The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Tuesday Evening, October 13, 1931 Page Twelve APPLETON POST-CRESCENT eight times as strong as pound ster sight as the famed Christ of the ca. Vatican, French and Italian flags surmount the cross. TOONERVILLE FOLKS Andes monument in South Ameri ADVANCE GROUP hanple-par Hank there are "times when he seriously comsipers shavlns FRANCE AND U. S. TRY TO RESTORE GOLD STANDARD Experts Working for Redistribution to Help Great Britain MUSTACHE.

WHEN A CHILD TAKES COLD wafen his Bowels! A CHILD'S cold can often be checked in a few hours by giving his bowels the proper care. Dr. Caldwell proved this, time after time, in his 47 years' practice. Dr. Caldwell's fame was acquired as a specialist in the ills of women and children.

His record of having attended over 3500 births without loss of mother or baby is believed unique in American medical history. The laxative used in his practice -a compound of pure herbs, pepsin and other mild ingredients is ideal for the bowels of any child. You have this famous doctor's word that it is safe even for a tiny infant. Every child likes its syrupy taste. It acts quickly, but cannot gripe.

Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will remove, all the sickening mucus waste when a child has caught cold. BY DAVID LAWRENCE Copyright 1931 by Post Pub. Co. Washington (CPA) The United States and France are planning a collaboration which may assist in restoring the gold standard in Eur ope.

Arrival this week of experts from the Bank of France to confer with the officials of the Federal Reserve bank in New York is regarded here as almost of as much Importance, in an economic sense, as the discus sion of International policies between Premier Laval of France and President Hoover next week. With France and the United States possessing almost three-quarters of the gold supply of the world, measures to redistribute that supply In a way that will not ad versely affect either the United States or France, and at the same time will help ultimately to bring the British the gold standard, are essential steps in the recon struction process now going on. Within the last few days, French speculators in international ex change have insisted upon regard ing the bankers pool announced in the United States as "inflation" and this has led to comments in the French press which in turn have caused withdrawals of French gold from America. Want Orderly Outflow While the United States could send back all of the $800,000,000 of French gold here and not Impair the gold reserves of this country for it is estimated that fully two Diuions of gold out of the five billions held by America could be exported without adverse effects still it is consid ered desirable that the outflow should be orderly and in accordance with a well-defined plan of stabiliz ation. Just why the French commentat or should call the bankers' pool a species of inflation is explained here onlv on the ground that the French press was not accurately informed as to the scope and purposes oi me national credit corporation.

Inflation means the issuance of new currency e-alnfit frozen or slow assets. So new currency is to be issued by the national credit corporation. Two per cent of the bank deposits, amounting to a revolving fund of $500,000,000, is actually to be loaned. Money already In circulation is to be loaned. No Real Borrowing There is no need of inflation in America, for the banks, which could borrow billions of dollars from the federal reserve system and get cur rency in exchange for their gold on deposit, actually have not borrowed from the reserve system at all.

in the latest figures show total borrowings to be in the neighborhood of only $150,000,000. It is precisely this kind of misun derstanding which has led in the last few, days to a bit of a run on the American dollar that will be ironed out by the presence here of the ex perts from the Bank of France. Mon day's Le Temps, according to cables received here, begins to set the French people straight on the subject by declaring, that the dollar is ling was and twice as strong at the franc is today. Nobody here was disturbed by the false, rumor but it did indicate the Importance of still closer working ar rangements between the of France and the federal reserve system. After all, the French central bank and American member banks are partners in a huge credit granted Germany and Great Britain, so It is natural, that the financial leaders at Paris and New York will want to be in- immediate touch with each other In the.

shaping of future pol icies. Before the end of the present week an understanding may be "reached between the Bank of France and the federal reserve system as to plans for cooperation in the ultimate redistribution of gold. France is represented as desirous of not increasing her gold supply at the expense of the United States and both countries last week advanced ther rediscount rates as a means of cutting down speculation In gold exchanges. The possibility of a permanent fi nancial or economic mission from France remaining In the United States as a liason between French fiscal interests and this country is being discussed again and may be one of the results of this week's con ferences. HUGE SOVIET PLANE Moscow The first large airplane constructed in Russia since the war has been completed.

It is a five-engined bomber, capable of 135 miles an hour. The craft has a wingspread of 148 feet, length of 86 feet, and fully loaded weighs more than 18 tons. In commercial service this giant ship has room for 36 passengers and a crew of five. DEDICATE CROSS Paris High upon Mont Moncenl- sio near Susa on the French-Italian border a large Cross of Christ has been dedicated to serve as monument to Christianity. Itvls 30 feet high, 'and presents as inspiring a mm TUNE IN BEN BERNIE and his Orchestra on fiie BLUE RIBBON MALT PROGRAM Tonight at 8 Cent.

Time WBBMand C. B. S. available to mfThTID 4 It relieves the headaches, biliousness, belching, bloating, due to constipation. It keeps the bowels open in children's diseases.

Keep Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin handy to use when any member of your family needs a safe, certain laxative. It is good for all agesl All drugstores have it. i "CVT3TTD DPT3CTM I Ir.a ivioxiuceuo, inmois. I Please 6end trial bottle of Dr.

I Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, entirely I FREE, Name tst. P.O. CHASSIS F.O.D. POIVTIAC TfA iL in fc (C i dUWAAW at. nf ill in THE WORLP'S FINEST tfV 4 Your Birthday WHAT TOMORROW MEANS TO YOU "LIBRA" If October 14th is your birthday, the best hours for you on this date are from 7:45 a.

m. to 9:50 from 1 p. m. to 3 p. and from 6 p.

m. to 8:50 p. m. The danger hours are from 10:30 a. m.

to 12:50 p. and from 3:20 p. m. to 5:50 p. m.

October 14th, so the stars foretell, will be pregnant with opportunity. Those who have the nous to grasp It will reap a rich reward, although It may involve drastic changes. In social life, the omens point to success and Romance will make, its appearance, and happy engagements will result. In domestic circles, there will be freedom from worry and anxiety. A natural tendency to rely on oth ers, rather- than on their own efforts will be noticed in children born on this October, 14th.

They will need outside help at school, In business, and in' the home. Their own judgment will be "wobbly." They will lack self-confidence. As a compensation, their natures will be sweet and their dispositions most kindly. If born on October 14th, you are quick, original and emotional. No matter the complexity ot the problem, you, in your mind, solve It immediately, and here in lies your danger.

Tour diagnoses are often based on Insufficient data and your reme dies, at times, aggravate rather than ameliorate conditions. You are not a lover of routine or a respecter of conventional usage. You are ways, ready to scrap old methods- no matter hwo good they may be for new systems. You are extremely sensitive, as well as Jealous. You show your emotions largely evaneg.

cent too clearly and too frequently, Extreme in all things, you become Impatient with those who do not im mediately subscribe to your tenets and You are never willing to admit that there is to any question any side other than your own. Rath er a poor Judge of "humans," you are easily beguiled by attention or flattery. Losses are indicated by this trustfulness in those who do not merit it. xour Horoscope indicates some grave disappointments in early years and permanent success is only fore told for later years, when experience has made you reallve that "to err is human," and that you are not the h9 and NEGLIGENCE OF PARENTS BLAMED IN TRUANCY CASES Parental negligence plays a greater part than truancy as a cause for non-attendance of children in Appleton schools, according to J. G.

Pfeil, truant officer. Of the 46 cases investigated of children being absent from school, only one was truancy while 13 were caused by negligence of parents to make their children go to school every day, The majority of absences were caused by various reasons. Since school opened, exactly the. same number of girls as boys, 23 each, have been absent from school. Mr.

Pfell has made a total of 161 calls in his work, 1 of which have visits to various schools in the city. only soldier in the regiment that marches in step. Successful People Born' On Ottober 14th: 1 Louis A. Sargent English artist, 2 William Penn founder of Penn sylvania. 3 James C.

Carter lawyer. 4 James O'Neill actor. 6 Helen M. Armstrong artist. 6 Preston King senator.

(Copyright, 1931,. by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) this EJIEW (Seehhuqail TffixHrccrs. PLANNING FOR 'FIRST MEETING Association Expected to De cide on Sponsorship of Annual Affair Kaukauna Plans for the first meeting this fall of the Kaukauna Advancement association are being made. The meeting probably will be held Wednesday, Oct. 28, at Hotel Kaukauna.

A 6:30 dinner will precede the meeting. Regular meetings will be continued thereafter. W. P. Hagman will describe the annual mid-winter fair in Kaukauna, and the members will discuss the possibilities of holding the fair again this year.

Mr. Hagman was in charge last year. The fair is held in the hieh school and the municipal garage. The high school houses the Hr-hnnl exhibits. the auditorium houses the merchants' exhibits, and in the municipal garage are the farmers displays.

A membership campaign again win be conducted by the club this year. There now are about 75 members in the association. Joseph Jan-sen will conduct the drive on the north side of the city, and John Coppes will head the drive on the south side. Officers of the association are: Lester Brenzel, president; Malachl Ryan, vice president; Ben Prugh, I Brenzel, C. Raught, M.

Ryan, and W. Hagman. Plans for poor relief during the winter also are expected to be mapped out. A committee probably will be appointed to carry out the work. SOCIAL ITEMS Kaukauna About 125 Knights of Columbus and their friends attended a Landing Pay celebration Monday evening in the club rooms on Wis-consin-ave.

Rev. J. E. Meagher Ap-pleton, the principal speaker, discussed "Depression" and "Retreats." John Van De Loo, grand knight of the local lodge, also spoke. A covered dish supper was serve at 6:39 with Mrs.

John Pfeifer as chairman of the committee in charge; Cards were played and prizes in schafkopf went to Mrs. John Heitlng and John Wilpolt, in five hundred to Mrs. Kathryn Kilgas and Mrs. Phillip Hartzheim, and in 'bridge to Mrs. Margaret Wilpolt and Mrs.

D. O'-Connell. Lady Elks will meet at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon in Elks hall on Second-st. Mrs. Ed- Rennlcke will be hostess.

A meeting, of the Women of Mooseheart legion was held Monday evening in Moose hall. Members decided to celebrate Mooseheart Day Oct. 26, beginning with a 6:30 uov-tved dish supper, followed by a Ladies ot the lodge and their huEbnnds will take part in the cele-hvafon. A report of the 'grand Katherine Smith, on' the na- fonal conference at Atlantic City, N.

was read by the senior recent, Mayme Lowery. At the national convention next year at Cleveland. Ohio, an international contest (if music will bo sponsored. Cards were played and refreshments were Students of the high school Will sponsor a dance after the Neenah football game in Elks hall, beginning at 8 o'clock Saturday evening. HOLY CROSS GRIDDERS FIGHT TO 13-13 TIE Kaukauna Holy Cross parochial school gridders fought to a 13 to 13 tie with the St.

John's parochial school of Little Chute at Little Chute Monday morning. The local eleven missed several chances to win the game through fumbles. Rev. F. Melchiors coaches the Holy Cross footballers.

This is the second game for the Holly Cross eleven this' season. COMMON COUNCIL TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT Kaukauna The Kaukauna common council will meet In the municipal building Tuesday evening to hear a report on the Improvement of the approach from the south side ot the river to the Lawe-st bridge. A committee which conferred with the state highway commission on the project will submit the. report Other routine business also may be transacted. 50 FEET OF BASE IS LAID FOR NEW ROAD Kaukauna About 50 feet of the base for County Trunk on the south side of the river remains to be laid.

After this has been placed the top covering of amlesite will be put on. Ray McCarty Construe tion Co. is in charge of the work. KAUKAUNA PERSONALS Kaukauna Mrs. Henry Eder, Genevieve, Beatrice, and Floyd Eder of Colby visited Mrs.

Charles Rlstau over the weekend. Lester Ludtke of Madison visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ludtke, Sunday. Miss Lucille Lang of Milwaukee spent the weekend in Kaukauna with her parents, Mr.

an Mrs Jacob Lang. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Van Dvke Island-st, are parents of a girl, born Saturday. Carl Melchiors of Sheboygan is visiting local relatives for a week.

PUPILS HAVE HOLIDAY Kaukauna Pupils of Holy Cross and St. Mary's Catholic schools were given a holiday Monday in observ ne of Columbus Day, the date on which Christopher Columbus discov -reu America. BcnooiworK was re sumed Tuesday morning. KOTAR1ANS MEET TOMORROW Kaukauna Kaukauna Rotariam will meet In Hotel Kaukauna Wed- pesuay noon. A business meeting will follow a 12:30 luncheon.

The program for the meeting will be mapped out by a committee com' posed of Ed Haas, P. A. Smith, and OFF PROBABLY GRIDDERS MEET CHILTON WEDNESDAY Kaukauna Coacli Henry Grles- char's high school football team will meet the Chilton school eleven at 4 o'clock Wednesday after noon at Kaukauna ball park. The team recently defeated the Apple- ton high school B's here by a 12 to count. The squad practices each night under the direction of Henry Grieschar.

A game with' the te- nasha seconds was not clayed be cause of the weather Saturday, Kuf the team will meet the Neenah team in a preliminary before the Neenah high school game here Sat urday. SHORT DRILL HELD BY KAUKAUNA SCOUT TROOP Kaukauna Boy Scout Troop jfo. 20 met In Park school auditorium Monday evening. A short drill was held and plans for the repair of the toys to be collected were discussed. Some games also were played.

The activities ot the troop are directed by Rev. H. J. Lane, scoutmaster. The troop will lose 12 members with the organization of two new troops In the city under direction of Holy Cross Catholic church and St.

Mary's Catholic church. The troops will be under supervision of the Knights of Columbus lodge, Council No. 1033. LIBRARIANS GOING TO' STATE CONVENTION Kaukauna Miss Bernlce M. Hap- per, city librarian, will go to Milwaukee Wednesday mornlnff to "at tend the state meeting of the Wisconsin Library association.

Miss L. Bell will attend the meeting with Miss Happer. The meeting will be held Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. During Miss Happer's absence, Miss Marian Kelly, assistant librarian, will be In charge. BE CAREFULt St.

Louis, A little package found its way into the hands of a girl clerk in the St. Louis Chamber of merce. The girl noticed an ominous ticking Inside the box, and fearing it was a bomb, opened it very care' fully. A small tin box was revealed, Inside of which were a number of Mexican jumping beans! They were shipped here by Joaquin Herhendea, of Mexico. How frequently we hear people complain of "indigestion." And how seldom there is actually anything wrong with the digestive organs! What most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in the stom- ach.

The food has soured. The In- stant remedy is an alkali to neutral- lze the acids. But don't use any crude helps. Use what most doctors would advise; use what your own doctor prescribes in his daily practice for Just that condition. The very best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia.

You will find nothing else so quick in effect, so harmless, so efficient. One tasteless spoonful in water neutralizes many times its volume in acid. Results are immedi- ate, with no harmful after-effects to follow your relief. Yfs' a (7 HP ihis handy Booklet serine subscribers now The Increasing use of telephone IN Long Distance Tele m- ITdDEfS You will be amazed to learn what is offered in the new General Motors 1H-2 ton Truck A big 6 -cylinder 60 -horsepower engine Large, truck-type radiator. Heavy-duty, 4-speed transmission.

Extra-heavy rear axle. Sturdy frame with 6-inch side members and stress absorbers. Forged Spoksteel wheels. 131-inch wheelbase. A real truck, for truck service the product of an organization that designs, builds, sells and services commercial vehicles exclusively.

Standard bodies are available to meet every commercial need. Dual rear wheels and a 157-inch chassis with a 7-inch frame are optional at slight additional cost. payments are financed ot the lowest rates available anywhere, through our own Y. M. A.

See this new General Motors Truck today. phone Service has prompted the Telephone Company to prepare booklets in which to record telephone numbers of out-of-town customers and friends. Long Distance Telephone Service has improved rapidly. Ten years ago it required about 10 minutes to establish a Long Distance connection. Today, the average connection is established in about a minute and a half.

Many connections are made while you hold the line! If you know the telephone number of the out-of-town party it assists the operator in giving faster service. Send the names and addresses of your out-of-town friends to our Business Office, and we will be pleased to forward you a copy (free of charge) of the booklet "Telephone Addresses" with their names and telephone numbers listed. Send in your list, today! TROUBLES This pleasant way to alkalinlw your system is so much better so much quicker than attempting to accomplish the same thing by a diet' But you cannot do this w'ith any form of magnesia. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is the formula; it is the one preparation that gives you mag- nesia In perfect suspension. It is alkaline, its action is thorough, and there is nothing more soothing to an ailing stomach or more helpful to sluggish bowels.

Druggists have Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia in 25c and 50o bottes. The best way to whiten teeth is with Phillips' Dental Magnesia the ideal dentifrice. Try it and see for yourself how white your teeth be- come. At drug stores everywhere Aiv (B CYLINDERS (BCD) nORSIPOTVEQ O. R.

Kloehn Motor Go. I I IL 91. FELLOWS, I Manager IIU PS' 414 W. College Ave. APPLETON, WIS.

Phons 453 MILK OF MAGNESIA rank duertz..

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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