Usana Amphitheatre - Interactive concert Seating Chart (2024)

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Try a green section

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Usana Amphitheatre - Interactive concert Seating Chart (1)

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Green sections have photos

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Usana Amphitheatre - Interactive concert Seating Chart (2024)


How does seating work at the Usana amphitheater? ›

On average, the 200s sections begin at row A and end at row L. In the 300s sections the first row is usually A and the last row is ZZ. The GA section is all unassigned seating. It is general admission, meaning, the earlier you arrive, the closer you can get to the front of the Usana Amphitheatre stage.

Do concerts have assigned seats? ›

General admission events may be ticketed with no assigned seat number, or it may be purely first-come, first-served, in which the first certain number of people in line are admitted (either as a free event, or paying at the door/gate).

Can I bring an empty water bottle to Usana? ›

Factory Sealed Water Bottle - up to one gallon per person or empty bottle to fill inside. NO metal, aluminum, glass or camelback containers (ex: NO Stanley or Hydroflask). Frozen water bottles are NOT allowed.

How early should I get to Usana? ›

GATE TIMES: Gates are usually 90 minutes before showtime, but check your specific event page for exact times. Get here earlier so you can enjoy your night and not be stuck in traffic. PARKING LOTS: Parking lots open at noon on show days. General admission parking comes with your ticket.

How do I choose a concert seat? ›

Look for seats near the soundboard: engineers will mix sound for the entire location based on what they're hearing. Sound waves mostly project in the direction they're pointed, so if you find out where the speakers are, aim to be in their line of sight for the best sound.

What is the difference between general admission and seats at concerts? ›

General Admission differs from traditional ticketing in that the seating placement is first come, first serve—similar to a Southwest Airlines boarding pass. General admission tickets are typically sold at a lower cost than other ticket levels, such as VIP.

Is it OK to sit down at a concert? ›

Overall, she sees concert etiquette as an issue of simply being mindful and aware of others sharing in the same experience you are—whether they choose to do it standing, sitting, dancing, or swaying. "A concert is everyone's individual experience and I never want to limit someone's experience,” Berger said.

How early should you get to a concert with assigned seats? ›

a seated ticket, do not show up more than 3 hours early.

Can you sit anywhere at a concert? ›

General admission (GA) is a type of ticket that allows a person entry to an event but does not guarantee a specific seat assignment. With a general admission ticket, you may be given a specific area to sit or stand in, but you won't have a specific seat reserved for you.

Are purses allowed at Usana? ›

You may bring clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC bags (maximum size 12″ x 6″ x 12″). Small clutch bags (maximum size 6″ x 9″) are also permitted. All guests may undergo security checks like metal detectors or physical pat-downs.

Are blankets allowed at Usana? ›

They do not allow any outside food or drink, or large bags or backpacks. They let you take an average to small sized bag, cameras (nonprofessional only) and lawn chairs (these have to the be the little ones that sit directly on the ground.) Most people just bring some kind of blanket if they are sitting on the lawn.

Does the Usana Amphitheater serve alcohol? ›

Venue Overview

Plus, don't miss the Blue Moon Public House, which always gets you into the spirit of the event – please be prepared to prove you are over 21 if you plan to buy alcoholic beverages.

Can you Uber to the Usana Amphitheater? ›

We're excited to announce Uber now has a designated drop off and pick up location (seen in map below) at Usana to make getting home safely more convenient for you! The pick up/drop off will be located on the east side of the venue (near the golf course). What is the closest they can drop off a handicap person?

Can I bring a chair to Usana? ›

One thing to know is you can not bring regular lawn chairs only stadium seats are allowed, the kind you sit on the ground with.

What is the best time to take Usana? ›

Unlike other “one-a-day” supplements, many USANA supplements are designed to be taken twice a day, morning and night. Many nutrients (like B vitamins and vitamin C) are water soluble and do not remain in your body very long. Taking these supplements twice a day provides more consistent levels of nutrition in the body.

How does general seating work? ›

What is General Admission seating? General Admission (GA) refers to seating or standing areas that are not assigned or reserved and are occupied on a first-come, first-served basis. When purchasing tickets for a GA event, you may be quoted: section, row and seat numbers.

How do lawn seats work? ›

Typically, these sections are "Standing Room Only" (SRO), or at some venues it's called lawn seating, and there are no physical seats. “Lawn” seats will also be referred to as “GA” or “General Admission”. These are areas where there are no physical seats and fans stand or sit on the lawn within the venue.

How does general admission floor work at concerts? ›

General admission (GA) is a type of ticket that allows a person entry to an event but does not guarantee a specific seat assignment. With a general admission ticket, you may be given a specific area to sit or stand in, but you won't have a specific seat reserved for you.

What is amphitheater style seating? ›

The historic amphitheater took its name from the Greek amphi, referring to the seating “around” or “on both sides” of a performance space. It was oval-shaped with steep tiers of seats surrounding a flat event space, as found at the Coliseum in Rome.

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Article information

Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Last Updated:

Views: 5633

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.