. Enjoy spending time with each other and feel the moments like magic. Communication is the key to relationships. Involve lots of communication with your partner by text messages or calls. It’s a very charismatic love. If you are single, there are lots of resources available to find a potential partner.

Click here to buy Akashic Tarot, The Cards by Sharon Anne Klingler and Sandra Anne Taylor on Amazon!

Libra Moon Sign: 9 of Swords

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (7)

This week Libra, your relationship is going through a rough and Challenging phase, and you are feeling isolated afraid, and anxious about losing your partner. There is emotional turmoil and it’s causing sleepless nights and insomnia. It indicates a feeling of regret. Just work on your inner struggles, learn from your mistakes, and make peace with yourself and then u will be able to find the solution.

Scorpio Moon Sign: 2 of Swords

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (9)

This week Scorpio, you are stuck in a crossroad situation that is affecting your relationship. Your resentment, Fear, or denial in dealing with the situation and making decisions is affecting the relationship. You are not ready to discuss the issue. It’s always important to confront the situation and deal with it to improve your relationship. For singles, it is important to make the right decision in finding a potential partner.

Sagittarius Moon Sign: 10 of Cups

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (10)

This week Sagittarians, you are embracing love with your partner and having a blissful time together. If you are single, marriage is in your chart. You will soon find a suitable partner for getting married. There is a sense of joy and fulfillment in the relationship. Your love life is flourishing, and all your desires are going to be fulfilled.

Capricorn Moon Sign: Knight of Swords

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (11)

This week Capricorn, your partner is very curious and talkative and very swiftly wants to be committed without knowing each other. It also shows that your partner is very impatient and confused, which might affect your relationship in the long run. If you are single, you are very energetic and ambitious and quickly walk up to someone and introduce yourself.

Aquarius Moon Sign: 2 of Pentacles

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (12)

This week Aquarius, you and your partner are so busy with your work, that you are unable to give time to each other so it’s advisable to maintain a balance in your life. It also indicates you are finding it difficult to choose the best partner for yourself. You are putting lots of effort into finding the perfect partner for yourself.

Pisces Moon Sign: Page of Wands

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (13)

This week Pisces, your partner may try to woo you with your charm. They are trying to be playful and childlike in a relationship. Your partner is very passionate and daring in the relationship and trying different ways to impress you. It is the time to adopt a positive mindset towards relationships.

Weekly Love Horoscope: 16 to 22 June 2024 | Horoscope - Storizen (2024)
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