OH MY - Back to Whitmer fednapping
Defense breaking down cash payments made to "Big Dan" the main informant.
FBI paid him for 17 weeks of "lost wages" for working full time as informant. (He was truck driver for USPS)
He was only paid in cash by FBI.
FBI paid Big Dan...
$7k related to an fednapping event in 8/20.
$10k for fednapping trip to "recon" Whitmer's cottage and meet new FBI undercover agent in 9/20
$6k in cash on 10/20 a week after arrests in case.
AND $23,540 IN CASH IN DECEMBER 2020 for job well done (my words)
All paid by FBI.
Recall that "Big Dan" is playacting that he's an officer in a fake militia created by FBI. He talked to Adam Fox daily, sometimes several times a day.
On several occasions, Big Dan offered credit cards with $5k to Fox and others to buy weapons, ammo, hotel rooms, etc.
was destitute, unemployed (as were others due to pandemic) and trying to please Big Dan.
Big Dan's FBI handlers urged him to keep pushing the cards, provided by another FBI informant the alleged head of Wisconsin fake militia.
Fox and others never took them.
Big Dan's testimony is devastating for government. Not only is he unconvincing that Adam Fox, who lived in cellar of vaccum shop without running water, gave the orders but it's clear Big Dan, taking orders from FBI handlers for Detroit FBI field office, initiated most convos.
At 7/20 mtg in vac shack, Big Dan, with FBI handlers listening, suggested fire rounds into governor mansions in multiple states, firing 3 rounds into Whitmer's cottage that could look like a hunting accident and other "extreme subject matter," defense says.
At 8/20 mtg
Big Dan, with handlers listening, suggests blowing up Whitmer's cottage or ambushing her on her way to remote cottage.
Big Dan prompts group to conduct surveillance of cottage, how to blow up bridge with access to Whitmer cottage.
BIg Dan confirms Fox gets high at every event.
Big Dan admitted he planned the "ruse" to get defendants to site of arrest on October 7, 2020.
The "ruse" was to buy military gear from another FBI undercover agent, Red.
Defense: "No one tried to give Red money for a bomb."
Dan: "No."
Big Dan and his FBI handler also...
attempted to entrap Frank, another man in Virginia (man in his 70s, disabled vet) to do same to Gov. Northam.
Big Dan and his FBI handler discuss giving Frank a recipe to make bombs.
"Mission is to kill the governor specifically."
Defense lawyer for Barry Croft is dressing down Big Dan about getting $ from FBI.
Big Dan claims he never did it for money but was paid as much for 7 months work as he made in an entire year as mail hauler for USPS.
Big Dan claims he bought a laptop to start college but then...
submitted receipt to FBI which reimbursed Big Dan for $4k computer.
Big Dan attended 4/30/20 rally at Lansing Capitol. He testified yesterday that FBI instructed Mich State Police to stand down and allow protesters into the building.
Another rally at Lansing Capitol on June 18.
LOL defense showing photo of one of the properties raided by FBI--apparently the door was kicked in.
DOJ objects: "He's just trying to make the FBI look bad."
Croft defense atty going thru all chats, events Croft wasn't part of.
Big Dan again admits by August 2020 there wasn't a plan to kidnap Whitmer.
Defense: There was no plan to kidnap the governor?
Big Dan: No.
Claim the FBI infiltrated militia group to thwart kidnapping plan is a lie. This operation began in March 2020--no plan 5 months later.
Honestly waiting for Big Dan to crack. He sounds totally defeated and Josh Blanchard, Croft's attorney, is absolutely decimating the guy.
Big Dan is basically confessing Barry Croft had little involvement in the group.
What's amazing is jury only hearing a sliver of evidence
Defense gets Dan to admit he purchased laptop 3 days before he set up the arrest ruse in Oct 2020 which ended the mission.
Dan brought targets to arrest site where FBI Hostage Rescue Team, snipers were at the ready. Dan told men to go to back of his truck where he gave them...
the lower receiver of a rifle to hold as FBI descended. Agents also used flashbangs.
Dan told the targets they'd be buying military gear from Red, the undercover FBI agent.
Sounds like FBI also used MRAP a military tactical vehicle.