Last Player AU - Rayvee (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Very Important Links Chapter Text Chapter 2: Establishing Basic Worldbuilding Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Cleo and Hermiton Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: In the Forest Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Attempting to Develop (the Forest) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Robbing Museums Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Recap Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Magic Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Seek and Find Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Transalation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Causing Chaos on Purpose Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Zedaph Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: A Very Confused Knight Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Quickfire Questions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 15: At the End, a Spark of Hope Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: A Deer in the Woods Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Poetry in Motion Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: What's Up, Doc? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Aurora Austrailis Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Chaos Crew Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Aurora Austrailis Part Two Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Monster? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Quickfire Questions Part Two Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Summoning Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Cat Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Fire and Ice Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Fun With Allergies Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Let Me Tell You a Story Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Fire and Ice Part 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Broken Wing Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Bees? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Broken Wing Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Tangled Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Broken Wing Part 2.5 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Broken Wing Part 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Bright Eyes, Brighter Future Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Two Places, Two Drabbles Chapter Text Chapter 39: Books Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: Healed Wing Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 41: Snatches of Chatter Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 42: Boat Time Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 43 Chapter Text Chapter 44: And False is Here Too Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 45 Chapter Text Chapter 46 Chapter Text Chapter 47: Quickfire Questions Part Three Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 48 Chapter Text Chapter 49: I II II L Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 50: Cat time Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 51: Team Canada Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 52: Gremlins >:3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 53: Zloy Time Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 54 Chapter Text Chapter 55: Road Trip Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 56: Jellie Time Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 57: Humans who Kinda Know What They're Doing! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 58: Scar Retreival Part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 59: Scar Retreival Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 60: Scar Retreival Part 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 61: Reunion! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 62: Sleepover Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 63: Oh No, the Oven's Blown Up. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 64: I Don't Understand it Either Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 65: Recap Time (or is it) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 66: Dinner Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 67: Don't Question It (It being the smoker) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 68: Quickfire Questions Part 4 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 69: And Now, Betting on Doc's Face Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 70: Eefo and Beefo Chapter Text Chapter 71 Chapter Text Chapter 72: Eefo and Beefo Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 73: Quickfire Questions Part 5 Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Very Important Links

Chapter Text

Alright, so a few people seem to be asking about it:

Here is a translator for Standard Galactic, the language Players use and comes into play when they're speaking it near a Human who doesn't understand the language.

Here is a translator for a Pigpen Cipher, which comes into play when a Human is speaking to/around a Player who doesn't know English.

Here isTeaching Your Faun English,an absolutely fantastic semicanon fic written by frequent anon and more frequent commenter Arrow_Awesome which you should absolutely go read. Go tell them how amazing they are. This is an order.

Here is another fic by Arrow, this time about Tango and Stress in Antarctica! Once again: Send Arrow all the love. Do it. Go.

And here is my Tumblr, where I post all of these posts, shorter rambles in response to asks, and art of my pretty dragon collection among other things. You can send your own asks in, either relevant to the Last Player AU or not.

I'm inserting this into the start so people see it.

Chapter 2: Establishing Basic Worldbuilding


Welcome to my Last Player AU compilation! These are Tumblr posts transferred over to AO3. The way this works is that I'll have the pre-cut or ask as a chapter summary/beginning notes, the main body as the actual chapter text, and then the tags as the end notes.
Anyway, without further ado, here's the pre-cut for the first part!


So, you know the fantasy trope of “an ancient super-advanced civilisation that disappeared off the face of the planet/went extinct due to hubris/got wiped out by a plague/etc”? Yeah. That.
…Let me explain.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In this case, the ancient civilisation was, in fact, Players. Players came in a variety of shapes, sizes, species, etc. Humans, Mob Hybrids, Werefolk, Cyborgs, Shapeshifters, assorted Halloween monsters, full-on robots, aliens, technically-not-aliens-but-basically-aliens… the list goes on. Now, what made someone a Player was never particularly well-defined due to sheer variety, but there were a few common threads. Players could break, pick up and place blocks, they could use chests, crafting tables and their own inventories, they could respawn in non-hardcore worlds, and they had a certain level of intelligence (about on par with, say, a human).

So, anyway. One of the most common threads were that Players- all Players- had access to magic. Typically this manifested in the form of inventories, crafting, being able to break/place solid 1m³ blocks, and, of course, enchanting, with Admin and Operator powers manifesting in various worlds for specific people. There were other forms of magic, of course, but learning those typically required (at minimum) a lot of study and/or a level of attunement to that particular branch of magic.

Players lived in communities, on worlds- in this AU, all the worlds were connected, but separated by the world borders. The various Hermitcraft worlds were some of these, as were 3rd Life and Legacy SMP and Hypixel and so on.

So, that’s the worldbuilding preamble out of the way.

The worlds updated every now and then, and they added, tweaked and (occasionally) removed various mobs, blocks and mechanics. But this update, the Final Update… nobody’s quite sure why, but it removed magic.

Not completely, of course. It set in slowly. Villagers no longer transformed when they were slain by zombies. The monsters of the night became less and less common. Portals became unreliable, until they eventually stopped working entirely. World borders started to fail (and I feel sorry for those unlucky enough to neighbour servers like 2b2t). Enchanting became more temperamental. Still, Players were adaptable. They could manage.

Until they couldn’t. See, while Players had magic running through their systems, and had since the universe had existed, all of a sudden their children…didn’t. The big problem was that most species- Hybrids, Werefolk, Spaeshifters, Aliens and not-exactly-aliens… their biology meant their children physically couldn’t survive without magic. The one exception? Humans.

Already in the majority, humans were the only race who could still produce living children. But these children weren’t Players. They had no inventories, no ability to use a crafting table or break a block with their bare fists like their forebears. They managed though, adapting and creating new ways to craft and smelt. And as time went on… they became the only ones left.

See, while Players were all long-lived, and capable of respawn, they did eventually experience the Final Death, from which there was no coming back (ignoring the occasional ghost, resurrection, or any necromancy-related shenanigans that were frankly extremely rare to begin with). And as time wore on, Players slowly died out, until all that were left were those who were Undying, and the Humans who weren’t Players (it’s worth mentioning that Immortals and Undying were two different peoples. Immortality was granted by the gods; when the gods faded, their gifts faded with them. Undying, on the other hand, were those who had experienced their Final Death but kept going. Undead beings, if you will). Undying could be killed, if their body was so badly maimed their soul had no choice to fly free, but not so badly they would just respawn; as Human societies developed, many Undead succumbed to this fate, either by choice or by force, acts done by fearful Humans.

Let’s go forward, now.

It’s been over two thousand years since the Players died out, and longer since the Final Update. There is only one world now, the world borders long forgotten. The Players are myths, legends; a mysterious race, now long gone, their builds crumbling to ruin. Nobody has encountered a zombie or creeper for millennia; the only spiders left are small and harmless, a far cry from the creatures once large enough for a skeleton to ride.

Archeologists study the ruins Players left behind. One city, Hermiton, was originally a camping ground for people to study the various ruins in the area; the crumbling remains of a vast monument, the stump of a tree larger than should ever have been possible, a gaping hole some claim leads to the centre of the Earth.

Near Hermiton lies a vast forest, beside the footprint of what had once been an immense mansion. The forest is a mixture of different species, most likely transplanted thousands of years ago. In that forest lives… something. A ghost? A spirit? a cryptid?

Whatever it is, it’s not human. The locals claim she looks like a woman, with glowing eyes and long red hair. They call her the Green Lady, for the colour of her skin. They say her teeth are sharp, and that dark claws tip her fingers. They say her cheeks are hollow, her eyes are sunken- but that her gaze holds a fire no Human could hope to match. They say she lives in the forest, and that she is its guardian. They say that anyone who tries to chop down the trees, to clear the land, will face her wrath.

Outsiders will write this off as a modern-day folk tale, an urban myth. But believe it or not, there is something- someone- who dwells in the woods. Someone who brings those lost home. Someone who intercedes if there’s danger. Someone who will run through the forest with a familiarity only born from centuries, millennia, of practice.

They don’t know who she is. She’s a guardian spirit. She’s a ghost. She’s been there since the Ancients walked the land. They’re not wrong about that last one. Once, she altered a sign planted by the one responsible for the enormous tree. Once, she had her arm sewn back on by the person who’d built the immense mansion. Once, she threatened the man who dug the vast hole, the one they say leads to the centre of the Earth.

She’s a Player, the last one left. She’s a zombie, the only one to still walk the Earth. She’s alone. Once, she had a family, a home. She dwells near the ruins of that home, even now. Her kind, her kin; they’re long gone. She’s the only one to remain.

She waits for the day her family will return. It’s written in the stars, in the fabric of the Universe. They will return. And she will be there, ready to greet them with open arms. For the Universe is kind. The Universe loves its Players.

Alone in the forest, ZombieCleo, Master of Puppets, the Undead and Undying, the Last Player, waits. She’ll be there, when her family, her hermits, return.

Even if it takes another two thousand years.


And here's the original tags! Bear in mind, most of these are just me rambling, and may be contradicted later.

#At some point this turned from a quick explanation to a full fic #jeez #I did go off #I dunno if I'll write any *actual* fics about this au #I'd like to though #It'd be about the return of the hermits and there'd be some sort of calamity they'd have to fight off or something #I don't know #It could also be a fun slice-of-life thing? #the hermits show up and just kinda have to...adjust to the New World #the human-looking ones learn the new language #(because languages change after two thousand years) #and try to assimilate #but it doesn't go very well #and some evil government folk try to capture them for study #but Players are just so hilariously OP it fails miserably #So they just kinda leave them be eventually #so there's like a <20-Player community living in the woods #and most of Hermiton knows about it but don't really talk about it #and these are the *hermits* so obviously they don't stay there for long #They do their best to make the world a better place #and also build ridiculous megabuilds just because they can #maybe it'll connect to (my interpretation of) the Scattered AU #mostly because seadragonpulse lives rent-free in my brain #if anyone has any questions/ideas/additions etc feel free to contribute #I have a very in-depth world and Literally No Plot.

Chapter 3: Cleo and Hermiton


So @clueative commented on my Last Player AU post with a request for a vaguely-defined ‘more’, so I guess here you go?

Today we’re talking about the relationship between Cleo and the citizens of Hermiton, because why not.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

So the thing is, the citizens in general don’t really know what Cleo’s deal is. They’re aware that she exists, that she lives in the forest, that pissing her off is a bad idea but she might help you out if you manage to get lost (the forest is actually officially considered a state park, because nobody can really do anything else with it without Cleo interceding, and Cleo herself doesn’t really exist from a legal standpoint). So it’s typically believed she’s some sort of fae-esque being, or something. It’s not really clear.

Cleo herself doesn’t really talk much, not to Humans, anyway. She sort of subconsciously chooses to distance herself, because she’s Undying and Humans, well, aren’t. She’s lost plenty of people over the years, and it hurts her every time. It’s better to not get attached at all, even if it does mean she does get lonely.

It’s worth mentioning that Cleo can and does leave the forest! The forest is where she… dwells (can’t exactly say lives, can I? And it’s not her home, not really, because her home was never a place, it was a people), but she’s free to exit it. She goes into the city sometimes, usually at night, covered up so the unnatural hue of her skin isn’t as obvious (the orange colour of the streetlights also tend to throw the colour off). She pays for things legitimately, usually by selling off gold nuggets that she got from mining, because what else is she going to do with gold? Besides, it’s the currency here. Even though it’s practically useless. Eh, maybe Humans have discovered some use that she isn’t aware of. Who knows.
And yes, the gold nuggets do, in fact, reinforce the faerie theory.

Now, here’s the odd thing: Cleo doesn’t talk much, but she does talk. But the citizens still refer to her as just 'the Green Lady’. Why is that?

Basically? Nobody thinks to ask. The thing is… Cleo’s a zombie. Not only that, she’s the only zombie left. And Humans fear zombies instinctually. Even though zombies- true zombies- haven’t existed for thousands of years, there’s an ancestral memory that fears the monsters of the night. And Cleo tends to activate it.

So often during encounters, people tend to freeze up, and stumble over their words- they’re not really in the headspace to ask for her name until they start to relax, and by that point the encounter’s usually over. And Cleo just… doesn’t think to mention. She’s used to instinctively knowing someone’s name when she looks at them [the equivalent of Players being able to read Player tags/ nametags], and keeps forgetting that Humans can’t do that.

She does have a degree of respect for them, though! While it’s difficult for her to wrap her head around the fact they don’t see the world in blocks and chunks, she’s aware they don’t have things like inventories or much strength, and can’t help but feel impressed that they manage to build things in spite of this (once she tried to go a week without using her inventory. It was a pain in the ass. Using it is just second nature to her).


#Maybe I'll write something at some point about what she actually does in the forest #and maybe a bit about what happens when the other hermits actually return #and how #Cleo is a fae/cryptid as far as anyone's aware #Players and Humans see the world differently; they also *exist* on different layers of reality's fabric #slightly different; but different enough #Players see the world as blocks painstakingly placed together on a three-dimensional grid #Humans see the world the same way we do irl #it's kinda weird and I haven't quite hashed out exactly how it works yet #Maybe I'll also make a post about what happened last time someone tried to clear Cleo's forest for development #Hint: it did not go well #For him #For Cleo it went very well :)

Chapter 4: In the Forest


So apparently Last Player AU posts are the only thing my brain is letting me produce, so let’s keep going!
Today’s subject: What Cleo actually does in the forest she spends most of her time in.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Alright, so while I’ve made it pretty obvious, I’ll just come out and say it: this AU takes place in the remains of the Season 7 world. Specifically, the jungle where Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Iskall, Stress and Ren all settled. The forest which I should probably name at some point is actually what’s left of Grian’s tree farm, although now very overgrown and capable of supporting an ecosystem.

Of course, the jungle itself doesn’t really exist any more, due to climate change and deforestation. Also, there was a big forest fire a few centuries back. Place never recovered. And now Hermiton’s there! Situated in what was once the central lake. And around it.

Smaller stuff like the Hobbit holes, the magical village and Stress’ base are pretty much completely gone, with maybe one or two blocks left here and there. The bigger builds- the Omega Tree, the Grian’s Mansion, Mumbo’s Living Base, and Tatooren- are in ruin. The only remaining terraforming is the lava rivers in Ren’s base; the rest has been worn away by time. Only the footprints of the various bases are still standing, although some (the Omega Tree) are better off than others (Grian’s Mansion).

So, anyway. Cleo’s forest. Which was originally Grian’s tree farm. Yes. That one. It’s spread over the centuries, taking over quite a sizable area of land; I’m not sure about exact measurements. Cleo actually lives underground, because she’s less likely to be bothered there than if she’d had an aboveground base. Somehow, nobody’s stumbled across it, and the entrance is hidden by armour stands holding blocks to create a false wall one can quite literally walk through. And is also halfway up a cliff (I hc Cleo as still having some cave spider code in her system from the Head Games, and that between that and the time she lived in a pirate ship she’s become extremely good at climbing).

Cleo is a zombie. Zombies are carnivorous. Cleo often spends some time in the day (or night) hunting for food; she’s careful to vary her meals so she doesn’t cut into one specific animal population too deeply. It’s worth noting that, considering how she’s lived in that forest for the better part of two thousand years, Cleo actually is part of the ecosystem, and it’s adapted accordingly.

She’s got certain boundaries in place, of course. No eating cats or dogs unless she’s really desperate, and if it’s someone’s pet she’ll never do it. No human flesh, ever, because that’s not a habit you want to get into.

Cleo spends the rest of her time gathering resources, expanding and decorating her base, tweaking her armour stands, documenting and redocumenting stuff (because there’s literally nobody else who remembers the Old World), browsing the internet (her communicator has internet access), and keeping an eye on the humans wandering around in her forest.

While the forest is officially a state park, it doesn’t have any park rangers and only a handful of campgrounds and walking trails, most of which are near the edge. A large portion of the forest is just untamed wilds, with nothing but animal trails for paths. And Cleo. Who uses those animal trails, or just jumps from tree to tree like a squirrel or something.

Cleo has… Opinions, when it comes to hunters. Sure, she hunts animals herself, but that’s for food, not for sport. If you’re not gonna eat it, it’s a waste of resources. And life.
She’s a zombie. She has a special appreciation for life and death.

Back on subject. Hunters. Cleo’s usual method for dealing with them is typically to scare them off, because when a fae/cryptid/thing randomly shows up out of nowhere and just… stares at you unblinkingly, you get the hels out of there (or you try to shoot it, which obviously does nothing, because, again, zombie who does not have functioning organs and is also a Player with natural regen). If that doesn’t work, Cleo threatens them with her usual subtlety.

Oh, and sometimes she goes off to rob museums. Look, she has a good reason for it, okay?! But that’s another post.


#No I'm not gonna provide any more context #yet #if you have any questions/comments/suggestions please send em in!

Chapter 5: Attempting to Develop (the Forest)


More Last Player AU! I appear to have given myself brainrot, because of course I have.
Also, my first post doesn’t appear to show up in my #Last Player AU tag, even though it’s tagged (I checked). Anyone know what’s up with that?
Anyway! Today we’re discussing the last time someone tried to use Cleo’s forest (I’m calling it Rainbow Forest, named for the mixture of trees found in it and also because Cleo likes rainbows) for land development.
Spoiler alert: it didn’t end well. For them.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

So Cleo does tend to keep to herself. As I mentioned in the first post, while some citizens of Hermiton are aware of her existence, most people tend to write her off as an urban myth if they’re aware of her at all.

So, of course, when some rich guy- I haven’t got a name picked out for him, so let’s go with Paul [no offense intended for any Pauls out there, of course]- decided that Hermiton could use more housing, and that he could build those houses and sell them, and therefore make money. As you do.

And, even better, there was this nice, large piece of land with nothing built on it. Once they cleared out those pesky trees, they’d have plenty of room to put up apartment blocks or something.

Cleo is a zombie. Zombies are humanity’s natural predators. As a result, their senses- sight, smell, hearing- are heightened in comparison. So it’s no surprise Cleo hears and smells the vehicles and tools when they roll up at the edge of the forest nearest Hermiton. Naturally, she goes to investigate.

Cleo is fast- much faster than any Human, that’s for sure. The people haven’t been there for an hour before one of them catches a glimpse of red among the trees. The problem? Humans need ear protection when working with power tools. Cleo’s sensitive hearing means she can’t get too close without going deaf, and even if it would just be temporary until her eardrums regenerate, it still wouldn’t be fun.

So she goes for the next best option- hang around at a safe distance and glare at them until they stop. Shockingly, it actually works, probably because seeing a pair of glowing, unblinking green eyes staring at them from the depths of the woods tends to freak people out. When the figure- the Green Lady, the one always assumed to be a myth- suddenly melted out of the shadows… well, you can imagine the reaction. Shock, fear, confusion, denial. And the fear increased when she demanded to know who was responsible for this. After a flurry of death threats, some waving of an axe, and one case of Cleo punching a hole through a car to prove a point, Cleo got Paul’s name, told them all to get out of Rainbow Forest and stay out, and glared at them until they left.

Then she went home and Googled Paul until she found the location of his office. Look, she’s fully aware that she’s technically stalking, and that it’s not a great look, but in her defence he’s trying to turn her forest into housing without her consent, so who’s the real villain here?

So Paul goes into work, and as he sits at his desk his gaze drifts toward the window, and then he freezes, because he’s on a very high floor but there is a lady standing on his windowsill glaring at him what the actual f*ck. How did she get there. Why is her skin green.

He calls security, which is understandable, really, because Cleo seems fine despite standing on a narrow windowsill, and she’s eyeing him in a way that reminds Paul of a predator sizing up her prey. Which she kind of is.

When security arrive and they open the window, the Green Lady steps into the room, pulls out an enchanted axe and points it at him, orders Paul to never touch her forest again “or I’ll use your skin to make curtains”, and leaves again. Through the window. The one that’s over a hundred metres above the ground.

And that was the last time anyone tried to develop Rainbow Forest!


#Full disclosure: I have no idea how this actually works #so it's probably innacurate #Cleo's preferred approach is the direct approach #which we all love her for #feel free to send in any asks/comment/additions! #or if you have an explanation for my problem with the tags #tungle dot hell #say it with me now #is not a functional website

Chapter 6: Robbing Museums


More Last Player AU? More Last Player AU.
Today we’re robbing museums! Or, well, Cleo is robbing museums. We’re just spectators.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When it became clear that Players were going to die out, Joe and Cleo went through as many hermit-affiliated worlds as they could, gathering up personal belongings, old books, tools, weapons, armour- everything they could manage, for the sake of preservation. Even now, Cleo guards the single largest collection of Player artefacts in the world. It’s large enough it would require a minimum of eight trips to transport it all, even with the aid of bundles, shulkers and an ender chest. That’s why she’s stayed in the same place for so long.

But here’s the thing: the hermits have had a lot of worlds. Like, a lot of worlds. There’s the normal Hermitcraft worlds, of course, but there’s also Foolcraft and Feed the Beast and 3rd Life and Etho’s singleplayer world and so many others. It’s a lot for one zombie to keep track of! So it’s no surprise some places slipped through the cracks. Sure, they managed to get through all the main ones, but Beef alone had a dozen worlds. The hermits weren’t exactly a small group. Sometimes the humans found them first. And they put artefacts on display or in storage in museums all over the planet.

So, naturally, sometimes Cleo goes to steal a hermit’s personal belongings back. Although, is it really stealing if it used to belong to a family member that’ll come back someday? Yes. Usually she gets them from museums, where they’re neatly organized and she can just yoink them. Yes, museums have security. No, it’s not massively effective against a lady who’s partially spider, can mine through walls and floors with nothing but a pickaxe, and has no sense of self-preservation.

She wears a spider mask (is it a mask?) when she breaks into places, as well as a hoodie (to hide her hair and flower crown), and trousers. They’re not super baggy, but they obscure her silhouette well enough, especially considering how she’s extremely bony because, yanno, zombie. The newspapers call her the Black Spider (which is inaccurate, because Cave Spiders are very dark teal), and tend to get obsessed every time she pops up. She gets caught on security cameras quite a bit, mostly because she doesn’t really care. What are they going to do, charge an inhuman being who doesn’t legally exist, which they can’t even catch? Good luck.

And yes, it does drive the authorities crazy! They’ve got fingerprints, but they can’t match them to anything. They’ve got footage, but that doesn’t explain how this guy (everyone thinks the Black Spider is male; she’s not) gets in and out. They’ve got hair samples, but any attempts at building a DNA profile fail because they expect to look for a human from the twenty-first century, not a zombie from the BCEs. And so Cleo gets away, over and over again, because Players have been gone for so long Humanity has forgotten how to handle them.

One thing that drives everyone crazy is why she takes the items she takes. There are numerous, far more valuable, items in the museums she raids. Why go for one specific trident, when right next to it is a square metre of solid gold? Why grab that sword, when there were other, more ornate weapons in the same room? What’s so different about this particular crossbow in comparison with all the others? The answer, of course, is in the previous owners, but the detectives don’t know that. They don’t know that the trident’s odd grip was shaped to fit a mechanical hand, or that the runes on the sword translate to Beeskalibur, or that that same crossbow was once used to shoot a man with glowing red eyes in the face as he danced.

Cleo gatherers these things, these pieces. Because when her family returns, she’ll have their belongings waiting for them.


#Is this one shorter? this feels shorter. #I think it's shorter #should I compile all these posts into an AO3 story? #I think I will#I've already got them all shoved into one Google Doc #may as well stick them all together #The hermits are a family and I refuse to believe otherwise

Chapter 7: Recap


Anonymous asked:
Okay, since you asked: What is last player AU? I'm new here and don't know. I can send you in real asks once I know what it is. -☯️


Anon I don't think you realize what you're about to unleash-
So, the Last Player AU! I've compiled all the posts here for convenience (and because Tumblr's tagging system is about as functional as the Australian government), but the basic premise boils down to:

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

  1. Players are the fantasy trope of 'ancient highly advanced civilisation that then died out'.
  2. They died out because the Final Update removed their ability to pass magic down to their children, as well as removing general magic from the world.
  3. Meaning nonmagical (and therefore nonplayer) Humans are the only race really left.
  4. Immortal Players did exist, but when Players died out, so did the gods. When the gods faded, their gifts (including immortality) faded with them.
  5. Which meant that, as time went on, the only players left were the few Undying folk (Immortals refuse to die, Undying refuse to stay dead).
  6. But as Human society developed, they began to fear these last remnants of the ancient race, and frequently hunted down & permakilled them (there are ways to do that. They're complicated, but they do exist.)
  7. Which meant that, eventually, only one Player still exists- ZombieCleo. Yes I have a Cleo bias it's painfully obvious.
  8. Cleo now dwells in a place called Rainbow Forest, which was formerly Grian's Season 7 tree farm. She spends her time hunting wildlife for food, rescuing idiots who managed to get lost, terrifying anyone who tries to develop her forest, robbing the occasional museum, and waiting for the day the hermits return,
  9. because one day, they will return. It's written in the universe's code. She just has to wait. Because the universe loves us, for we are love. She just has to hold on until then. She just has to hold on until then.


There weren't really any relevant tags for this one, but first Tumblr ask! I'm thrilled to see people are enabling me.

Chapter 8: Magic


Anonymous asked:
Last Player Au Questions!
Do the hermits come back all at once, in small groups, or one at a time?
Do they appear in the forest, or do they appear somewhere out in the city?
The hermits are due to return, okay. Does this mean the helsmits are coming back too?
And do they come back randomly or will they have to deal with something vaguely apocalyptic?
- ^_^


All fantastic questions! But first, to understand the hermit’s return, we’ll first need to understand magic itself. So let’s get stuck in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Magic in its purest form is an innate part of the Universe. It lies dormant in everything- the air, the water, the earth and sun. Everywhere, in comparatively small amounts, although it’s not completely evenly distributed- some places contain more than others (it’s not like ley lines, it’s more like, say, geography, in that some areas you have mountains/large amounts of magic, and in some areas you have holes/low amounts of magic. Although in this context the mountains and holes tend to go for a walk). The Final Update prevented this magic from doing what it’s meant to do- spawning mobs, growing trees instantaneously, making portals to the Nether, etc. (This isn’t a retcon, this is just me finally explaining something I’m really bad at explaining)

Former Hermitcraft worlds tend to consistently have high amounts of magic, due to the fact they poured their hearts and souls into their builds and machines. That kind of love tends to linger, even after the physical builds are long gone.

Players, much like magic, are pieces of the Universe. Humans are too, but Players are the only ones who can connect with the other building blocks around them in the way they do. It’s how they craft and mine, use inventories and furnaces (Inventories, in this case, are a Player’s own personal pocket dimension. When their Player dies, it destabilizes, causing the items kept inside it to explode everywhere).

The thing is, without any magic being used (with the exception of Cleo, which is not nearly enough), it tends to build up. And after two thousand years… well, that’s a lot of buildup. Enough buildup, in fact, that eventually the Universe has to do something, or its Humans will start to suffer the effects. And the Universe cares for its Humans, even if they don’t care for themselves.

The Universe is a game. Cleo is its last Player. And the Universe cares for its Player. The Universe sees what its Player wants.

A rush of magic combines into a spell that hasn’t been used in a very, very long time. Respawn.


#to actually answer your questions: #one at a time #they can respawn anywhere in the world #hels is another dimension #but as time goes on #they may reappear #they’re linked to their hermits after al #they return as the result of a magic buildup #but it’s more than probable that #*other* things may return as well #Humanity hasn’t had to deal with the monsters of the night for so long…

Chapter 9: Seek and Find


harley-the-pancake asked:
In the Last Player AU, which Hermit would be the first to come back?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cleo browsed the news feeds. She did this regularly; it was always good to know what the Humans were up to. Most of it was the regular- politicians being horrible people, more on the pandemic that had been going on for at least a year, nonsense about celebrities she really didn’t have time for.
But one headline caught her eye.
Archaeologists believe mysterious ‘appearing man’ could be key in understanding ancient race.

Below it was a picture, blurred and fuzzy, with a human blocking much of the shot.
Cleo dropped her comm.
She’d know that man anywhere.

Cleo had no car, no license, and no knowledge of how to drive a car, so she did the next best thing and found a train that would run to the city where she’d find him- a place called Flence (what kind of city named itself Flence?!)
It was an overnight trip, but Cleo was fine. Zombies didn’t need sleep to function.

What was more notable were the reactions of the other passengers. Cleo wore a facemask in accordance with the rules (she couldn’t get sick, but it was easier to not argue), and she pulled a hood over her head, but there was no hiding the unnatural hue of her skin, or the way her eyes softly glowed in low light.

Still, most people just gave her space and left her alone. It was fine.

She settled in for the long trip.

She reached Flence without incident, and took her first steps into the city.
Cleo had done her research, and she knew which hospital the hermit had been taken to. It was quite far away, but Cleo would be fine. She could walk it.

The hospital was being swarmed by reporters.

Humans- either security or police- were keeping them out of the hospital proper, but Cleo had an advantage over both reporters and security.
She could climb.

Cleo slipped around the reporters, angling towards one side of the building. The only door on this wall appeared to be a fire door, but the zombie didn’t care. She wasn’t going to use it.

Cleo stayed flat against the wall, peeking through each window. She was looking for either an empty room or the one the other hermit was being kept in as he was checked for injuries.
Unsurprisingly, she found the latter first.

The window was locked, but something so basic would never be successful at keeping a Player out. Cleo replaced the glass pane before padding into the hospital proper.

Hospitals could be overwhelming for her- there was such a multitude of sounds and smells everywhere, and she wasn’t used to having to filter out so much information. She could, however, feel something- not scent, not sound, but some instinctual tugging, guiding her through the white halls.

She followed it, of course- it wasn’t like she had any better ideas- and it strangely didn’t leave her astray. Instead, she soon found herself face-to-face with a nurse, who was calmly trying to tell her the ‘Appearing Man' was not permitted to have visitors.

Cleo responded in her language- the long-lost tongue of the Players. It was a language she still spoke regularly- to herself. Nobody else had heard it in centuries.
It was the language the other hermit would be speaking.

After a whispered argument, ZombieCleo stepped through the door and saw the Player she’d traveled all this way to find.

“Howdy, Cleo,” Joe Hills said, that familiar smile on his lips. “Good to see you again.”


#congratulations you get a full fic #writing juice goes brrrrr #and the answer to your question is: #exactly who you'd expect. #this was a lot of fun! #it's good to finally let Cleo have someone to talk to #because gods know she needs someone

Chapter 10: Transalation


emeraldlapin asked:
Holy hell, Joe Hills is here, resuscitated and reunited with Cleo here in 2021 A.D! Or, you know, F.U, what with the Final Update and all. Does that kind of world-shaking event have an effect on date formats? Hmmm
I've fallen in love with this AU, your world building is absolutely gorgeous & Cleo-centric anything is a joy to see... And now that Joe's here some real chaos is about to happen! Left to her own devices Cleo will happily live up to the name of her server, but Joe? Man's got the gift of the gab, and you bet he's going to use it to cause problems On Purpose >:)
Very interested in knowing if Cleo's recovered any of Joe's possessions from museums, or perhaps the duo will celebrate their reunion with a heist?


"Howdy, y'all! Joe Hills here, Respawning as I always do, now in 2021 PFU! For those of you whom are unaware, PFU stands for Post Final Update, a method of timekeeping that Cleo and I completely made up."

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Cleo has been living alone for so long that having another Player- even if it's someone she's as intrinsically familiar with as Joe- around and living with her is honestly strange. She doesn't mind though- gods know she's missed having him around! He keeps her mentally stimulated at the very least.

Of course, Joe may be older than Cleo, but she's been on Earth for the last two thousand years while he hasn't. She's been scarred by loss, he hasn't. And Joe has always been a lot more social than she is.

Joe, to his credit, is mostly keeping in and near her base, and not really venturing outside the forest too much. Not that she's banned him or anything (and it wouldn't work if she had), but he's been keeping close, and for that she's grateful. Even if she suspects it's for a completely unrelated reason.
See, Joe has always been difficult to understand. He's weird and has a habit of using obscure phrases and bizarre terminology.
But the thing is, language changes over two thousand years. It changes a lot.
Cleo is the only person who even has the slightest inkling as to what Joe is even saying.

Nobody else knows what he's going on about. Cleo used to 'translate' for Joe, back when Hermitcraft was still ongoing, but now her translating is a lot more literal.

(Joe's learning, of course. Eventually he'll figure out the modern English language and then all bets are off. But for now, he has to rely on Cleo.)


#Go look up beowulf if you want an example of how language has drifted #because believe it or not it's written in English #Old English; which is different from modern English #and it's about 1300 years old and utterly incomprehensible to us now #So you can see Joe's problem #his knowledge of language is vast and complex and 2000 years out of date #Cleo probably drags Joe along on a museum heis t#and forces him to wear a silverfish head as they do #hilarity ensues

Chapter 11: Causing Chaos on Purpose


qwenck asked:
Maybe Joe can't exactly communicate with words with most of the people still alive, but he's still going to cause SOME chaos here and there, right? Maybe he finds a lost human before Cleo does? Maybe there's a particularly sharp human that realizes a correlation between the Green Lady and the Appearing Man (somehow?) and decides to investigate?


Oh, for sure! Joe isn’t really the kind to sit still, and living in a forest tends to get dull once the novelty wears off. And as he pays more attention to what the nonplayer humans are doing than Cleo does, and he’s of the opinion the authorities really need a lesson in manners.
And who better to do it than a random guy who lives in the woods and just dyed his hair lime green again?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Cleo’s frankly on board, mostly because she needs entertainment more than anything. And running circles around the authorities sounds like a great weekend plan, so why not? And it’ll do the Humans some good to remember the Old World.

(They’re both doing it just to mess with people. They can justify it all they want but we all know why they’re actually doing this.)

Cleo uses the armour stand book to change the pose of every statue in the city. Joe leaves a lecture made of signs in front of a bank. It’s about the ethics of those single-hole water-based cow farms. And also written in Galactic (Player language). Cleo creates a replica of Mr Red on one of the main roundabouts, in all his skinless, underpants-wearing glory. Joe builds a scale model of the Parthenon on the roof of one of the big skyscrapers.

They mess with security cameras. They leave random blocks in more random places and watch as physicists lose their minds trying to figure out why the sand is Staying Like That. They tear down an abandoned, collapsing warehouse one night, and build a nice park instead. There’s randomly a pile of solid gold blocks on some random guy’s roof one day. They’re replaced with a lecture on the dangers of capitalism the next. The council takes out a row of trees because they’re ‘obscuring traffic lights’. A week later the trees are back. And also in front of the mayor’s office. Blocking the door.

One day, a major news outlet finds a sign left on their front door, written in red pen.

And if you think this is confusing, you should wait until one of the redstoners respawn!
~Cleo <3


#they have no idea what redstone is #but they live in fear #it's supremely obvious they're messing with people #the Humans have figured out that much #the internet is having a field day #everyone's *pretty* sure 'Cleo' is the Green Lady but they don't actually have confirmation

Chapter 12: Zedaph


Anonymous asked:
Idea: Two months after Cleo mentions redstone on a sign, a redstoner respawns. I'll leave the rest to you ;) -☯️ (Also a tag? For muoa?)

(Yes, a tag for you! I'm trying to tag the username of everyone who sends in an ask, so they can find it later! Maybe. If Tumblr's tagging system behaves.)


leoismybookcrush asked:
Rayvee wanna know who I think would be the best redstoner to respawn first in the Last Player AU? Zedaph. I want to see all his contraptions around the city he is VIBING he is confused but VIBING

All the humans are confused. What does this dohicky do? It... Makes this pile of gravel go in a circle?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Okay, I think I should preface this by saying I personally like to hc Zedaph as a sheep hybrid- specifically, a sort of Satyr-style one, with ram's horns and the legs of a sheep (and also wool for hair, but that's not as relevant for this post).

Now this raises an interesting problem: what other mythological creatures appear in a puff of smoke, speak in strange, long-dead languages, and have horns and Ungulate hindquarters?

So anyway, Zedaph gets mistaken for a demon.

it probably doesn't help that he's first found by a group of hysterical Christians. Or that he spawned in a graveyard.

Joe and Cleo have to go rescue him. Fortunately, he didn't spawn too far from Hermiton, so they grab some supplies and catch a train. It's a much more volatile situation than Joe's, and the whole trip Cleo's voice chatting with Zed on her comm, coaching him in English to say something along the lines of "I'm not a demon, I'm just half sheep" (it's not very effective, but it buys them enough time).

They roll up, and while Joe's trying to get Zedaph to somewhere a bit safer (or at least away from the crowd), Cleo's showing affection for her friends in her own special way: by yelling at and threatening the people who dared to hurt them. Loudly. Angrily. While waving an enchanted netherite axe around. And much growling.

By the time they get back to Rainbow Forest, Zedaph already has plans for a dozen contraptions to confuse the people of Hermiton. Cleo's encouraging him.


#For the record #i don't actually hc any of the hermits as actually being demons #Tango's a ghast hybrid and Impulse is Just Some Guy #but i think it's funnier if zed gets mistaken for one#because out of all the Team ZIT members #he's the one least likely to be hc'd as a demon #...I have a strange sense of humour

Chapter 13: A Very Confused Knight


leoismybookcrush asked:
Wait wait I've got more Last Player respawn stuff: If they don't respawn where they last set their spawn, please, Wels somewhere in the UK and everyone is fricken losing it because King Arthur has risen from the dead and Wels is the most confused man on the fricken planet as these not players treat him like some sort of god

Meanwhile, Cleo, who has been watching global news religiously since Joe respawned, buys plane tickets to where he is and finds it hysterical how confused he looks in every photo


So uh... fun ('fun') worldbuilding fact: I have no idea where Hermiton actually is. Hermiton, Rainbow Forest and Flence are all completely fictional locations, and I've left the country of origin quite ambiguous because of this. Part of me honestly wants to stick it somewhere near the Blue Mountains or central NSW. 'Write what you know', and all that (this obviously isn't final).

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

That said this is hilarious actually, and I love it. Wels getting mistaken for the mythological King Arthur is just... *chef's kiss*. It's compounded by the fact Wels apparently knows their names but doesn't speak English, and the poor guy is just... so lost...

Cleo finds out via memes. She practically dies laughing before pulling it together long enough to figure out the logistics of reaching Wels despite the fact none of them have passports. Or legally exist.

That said, they're the last remnants of an entire race, who were there when it was at its height and there when it died out. They have a lot of information most archeologists would kill for.

So yes. They bribe a group of archeologists with world-changing information in exchange for getting Cleo to the UK to rescue poor Wels (and a promise to help out with future hermit respawns). Because the man is just... so confused... what are these people doing... what do they want... what are they saying... why do they have large metal vehicles, what's wrong with horses?


#Wels is very confused but also too polite to really do anything #his confusion is relatable so that's why he's being memed #Cleo thinks the whole situation is honestly hilarious #Wels does not know who King Arthur is or why the Humans think he's him. #Someone help this poor man

Chapter 14: Quickfire Questions


This one's just a collection of posts or AO3 comments that aren't long enough to get their own chapters, but are still interesting/relevant lore!

Chapter Text


Are the season 8 Hermits also in the Last Player AU? Because if so, I can imagine Grian being surprised at seeing Pearl again

Oh, absolutely! The thing with the Last Player Au is that the Final Update neverremovedPlayers, it just prevented new ones from being born. It takes placeafterHermitcraft Season 8 (and the hypothetical season nine, or ten, or however any they ultimately end up doing), so Grian wouldn’t be too surprised to see Pearl, though!


how does the universe choose which player to apply respawn to? cleo’s attachment or length before final death (joe, obviously), inherent magic (doc and ren, scar and cub) or pure ‘muscle’ memory (false and all the combat-respawns she’s bound to have experienced)? or something else?

It’s the first one, more or less! Cleo is the Universe’s Player, the last of her kind, and the Universe cares for its Player. It senses that Cleo misses Joe like crazy, so it respawns Joe when it gets the chance.

But Joe isn’t the only one Cleo cares about. She often struggles to show her feelings, but she truly does see the hermits as her family, and she cares for them in her own way.

The Universe just wants her to be happy.

#And now I've made myself sad! #good work ray the #Universe is kinda like a young child #it doesn't really understand what's going on with the Players and Humans #it just wants everyone to be happy and stop fighting #why are you always fighting :( #the fighting doesn't make you happy #but the fighting makes other people happy #so maybe it's fine?

Anonymous asked:

About [looks at calander] 4 months after Zedaph came, more respawning happend. To make up for the double wait time, two gals appeared, one with blonde, and one with orange, hair. -☯️

You say that like the Universe operates on a schedule! It doesn’t. Respawn occurs whenever an area has a buildup of enough magic to trigger it. Because of this, it’s unlikely that two Players will Respawn together, although it’s not impossible that two could spawn around the same time but in wildly different areas.

Pearl’s beautiful silver wings result in her being mistaken for a literal angel, but at least she’s able to fly to Hermiton with coordinates given to her by a friendly researcher.

Gem spawns near a village. She’s been ‘adopted’ by a pair of lesbians who are teaching her English. For the moment she’s keeping her head down, although she’s fully aware of the fact that if she Respawned, there’s a good chance other Players have too.

#It took a *long* time for the magic to build up enough #but now it has the hermits are starting to reappear #it'll be a while before Gem finds her way to the others #and yes I hc Pearl as having wings sue me #including it is self-indulgent but so is this entire au #Thinking about finally moving my reblogging into a sideblog & leaving RayveeWrites exclusively for my writing/art


How do modded worlds and general mods work into Last Player? Is Biomes O' Plenty why the world looks like it does (alongside general evolution)? Can the Players see the details of buildings like they're parts of Chisels and Bits but not the actual smoothness of them?

I've been researching a lot of mods lately, and the most popular mods aren't actually the ones that make gameplay more adventurous like I thought, they're the ones that make gameplay more pretty :)

Mods, like a lot of things, were often powered by magic- certainly the more chaotic ones were! Of course, once a world has been generated, the plants arethere. And if they’re not magic-based plants, then there’s a fair chance they’ve survived to the modern day. Same case for mobs, naturally. It’s actually believed that this is why animals are now mostly no longer hermaphrodites- the modded animals managed to outcompete their more traditional relatives.

Players can see the smoothness of Human-made buildings, but they can’t properly replicate it without using Human methods. They also can’t build off the ‘grid’ like a Human can, so they do have their limits.

#I'm honestly making this up as I go along #I can absolutely see the hermits hiring humans to do the really fine details once they've established themselves #as a group of people who just aren't chaotic nuisances #which is what Joe Cleo and Zed have done

TumblingBackpacks on Chapter 2

Oh my gosh the implementation of how players can see player tags but humans can’t and not thinking to mention her name- it’s so cool to explore the dissonance between how players and humans view the world (can Cleo see humans’ names? Like they don’t technically have player tags but would their ‘legal name’ or something similar still be viewed by her just floating above their heads?)

It's more like a nametagged pet gvhjbjhk. Just...y'know...natural.
It's less of a 'reading their name' and more of a 'when she looks directly at them she just Knows'-type deal.
Usually it's their legal name, but not always. She sees the name they consider to be their real name... including closeted trans/enby folk.

TumblingBackpacks on Chapter 3

:0 Cleo with some cave spider code still!! That’s such a neat concept... how far does that go? Just towards climbing? Or can she communicate with spiders and such? Obv the giant spiders/cave spider mobs don’t exist anymore after all that time, but what about just normal insect spiders?

She could totally use them as spies around the forest to alert her if someone is coming near so her base isn’t compromised (bc one day there’s going to be a daredevil who isn’t deterred by the ‘Green Lady’ or zombies and tries to go after her for possibly malicious means

Or maybe just as a method like the spiders going ‘hey these hunters have been roaming the area’ and Cleo goes after them for the senseless killing

ahaha and Cleo robbing museums,, I feel like she’d stroll into find an ‘ancient artifact’ in display and go ‘oh so that’s where my __ went!’ bad take it back

Tiny spiders aren't really... aware enough of what Humans are doing? Like, they simply Do Not Care. Humans are just big creatures that wander around and aren't edible.
Cleo has climbing skills, venom, and the ability to morph her face into a cave spider's at will. Additionally, her Spider grants her immunity to poison, and her Zombie grants her immunity to poison, and the end result is that it winds up healing her fghjbn.

People have tried to seek out the Green Lady before, for various reasons. That said, Rainbow Forest is big, the people looking for her are loud, and if you think Cleo can't take a Human in a fight you're gonna learn how wrong you are pretty quickly :)

TumblingBackpacks on Chapter 4

Since you said the Forest is called the rainbow forest, Id like to offer a bit of a headcanon: it’s a tribute to Joe’s rainbow (S7). Joe lasted the longest of her friends, despite not being quite human (elditch Joe my beloved <3), so when the hybrids started to have their final deaths, then human players, he was there. He was there when human players just became regular humans, lacking their inventories and crafting abilities.

She had thought he’d be there with her until the end, but unlike her, he wasn’t Undying. Now, with Joe’s brand of magic being as ancient as it was, it wouldn’t just disappear, especially not in the same way magic was removed in the Final Update. But like all ancient things, it began to fade, rust, lose its potency until the magic could no longer support his respawns

(Oh my gosh the Last Player brainrot has been passed over to me 0_0’’’ )

Also it makes sense that Zombies would have heightened senses (it also connects really well with that one game option that gives you little notification on sounds- not sure what it’s called but on the bottom right it just pops up with ‘block breaking’, ‘footsteps’ ‘player hurts’ etc)

Cleo just following Paul and scaring him out of trying to mess with her forest,, honestly, good on her,, kudos <33

Ah yes, mildly eldrich Joe. Personally, I'm an enjoyer of Herobrine!Joe, because it's just a lot of fun, but the two aren't exactly mutually exclusive :)

Joe's old, one of the oldest players in the known world. His presumed immortality wasn't granted to him by a god, but it operated in much the same way. The Old Code supported it, but the Code's been rehauled.
Herobrine is a bug, a living glitch. It seems impossible that the exact same circ*mstances could happen again, to let him respawn...
But it would also seem impossible to build a time machine. To create eight spawners where once there were zero. To break time itself utilizing nothing but a pumpkin farm.
They're hermits. Impossible is what they live and breathe.

(Also yes, join me in the brainrot.)

TumblingBackpacks on Chapter 5

ahh this is as amazing,, I think I mentioned in an earlier comment that she just stumbles upon stuff she lost but it honestly makes so much more sense that it would be Hermit's stuff that she wasn't able to get to,, the fact that she and Joe went through as many Hermit affiliated worlds as they were able to!! what happened to the other Hermits before that? why weren't they able to collect their own stuff from their own worlds (it would have made delegating the task a lot easier, surely)- from the first chapter it seemed like all the other Hermits died out with the players, but Cleo is adamant that they'll return (and she'll have their stuff waiting for them)

Is she also in search of older villages that have scraps of magic left? Maybe to find some way, some spell to bring back her friends from Final Death? That feels like it could be a very dramatic line marking the start of an adventure, like: "Cleo doesn't know if all the magical artifacts she finds will come to use, but she can hope. And maybe, maybe she'll gather enough that the magic causes a spark that can allow her friends to respawn one last time."

Or maybe not? I feel like I'm misinterpreting something here,, regardless, I'm very much enjoying reading all of these <3

By the point the Final Update rolled around, the hermits were getting old. By the time it was clear the old magic wasn't coming back, quite a number had already passed on. As for the rest... preserving items wasn't exactly their main concern a lot of the time. The Players were worried about the nonmagical Humans, because they couldn't build in the same way they did, and couldn't use redstone at all. The hermits who were left built houses, farms, etc. for them to use once the majority of Players were gone, as well as monuments to what will soon no longer be, as a way of saying hey, we were here, please don't forget us.

Cleo swore to Xisuma on his deathbed that she'd never let them be forgotten.

JemTheBookworm on Chapter 7

!!! Good for you cleo man having all the magic in the universe at your fingertips but you dont even know it, stunning writing!!

Cleo doesn't have all the magic at her fingertips- if she did, she'd probably burn up. She has exactly as much magic as she's always had, maybe a bit more as she's gotten older and more experienced. She's just... the only magic user left. So the rest is just building up in the wider environment.

TumblingBackpacks on Chapter 8

Joe and Cleo are reunited!! YAY!! I'm writing a snippet for this:

There was one who remained. ZombieCleo. The last player who persisted through life as humans lived and died and developed and progressed. She was a testament of what was, of a time that had long since faded from their memories.

Cleo was lonely. There was no other way of putting it. Ever since the last update, the removal of magic, she could do nothing but watch as her friends disappeared from her life, one by one. She tried to preserve their memory for as long as she could, cherishing the last moments as she and Joe traveled their worlds, worlds they left behind, collecting their items with the hope they'd one day return.

Sometimes it felt like that hope would fade away with the rest of them. It had been centuries since she had truly gotten to connect with anyone. Humans were a wasted effort, fading away far too fast and never leaving her behind another being to be missed. But if there was one thing she could rely on, it was that the Universe was not cruel. It would not force her to live this isolated life, at least not for forever.

There was a buzz on her comm. She hadn't gotten any notifications since there were other players around to send them.

[joehillssays joined the game]

And then there were two and Cleo didn't feel quite so alone.

kasdfkaf I love this AU so much <3333

I love this. It's just... YES! Perfect vibe! The bittersweet, the what-once-was, the what-must-someday-be, the what-now-is-again! Just... yes! Perfect! Very very good I love it so much.

TumblingBackpacks on Chapter 9

I absolutely adore the top note and can hear Joe saying that exact line- Cleo and Joe causing shenanigans now that they're together, the world won't know what hit them (mostly because even Cleo and Joe can't predict what they'll do next),, there's so much potential for chaos with Cleo being like 'this is 100% a modern cultural thing and you need to do it to blend in' and Joe just doing it (because even if he suspects/knows Cleo is messing with him, he's still going to do it because she looks happy),, kudos <33

Joe always knows when Cleo is messing with him, but also the man is fueled on other people's confusion so it balances out.

One day the people of Hermiton wake up, see a scale model of the goddamn Parthenon sitting on top of a building, casually defying the laws of physics, and the poor scientists called in to study it are lost... who makes such a thing out of solid quartz?! What kind of quartz even is this? How is it balancing? It should not be balancing. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE CAN WALK AROUND INSIDE THIS SHOULD NOT BE STABLE ENOUGH TO STAY UP ON ITS OWN BUT IT'S NOT EVEN WOBBLING WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL.
Needless to say, Cleo has a lot of fun browsing the local news feeds that week.

I can imagine government people or the like setting up 'secret' cameras around Hermiton to try and catch what Cleo and Joe are doing, but they totally know they're being watched and do the most maddening things to confuse the watchers of the footage (what are the humans going to try to do, lock them up? not going to happen)

Cleo just looks directly into a camera and breaks the floor, then places the dirt back on top of the street- everyone is baffled how she broke a perfectly cubed meter of dirt out of the floor then placed that cube back down without any tools,, how is that dirt even holding it's shape, it should be collapsing under its own weight into a conical shape??

Meanwhile, Joe is blocking off all of the other cameras with signs that lecture them on the importance of privacy and respecting boundaries (re: Joe's book worth of signs he placed in Grian's base after Grian put lava at the end of the hall of atonement)

Oh, they absolutely mess with the authorities. It's Joe and Cleo, after all.

It's like... okay, the Green Lady has lived in the forest for longer than anyone knows. She keeps to herself most of the time. But now she has a friend? And they're deliberately screwing with them? And- wait what is she doing with that statute why does she have a book why is it moving.

The signs are in the Ancient Language so they have to get archeologists in to translate them and even then they're not quite sure what half the words are because Joe has a vocabulary.

Homeless shelters keep popping up overnight and the Internet is shipping the Green Lady with the Appearing Man because of course it is.

Chapter 15: At the End, a Spark of Hope


Okay, who wants to be sad?

Chapter Text

“Hey, Cleo,” Xisuma said weakly. The zombie hybrid hummed as she took her seat beside his bed.
“Hey, X,” she replied, just as quietly. Unlike him, her voice was as strong as ever; but in this quiet room, speaking at her usual volume felt wrong.

They sat in silence for a while, both trying to decide what to say.
“Remember the stats?” Cleo finally asked.
“What?” Purple eyes flitted to her unaging face, to the slight smile tugging at her lips.
“Season Seven. Remember the stats?”
“Oh gods, don’t do this to me now.”
“Too late,” they both chuckled at that.

“I’ll miss you,” Cleo blurted suddenly. “I know I’m not great at- at showing my feelings, at least in a traditional sense, but…”
“Cleo. It’s okay,” Xisuma said gently. “We understand.”
“I know. Sometimes you’re the only people who do.”

Cleo took his hand in hers. X squeezed, but it wasn’t with his old strength. Cleo recalled the first time they’d met, when Cleo had squeezed his hand as hard as she could as a joke. He’d almost broken hers in response.
That was never going to happen again.

“I don’t think I’ve got much longer,” Xisuma admitted. Cleo didn’t say anything. She was a zombie. She knew death.
“Will it hurt?” he murmured softly.
“No. It’s more like… floating away, drifting on the wind.” Cleo didn’t tell him about being painfully yanked back down, forced back into her dead body. He wouldn’t experience that. She hoped.

“I'm scared,” Xisuma whispered. “I always expected to experience the Final Death, but I never dreamed…”
“None of us did. Even the Immortals are starting to age.”
“You aren’t.” It wasn’t a question, but she answered anyway.
“You’ll be one of the last Players left.”
“Yes.” Cleo didn’t like to think about it.
“Try not to forget us, will you?”
“Is that what you’re scared of? Being forgotten?”
“You shouldn’t be. You’re the best damn Admin anyone could ask for.”
“But once Admins are obsolete…”
“You won’t be forgotten, Xisuma. Not while I still walk this plane of reality. I will not let the hermits be forgotten. I swear it on my soul.”
“...Thank you…” Xisuma’s voice was so soft, Cleo had to strain to hear it.
“I’ll be with you to the end.”

“I’m here.”
“Do you think we’ll see each other again?”
“I don’t know. I hope so.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”

Still in Cleo’s grip, his hand was growing lighter.
As the zombie watched, Xisuma Void, her Admin, her servermate, her friend, slowly dissolved into smoke.
“Goodbye, X,” she whispered. “You’ve had a good dream. It’s finally time to wake up.”
And she knew it would be the last time the traditional farewell would ever be used.

“Miss Cleo?” Nurse Steven quietly entered the room, footsteps padding over the floor.
“He’s gone,” the hybrid responded quietly. “The Voidwalkers are officially extinct now.”
“Another race,” he replied, standing at the bed. “It’s awful to see. You don’t even leave your bodies behind.”
“Bodies decompose. Bones crumble to dust.”
“I suppose. But I guess… it’s better than just armour, if you ask me.”
“Just armour…” Cleo stared at the empty bed. “On Final Death, a Player will leave their clothing behind.”
“But Xisuma didn’t. None of the hermits did.”
“What does that mean?”
“It’s not Final Death.” A single spark, one that Cleo would spend the next two thousand years coaxing into a full flame.
“It’s not Final Death. The Universe isn’t finished with us. They’ll Respawn one day.”

Chapter 16: A Deer in the Woods


Hi, me, again. Just- I want wholesome Gem and her new 'moms' that are technically millenia younger then her content. Ik it's a weird request, but just- something? Please? -☯️


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Alice loved the woods. It was the main reason why she and Lisa had chosen to move to Aston; the village was surrounded by nature. They liked to go for long walks in the forest, content in the quiet and in each other’s company.
They both paused when they heard a rustle, looking into the foliage. Normally they’d see a bird, or the occasional lizard; most animals tended to be nocturnal, and avoided the hiking trails. Whatever this was, it was significantly bigger than any bird Alice would expect to find out there.

“There,” Lisa said quietly, pointing into the forest. Alice saw a bush shake, and then caught a glimpse of a cloven hoof.
“Deer?” She guessed, squinting at it. The bush moved again.
“I think it’s stuck,” Lisa said.
“Should we help it?” Lisa nodded, and the two women quietly walked toward the deer.

Except it wasn’t a deer. It was a… human? Faun? Alice didn’t know.
“⍑╎. ⚍ᒲ. ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ╎ᓭ ᔑ∴ꖌ∴ᔑ∷↸, ʖ⚍ℸ ̣... ᔑ ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ꖎᒷ ⍑ᒷꖎ!¡ !¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ?”
“Uh, hi? Do you speak English?” Alice asked.
“↸𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ᓭ!¡ᒷᔑꖌ ⊣ᔑꖎᔑᓵℸ ̣ ╎ᓵ? ╎ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ||𝙹⚍.”
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“Are you stuck?” Lisa asked.
“ᓭℸ ̣ ╎ꖎꖎ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ||𝙹⚍. ╎'ᒲ ᓭℸ ̣ ⚍ᓵꖌ, ᓵᔑリ ||𝙹⚍ ⍑ᒷꖎ!¡? ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ʖ⚍ᓭ⍑ ꖎ𝙹𝙹ꖌᓭ ᓵ⚍ᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹ᒲ-ᒲᔑ↸ᒷ, ᔑリ↸ ╎ ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ∴ᔑリℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ∷⚍╎リ ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷ𝙹リᒷ'ᓭ ⍑ᔑ∷↸ ∴𝙹∷ꖌ.” She- Alice was fairly sure she was female- spoke in a strange, alien language, one utilizing unusual syllables and odd clicks for what seemed to be punctuation. The faun (Alice was going with faun) struggled again, and Alice could see the way a thick vine had tangled itself around one of her antlers. Which she had. For some goddamn reason.

“Here, let me help,” she offered, walking around to reach the faun’s head. She got to work carefully untangling the vine, tugging gently when it occasionally got caught on something. It wasn’t too long before the faun (an actual faun! Alice had always assumed those were myths, much like literally everyone else) was upright, standing on her own two hoofed feet.
“∴⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ᔑᒲ ╎? ╎ ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ∷ᒷᓭ!¡ᔑ∴リᒷ↸ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ, ᔑリ↸ ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ᔑᓵℸ ̣ ⚍ᔑꖎꖎ|| ꖌリ𝙹∴. ↸𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ꖌリ𝙹∴ ∴⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒲ╎ℸ ̣ ᓵ∷ᔑ⎓ℸ ̣ ╎ᓭ?” It sounded like a question, but once again, Alice had no idea what she was saying.
“Sorry, we can’t understand you.”

“Alice.” The woman in question looked at her wife, who was staring straight at the faun.
“We found a mythological creature.”
“Yep,” Alice agreed.
“What do we do.”
“What makes you think I know?” She replied, raising her hands. “There isn’t exactly a handbook for this!”
“Do we keep her? Do we tell someone? Do we let her go do her thing in the forest?”
“I don’t know. Why are we asking me? I know about as much about fauns as you do!”

While they were debating what to do with the faun, she pulled out an odd device. It didn’t look anything like any technology Alice recognized, except maybe something halfway between a tiny laptop and a Nintendo DS, if the top screen was made solely of transparent glass. As Alice watched, the faun tapped on the bottom half (what looked to be a small keyboard, though not in a language Alice knew). The faun’s shoulders slumped slightly as a small string of strange-looking characters popped up on the ‘screen’.
“Wait, is that… Ancient language?” Lisa asked, shocked.
The two women looked at each other.
“Are we keeping the-”
“We’re keeping the faun.”

By human standards, the faun looked young, probably in her early to mid-twenties, but Lisa wasn’t really sure if that tracked for fantastical creatures.
“Hey, what’s your name?” Alice asked as they walked back along the path. Lisa had one hand around the faun’s wrist, but she didn’t seem particularly against following them.
“ᓭ𝙹∷∷||, ╎ ᓭℸ ̣ ╎ꖎꖎ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ||𝙹⚍.”

“Uh, right,” Alice said. “I’m Alice,” she pointed to herself. “That’s Lisa.” The faun glanced between the two of them.
“Alice,” she repeated. “Lisa,” Lisa repeated this a few more times, until the faun started to catch on.
“Alice. Lisa,” the faun echoed. Her voice was sweet and gentle, with an unusual accent Lisa had never heard before. “⊣ᒷᒲ╎リ╎ℸ ̣ ᔑ||. ⊣ᒷᒲ.”
“What?” Lisa angled her head, trying to figure out what the faun was trying to say.
“⊣ᒷᒲ,” the faun repeated, this time pointing at herself. Alice caught on first.
“Your name is Gem?” The faun nodded, looking pleased with herself.
“Gem, huh?” Lisa repeated, testing out how the name sounded on her tongue. “Nice to meet you, Gem.”
Gem hummed contentedly.


#if you need a translation due to being on mobile or something #i'm happy to provide #the LingoJam translator doesn't translate capital letters #which annoys my grammar-loving ass to no end #but it's *fine.*

Chapter 17: Poetry in Motion


Anonymous asked:
the last player AU is set in season 7, right?
consider grumbot... jrumbot... the two of them crumbling apart but waiting, alive and dormant for thousands if years for their fathers to return...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sunken deep below ocean waves,
Buried in layers of silt
Hiding inside a great concrete cave
cloaked in darkness, head at a tilt.

One visitor- the only one to know they're there
sealed their home from the tide long ago
One visitor- the only one left to care
that they're free from the rust as they lie deep below

This place was once a stunning reality,
But the world it showed has faded away.
Their visitor guided his brother to safety,
Staying calm, acting as if it were to play.

They lie in the darkness, left in the rot,
forgotten above save for one,
but a redstoning expert she is not,
and she does not know what must be done.

Will either their fathers ever return?
Will their dad start work on repair?
Will they stay like all relics, waiting their turn?
Will they ever see open air?


#Guess what! you get a poem! #This was not my plan going in #not even close #why did I write a poem #it's rare my brain spontaneously decides to Poem #but when it does hooo boy #the poem train Will Not Let Me Off #I don't know if the rhythm or rhymes quite work #but ya know what #I don't care

Chapter 18: What's Up, Doc?


Anonymous asked:
What if when Doc respawns, he's not actually seen by the mortals, so the first time in 2000 years that a creeper is seen, is when he's caught on security cameras doing mysterious things with mysterious blocks, resulting in update surpassed water. (from arrow, who diddnt realize you wanted every idea separate sorry)


[No need to apologise! You said yourself you’ve never used Tumblr before, and it’s not like I said anything before the time I told you!]

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The cameras are the first recorded sighting of this creature, but they’re far from the last. Light reflecting off metal and onto a wall, a glimpse of a torn labcoat turning a corner, red lights glowing at the end of a dark alley, before they disappear. Doc recognises that he doesn’t know these people, this world; he keeps to himself, until he understands it better. Like the Green Lady before him, he becomes a sort of urban cryptid, one people fear even if they don’t understand why.

One thing Doc’s noticed is that the physics engine is different. The way water flows, the way skyscrapers are built, the way redstone is organized- it’s not anything like how he’s used to. He experiments with water, but whenever he works with it, pours a bucket over the ground or turns a tap, it’s the same as it’s always been. He plays around with pistons and old glitches, trying to figure out if he can change it from one type to another. The Humans find leftover bits of his experiments, sometimes, and they seem curious, but they clearly don’t understand what he’s trying to do. Hels, Doc isn’t quite sure what he’s trying to do. He wishes he had someone to bounce ideas off.

Someone finds a green scale at one of the experiments, shed naturally by the creeper hybrid. It makes its way to a lab, and has its DNA analysed. The closest creature they can find has long since been extinct, one they’ve only ever found skulls of. That catches peoples attention. An extinct being, running around Alorith City? Clearly, the only thing to do in this situation would be to capture and study it.

One tiny problem: It’s not easy to catch Doc. Especially when you think he’s just an intelligent animal, with brains on par with, say, an octopus. People lay traps, but Doc isn’t dumb enough to fall for them. He honestly doesn’t realize they’re for him, because they’re so goddamn obvious.

Plan B: tranquilisers. Now it gets interesting. Doc may not know what a gun is, but he knows a weapon when he sees one. He doesn’t know what chemicals the darts hold, but his best guess is it’s some sort of modified weakness potion. He doesn’t know what they want from him, but he’s pretty sure he won’t like it.

By Player standards, Doc is strong. By Human standards, his strength is frankly ridiculous. When he’s cornered in an alleyway, Doc’s first move is to hiss, because even if the Humans don’t know why, the sound terrifies them. Doc learned to fight people far more durable, for whom death was a temporary inconvenience. These are the kind who have no magic, no inventories, and no ability to Respawn. Doc may be a mad scientist, but he’s not a cold-hearted killer.

That said, he’s not above yeeting large, heavy metal objects over their heads. Like a dumpster. For example.

The Humans realize that maybe they’re in over their heads (much like the dumpster), and decide to do the intelligent thing and leave the terrifying monster-cyborg alone. For now, anyway. Until they figure out a plan of attack, because it turns out the cryptid is rather dangerous.

Doc holes up in an abandoned warehouse, knowing that he probably has to get the Hels out of town. His plan is to wait for nightfall and sneak off, but he falls asleep instead. He can only run for so long before crashing, after all. When he’s woken, he’s face-to-face with a Human. He hisses, and she backs off, but gathers her courage, and says, with very, very broken Galactic,

“No hurt here help Gem friend name Lisa you Doc?”


#Yep this is happening now #we're getting a second group going #for some reason #they'll be smaller and probably meet up with Cleo's gang 'soon' #and by 'soon' I mean the passing of time in this AU kinda...isn't #i haven't worked out a calendar or anything #the posts are in rough chronological order #but even that's subject to change #¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Chapter 19: Aurora Austrailis


Anonymous asked:
What if when Stress respawns, she's in Antartica, right out side a science base and all the scientists are very confused by stuff like 'how is this person in shorts and a cartican out here' 'why isn’t she freezing to death' 'oh my god how is frost coming out of her hands' (from arrow, who diddnt realize you wanted every idea separate sorry)


[disclaimer: this is probably inaccurate. I’m going off guesswork and vague memories of survival guides.]

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


“What is it?” Jared leaned over Alex’s shoulder.

They were reviewing the footage from one of their cameras, one that had been set up to watch a nearby colony of Adélie penguins. But of all the things it had captured, something stood out.

“Is that a person wandering around out there?”

“Looks like it,” Alex agreed.

“In shorts?” The figure also seemed to be wearing a jacket or cardigan of some description, but it was nowhere near thick enough for the icy Antarctic weather.

“Maybe it’s paradoxical undressing?” Alex offered.

“But she isn’t displaying any signs of hypothermia…” Jared rubbed his eyes.

“When was this footage taken?”

“Around midnight. I think she was watching the aurora?”

“I’ll tell the team to keep an eye out for her, but unless you happen to know where she is…”

“No idea.”

“...There’s not much we can do. I hope she’s okay.”

“Me too,” Alex agreed.

Stupid- Alex had seen the signs of the oncoming blizzard. They were fully aware one was coming. They should have done the intelligent, rational thing and retreated back to the research centre the minute the wind started picking up.

But no. Of course not. They just had to go grab that last camera.

Alex muttered curses to themself as they dug in. They’d been trained in what to do when caught out in a blizzard, of course- everyone had. Of course, the first rule was don’t get caught in a goddamn blizzard, but nonetheless…

Dig down. Build a crude shelter. Wait out the storm. Pray to your chosen god that you don’t freeze to death. Those were the general guidelines.

How long had they been there? They stayed awake, hidden in the snow, listening to the sound of the wind blowing all around them. They thought they saw something, a dark shape, but it was probably their imagination.

“⍑ᒷ|| ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ!” Alex jumped violently when a person just… appeared in front of them. It was the woman they’d seen on the camera a few days ago, the one running around in shorts and a cardigan in the middle of an Antarctic blizzard what the actual hell.

“||𝙹⚍ 𝙹ꖌᔑ||, ꖎ⚍⍊? ╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ᔑ ʖ╎ℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑╎ꖎꖎ||, ⍑⚍⍑?” Alex could only gape at her. Dimly they registered that she wasn’t speaking any language they knew, but they were more focused on the fact that this lady should have died from hypothermia by now.

“||𝙹⚍ ᓭᒷᒷᒲ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ʖᒷ ╎リ ᔑ ʖ╎ℸ ̣ 𝙹⎓ ᔑ !¡╎ᓵꖌꖎᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ. リᒷᒷ↸ ⍑ᒷꖎ!¡?” The woman held out a hand to Alex, and they hesitantly took it. Dear god, what had they gotten themselves into?

Alex watched in shock as the wind and snow bent to travel around them, leaving them in a pocket of calm (albeit still cold) air. The strange woman smiled gently at them, seemingly unphased.

“ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ 𝙹リ, ꖎᒷℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ⊣ᒷℸ ̣ ||𝙹⚍ ∴ᔑ∷ᒲᒷ↸ ⚍!¡, ᔑꖎ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ ?”

An alien. That was the only explanation Alex could come up with, because there was no way in hell this lady was human.

They let the alien lady guide them away from their impromptu shelter, noticing that neither of them seemed to be having any trouble with the snow beneath their feet. It was almost as if it was solid ground. Did the woman’s weird shield-thing compress the snow to make it easier to walk? How would that even work?

There was something up ahead, looming through the blizzard. The alien lady was walking toward it, chattering something in her strange language.

There was a wooden door, and the woman opened it. Alex followed her through rather apprehensively, and watched as she closed it again. They were in what looked to be a small hut, but it looked strange. It took Alex a moment to put their finger on it.

The build style matched those created by the Lost Race.


#yes Antarctica gets auroras#poor alex is so confused #stress is casually breaking the laws of reality and they don't know how #they don't believe in magic but this is really looking like magic #and yes alex is agender #and also australian because australia has the largest antarctic territory #plus I'm aussie so #write what you know and all that

Chapter 20: Chaos Crew


Anonymous asked:
If I may request, could we please have another fic of the Hermits in the rainbow forest messing with Hermiton? Totaly not asking cuz Joe Cleo and Zed are my faves, Nooo. -Arrow.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tires squealed as the Human inside slammed on the brakes.

“Whoops!” Zedaph yelled as he scrambled out of the way, “sorry!” He heard laughing, and glanced up to see a certain zombie perched on a streetlight. Joe caught up with them, having taken the zebra crossing like a normal person. Pearl must have gone on ahead… yep, there she was, diving down to meet them.

“So what’s the plan?” She asked as her wings folded behind her. “Do we have a plan?”

“Not really,” Zed offered. “We’re mostly just doing stuff to mess with them.”

“Apparently there’s plans to take out a nice park to make room for a mall,” Cleo offered.

“Do they need another mall?” Pearl asked.

“They’ve already got plenty, so no. Wanna go give the park an upgrade?”

A mischievous gleam appeared in Pearl’s eye.

Pearl jumped violently when she heard sirens.

“Damn, they’re getting fast,” Cleo noted from where she was sitting in the tree next to her.

“What are they doing?”

“We piss off the authorities, so they keep trying to arrest us,” Cleo shrugged. “Not that they actually can.”

One of the Humans yelled something, but Pearl didn’t hear him.

“Welp, time to go,” Cleo announced. Pearl-side-eyed her.

“Are you going to taunt them?”

“Oh, probably.”

Cleo has several guns pointed in her direction the second she lands on the ground.

“Well,” she says in English. “This is friendly.”

“Look, lady,” one of them says. “I don’t know who you think you are or what you think you’re doing, but you’ve been a public nuisance for months now.”

“Good news! You do not need to know who I am or what I think I’m doing. Lucky you.”

“You’ve made a mockery of the entire police force.”

“Eh, you were doing that just fine on your own.”

That earns her more than a few glares. She gives them a grin, the kind that shows her sharp teeth.

“Besides, are you actually serving the public, or are you just serving a bunch of rich assholes?”

“Put your hands in the air! Where are your little friends?”

“No.” Cleo crosses her arms and raises her chin, green eyes boring into the cops. “You can not exactly stop me.”

“Oh, we can’t, can we? Are you sure about that?” Cleo raises an eyebrow.

“No, you can not. Humanity has forgotten us Players, and, more importantly, how to deal with us. Your prisons can not hold us, your weapons can not kill us. There is nothing you could do to us. So we will continue, doing our thing, as we did before your kind was born.”

Cleo turns away, leaving the police to process.


#Cleo is the only one who speaks fluent English #but even then it sounds a bit stilted and off #she still hasn't quite gotten her head around contractions #and yes! Pearl is here! #she was mentioned once but got overshadowed by Gem and her lesbian 'mums' #but she's with the gang #she has wings #she builds pretty #so really it's just business as usual #Cleo has exactly zero respect for the police

Chapter 21: Aurora Austrailis Part Two


moonlight22oa asked:
What did Alex the scientist do when they got to Stress's place? Did they take her back to the research outpost or just left her to do her thing?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Stress hummed as she checked the furnaces, aware of Alex's eyes burning into the back of her head. They weren’t a very talkative individual, or maybe they were still recovering from the cold. Poor thing- a blizzard was not something a Human should ever seek to get caught in. They were lucky Stress had found them. She hadn’t even realized there was anyone else out here.

“Are you alone?” she asked, curious. “Or are your servermates nearby?”

“⟇⊓⟃ ⅃⟔□ ⋖⟃<? ⟇⊓⅃> ⅃⟔□ ⋖⟃< v⅃⋖「⊡ꓶ?”

Stress paused. Blinked for a second.

“Sorry luv, I’m not quite sure what you’re saying. Do you speak Galactic?”

“⊓⟃⟇'⊐ ⋖⟃< ⊐⟃ >⊓⅃> >⊓「⊡ꓶ ⟇「>⊓ >⊓□ v⊡⟃⟇?”

Okay. This was an issue. How was Stress supposed to make sure Alex was okay when she couldn’t even understand them?

“Right,” she muttered. “I don’t have any pen and paper… Oh! I know!” Stress covered one of the blocks on the ground in a very thin layer of snow.

Alex jumped back, their face a mask of shock.

“⟇⊓⅃>- ⊓⟃⟇- ⊓⟃⟇?!”

“Oh, have you not seen environmental magic before? It’s pretty rare.” Stress held out her hand and summoned a few snowflakes to float above it.

Alex stared, and Stress floated them over toward them. They held out their hand and stress landed the flakes in it, where they quickly melted thanks to the Human’s body heat.

“Right,” Stress said, “Where’s your base?” She drew a crude house in the snow, hoping they’d understand what she was trying to say.

“⋖⟃<... ⟇⅃⊡> >⟃ ⊍⊡⟃⟇ ⟇⊓□⟔□ >⊓□ ⊔⅃v□ 「v?”

“Where’s your base?” Stress asked slowly, pointing to the drawing. The blizzard was dying down, but it would still be a while before it ended.

"「 v>「⦝⦝ ⌞⅃⊡'> <⊡⊐□⟔v>⅃⊡⊐ ⋖⟃<."

Right, they probably didn’t know where Stress’ hut was in regards to anything else.

“Once the storm’s over, I’ll take you back to the place I found you. Is that okay?”

"⟇⊓⋖ ⅃⟔□ ⋖⟃< ⟇⅃⊡⊐□⟔「⊡ꓶ ⅃⟔⟃<⊡⊐ 「⊡ v⊓⟃⟔>v?"

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Alex,” the alien lady said a while later. Alex looked up in shock.

“How do you know my name?!”

“𝙹⍑, ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ , リ𝙹リ!¡ꖎᔑ||ᒷ∷ᓭ ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ꖌリ𝙹∴ 𝙹ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷'ᓭ リᔑᒲᒷᓭ, ↸𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ||? ╎'ᒲ ᓭℸ ̣ ∷ᒷᓭᓭ.”


Alien lady pointed at her chest.

“ᓭℸ ̣ ∷ᒷᓭᓭ.”

“Uh… your name is Stress?”

“||ᒷᔑ⍑!” Stress cheered.

“Okay, but that doesn’t explain how you know my name.”

“ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖꖎ╎⨅⨅ᔑ∷↸ ᓭ⍑𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ʖᒷ 𝙹⍊ᒷ∷ ᓭ𝙹𝙹リ. ||𝙹⚍ 𝙹ꖌᔑ|| ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ∴ᔑ╎ℸ?”



Stress stood up and stretched. The blizzard was finally over, and as lovely Alex’s company was, it wouldn’t be right to keep them there. Besides, what if they had servermates?

Maybe she’d be allowed to visit.

“Alex, I’ll be taking you back to where I found you. Will you be able to find your way back to your base from there?”

"「 v⊓⟃<⦝⊐ ⸅⟔⟃⊔⅃⊔⦝⋖ ꓶ□> ⊔⅃⌞⊍ >⟃ >⊓□ ⊔⅃v□. >⊓□⋖ ⟄「ꓶ⊓> >⊓「⊡⊍ 「 ⊏⟔⟃⟑□ ⟃<> >⊓□⟔□."

“Okay. Come on,” she opened the door, already searching for the trail of magic she’d left keeping the Human safe. It hadn’t been a particularly difficult or energy-intensive spell, but it had left a slight trace in the air and on the ground.

“C’mon!” Alex padded out behind her, gaze drifting to where Stress stood on the snow.

"⟃⊍⅃⋖, v□⟔「⟃<v⦝⋖, ⊓⟃⟇ ⅃⟔□ ⋖⟃< ⊐⟃「⊡ꓶ >⊓⅃>."

“Sorry luv, but I won’t be able to both trace the magic and keep you on the snow’s surface. Is that okay?”

Alex just stared at her blankly.

Stress led them over the landscape, moving with surprising confidence. Alex had no idea how she knew where she was going, but they didn’t have any better ideas. She kept up a string of chatter in her strange language, her tone light and cheerful. Alex still had no idea what she was saying, but that didn’t seem to put her off.

Alex was getting the idea that Stress was just Like That.

Eventually the woman stopped, looking down at the snow-covered ground. It was hard to make out, but Alex could see the hollow where they’d sheltered.

“ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ 𝙹ꖌᔑ|| ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᒲᔑꖌᒷ ||𝙹⚍∷ ∴ᔑ|| ⍑𝙹ᒲᒷ ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ?” Stress said, her tone gentle. Alex gave her a blank look, and Stress drew another house in the snow.

“Are you asking if I can find my way back?” They looked around. They could just see the outline of one of the buildings in the distance.

“Oh, there it is.” They pointed, knowing Stress couldn’t understand them.

Stress made a noise, and then Alex felt the snow supporting their weight.

They trailed after the strange woman.

“Alex!” Jared hurried out of the station, relieved to see the ornithologist safe and sound. “Uh… who’s this?”

“This is Stress,” Alex told him. “She’s the woman we saw on the cameras. She uh, found me in the middle of the blizzard.”

“In the middle of-”

“I don’t think the snow bothers her,” Alex hesitated. “Or the wind, for that matter.”

“⍑╎! リ╎ᓵᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᒲᒷᒷℸ ̣ ||𝙹⚍, Jared.” The man in question started.

“What on Earth?”

“Yeah, I don’t understand what’s going on either.”

“Are you sure she’s human?”

“I have my doubts.”

“Right,” Jared said. “Well, Stress, we’re a bit short on staff for the moment, so I don’t see why you can’t stay...”

“ᓭ𝙹∷∷||, ʖ⚍ℸ ̣ ╎ ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ᓭ!¡ᒷᔑꖌ ||𝙹⚍∷ ꖎᔑリ⊣⚍ᔑ⊣ᒷ.”


“She doesn’t speak English,” Alex supplied.

Jared just stared at them with an are-you-serious look on his face.


#Jared is wondering what he's gotten into #he has Many Questions #he signed up to manage a research station not deal with magic ladies from 2000 years ago #at least Stress is one of the easier hermits to deal with #imagine if he got Etho or Bdubs #then *he'd* be the stressed one fcgvh

Edit: I meant to link it, but I forgot, so here's the link to decode Alex's lines!

Chapter 22: Monster?


Here's a little snippet from a few hundred years before the Last Player AU takes place!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

You’re trying not to panic, but it’s difficult. Your heart’s thudding in your chest, and you can’t think straight. Your husband is beside you, calling your son’s name.

He ran into the forest hours ago, and neither of you have seen him since.

Stupid- it was stupid, what you said. What you all said. Things have been hard lately, stressful- but that’s no excuse. That’s never an excuse.

Now your son is missing, and it’s all your fault.

You call his name, again and again, saying that you’re sorry, you didn’t mean it. Of course you didn’t mean it- you’re his mother. You love your son. You care for him, even if he drives you nuts sometimes.

But he’s run off, into the forest. And god knows what’s roaming around in there.

You keep calling.

“Hello?” You turn, startled. A woman is standing there, holding your son by the wrist. You call his name, and the strange woman lets go. Her eyes are the brightest shade of green you’ve ever seen, and her long red hair cascades down her back in waves. But her eyes are sunken, her cheeks are hollow, and her pale skin is green and rotting. She’s wearing a shirt, and pants- men’s clothes, although on these the sleeves have been cut off, above the knees, above the elbows.

You’ve heard stories about monsters, creatures that have lurked for centuries in the forgotten corners of the world. You didn’t realize one was hiding so close.

On one hand, you should tell someone. This being is dangerous, monstrous, a demon walking the Earth.

But… she found your son. He’s unharmed, unscathed.

“Who are you?” Your husband asks, and although he’s big, and strong from working the farm, you can hear the tremble in his voice.

“Cleo,” the woman said simply. “Son lucky I find before dingo.” Her voice sounds strange, like English is an unfamiliar language to her.

“No harm you no harm me,” she adds, perhaps in response to the glances you and your husband share.

“You… won’t hurt us if we don’t hurt you?” you ask, trying to keep control of your voice.


“Does that go for everyone?”


“Cleo,” your husband says hesitantly. “Why- why are you here? Do you live in the forest?”

“No live anymore,” she replies. “Stay in forest. Wait.”

“Wait for what?”

“Family.” She turns away.

“You’re waiting for your family? Are they monsters too?”

“Not blood-family. Home-family.” Cleo pauses, glancing back. “Will return. One day.”

“How do you know that?” you ask, because she sounds so convinced.

“Because the Universe said I love you,” she replies. She takes off, darting through the trees, a shadow among the foliage.

And then she’s gone.


#it's in second person so i don't have to name them #this is supposed to be like. peasants. #or something #but also I've decided this AU is set in Australia #so the timeline's very funky #but it was always gonna be really weird anyway #what with the whole Players dying out thing #history's probably taken a fairly different path #at least ancient history #but maybe Australia was colonized early or something idk #WHO KNOWS

Chapter 23: Quickfire Questions Part Two


Another collection of shorter posts, because there are. A lot of them.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Anyway Etho Slab

That's it he is just Kakashi that leaves so much room for interpretation

Two places for him to end up, both have pros and cons:

Tokyo, Japan. No one is going to question a random Kakashi cosplayer in the capital of Japan speaking a language no one else understandsbut they'll probably give him a very stern look at how he's "imitating" them

ComicCon/Other convention: No one is going to question a random Kakashi cosplayer in the middle of ComicCon speaking a language no one else understands

See, what you’re assuming here is that the Universe is aware enough to consciously know people’s would-be reactions to Etho, and to adjust accordingly.
It most certainly does not.

Etho Kakashi Slab wakes up in a random field with a very confused cow staring him down and has to figure out where to go from there.

#Because we can't all spawn in population centres

Anonymous asked:

hi ive never used tumblr before, but i had two ideas for this au that amuses me so much i must share. 1) when false comes back, she's in a crowded space, and immediately assumes a stance to fight the mortals, but once in the rainbow forest she starts digging bedrock holes in the town as her part to the chaos. 2) x and ex come back together, and the internet is very confused by these armord things, one throwing lightning, the other with an unstable face. (im arrow on ao3 btw)

Oh, an AO3 friend! Hi! Welcome to Tumblr! You can never leave.

False is tense when she first Respawns, and she’s ready for a fight, but once she understands nobody’s going to attack her, she relaxes a bit.
And then later she has a run-in with a mugger who has a Very Bad Day cghvbh.

False doesn’t actually dig anything to bedrock- the Rainbow Forest crew are looking more to be nuisances than causing the people any actual danger. Now that she thinks about it, that gazebo could use a bit of an upgrade…

I hc EX as a Helsmit, so they’d respawn in Hels at the same time Xisuma spawns in the normal world. With portals down, there’s not much they can do, but as the old magic builds up again… who knows?

Anonymous asked:

Would any of the hermits’ pets respawn? I would assume not since they can’t respawn in the game, but how about Jellie? She has appeared in several worlds and had many clones scattered about, so perhaps she would have the best chances of appearing.

Jellie… she’s a special case. An interesting one. She’s not immortal, but she’s notnotimmortal. She’s a cat, just a normal cat… but there’s a reason why cats are so often worshipped. Is that another ancestral memory? An echo of the Before, when cats were feared by some of the worst monsters of the night? Or do they worship because of something…else?Something that looks like a cat, and acts like a cat, yet isn’t… quite?
Did Jellie Respawn? Or did she just never die?
Not even Scar would know the answer.

I think those of you who enjoy the Last Player AU would like to know the whole “Undying got murdered” thing was to account for the fact that there was a possibility of there being undead players who weren’t just Zloy and Cleo.

Also that Zloy was originally going to be out of the picture not because he was dead, but because he was in hiding.

After pissing off theMafia.

#in this version of events #Cleo has disguised herself as Human #and is working as a schoolteacher #and there's a 50/50 chance she's adopted a child #so there's that. #because y'know this au isn't weird enough normally

qwenck asked:

How would comms work in the LPAU? Does the chat still work? Can people DM each other? If another player that wasn't a hermit still existed, would they be able to send a message that the hermits would see, or do the hermits just have a single group chat that only they can access?

Comms were made for communication with Players on the same Server, so while they do have a sizable range, it’s not unlimited. It’s worth mentioning that comms can connect to the Internet, so theoretically they’d be able to send, like… emails or Discord PMs or whatever, but that’s only assuming that a Player manages to A) find that particular function, which didn’t exist before the internet, and B) understand a modern language enough to decode what’s actually going on. Google Translate can’t help you if you’re speaking a long-dead language that’s only partially been decoded.

I’ve included a physical description of communicators in Gem’s story, but they basically look like a tiny laptop abitlarger than a Nintendo 3DS XL, although without a touchpad and the keyboard is in Galactic. The top screen looks more like a small pane of black stained glass, with words and so on projected onto it (although there isn’t. Y'know. a projector). Comms can serve the purpose of a camera [screenshots], voice chat, stat tracking, coordinate checking, hitbox viewing, biome identification [basically the F3 screen], a private notepad, and command input (for Operators and Admins only).

#yes i've thought way too much about this #the screen is a touchscreen #they're basically the Player equivalent of mobile phones #this is basically what they're like in all my au's #Last Player is very different than how the world works in say; the Scattered AU #but this one's consistent #i just don't get to describe them much

Anonymous asked:

Okay, I know this is a Hermitcraft only AU, but....would only the hermits come back? I mean, from a story stand point, only the hermits respawning doesn't make much sense. It would start with the hermits, sure, but the universe would hear all the hermits wants for their out of server buds, and would answer, and then the cycle would repete until all players come back. It just seems to make sense. -☯️

Anonymous asked:

Did Cleo collect some of the items of non-hermits, for example people from 3rd life? She would have been close to some other people who weren't from hermitcraft, probably. Did she wait for them to respawn as well, or are the hermits the only ones who will return?

[Grouping these together because they’re similar]

Okay, so on a meta note, the Last Player AU is exclusively Hermitcraft. Hermitcraft is what I’m familiar with, and also if I let myself expand beyond that box, things are going to get very overcomplicated very quickly. That said, if someone wants to do this with another group, go nuts! Have fun! I won’t stop you!

That said, I’ve been trying to come up with an in-universe justification for this, so here it is:

You cannot Respawn after Final Death.

Final Death is a very strange, complex thing, but it’sfinal. It’s in the name. Once you experience Final Death,you can never truly come back.Not in the way youwere, at least. Zombification, ghosts, Undying; they’re impossibly rare, rarer than Immortals by a long shot, and the process to become one is very situational, very unreliable, and very painful. And if an Undying experiences Final Death a second time? That’s it. It’s over.

“On Final Death, a Player will leave their clothing behind.”
“But Xisuma didn’t. None of the hermits did.”
“What does that mean?”
“It’s not Final Death.”

The Universe understood that it would want to Respawn the hermits one day, so it didn’t let them fully die. Rather, it’s had their souls/code/essence in ‘storage’, waiting until it could Respawn them (they’ve been in stasis, and not aware, so from their perspective it just took a little longer than usual. Certainly not the full two thousand years).

Why the hermits, specifically? Who knows. The Universe is strange and complex, and operates on a level nobody could possibly understand. But the Universe loves its Players. Perhaps it gave this gift to the Players who loved it, and each other, the most.

#Platonic/familial love is still love #if you ask me it's the purest form of love #of course im saying this as an aroace individual #so im not a person who experiences romantic/sexual attraction/love #but i do feel love for my friends and family #and that's all i need

harley-the-pancake asked:

Okay, from that little fic, I think Xisuma is legally required to be the last respawn.

Cleo’s terrified thaf because he was the main admin and Voidwalker, he won’t respawn. That he’s gone for good. Until he does. Until she able to hug him again and say he was never forgotten.

Xisuma’s nature as a Voidwalker wouldn’t make him any less likely than any other Player when it comes to respawning. Besides, Xisuma’s their Admin, and there’snothingthat will come between him and his hermits. Cleo understands this, and she knows all she has to do is wait. She’s been waiting this long, she’ll just have to last a bit longer.

And then she canfinallyget him back for the fish.

#sorry couldn't resist #if the whole 'voidwalkers are now extinct' line is what threw you off #i'd like to remind you the next line was 'another race' #as in not the first race to die out #because they weren't! #the Players were slowly dying out and races went extinct as a conequence #X just happened to be the last Voidwalker left

nach0 asked:

Ok so I came over from ao3 and proceeded to re read all the last player stuff XD (I may be biased but Gem and her lesbian mums are my favourite)

I do have an actual question, what if one of the respawned players dies? Even just an unlucky fall could be fatal, but do they get to respawn immediately or do they have to wait for the universe to gain enough magic to respawn them again?

Look, let me put it this way: there’sno wayCleo’s lasted 2000 years without dying. Respawn-normalrespawn- works just fine.

The Respawn, on the other hand, is different due to the fact that it wassupposedto be their Final Deaths, even if the Universe did intercede.

#The difference is one is capitalized #and the other is only capitalized if it's at the start of a sentence #because that's how grammar works

tigerphoenixblaze357 asked:

I would like to know what Etho has gotten up to, considering that he respawned the middle of nowhere

Yeah, I kinda just… dumped him in the middle of a field and left him there, huh?

Etho’s not really sure where he is. The only thing he can see is the blue sky, the grass in the corners of his vision, and the cow snuffling in his ear. He rolls away from it and stands up, looking around.

He’s in a field, but there’s a forest nearby. A number of cows are dotted around the area, so at least he won’t be going hungry.

He heads toward the forest- wood is always the most important resource in the early game, and honestly the late game as well.

Wait. Whatishe doing in a singleplayer world? Wasn’t he with the other hermits? At least… those who were left…

Etho shook the thoughts away and went to go punch a tree to death instead.

#this was gonna be longer but then it wasn't

Anonymous asked:

Reading you last player au and it is amazing, the only thing that I can think of possibly adding to it is for the redstoners. I like to imagine that whenever Mumbo/other redstone hermit respawns, that their experience with the new "game" mechanics is like the video(s) where Mumbo is trying to figure out Minecraft Bedrock/Pocket Edition (from 2019 and 2017 respectively). and I am loving every minute of it. (idk if I will send more asks, but Luna anon just incase)

I mean, that’s basically what Doc was doing before Lisa found him! And now he’s been taken to a small village, surrounded by dense forest not many people wander far into… things are really gonna get interesting for the people living there, huh.

Anonymous asked:

Out of Alice and Lisa or Gem, who learns the other’s language first? I assume they’re all learning English and Galactic together but who gets to a level that could be considered ‘fluent’ (or close enough) the fastest?

Probably Gem. She’s surrounded by English- on the TV, in books, coming out of Alice and Lisa’s mouths. It’s everywhere. And she’s always been a fast learner. She picks up on bits and pieces, enough to have a rough idea of what people are saying- although se does struggle with some of the sounds (and these people don’t click to indicate a full stop?Why?)

#I'm not making a full conlang I just have Ideas #they click the tounge once #to indicate a full stop #and two to indicate a question #none of this 'tone of voice' business #there are constant arguments about the correct number of clicks when it comes to rhetorical questions #there's probably something for commas too #but I can't think of anything

Anonymous asked:

I saw your post about the languages, and I had an idea! If a click is a stop and two is a question, maybe commas are the 'clonh' sound that you get when you click your tongue from the back of your mouth?

(By the way, I love what little bits of the language you've come up with!)


Oooh, neat idea! I likey :D

Here’s some more language stuff: certain terms- Server, Admin, Operator, etc don’t really have direct translations into English. Videogame terminology gets the closest, but there’s a whole host of subtle undertones that just get lost in translation. ’!¡ꖎᔑ||ᒷ∷’, for instance, has a double meaning- the literal translation is ‘Player’, but it could also be interpreted as 'Dreamer’ just as easily (interestingly, these are the two terms used in the End Poem. It makes sense, though, that such a thing would be so important to their culture).

The term for 'Servermate’ is particularly representative of this- Players actually have several different variations on the term, depending on if the individual is from their main server or one they just visit frequently, and how close they are to that individual (on a scale from 'strangers’ to 'family in all but genetics’. Hermits almost always use the latter).

#Worldbuilding! #I'm still not making an entire conlang that's just a road to madness

Anonymous asked:

Out of all the newly Respawned hermits, who picks up English the fastest? And does anyone refuse to learn English? (Out of possible spite if they have a particularly bad run in with a group of humans)

Gem or Joe would probably be fastest to pick it up- Gem because she has two good teachers who are native speakers, Joe because language is. Kind of his thing.

It’s perfectly plausible that one or more of the hermits spawns in a non-English speaking country, and as such winds up learning a language other than English. I can’t see any of them refusing communication altogether, though.

#it's just. not practical #the hermits understand that Humans are a species #and as such there's a lot of internal variation #some are good #some are bad #most are just...normal

Anonymous asked:

How would the hermits react to the pride parades, celebrations etc? Not that I think they would look at them negatively, but more how would they react to the people who are negative towards it? (Sorry if it's confusing) -☯️

If you’re asking how they’d react to a pride parade itself- they’d support it! They probably wouldn’t straight-up participate directly, because this is a Human thing and it’s not their right to interfere, but they’ll happily sit on the roof and watch.

If you’re asking how they’d respond to hom*ophobes- probably along a range of ‘giving them averycold shoulder’ to 'punching their teeth out’, depending on the individual. The Players weren’t some sort of infallible, perfect race. Bigotry sadly isn’t a new thing. And the hermits arenotafraid to let them knowexactlywhat they think of them.

#most of the really nasty Players wound up quarantined in anarchy servers #which was a big reason why such inhospitable places were allowed to exist #if they were griefing each other they weren't causing grief for other players #if you were a member of some sort of minority it was a good idea to just avoid them completely #otherwise it wouldn't end well #sorry if you were looking for a fun answer but this is a subject i try to take seriously

Anonymous asked:

Thinking about what if where Australia is is where one of the anarchy servers was before the borders collapsed (more or less, its hard fitting multiple infinite worlds into earth lol) and that’s why we have the harshest terrain and everything wants to murder us

Honestly, most of the old anarchy servers are now located around the area of modern-day Nepal, Tibet, north India

What was once known as a ‘lava cast’ is now known as a 'big-ass mountain’.

#Australia is. Very flat #with the exception of like. The Great Dividing Range. #mt Everest used to be on 2b2t #have you ever seen footage on an anarchy server? #lava casts. everywhere #disclaimer: i have never stepped foot on an anarchy server in my entire life #i value my sanity too much

moonlight22oa asked:

in regards to messing around with Humans, I think it'd be funny if someone exploited the feature that allows you to clip through the ground while riding a pig on a minecart, along the lines of Impulse in s8. the internet with have a FIELD DAY with THAT footage

Oh, for sure! The shenanigans are always highly entertaining, but this one really takes the cake. It Should Not Be Possible Under Any Circ*mstances and is diving the physicistscrazy.

It’s probably Zedaph.

Anonymous asked:

hey rayvee, love your last player au!! i binge-read it all last night, and now i'm wondering... how is stress getting along with our ornithologist friend alex? --redorich

Stress is currently confusing everyone around her and making friends with the penguins. Alex, who studies said penguins, appreciates the chance to get so close, but also really wants to know why the penguins aren’t afraid of StressAt All.

#in minecraft the only animals that run away on sight are like #feral cats/ocelots #all other animals are just chill #and of course Stress is not massively intimidating #so the penguins are just kinda like 'oh hi' and continue doing their Penguin Things #gods everyone really likes Alex huh #i love how that apparently the only way to get y'all off Alice and Lisa is to introduce a new character #Alex was supposed to be a quick pov character fytgvjhb

Anonymous asked:

[last player au] i was thinking about wels’ respawn and how he spawns in and is like ‘crap did i sleep through nine months again’ after seeing all the built up and changed things around him. poor guy’s wondering why there are so many People and they are all Staring.

Bonus points bc I think Wels was one of the first hermits to 'Final' Death, not long after the world borders dropped and most magic was lost, so he's extra list. man's over here thinking the hermits have moved on to another server for another season.-🟣

Yeah, pretty much. Poor man has no idea what’s going on but he just has to Roll With It.

#TFC was the first but Wels had a slightly early death #that said most hermits were already getting pretty old at the time!

Anonymous asked:

>thinks about cleo being all alone for 2000 years

>thinks about cleo desperately lonely, wanting nothing more than to see her friends again

>thinks about cleo wishing she had just died too and cursing her existance as a zombie.

>thinking about her first death post """final death""" and being near gleeful as it happens, only to end up back at her bed with all of her hopes lost.

>thinks about the first time joe or zedaph or pearl or anyone really dies when they come back...

>thinks about her horrified scream as she panics about them never coming back.

>thinks about her racing towards their shared spawn, and finally breaks as she sees them alive...

>thinks about them crying in eachothers arms... and her scolding them, making them promise to never do that again...

>thinks about everyone realizing... just how long she was alone...

just.. h e l p.

Cleo… Cleo trusts the Universe. The Universe is kind. The Universe loves its Players. It wants them to be happy. It won’t give her this and just tear it away again.

But watching Joe die, leaving nothing but smoke and dust…

If her hands were trembling when she picked up his items, nobody was there to see it. If the speed she was running at was reckless, she still managed to get back unharmed. If she held Joe a little tighter than she meant to… that’s between him and her.

#she tries to hide it #joe can see straight through her of course

Anonymous asked:

Hello, I just found your blog and I just thought I’d ask, for the Last Player AU, what about a player spawning somewhere more or less abandoned? Like an island, or a desert where there’s no people. This leads my mind to “Chernobyl is able to sustain animal life by now, surely a player could thrive there with no threat from humans” So this is my long winded way of asking:

What if a single player player, like Etho, spawned far enough away from everything that they never realized what happened with the Humans, or how long they’ve been gone, they just think they joined a single player server and get to work accordingly, like imagine the governments of the world seeing a massive castle or a physically impossible machine on an unseen scale popping up overnight as a hermit just kinda, does their thing?

I mean, that’s basically what’s going on with Etho! He has a field, he has a forest, he has some cows, and he has the clothes on his back. That’s about it, really.

#I really need to do more with etho #but also i don't know what to do with etho #he's kinda just vibing atm #eventually they'll start moving on to the megabases #and then things get REALLY interesting #for the humans anyway


Whooo, this was a doozy! I really shouldn't have put off making this so long. There were... a lot.

Chapter 24


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Well, I’ve got good news and bad news,” Cleo announced.

“Do tell,” Pearl responded from where she was doodling on a scrap piece of paper.

“The bad news is that we need to bribe the archeologists after all.”

Zedaph looked up. “We’re bribing archeologists now?”

“That’s the plan. We give them information on Player culture, and in return they help us gather up any stray hermits in other countries.”

“Oh. What was the other plan?”

“Sneak onto a plane, fly to the UK, find Wels, sneakhimonto the plane, and come back here. Basically, a stealth mission. But that’s out of the picture now.”

“Why, what happened?”

“Well, smuggling a guy in full armouranywherewas already going to be difficult. But now he’s found a man who, and I’m quoting the article here, ‘was a feral chihuahua in his last life’.”




#for the record I had to google how to spell chihuahua #still. no regrets #yes i have two asks in my inbox about grain and impulse returning #no i'm not answering them yet

Chapter 25: Summoning


Anonymous asked:
rayvee please im begging you for a scrap of info on my mans impulse 🥺 ❤️--redorich


booksaretheportals asked:
About the Last Player AU, im kinda interested in how Impulse respawns (personally i'd think itd be cool if some dumb teens summoned him for hw or sth, but didn't really expect anything to appear) Also stress in the antarctic is so cool! i really wanna see more of her and the scientists :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Well, isn’t this deja vu.

This is only the second time in Impulse’s life he’s been summoned, but at least this time it’s easier on his stomach. He remembers almost throwing up on Xisuma’s boots the first time round- not a great introduction to your new Admin, admittedly.

He’s still not quite sure how Tango had managed to do it in the first place, honestly.

Tango… the room is too quiet for the ghast hybrid to be here this time. Tango was many things, but subtlety had not been his strong suit.

There was another reason why Tango couldn’t be here. Tango was… gone.

Impulse remembered his eyes were closed.

“Uh, who are you?” Of the three people in front of him- who all looked to be Human teenagers- he recognised exactly none of them. One of them squeaked, but the other two were silent. Frozen.

Impulse looked down at the summoning circle, then at the candles quietly burning away, then back at the expressions on the teenager’s faces.

Ah. They probably hadn’t expected to get anything.

Impulse slowly stepped out of the circle, quietly padding towards the kids.

“I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said gently. “I just want to see your book.”

The book was old and worn, with yellowed paper and torn pages.

But Impulse recognized the handwriting. Of course he did.


#ALRIGHT I hear you here's some Impulse /lh #Grian still has to wait #I still need to do something about Wels and Bdubs tbh #oh and red do you want me to tag you in your asks? #just bc anons don't get notifications

Chapter 26: Cat



Chapter Text

Impulse jumped when something brushed against his legs, soft and furry.


“Jellie?” he asked in disbelief, staring down at the cat. “Where did you come from?”

Jellie just purred, sniffing his shoes.

“Is Scar here?” At her owner’s name, she looked up, her light green eyes staring into him.

He guessed that was a no, but you could never tell with cats.

“Are any of the other hermits nearby?”

Jellie jumped up onto his shoulder and nuzzled his ear. Her whiskers tickled.

Impulse sighed. Well, at least he wasn’t alone any more.

Chapter 27: Fire and Ice


Anonymous asked:
the idea of stress and alex surviving together for a while... Like Alex gets hungry and stress just casually dives into the water and comes back with an armful of fish to cook bc like, alex is the first person stress probably seen in weeks or months so she wants to be a good host!!!

but im mostly just now thinking about alex finding a mineshaft stress has created and stress panicking thinking that they're gonna die in there.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Alex?” The Human in question looked up from the penguin they were tagging, careful not to scare it.

“Boat?” Stress pointed out towards the ocean, where an icebreaker ship was indeed floating on the horizon.

“Yep, good eye, Stress.”

“Big boat!” Stress seemed quite pleased with her understanding of the English language. To be fair, she was basically learning from scratch.

“Big boat,” Alex agreed. “Supply ship.”

Stress hummed and patted the penguin still in Alex’s lap.

Alex glanced up when they heard a quiet chime. Surprisingly, it seemed to have come from an odd device Stress had produced from thin air. Alex could see a line of characters in the Ancient language on the top half, a thin pane of dark glass.

Stress seemed to fiddle with it, and a range of text popped up on the screen.

The strange woman suddenly turned and ran.

“Stress! What’s going on?”

“ᔑ ∷ᒷᓭ!¡ᔑ∴リ!”

Well that explains nothing, Alex thought as they chased after her, but was forced to stop when they reached the ice. Stress ran over it without fear, but Alex knew that parts of it could be thin enough to fall through into the freezing water below.

“Stress! Come back, it’s not safe!”

She ignored them. Alex had never seen her get like that before.

They followed her more slowly, cautious on the ice.

Alex yelped when Stress suddenly smashed the ice and dived into the water. They hurried to the hole- a perfect 1m square- and peered through. They could make out the outline of their friend swimming around underwater, but they weren’t game to jump in after her.

She’ll be okay. She’ll be okay. She’s immune to blizzards, for god’s sake WHY ARE YOU PANICKING ALEX.

They yelped as an unconscious man’s head suddenly popped out of the hole in the ice, and saw Stress beneath him, pushing him up.

Oh. Oh.

Alex scrambled to pull the guy onto the solid ice, hoping his weight wouldn’t be enough to break it- although judging by the hole, it seemed pretty thick in this area. Much like Stress, he seemed woefully underdressed for the cold, and his blonde hair was plastered messily to his head. Steam was quietly curling off it.

Stress bundled him up, lifting him with very little effort. “Station,” she insisted quietly.

“Yeah, we should probably get him warmed up,” Alex agreed. Stress set off over the ice, carrying the strange character bridal-style.

Unexpectedly, Stress veered off the familiar track to the research station.

“Uh, Stress? The station's that way.”

“My station.”


“My station,” Stress repeated.

Alex had no choice but to follow her.

When Stress came to a small hut, it took Alex a moment to recognize it.

“Oh! This is the place you took me to in the blizzard!”


Alex reached over and opened the door, glad it opened inwards, away from the snow piled in front of it. It seemed to ‘lock’ open, but Stress was already weirder in a dozen different ways.

They closed the door once everyone was inside.

Stress carefully placed the blonde man down on the ground and started rummaging through chests Alex was fairly sure hadn’t been there last time. Had she come back here?

Alex squeaked when Stress pulled out some sort of heat source- they could feel it from across the small room. She turned to punch a hole in the ground, a two metre square.

Then she dumped actual lava into it.

Alex said a great deal of words that got Stress looking at them reproachfully, and even more when Stress dropped the guy into the lava what the actual f*ck.

Alex stared at the cloud of steam evaporating off his body, despite the fact the man himself seemed fine. Better, even, as the blue retreated from his fingers and colour returned to his skin. His hair was still a rat’s nest, but Alex suspected it always looked like that.

The man groaned, and blinked open his eyes.

They were glowing red.


#Alex is a long-suffering human #they've seen some really bizarre stuff since meeting Stress but this takes the cake #there's a bit of a communication error #Stress thinks 'station' means 'base' #understandable really

Chapter 28: Fun With Allergies




(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Something smelled familiar.

Jellie jumped down from where she’d been balancing on Black-Yellow’s shoulder, sniffing closer at the bush. She scented two different weakdull-twolegs, and Deer-Flowers.

Black-Yellow said her name, with the two clicks that meant question. There was no question; Jellie was her name, and Jellie knew it. Black-Yellow should know it too, considering how long he’d known her. Black-Yellow was not very bright, it seemed. Perhaps some of his brain cells hadn’t Respawned with him.

There was a path, made of pale brown gravel, and Deer-Flower’s scent trail continued down it, with the two weakdull-twolegs. Jellie followed it a bit, then changed her mind and jumped back onto Black-Yellow’s shoulder. She nudged his head, and after a moment, he followed the path.

It was a shame Scar wasn’t here; he always understood her immediately. Alas, Black-Yellow would have to do.

It was a quiet day.

A 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle lay on a table, and occasionally someone would try and find the location of a few pieces. Doc was on the lounge, sketching out what looked to be blueprints for some impossible machine. Gem was adjusting her pictures of the ⍑ᒷ∷ᒲ╎ℸ ̣ ᓭ. Alice and Lisa were both reading.

Doc suddenly sneezed.

It was loud enough to catch everyone’s attention, but everyone settled down pretty quickly.

Then the cyborg sneezed again. And a third time.

Alice looked up from The Travelling Cat Chronicles as he stood up, sniffed the air, sneezed violently, and headed towards the back door.

She followed him, curious.

Outside the back door, Doc and Alice found… a cat. A cat who immediately waltzed in, tail brushing against Alice’s jeans, like it owned the place.

Doc sneezed again.

“Doc,” Alice asked, “are you allergic to cats?”

Her only answer was another sneeze.

“Jellie?” Gem shot to her feet when the cat padded into the living room. She just jumped up onto Gem’s lap and rubbed her head against the deer hybrid’s cheek.

Distantly, she heard Doc sneeze again.

Doc stepped outside to get some fresh air and away from the damn cat. He grimaced. He really shouldn’t have mentioned his lack of fear to Dinnerbone; allergies were about as much fun as having his scales pulled out.

And Alice seemed amused, which was even worse.

Though now he was outside…

He saw movement beyond the back fence.

The Human yelped as Doc vaulted over the fence and scrambled back. Doc hissed at him, but he didn’t run. No, instead-


“Impulse?” The Player looked awful, his shirt torn, his legs covered in dirt.

“Ah, sorry man, I thought you were…”

“It’s fine, Doc. It’s good to see you.”

“Right back atcha. How’d you find us?” he asked as he pulled his fellow hermit to his feet.

“I didn’t, I was following Jellie.”

“Jellie? Wait.” Doc paused halfway through opening the back gate. “That cat was Jellie?”

Uh, yeah.”

Great. Doc was looking at a lot of sneezing in his near future, wasn’t he?


#doc gloated about getting over his fear of cats so Dinnerbone made him allergic drtyfvghb #it's not a normal allergy #it just triggers whenever a cat enters a certain radius #he's just resigned to it by now #also the travelling cat chronicles is a real book and it is very very good #i highly recommend it #jellie named impulse after his shirt

Chapter 29: Let Me Tell You a Story


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Darren walked into his office and froze.

A woman- the Green Lady- was sitting in a chair that definitely hadn’t been there before, both legs draped over one of the armrests, calmly sharpening a knife.

He went to back out and close the door, but before he could she looked up, her emerald eyes boring into his soul.

“I am not here to harm you,” she said stiffly. “I want to tell you a story.” The knife vanished from her hands, as if it was never there. She sat up.

“A… a story?”

“Yes.” Darren felt somewhat like he was selling his soul.

“Once upon a time, there was a race of people called the !¡ꖎᔑ||ᒷ∷ᓭ- in English, the closest translation would be something along the lines of Players. However, for an unknown reason, approximately two thousand years ago we had what was later dubbed the ⎓╎リᔑꖎ ⚍!¡↸ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ- the Final Update.”

“Update?” Darren repeated incredulously.

“Look, video game terminology just happens to be the closest fit. It is not perfect, but it is better than nothing, okay?!”

“Okay, okay!” Darren backed away, wondering if he could outrun her.

Probably not.

“To cut a long story short, the Final Update removed magic from the world. Sort of. Players were still Players, but their children were not. As time went on, Players died out, and the only race who had biology which ran without magic was Humans. As a result, nonPlayer Humans wound up becoming the only intelligent species left in the world. Well, except for those of us who were Undying, but we were never a particularly large group to begin with and all the rest have been killed off by now.”


“Ghosts, zombie and skeleton ⍑||ʖ∷╎↸ᓭ, things like that.”

“Right,” Darren muttered. His legs felt weak. “Silly me.”

“Anyway, let’s go forward 2000 years, to the here and now. I was part of a group of Players, and we called ourselves ⍑ᒷ∷ᒲ╎ℸ ̣ ᓭ- in your language, hermits. Now, the other hermits experienced their ⎓╎リᔑꖎ ↸ᒷᔑℸ ̣ ⍑ᓭ- Final Deaths-”


“Yeah, we died more than once, do not try to think about it too hard. With the hermits, though… Something odd happened on Final Death. Basically, it… was not. I am not quite sure what happened, but I suspect the Universe chose to keep their code in storage or something, and they have once again started to Respawn.”

“Two of the hermits, ∴ᒷꖎᓭꖌリ╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ and ʖ↸𝙹⚍ʖꖎᒷ𝙹100, have been in the news lately, although your kind seems to be under the impression that Wels is actually the mythological figure of King Arthur, for some reason.”

“Right. So… the guy isn’t King Arthur, he’s just… a guy who died 2000 years ago and has come back from the dead.”


“You do realize how batsh*t this all sounds, right?”

“This is my normal.”

Darren paused and looked at Cleo. Really looked at her. Her fingers were tipped with dark claws, her teeth were razor-sharp, her skin pale green and crisscrossed by stitches. She smelled strongly of flowers- very strongly, almost as if she was trying to mask some other smell. Her cheeks were hollow, her eyes sunken into their sockets and glowing eerily.

She was not human. Not even close.

“So, your… friends are other hermits?”

“Yes. Joe, Zed, and Pearl are the only ones I’ve been able to get back here so far.”

“Are those their names?”

“Yes, although Pearl is translated.”

“R-right.” Darren hesitated. “Is there a… reason you’re telling me this?”

“You are an archeologist, yes? And we are the people you have been studying. I expect your… guild?”


“Sure, that. I do wish you’d stop changing words around, it is very irritating. Your guild, organisation, whichever, would probably like to hear from the last remnant of our race, from people who were there at the height and the decline.”

“I’m guessing this isn’t a free offer.”

“We want help getting the other hermits back, when they return, if they Respawn on a different continent. Starting with Wels and Bdubs.”

“You can’t just… get on a plane?”

“We do not legally exist. Therefore, no passports. And smuggling those two would... not end well.”


“I will give you some time to consider. If you decide to agree, walk into the forest and scream until one of us shows up.” Cleo stood up, smashed the chair to pieces, picked up a tiny chair, vanished it into the aether, and jumped out the window.

Darren barely managed to make it to his chair before his legs collapsed.

What had he gotten himself into?


#Darren doesn't know what just happened #but he's pretty sure he should do something about it #he just doesn't know what #the knife just needed sharpening and Cleo was bored #Cleo has a knife collection #Which darren does not find comforting in the slightest #Someone help this poor man #im on mobile so formatting might be a little finicky #but I'm in a biweekly thing where i spend an hour and a half feeling patronized and i need to do *something* to stop myself from going crazy

Chapter 30: Fire and Ice Part 2


Quick check-in on how Tango's doing!

Chapter Text

Floating in ice-cold water, a sheet of ice above…
Trying to punch through it, the water slowing his movements…
Hitting the distress signal on his comm with numb, useless fingers…
Salty water stinging his throat in a way he’d never experienced before…

Tango blinked open his eyes.
He was submerged in lava, the glowing liquid comfortingly warm. There was a Human sitting on a furnace nearby, openly staring at him.
“Stress?” He turned his head to see his fellow hermit sitting beside the tiny lava pool.

“How’re you feeling?”
“Pretty good, honestly. Did you pull me out?”
“Yeah! Well, Alex helped. Good thinking, hitting the distress button.”
“Yeah,” Tango didn’t mention that he’d been panicking.

Stress offered him her hand, and he took it, letting her pull him to his feet.
Outside of the lava, it was freezing.
“What biome are we in?”
“We seem to be in some kinda tundra? I’m not quite sure. There’s a lot of snow everywhere.”
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad.”
“Says the Snow Queen,” Tango replied dryly. “Some of us feel the cold.”
“So does Alex, and they don’t complain,” she teased.
“Alex looks like their brain just broke,” Tango pointed out.
“Their brain hasn’t...” Stress saw the expression on the Human’s face “...Okay, you may have a point.”

Tango snorted in amusem*nt, and Alex squeaked.
"⊐「⊐ v⟄⟃⊍□ ⟓<v> ⌞⟃⟄□ ⟃<> ⟃⊏ ⊓「v ⊡⟃v>⟔「⦝v?!"
Tango didn’t understand what they were saying, but the look on Alex’s face was priceless.

Chapter 31: Broken Wing


Anonymous asked:
Where does Grian end up when he respawns? Does Cleo end up finding him because he’s causing chaos or does he lay low at the start?


Warning for broken bones, depictions of a hospital, probably inaccurate medical stuff... Basically, Grian gets hit by a van. If any of this might affect you negatively in some way, maybe give it a miss. It's not too graphic, but better safe than sorry. I'll be happy to provide a summary if you comment on one of the chapters and ask. It doesn't have to be this chap specifically.

Chapter Text

Grian was conscious for all of about two seconds before something collided with him.

Whatever it was, it was large, hard, and moving at very high speeds. He felt himself being dragged beneath it, and one of his wings exploded in pain. He didn’t know what happened, but at some point he stopped moving, and soon blacked out.

"⊓□ ⟓<v> ⌞⅃⟄□ ⟃<>>⅃ ⊡⟃⟇⊓□⟔□!"

"⌞⅃⦝⦝ ⅃⊡ ⅃⟄⊔<⦝⅃⊡⌞□, 「⊐「⟃>!"

"「 ⅃⟄!"

"⟃⊓ ⟄⋖ ꓶ⟃⊐ ⟃⊓ ⟄⋖ ꓶ⟃⊐ ⟃⊓ ⟄⋖ ꓶ⟃⊐-"

"v□⟔「⟃<v⦝⋖, ⟇⊓□⟔□ ⊐「⊐ ⊓□ ⌞⟃⟄□ ⊏⟔⟃⟄?!"

"「 ⊐⟃⊡'> ⊍⊡⟃⟇! ⟇⊓⅃> ⟇□「⟔⊐⟃ ⟇⅃⦝⊍v ⊐⟃⟇⊡ ⅃ ⌞⟃<⊡>⟔⋖ ⟔⟃⅃⊐ 「⊡ >⊓□ ⟄「⊐⊐⦝□ ⟃⊏ >⊓□ ⊡「ꓶ⊓>?!"

"⅃⟄⊔<⦝⅃⊡⌞□ 「v ⟃⊡ 「>v ⟇⅃⋖."

"⟃⊓ >⊓⅃⊡⊍ ꓶ⟃⊐, ⅃> ⦝□⅃v> v⟃⟄□⟃⊡□ ⊓⅃v >⊓□「⟔ ⅃⌞> >⟃ꓶ□>⊓□⟔."

"v⊓「>, >⊓⅃>'v ⅃ ⦝⟃> ⟃⊏ ⊔⦝⟃⟃⊐."

"⋖⟃< ⊐⟃⊡'> v⅃⋖."

"⊓□'v ⊐□⊏「⊡「>□⦝⋖ ⊔⟔⟃⊍□⊡ ⅃ ⊔<⊡⌞⊓ ⟃⊏ ⊔⟃⊡□v."

“Urrgh…” Grian came to in a stark white room, a Human looking down at him. She had a mask over her face, and was talking in a strange language.

“Wha’ happened?” He was on a bed, so that was nice, at least. He’d respawn here, instead of… wherever he’d initially Respawned.

Everything hurt.

A wave of darkness slowly washed over him again.

"⅃⦝⟔「ꓶ⊓>, ꓶ□> >⊓⅃> ⌞⦝⟃⅃⊍ ⟃⊏⊏, 「>'⦝⦝ 「⊡>□⟔⊏□⟔□ ⟇「>⊓ >⊓□ ⋗-⟔⅃⋖."

"<⊓, v「⟔? >⊓⅃>'v ⊡⟃> ⅃ ⌞⦝⟃⅃⊍."


"⊓□'v ꓶ⟃> ⟇「⊡ꓶv."

"...⋖⟃<'⟔□ ⊍「⊐⊐「⊡ꓶ ⟄□. ⟔「ꓶ⊓>. >⊓「v ⌞⟃⟄⸅⦝「⌞⅃>□v ⟄⅃>>□⟔v. V⟃⟄□⟃⊡□ ⌞⅃⦝⦝ ⅃ ⋀□>."

"⅃⟔□ ⋖⟃< v<⟔□?"

"⦝⟃⟃⊍, ⊐⟃ ⋖⟃< ⊍⊡⟃⟇ ⟇⊓⅃> >⟃ ⊐⟃ ⟇「>⊓ ⅃ ⊔⟔⟃⊍□⊡ ⟇「⊡ꓶ?! >⊓□⋖ ⊐「⊐⊡'> □⋗⅃⌞>⦝⋖ ⌞⟃⋀□⟔ >⊓「v 「⊡ ⟄□⊐「⌞⅃⦝ v⌞⊓⟃⟃⦝!"

Grian came to in a different bed, placed in a stark white room. There were a handful of Humans gathered around, something stabbed into his arm, some kind of hard material covering his lower right leg and foot, and bindings on his left wing. His head was pounding.

"⊓⟃⟇ ⅃⟔□ ⋖⟃< ⊏□□⦝「⊡ꓶ?"

It took a moment for the sounds to register as words, and even longer before Grian realized they were speaking some kinda weird language.

“What are you saying?” he asked blearily. He felt awful. He was pretty sure he was hungry. Maybe that was why regen hadn’t kicked in.

"⊐⟃ ⋖⟃< v⸅□⅃⊍ □⊡ꓶ⦝「v⊓?"

“Uh…” Grian’s train of thought was slipping.

He gave in to the relative painlessness of unconsciousness.

At one point, he registered a click, a flash, an angry voice.

Then it all faded away again.

Chapter 32: Bees?


a-plethora-of-peters asked:
I feel like with all the insanity going on with the other groups we should peep in with Etho, see what's going on with him...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Etho yawned and stretched, scanning his starter base. It wasn’t anything pretty- just some basic resources in the vague shape of a hut- but it was better than nothing.

What he wanted to do was some redstone- the dust always felt right in his hands like nothing else did- but he had three main problems.

First, there were no creepers, meaning that anything involving TNT was out of the question. So most of the fun stuff.

Second, Nether portals weren’t working, meaning no quartz for observers, comparators, or daylight detectors.

Third, there were no slimes, therefore no slime balls, therefore no slime blocks or sticky pistons.

It was kind of impressive how much that limited a man. And also completely infuriating.

Though really, it just meant he’d have to get creative.

Which was why he was currently staring at a bee, wondering why it was so tiny.

Because seriously. Each one was about the size of his thumbnail. They were admittedly very cute, but also… What happened to normal bees? Why were these ones everywhere? Why were they so numerous?

Did they still produce honey?

Etho was currently following a group around. It was getting dark, so he hoped they’d be heading back to their hive.

Fortunately, he was right. Unfortunately, it was high up in a tree.


Etho quietly placed a torch on the trunk. He’d collect it once he got Silk Touch, see if he couldn’t make a honey farm.

Could you make sticky pistons with honey?


#he's just Vibing #everyone else is confusing/traumatizing the Humans around him #and meanwhile Etho's just trying to figure out bees #he has no gunpowder so he can't make explosives. #which is *probably* for the best tbh #but he still wants it

Chapter 33: Broken Wing Part 2


Anonymous asked:
Oof, poor gri D: who came to rescue him? What was that Click, Flash and angry yelling bout? -☯️


Anonymous asked:
Could we get something on how the hospital staff responded to Grian? Because id bet at least like, half a cent that none of the emt's were trained for this.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dr Jayden Williams quietly opened the door, and froze when he saw the person already inside. He definitely wasn’t one of the hospital staff, and the professional-looking camera he was pointing at the unconscious patient told the doctor everything he needed to know.

“Hey!” the cameraman whirled around at the sound of Jayden’s voice, then tried to bolt. Jayden chased after him, calling for security.

Fortunately, security arrived quickly (they’d had someone stationed near the winged patient, just in case), and confiscated the camera. Jayden breathed a sigh of relief; even if the guy had been a normal person, taking photos of an unconscious patient without their consent was a really terrible thing to do. Not to mention illegal.

Jayden poked his nose into the room to see the patient was awake for once. Dark eyes flicked to his face, seemingly taking a moment to actually focus. Jayden was struck by how odd the man was- sure, he looked normal if you ignored the wings, but he seemed to do an odd little head bob in greeting. Not a nod, something different.

"↸𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ ᔑリ|| ⎓𝙹𝙹↸? ╎ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ∷ᒷ⊣ᒷリ ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ リ𝙹∴, ᓭ𝙹 ╎⎓ ╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹𝙹 ᒲ⚍ᓵ⍑ ℸ ̣ ∷𝙹⚍ʖꖎᒷ..." He trailed off, speaking in a strange, alien language. Jayden blinked.


"∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ꖎᔑリ⊣⚍ᔑ⊣ᒷ ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ᓭ!¡ᒷᔑꖌ╎リ⊣?" The patient gave him a confused look.

“Do you speak English?” Jayden asked slowly, although he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

"╎ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ||𝙹⚍."


The patient pointed at his mouth, then at his stomach, and his good wing twitched.

“Are you hungry?” Jayden mimed eating. The patient nodded, and Jayden sighed.

“Alright, I’ll go see if I can find anything. You’ve missed dinner, though, so no promises.”


#jayden's trying to remain professional but he has no idea what's going on #which seems to be a universal experience among all the named human characters #and some of the unnamed ones #Nurse Steven was the only one who had some level of control over the situation#and he's been dead for about 2000 years #remember Nurse Steven? #he was in the one where Xisuma died #he got named exactly once and never again #and is the only named Human y'all haven't gotten attached to

Chapter 34: Tangled


Anonymous asked:
Oh hels Bdubs is here- why? Why the Bdouble "Feral chiwaua (Horribly butchered I'm sorry-) in his last life" O100, sleep and time king? Oh wow these archeologists are gonna be thrilled though. -☯️


Let’s jump backwards a little, shall we? Not too far, but far enough.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Wels’ head shot up when he heard a scream cut through the quiet dusk. A very loud, very familiar scream.

The knight took off running, for once ignoring the Humans who were constantly following him around. He still wasn’t sure what was going on with that.

His boots rang out against the dull concrete that paved their roads, and for once he didn’t wonder why they’d gone through all the trouble of mixing dyes to create such an unpleasant shade of tannish grey.

He didn’t hear a second scream, and somehow that was even worse.

When he found the source, he understood why.

Bdubs- because he was right, it was Bdubs- was tangled up in what looked to be that strange black-and-yellow flat rope he’d seen around the place. He wasn’t very tangled, but he was tangled enough.

The Player was panting, his face pale, his eyes wide and unseeing. Wels knew where his mind was- far away, long ago, in a place Bdubs had tried so hard to forget but never could.

Wels quickly got to work untangling his friend, keeping an eye on his movements- when he was in this state, Bdubs could go from completely frozen to fighting for his life in the blink of an eye, and if he did he’d only hurt himself.

Fortunately, Wels managed to get them off fairly quickly, and he gathered the smaller hermit into his arms. Bdubs was still unresponsive, complete dead weight, so there wasn’t much he could do until his brain caught back up with the present.

But that was okay. Wels could wait.


#of course the first time I actually write about Bdubs directly involves his NHO jungle trauma #this is not the first vinedubs ive written and it won't be the last

Chapter 35: Broken Wing Part 2.5


Anonymous asked:
ive sent a few asks before, but all i can imagine now is grian eating some hospital pudding and then freaking out the hospital staff when his body starts literally piecing itself back together. -💚


This one's rly short but it's kinda important so¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It happens slowly- natural regen tends to do that. Bruises and scrapes fading, missing feathers regrowing, colour returning to the patient's skin. Dr Williams is shocked when he finds previously broken ribs back in their proper shape. Once the less severe wounds are healed, the regen turns to the major ones- his broken leg and wing.

The leg heals first. Grian's got quite a bit more energy by this point, and he spends a night removing the cast once he's confirmed it's fine now. He sneaks up behind Dr Williams in the hallway not long after, nearly giving the poor man a heart attack. the doctor is worried, mostly because you have been here for about a week you should not be walking (and also a bit of where the hell did your cast go why has it apparently ceased to exist).

The wing will take a little longer, but not much.


#and then all bets are off#Dr Williams is Jayden they're the same person#he calls himself Jayden but everyone else calls him Dr Williams when he's working#Grian heals stupidly fast and it's really weird for all these medical professionals because initially he wasn't healing *at all*#they had him on a drip so he didn't starve to death but it also didn't push his hunger up enough for regen#the vet is just as bewildered as everyone else#it doesn't make any sense if he's got bird genes either#and of course Grian doesn't speak English so he can't really tell them what's going on#remind me to introduce said vet later her name is Susanne McNabb#which is a reference to Prehistoric Park because I like Prehistoric Park that show was my childhood

Chapter 36: Broken Wing Part 3


Anonymous asked:
Also... mental image of grian, fully healed, expertly flying through the cramped corridors of the hospital trying to find the way out as everyone panics below him -💚


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Hi!” Susanne jumped out of her skin when the winged patient popped up behind her, a cheeky grin on his face.

“...Hi,” she said. She was actually here to check his wing, but she hadn’t realized he was up and around. Dr Williams had said he was healing unnaturally fast, and sure enough, the cast was already off his leg.

“Hey there,” she said. “I’m here to see how your wing is going.” She was aware that the patient couldn’t understand her, but she was used to it. Birds weren’t exactly fantastic conversation partners most of the time.

She led him back into his room, and directed him to sit on the bed. The patient sighed, clearly sick of being cooped up.

“How’s he doing?” Dr Williams asked as he padded into the room.

“He’s healing unnaturally fast, but his wing’s not fully recovered yet.”

“Huh. Everything else seems good already. It’s actually been a bit of a pain keeping him occupied, he keeps wandering around.”

“Is he bored?”

“I think so, but we still haven’t managed to figure out what language he’s speaking, so…”

The patient warbled in his odd tongue, twitching as Susanne worked.

“Did you manage to get his name?” She asked, checking the bindings intended to hold his wing still until it healed properly.

“We think it’s Grian.” The patient looked over at Dr Williams, then moved on to preening his good wing.

Not for the first time, Suzanne wondered if he could actually fly. Scientifically speaking, he shouldn’t; a human’s weight meant the size of the wings would be too great to actually get off the ground.

Of course, that assumed Grian was human. Susanne honestly had her doubts.

Grian hummed as he worked the bindings. He was finally at full health, and his wing had stopped hurting a while ago. Now it was just itchy, probably because he couldn’t preen it properly.

It took a while to get off, and he stuffed it into his inventory, not really sure what to do with it.

Maybe he should go find Dr Williams or Dr McNabb. He wanted to get out and fly around!

Dr Williams always seemed to be around, at least during the day. Grian wasn’t sure where he went at night- there were plenty of beds around. And, sure enough, there he was, talking to another Human as he walked down the hall.

The other Human noticed Grian first.

"⟇⊓⅃> >⊓□ ⊓□⦝⦝?!"

"⅃⊓." Dr Williams crossed his arms and looked at Grian rather sternly.

"⋖⟃<'⟔□ ⊡⟃> v<⸅⸅⟃v□⊐ >⟃ ⊔□ ⟇⅃⊡⊐□⟔「⊡ꓶ ⅃⟔⟃<⊡⊐."

“My wing’s good, can I go fly around?” Grian flapped his wings rather pointedly.

"⊓□ ⊓⅃v ⟇「⊡ꓶv?!"

"⋖□⅃⊓, ⟇□'⟔□ ⊡⟃> ⟔□⅃⦝⦝⋖ v<⟔□ ⟇⊓⅃> ⊓「v ⊐□⅃⦝ 「v. ⊓□ ꓶ⟃> ⊓「> ⊔⋖ ⅃ ⌞⅃⟔ ⅃ ⌞⟃<⸅⦝□ ⟇□□⊍v ⅃ꓶ⟃, ⊓□⅃⦝□⊐ <⊡⊡⅃><⟔⅃⦝⦝⋖ ⊏⅃v>, ⅃⊡⊐ ⟔□⊏<v□v >⟃ v>⅃⋖ 「⊡ ⊔□⊐. ⊓□ ⅃⦝v⟃ ⊐⟃□v⊡'> ⅃⸅⸅□⅃⟔ >⟃ v⸅□⅃⊍ □⊡ꓶ⦝「v⊓, ⅃⊡⊐ ⟇□ ⅃⌞><⅃⦝⦝⋖ ⊓⅃⋀□ ⊡⟃ 「⊐□⅃ ⟇⊓⅃> ⊓□'v v⅃⋖「⊡ꓶ."

"⟇□'⋀□ ⊔□□⊡ >⟔⋖「⊡ꓶ >⟃ ⊍□□⸅ >⊓「⊡ꓶv ⍝<「□>, ⊔<> 「> ⊐⟃□v⊡'> ⊓□⦝⸅ >⊓⅃> ⊓□'v ꓶ⟃> ⅃ ⊓⅃⊔「> ⟃⊏ ⟇⅃⊡⊐□⟔「⊡ꓶ ⅃⟔⟃<⊡⊐." Dr Williams sighed.

"⌞⟃⟄□ ⟃⊡, Grian, ⊔⅃⌞⊍ >⟃ ⋖⟃<⟔ ⟔⟃⟃⟄."

Susanne frowned. She wasn’t one to touch Twitter often- the site was frankly a hellscape of petty drama and bad takes even on a good day- so she wasn’t sure why she was scrolling through it now.

Boredom, probably.

For some reason, something called the Green Lady was trending, and Susanne found herself browsing the tag. The so-called ‘Green Lady’ seemed to be a weird woman who, as far as she could tell, was causing petty chaos in Hermiton with a group of strange friends.

Life goals.

There were a few low-quality pictures- a woman with green skin and red hair, a man with lime hair and glasses, a character with curled horns and purple eyes, and…

A woman in a hoodie, with two large silver wings folded across her back.


#a bored Grian is a dangerous Grian

Chapter 37: Bright Eyes, Brighter Future


Anonymous asked:
when keralis respawns, what if he's actually in like, the office of the very same office as the arceoliagests who are helping cleo? so cleo gets a message like, we found your terrifed sweet guy? (-arrow)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Darren walked into his office and froze.

There was a man lying on the floor.

For a panicked moment, Darren was worried he was dead, until he saw the gentle rise and fall of his back.


The man muttered something, although the sound was muffled by the fact he was face-down and probably not massively coherent to begin with.

“Buddy? You okay?” Darren crouched down and grabbed his shoulder, lightly shaking him.

He rolled over and blinked open his eyes in a sort of polite confusion.

His eyes were enormous.

"𝙹⍑, ⍑╎. ∴⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ↸╎↸ ||𝙹⚍ ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ, ᓭ∴ᒷᒷℸ ̣ ⎓ᔑᓵᒷ?"

The strange language sounded very similar to the scattered words the Green Lady had used…

“Jesus Christ. Are you one of the Green Lady’s friends, by any chance? What did she call them? Hermits?”

Walk into the forest and scream until someone shows up.

Was he seriously considering this?

“This is a terrible idea,” Darren muttered to the bug-eyed man as he pulled into the car park.

“I really shouldn’t be doing this,” he continued as he got out of the car. He checked his parking. Hmm. Not his best job. At least he was inside the lines.

“You can probably manage on your own from here,” he added as he led the guy down a nearby trail. “You don’t need me to accompany you.”

"∴⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ᔑ∷ᒷ ∴ᒷ ⊣𝙹╎リ⊣? 𝙹∷ ╎ᓭ ╎ℸ ̣ ᔑ ᓭ⚍∷!¡∷╎ᓭᒷ?"

Well, at least he wasn’t as bizarrely terrifying as the Green Lady was.



Darren jumped out of his skin as one of the Green Lady’s friends- the one with horns- suddenly barreled out of the forest and hugged the life out of the guy he’d found. They both started chattering in their language, clearly thrilled to see each other again.

Even if he wasn’t planning to get involved… This felt right, somehow.

Darren walked into his office and froze.

There was a wooden chest on his desk.


#it's probably fine #Darren's getting dragged into this whether he likes it or not #he doesn't get a choice #cleo offered him a choice but the Universe had other thoughts #and the Universe always gets the final say because it's literally everything

Chapter 38: Two Places, Two Drabbles

Chapter Text


how are things going with stress and tango in the last player au? how many scientists have they freaked out?

“I know that look,” Alex said. “What happened?”

“Tango can punch through solid rock.”

“Can he?”

Jared threw his hands into the air. “As if the firebreathing and blizzard immunity isn’t enough!”

Alex couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his expression.

“It’s in perfect metre squared cubes, Alex! Tony got out a tape measure! We checked! It’s down to the millimetre!”


“They are completely breaking the laws of reality, Alex.”

“They do that,” Alex agreed. “I’ve given up questioning it.”

Jared just stared at them.

“I’m not paid enough for this.”

“None of us are.”

#Tango is digging a hole #Alex has officially given up #Jared is losing it #and there are more than two people at the base #Tony is a meteorologist that's all I've got


When Etho starts making a proper/ mega base how quickly do humans find him? I imagine it would be rather jarring to the humans for a whole giant base to pop up overnight

(I don’t want Etho so I’m not sure what sort of bases he builds and all I know is he does redatone and I’m 90% sure he’s basing with Iskall this season XD)


There’s music in the forest.

A tune, energetic and cheerful but somehow haunting. A song that nobody has heard in centuries, in a medium long forgotten.

Sometimes it only plays once before fading away. Sometimes it goes on for hours, in the day, in the night, a melody from underground.

Nobody can see where it came from. Nobody knows who made it.

All they know is that one repetition lasts exactly four minutes.

#As far as I can tell he doesn't seem to go for mega bases#so you get this instead

Chapter 39: Books


Anonymous asked:
So, what was in the chest? Also, Etho really still be out there huh


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

If anyone walked in on him now, they would probably think Darren was going insane.

After all, one did not spend forty minutes staring suspiciously at a chest on one’s desk. One also did not precede those forty minutes by investigating every potential hiding spot in one’s office, including the ceiling.

Darren knew had two options.

One, say “f*ck this sh*t,” leave, and never come back. He would have to find a new job, of course, but at least he wouldn’t be involved in this bizarre nonsense.

Two, open the chest, and see what shiny new rabbit hole he was being dragged down.

Despite learning about the ancient race being his entire career, option one was honestly looking pretty good. Cleo would find someone else to pester.

The chest was simple, made of wood, with dark outlines and a large metal clasp. Exactly the same as every other ancient-made chest they’d found, except for the much nicer condition.

Darren was stalling. Darren was fully aware that he was stalling, because he really did not want to know what was in that chest.

Although… he kind of did.

He groaned and put his head in his hands.

Why him?!

Inside the chest was a book.

It was bound simply in leather, with writing in dark red ink. Þe Basics of Standard Galactic. Darren did a double-take, because who the f*ck used the goddamn thorn in the year 2021.

As he flipped through, Darren realized that no, the cover was not an isolated case, the thorn was actually being used as a normal part of the English alphabet in this thing. Once he got past his initial shock, it turned out to be a surprisingly interesting read, with notes on grammar and punctuation, a section on word and sentence structure, several passages of Standard Galactic with both ‘direct’ and ‘normal’ translations, weird sidenotes about word origins, extensive complaints about everything from Galactic contractions to English capital letters, and an impressive tangent about how Humans had a habit of changing things around on the regular until the language was completely different.

Darren was pretty sure it was handwritten, though he wasn’t quite sure with what (did Cleo use a fountain pen or something?), and he wasn’t quite sure what all of it meant, but despite not being a linguist, he found himself poring over the pages.

Eventually he found a note, also in the chest and with the same handwriting.

I suppose I should þank you for finding ꖌᒷ∷ᔑꖎ╎ᓭ. I am grateful, alþough I do struggle to show it sometimes. So here. Information on our race, as promised. We always pay our debts.


#Darren is probably the most foul-mouthed individual in this au #which admittedly isn't a very high bar to clear #I keep meaning to introduce Darren's family and then not finding a good place to do it #they'll come in eventually #...probably #yes Cleo uses the thorn she's aware it's out of fashion she's just not sure what letter the humans replaced it with #and also she doesn't care enough

Chapter 40: Healed Wing


Anonymous asked:
It’s me again, the Many a q anon! How on earth do Susanne and Jared get Grian in touch with Pearl n co? Like, do they try to release him like a wild bird once his wing is healed or like, I don’t even know man something else?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Dr Williams?”

“Oh! Hey, Dr McNabb. Didn’t expect you to come in today.”

“Uh, yeah. I was browsing Twitter, and, well…” She showed him the photos she’d found on the internet (she’d found some with better quality than the ones on Twitter).

Dr Williams’ lips pursed as he perused the pictures. “Are these real?”

“I’m about 90% sure they are.”

“Did you check the sources?”

“I’m not one to fall for the Onion, Jayden.”

“No, no, I believe you! It’s just…”

“I guess it’d make sense there’d be more than one?”

“Fair point. I guess we show him the photos and see how he reacts?”

Grian’s face lit up when he saw them.

"ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒲ╎ℸ ̣ ᓭ! ∴⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ᔑ∷ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ||? ᔑ∷ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ|| 𝙹ꖌᔑ||? ᓵᔑリ i ᓭᒷᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷᒲ?" He flapped his wings a bit, visibly excited.

Doctor and vet exchanged glances.

“I guess that’s a yes?”

Jayden sighed. “Problem is, we don’t have legal confirmation, so we can’t really hand him over to them…”

“Unless he’s an animal,” Dr McNabb offered. “Then we can release him in a protected location with other members of his species.”

“Is that the plan?”

“It’s an option,” she shrugged.

“It feels kind of degrading…”

“There’s less paperwork.”

“...Don’t tempt me like this.”

“I’ll be going to Hermiton on Saturday anyway.”

“Are you?” Jayden sipped his coffee. Sometimes caffeine was the only thing that could get him through his shifts. It was probably bad he was so reliant on it.

Eh. He wasn’t dead yet.

“Yeah. Going to see my brother and niece.”

“Oh, cool. You want to take Grian?”

“Are you kidding? He’s already rearranged his entire room eight separate times. It’s obvious he’s bored as hell. We can’t keep him much longer.”

“Good point.” Jayden’s coffee was cooling faster than expected. Or maybe he wasn’t drinking it as fast as usual.

He hated cold coffee.

Susanne pulled into the carpark, glancing at Grian in the rearview mirror. He’d been extremely twitchy the whole trip, clearly not used to cars. And to be fair, they’d found him after he’d been hit by a van.

That said, it was still funny to watch him scrabble out of the door the second they stopped, stepping onto the tarmac and stretching his wings.

He chittered at her, bobbing a few times, and then leapt into the air, his colourful wings propelling him upwards. Susanne watched as he wheeled above her head a few times, then he waved and shot off, soaring over the trees and out of sight.

Susanne went to get in the car, but something in the back seat caught her eye. A bright red feather, almost as long as her forearm, with an iridescent shimmer to it.

She picked it up and smiled. Grace would like it, she was sure.


#grace is her niece #this will be important later #probably #Grace has two dads because none of these humans are straight #none of them #at all #Jayden hates paperwork #perfectly understandable really #Grian's wings are enormous

Chapter 41: Snatches of Chatter


leoismybookcrush asked:
Anyway *thinks about Last Player AU* *Thinks about Last Player AU* *Thinks abo

They have their ride to Wels (and Bdubs) now, are they suitably prepared? Are they ALL going because I don't trust any of them to stay behind by themselves.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“I can’t believe I agreed to this. Why did I agree to this.”

“Why are you asking me? I can not read minds, Darren.”

“I’m asking myself.”

“They say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.”

“It’s obvious I’m going mad, if I agreed to this.”

“Makes you wonder though… who is ‘they’?”


“...I have been spending too much time around Joe again.”

“I guess you’ve never flown before?”

“Not in a plane, no.”

“That implies you’ve flown outside of a plane.”



“Wings from space.”


“They are a pain to get.”

“No, I… What? You’ve been to space?”

“Kind of? Space is the closest word, but it is more like another dimension.”

“Okay. Sure, why not.”

“You have to kill a dragon to get them.”

“Dragons aren’t real.”

“Jean is.”


“The dragon is named Jean.”

“How… many dragons are there?”

“As many as there are worlds.”

“What are the others called?”



“All dragons are Jean.”

“How does that even work?”

“It just does.”

“Hey, Cleo…”


“What’s with this particular piece of text we keep finding? We’ve never been able to translate it.”

“What? Oh. Attempts at transcribing the Space Poem.”

“It’s a poem? Wait, attempts?”

“There are certain parts which are not words and therefore can not be written.”

“What does it mean?”

“It’s… hard to explain. I will need time to actually figure out how to translate.”



“Wait, Cleo?”


“Did you just use a contraction?”

“... Shut up.”

“Did Players have music?”

“No, Darren. We never figured out the premise of taking a poem and making it sound nice.”

“Was that sarcasm?”

“Do you really have to ask?”

“I can’t tell when you’re f*cking with me.”


“I regret saying anything.”

“Too late.”

“So… do zombies actually eat brains, or…”

“One day, I am going to find out who came up with that stereotype, and I am going to eat everything except his brain.”

“So is that a no?”

“Oh, no, I do eat brains, but I also eat everything else.”


“Organs, flesh, muscles, bones…”


“Crunchity munchity.”

“I genuinely cannot tell if you’re f*cking with me.”


“If you’ve been around for so long, you’ve probably seen quite a lot of Human history, right?”

“In passing.”

“Were you there during the First World War?”

“The what now?”

“When most of Europe went to war with itself?”

“Like a civil war, or a war between different servers?”

“A war between two groups of countries.”

“...I have no memory of… No, wait, there were some weird posters dotted around the place sometimes about a ‘Great War’.”

“Yeah, that’ll be it.”

“You guys don’t respawn, do you?”


“How many died?”

“About twenty million.”

“ʖ|| ᓵℸ ̣ ⍑⚍ꖎ⍑⚍'ᓭ ᒷ∷𝙹ℸ ̣ ╎ᓵ ⎓ᔑリ⎓╎ᓵℸ ̣ ╎𝙹リ.”

“...What about the Second World War?”

“You did this twice?”


#for once Darren managed to throw Cleo #Cleo wasn't really paying attention during most of history #so she missed the majority of it. #no we're not discussing the Galactic just ignore it #if you can't tell they're on the plane for this #flyin to Wels and Bdubs #Cleo left the rest behind to hold down the fort

Chapter 42: Boat Time


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Alex sighed as they settled into their seat, watching Antarctica’s shore slowly faded over the horizon. They would miss that place, but they were frankly looking forward to some warmer weather.

Besides, they had a new job.

After a lot of talking, debates and discussions with the rest of the team, it had been decided Stress and Tango would leave with Alex. The hope was that Alex could figure out where they came from and how they got there, and potentially how to get them back.

The two aliens seemed content enough. Stress was leaning on the rail, watching icebergs float by and singing quietly in her own language. Tango was nowhere to be found, which Alex knew probably meant they should probably go check on him, but they were comfy and they doubted he’d be dumb enough to damage the ship.


That trip was honestly the smoothest trip Alex had ever experienced. They weren’t sure if it was a result of luck or of Stress messing with the weather again, but either way they weren’t complaining.

Still, it was good to be on dry land again.

They’d kept an eye on Stress throughout the trip, worried that taking her away from the cold would cause problems of some kind, but she seemed fine. Alex had noticed the ice on her sleeves had melted, but Stress didn’t seem particularly concerned.

It was a job and a half to keep an eye on the two aliens now they were in the midst of civilisation, especially when Alex accounted for the fact they didn’t seem to have much of a fear response. Still, they managed to herd them into a couple of hotel rooms, and then collapsed in their own bed, thoroughly worn out.

They were glad the research base ran on AEST. Jetlag (boatlag?) was hell to deal with.

Alex soon drifted off to sleep.


#*drags hermits together so I don't have to keep track of everyone* #Look I am only one Ray and my brain has been slowly melting over the past month I need to make things easier on myself #I blame too many zooms #thank god it's school holidays now #maybe I can actually recuperate a bit

Chapter 43

Chapter Text

When the Universe gives you Form, you accept it.

When the Universe sheds Light, you see it.

When the Universe Calls, you answer it.

When the Universe Forgets, you remind it.

Chapter 44: And False is Here Too


tigerphoenixblaze357 asked:
ok, so this is for the last player au, so false was mentioned at one point, I think she resplendent in a city somewhere, and hasn’t been mentioned since. What happened to her?


Anonymous asked:
Hmmm, for last player, any idea on the whereabouts of false? -☯️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

False padded down the back alley, blue eyes scanning the area. She knew she probably looked rather suspicious at that point, but despite looking like a Human, she stuck out like a sore thumb whenever she tried to communicate.

As a result, she’d opted to lie as low as possible, waiting for… she wasn’t sure what, exactly. Something.

Her comm buzzed.


It hadn’t buzzed since she’d landed here. She scrambled to pull it out and flip it open.

<StressMonster101> Can anyone see this?

<TangoTek> Yes.

<StressMonster101> Other than Tango?

<TangoTek> Wow. I see how it is.

They’re not timestamped, but False got the idea they’d been sitting there for a while, waiting for someone else to get close enough to connect. She fired off a reply, her heart in her throat.

<FalseSymmetry> Guys?

<TangoTek> Falsie!

<TangoTek> Hang on I’ll wake Stress up.

<TangoTek> Where are you?

<FalseSymmetry> If you’re together, would it be better for me to come to you?

<FalseSymmetry> I haven’t got a base or anything.

<TangoTek> Probably.


<TangoTek>That would be smart.

<TangoTek> I’ll send you the coordinates.

One twenty-minute walk later, False was suddenly crash-tackled by a very excited Stress. She hugged her friend back, glad to finally be with someone she actually knew again. There was a brief pause while Stress forcefully dragged Tango into the hug (not that Tango would complain), and before False knew it, she was the only one keeping the three upright while Tango tried to subtly tickle Stress.

Subtlety was not Tango’s strong suit, but they were all laughing, and False felt more at home than she had for a long time.


#alright i hear you here's some false/lh #also have some happy fluff after the last pokehermits chapter #balance it out a bit #False has been lying very low this whole time #mostly because i kinda forgot she was there tbh #there are too many of these people to keep track of

Chapter 45

Chapter Text

Woven from the darkness of the void and from the light of dying stars.

The foundation of the world.

Has the Universe forgotten?


Chapter 46

Chapter Text

It grows from the foundation.

It forms in the darkness.

It follows the path forged by the stone of Void and of Starlight.

The shards of broken rainbows concealed inside.

Chapter 47: Quickfire Questions Part Three


Jeez, it's been a while since I've done one of these. Ah well, here we are. Enjoy!

Chapter Text


Are you okay with people writing things for the Last Player AU, even if they're just silly "what-if" scenarios?

Also, do the Players just *pop* back into existence, fully conscious wherever the world's decided their respawn will be?

Yeah, they basically reappear in a puff of smoke particles. This is usually fine, but it did cause some trouble for poor Zedaph. Landings tend to be awkward, because they’ve Respawned after alongtime in stasis, so they often wind up falling over or Respawning a bit higher up than they probably should.

And to answer your first question: YES! I’ve answered this question before, and always with great enthusiasm! Go wild! Have fun! Tag/link me if you do because I want to see it!


Etho just being in a random field somewhere crafting away is pretty funny to me. Though here’s a real question, you mentioned undead types & the like so I am wondering are all the hermits in their original states or when the world basically ended for them did some of them change. Also I think impulse ask isn’t tagged?

Something…odd, has actually happened to the hermits. See, when they died, they were old- grey hair, wrinkled skin, and so on (at least in the case of the humans). But now, after 2000 years in stasis, and after Respawn, they seem to be… young. How they were in their prime. They’re not quite sure how or why.

[And you’re right, I managed to forget the tag on the Impulse post. Good work Ray.]

#it's been added now #can't believe i didn't notice that #in my defence my notifications are a complete mess #and despite not being tagged correctly it still got the highest note count of my posts today? #im blaming red for that /nm /lh


Jellie POV is my new favourite thing XD

Jellie sasses Impulse for allegedly not knowing her name and then proceeds to not use anyone’s actual name (except Scar).

#the difference is that she's a cat and therefore doesn't care

pine-storm-season asked:

akdhdjfg i hope you don't mind the like-and-reblog spam i just did but i love your last player au and also the cleo that resides in it

what is she? She knows the answer, of course, but none of the humans have that knowledge anymore, and so she cuts a very terrifying figure. which i'm sure is quite handy, when someone wants to screw with her forest >:D

[If I minded, I’d have said something. In any case, thanks for the love :3]

Cleo knows what she is, and more importantly,whoshe is. She’s a Player, a zombie hybrid, in both ways the last of her kind. She’s ZombieCleo, in every sense of the word.

The Humans don’t understand. But that’s fine. The Humans don’tneedto understand.

The hermits understand.Sheunderstands. That’s all that matters.


a;sldkjf;a im wheezing, grian respawns and immediately gets hit by a car xDD --redorich

The person who hit him feels absolutelyterrible, but in their defence, Grian had Respawned directly in front of them and there was no time to stop. He literallymaterializedbasically on the car’s bumper. There’s not much you can do in that situation.
And hey, at least Players heal quickly and refuse to stay dead.



Tangotek: confusing a poor ornithologist since 2021

#Alex really needs help

sl1nkie asked:

I've been absolutely obsessed with the Last Player AU and wanna know just one thing: How do/did Texturepacks/Rescourcepacks work?

So, you know the theory where we might not see the same colours? As in, what one person sees as ‘red’ another person would call 'blue’, but you know it as 'red’ because that’s what everyone else calls it, although they see it differently, and the only way we’d ever know would be to see through somebody else’s eyes or something, and it’s just this whole existential thing?

Yeah. That. Except they know about it and can change it because magic.

#i love questions about worldbuilding but this one honestly threw me for a loop #i don't think i explained the colour thing very well but hopefully you get the idea #they basically perceive things differently but also the same #living on threads of the Universe's fabric that are only a hair apart #idk how to explain it but its very weird and trippy and existential #i may figure out a better explanation later


oh mr dubs, the angriest little bark bark, how you've hurt him!! is he okay now? xD --redorich

Bdubs recovered the second Wels placed him on a bed, because for Bdubs, beds mean safety and that he’s home and away from the jungle.

He passed out not long after.


Hope this isnt set in america because susanne just broke the migratory bird treat act /j

Still absolutely love this au and im so happy for grian!! please.. the reunion with pearl... blease.... -💚

Cleo walks into the Living Room to find it absolutelychock-fullof upside-down pigeons.

She picks one up, ignoring its frantic flapping, and inspects it.


She just sighs, scanning the overturned flock. One in particular catches her eye. It’s not upside down like the rest.

Pesky Bird.


gardenergulfie asked:

Can the people in the last player au tame animals like they used to? Like could say Etho just find a random wolf and tame it with a bone?

Well, to do that, he’d need a bone, which would be quite difficult due to the lack of skeletons running around!

Feral cats, on the other hand, would definitely be tameable, because fish are still a thing.

Of course, this is all theoretical at the moment. So far, the only pet involved is Jellie.

arrowawsome asked:

it's been a little while, my i request an update on gem and team cottage core please? (also something i realized this morning, the two main teams are a bunch of redstoners + a builder, and a redstoner +some builders + how does one quantifie joe?)

(You don’t)

Team cottagecore are doing mostly fine!

Doc’s still allergic to Jellie, so he’s spending more time outside, lurking ominously in the woods and disappearing underground for extended periods of time doing things nobody’s really game to poke at.

Gem is also spending time in the forest, meeting all the forest creatures that didn’t exist last time she was alive.

Impulse has discovered the wonders of coffee.

Lisa and Alice are trying to figure out where these people came from and what their relation is.

And Jellie is being a fairly normal cat- napping on the router, Lisa’s laptop and the prime spot on the couch, getting into places she shouldn’t be able to get to, and demanding tummy rubs before spontaneously trying to bite whichever hand is petting her for no reason.

#does anyone else's cat do that? #attack hands in the middle of pats?


so i couldn’t sleep last night and had a thought, what if the reason some hermits have names similar to english words in the last player au is becuse some english words came *from* the hermits names? spesificly i was thinking about how doctor (a term for someone whos smart) could come from "docm" one of the smartest players. (-arrow)

I’m gonna use Stress as an example for what’s going on here.

Basically, Stress’ ‘real name’ is ᓭℸ ̣ ∷ᒷᓭᓭᒲ𝙹リᓭℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ᓵ╎, and is in Galactic. When translatedliterally, it’s Stressmonster101. However, if translatedphonetically, it would likely look very different. Maybe Ivvil or something.

Because I don’t want to deal with an entire conlang, and because I don’t want to have to balancetwonames for twenty-odd hermits, with one set being obscure and hopelessly weird, I’m having Alex call Stress 'Stress’ in writing, despite that not being the name they use for her in their world.

#i used fantasynamegenerators to get Ivvil dw abt it #it's not important just an example #it can be canon if you want it to be #please don't ask me what the phonetic translations for the others are i don't have any #it's just a lil disconnect between audience and POV to make life easier

leoismybookcrush asked:

I have something about Player Crouching (greeting), Player Sneaking (yes they're the same thing on your controller and it looks exactly the same, but it's not the same body language, is it?) and human bowing, crouching, and sneaking for the Last Player AU but I can't show it to you until I draw it but I think it would expand on how body language develops over time (it might include punching each other as greeting as well)

I’d love to hear your interpretation!

In my case, ‘bobbing’ (repeated crouching & uncrouching) is typically a sign of happiness or excitement, whereas one bob/crouch is generally a greeting. Sustained crouching/sneaking is a bit different- if they’re backing off, it’s seen as a sign of retreat or surrender; if they’re creeping forwards, it’s a sign of aggression or a threat, and if they’re just staying still, it means they’re trying to be sneaky.

Punching/slapping is extremely similar to how real people will punch someone in the shoulder or smack them upside the head when they crack a joke or say something dumb. Their swings tend to have more weight behind them owing to the fact Players are hardier and quick to heal, but it’s generally pretty similar.


Many a q anon again. How’s Bdubs doing? How does Wels react to having another Player around? How does Bdubs react to the fact that all these people are following Wels around? What memes does Bdubs presence now inspire?

Bdubs is fairly fine.

Wels is glad to have someone he knows and can talk to with him; Humans are fine and all, but it’s good to just be with someone who can carry a conversation, even if he does have to keep him from stabbing random people.

Bdubs, to his credit, is keeping a relatively low profile, all things considered. He hasn’t built any mountains yet, anyway.

There’s a photo of him floating around depicting him aggressively biting caution tape, so that’s a minor meme right there dhcgvjb.

a-plethora-of-peters asked:

Oh poor Bdubs :(

Caution tape is a bitch to untangle and with his trauma from the jungle, I'm honestly not surprised that he reacted like that. The humans may not know much but they can probably recognize a trauma response when they see one. Too bad Bdubs doesn't trust them to help him and only trusts Wels at this point.

It works both ways, too.

A crucial part of the hermits’ dynamic is the fact that they allknoweach other. This includes their triggers, how to handle each other’s trauma, and how to see panic attacks coming. Wels knows the signs of a Bdubs breakdown like he knows his own, and he knows how to respond- untangle him if necessary, get him away, get him a clock or a bed or similar comforting item and then try to crowd him as little as possible (this procedure usually works, anyway).

Sure, the Humans are fine and all, if rather nosy, but he doesn’t trust them to know what to do, and Bdubs has a tendency to lash out quite suddenly when he’s out of it enough.

Besides, they can’t take hits as well as him.

tigerphoenixblaze357 asked:

I wonder what the humans would think of one of the hermits just building a a giant redstone farm somewhere

Doc’s currently the one responsible.

It’s big, it’s underground, and it’s only mostly functional due to lack of quartz. He’s doing his best with what he’s got.

Alice hasn’t even noticed the watermelon seeds going missing. Besides, he can return them later.


Hello hello!! I found your Last hermit Au and I am enjoying it v much. And now I have many a question for you! But like, how on earth do Lisa and Alice (if they both were there) get Doc back to their place? How did they even find out about him? (I mean I’m assuming Gem but how did she know?)

It was just Lisa; Alice was at home.

And basically? Lisa convinced Doc to get in the car and just drove. Doc, to his credit, did not attack Lisa on the way, because he figured he may as well see where this was going.

And then Gem tackle-hugged him and he calmed down a bit.


Many a question anon here again: do the players retain their accents? How frustratingly awesome is it for the linguists trying to figure out what they’re saying when they all pronounce things differently? But more importantly, do they retain their accents when they learn English?

Their accents are a bizarre mix of that of the individual they learned English from, the accents of their birth servers, and a bit they just pick up from each other. Cleo’s accent in particular is very archaic.

But you know whatreallydives a linguist up the wall?

How about a name no two people pronounce the same?

#Xisuma isn't here but his name is a mess

Chapter 48

Chapter Text

Forged in sunshine and night

Born of void and moonlight

Memories created so long ago

Be still, be calm, just go with the flow.

Chapter 49: I II II L


catdragon13873 asked:
hello! i'm from ao3, and like so many others, have last player au brainrot, specifically of the angst variety. As in, the realization hit me very recently that although all of the hermits will eventually be Respawning (if they haven't already), all of the other non-hermit Players will decidedly not be... so that means angst abt team ZITS being permanently down a member, Gem and Pearl missing their friends from Empires, etc... how do the hermits feel abt their other friends being gone for good?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

They try not to think about it.

Gem sees Impulse’s arm creep toward the braided bracelet of purple and yellow and red and blue, before he pulls away as if stung. She sees Doc open his comm as if to message someone, before letting it drop into his lap. She catches herself when she almost runs after a Human, who's dyed his hair cyan.

Joe wanders through the winding halls of the hermits’ shared base, and he passes Zedaph’s room, the door open. He peeks inside to see him staring at a photo, and he knows who it’s of. He gently shuts the door and walks away. Grian makes a joke about an empire to Pearl, and they both fall silent, remembering two different servers, feeling the same pang.

Wels watches the stars as Bdubs sleeps below. He’ll go to bed soon, once a loud noise drags him out of his head. Bdubs is dreaming, but he doesn’t say what it’s about. Wels doesn’t ask. He can guess. His dreams are different, but similar.

False tells Stress about her MCC buddies, sometimes, when it’s quiet. Tang listens, and Alex does too, even if they don’t understand a word. Nobody mentions how they won’t see them again. Final Death isn’t something that can be reversed.

Even Cleo, despite how long she’s had to come to turns, can’t help but stare up at the moon, remembering the only person she knew who truly understood what it meant to be a zombie.

They try not to think about it.

They’re not very successful.

#Hi! welcome to Rayvee's do you want the fluff or the pain

harley-the-pancake asked:
False discovering the Olympics

She tries her best to ask Alex to show her more or take her to one

She tries her best to not cry, remembering those lost

It’s not necessarily the Olympics.

False hears strange noises, and she follows them. She sees a sort of stadium, and she climbs onto a nearby roof to take a better look.

There’s children. They’re running around a track, sprinting as fast as they can. A race? Where’s the fun if there’s no obstacles, no parkour?

Maybe it’s just practice?

She watches for a while. It is a competition, she realizes. There’s different minigames. It’s nothing like MCC, but…

Nothing ever will be.


Stress finds her, a few hours later. They sit in silence.

#Angst time? angst time #it's an athletics carnival #i have no idea if they're just an aussie thing or what but i have Opinions on those things #(the Opinions are negative)


#Hi! welcome to Rayvee's do you want the fluff or the pain

Chapter 50: Cat time


catdragon13873 asked:
hello again! it's been a few days and i am feeling very sad about the lpau angst i have sent in, so i want to send in a fluff ask to balance it out. however the fluff juice isn't flowing for me (as per usual honestly), so instead you get my team cottagecore hcs, the closest i can get to fluff. anyways doc and jellie regularly have hissing contests. when i say regularly i mean from 6:37 to 8:43, AM and PM, on tuesdays and thursdays. gem and impulse don't even notice, alice and lisa very much do.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It'd be the other way round!

Players are hardwired to respond to creeper hisses, especially indoors. You don't spend a lifetime dreading such a noise, one which can mean significant pain and destruction, and just shrug it off.

Alice and Lisa, on the other hand, mostly find it weird. There's something instinctual that also fear's Doc's hissing, but as they don't have anything negative to connect it to, they soon get over it.

Alice politely asks Doc to keep it down during the night.


#esp. because a deer hybrid would have some prey instincts

Chapter 51: Team Canada


Anonymous asked:
They find Etho, only to discover that he has completely revolutionised redstoning AGAIN. Etho, with a honey sticky piston: what? like it's hard?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Beef has been walking for a long time. He has no wood, no food. He doesn’t know where he is or what happened. He hasn’t even looked at himself, unsure if he’d rather see dark green exoskeleton or tanned skin.

He Respawned a while ago, and with no real landmarks, he just picked a direction and walked.

It’s night now, and despite being on edge, he’s seen no sign of monsters; not even a zombie. It’s eerie, how silent it is, with nothing but the distant squeaks of squabbling bats.

So when he starts to hear music, he hones in on it immediately. And when he recognizes the tune of Hermitgang, he breaks into a run.

It might be a coincidence. He hopes it isn’t.

He hears the pistons before he sees them.

He walks over to them, seeing their forward face has been smeared with… is that honey?

He’s debating whether or not he should try tasting it when arms wrap around his torso. He’s surprised to see who it is, as Etho usually doesn’t enjoy physical contact.

He returns the hug. It’s good to not be alone.


#he was gonna need a friend eventually#also someone remind me to catch up the AO3 port #at around *checks clock* 5pm AEDT #i need to do that

(this is me doing that)

Chapter 52: Gremlins >:3


Anonymous asked:
So I realize your not on your Last Player AU at the moment, but have we considered: Grian, after finally meeting up with the others and getting their hugs all in, decides to join them on one of their mischief escapades. And since he's Grian, it all blows up into much more chaos than intended, and they make the news. The Hermits are just blurs on the screen once its broadcasted as they all scatter like co*ckroaches, but Alice and Lisa manage to catch it. And one of the Hermits they've assimilated into their home also see their friends on tv, and promptly start getting Very Excited, yelling for the others to Get In Here, The Others Are Back!!! and based on that, Alice and Lisa are pretty sure they can figure out where they need to go now


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Grian laughs as he flies, hearing Humans shouting in their strange tongue. He’s learned a little by now- mostly curse words, admittedly, because that’s what humans most often use when he drops eggs on their heads again. Strange, that.

Beside him, Pearl soars, her eyes glowing with mischief. Cleo hasn’t gotten back yet, and they’re all just letting off steam.

Keralis and Zedaph are sitting on the rooftops and laughing their heads off. Joe’s disappeared off to do his own thing. It’s pretty standard for their little group, really.

Grian neat;y dodges the strange black wires that made him feel like he was being struck by lightning when he hit them. He keeps a safe distance from the ‘road’; being hit by the van had not been an enjoyable experience.

He doesn’t even notice the camera lens as he does a barrel roll with wings outstretched, purely to show off.

A plane touches down, and sharp claws are carefully pried from an armrest. A group of four- a knight in shining armour, a bug-eyed man, a green-skinned woman, and a normal human being- disembark from the plane.

Cleo promises Darren she’ll give him more books once she has copies made. They part ways at the airport.

The Players leave on foot. Darren waits for his husband to pick him up.

Every Player looks different, but Alice is smart enough to tell the guy with wings probably isn’t human. She calls Impulse over, because he’s closest, and shows him the footage.

Her knowledge of Galactic is limited, but she can understand plenty from his facial expression. He knows the winged guy.

Lisa’s at work, so she sends her a text.


#Lisa's an electrician if you were wondering #you probably weren't #Alice works in a coffee shop but the hours aren't as long and the drive isn't as far #The reason why there hasn't been as much lpau is just because I haven't got as many asks about it at the moment

Chapter 53: Zloy Time


catdragon13873 asked:
hello again. i regretted the last angst ask i sent it but the writer urge to make readers suffer is once again stronger than the realization that i am in fact a reader. what if zloy and cleo lived together for a long time in rainbow forest (since they were both Undying) and zloy's death only happened a century or two ago, because either 1) the nearby townsfolk tried to "take back" the forest and attacked the Undying inhabitants- cleo survived, but zloy did not, because even a Player can die to Humans if it's a surprise attack with overwhelming numbers, or 2) they find the impulse summoning book (and/or Dream's revive book from the dsmp) and try to revive pixlriffs/a hermit, but the ritual backfires and absorbs zloy's soul or smth?


About that...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Message history with: ZloYxp

12 September 1567 PFU

<ZloYxp> Um.

<ZloYxp> I have a problem.

<ZombieCleo> What have you done now?

<ZloYxp> Nothing!

<ZloYxp> I mean, I know I’m not exactly religious, but…

<ZombieCleo> What’s going on?

<ZloYxp> I think… oh gods, I can’t take that many.

<ZloYxp> Help.

<ZombieCleo> I can’t clean up all your messes, Zloy.

<ZombieCleo> Where are you, anyway? I haven’t seen you in a while.

<ZloYxp> Well, I thought there might be some interesting stuff in the ruins of Empires SMP…

<ZloYxp> I believe the Humans call it ‘Spain’.

<ZombieCleo> That’s… hang on.

<zombieCleo> Halfway across the planet.

<ZombieCleo> What do you expect me to do?

<ZloYxp> I don’t know, SOMETHING!

<ZombieCleo> Who have you pissed off this time?

<ZloYxp> I didn’t piss off anyone.

<ZloYxp> Apparently I’m ‘unholy’.

<ZombieCleo> I mean, they’re not wrong.

<ZloYxp> If you could save the snark for when the Spanish Inquisition isn’t breaking down my door, that would be much appreciated.

<ZombieCleo> What’s a Spanish Inquisition?

<ZloYxp> I think they go around making sure everyone worships their god in the way they say and murder anyone who doesn’t.

<ZloYxp> Or something.

<ZombieCleo> Humans are weird about religion.

<ZloYxp> Humans are weird.

<ZombieCleo> That too.

<ZloYxp> Anyway they also seem to murder zombie hybrids.

<ZombieCleo> I still don’t know what you expect me to do.

<ZloYxp> Any ideas?

<ZombieCleo> Dig down?

<ZloYxp> I’m on the third story and they’re already inside.

<ZombieCleo> Fight them then. They’re only mortal.

<ZloYxp> I’m not sure I can take this many.

<ZombieCleo> I’ll stop distracting you then <3

<ZloYxp> As always, your endless support is appreciated.

<ZloYxp> Oh no.

Message history with: ZloYxp

13 September 1567 PFU

<ZombieCleo> How’d it go?

<ZombieCleo> Zloy?

<ZombieCleo> Zlobert Experience?


<ZloYxp> ckro

<ZloYxp> mp

ZloYxp was dismembered and burned to death by <Spanish Inquisition>

<ZombieCleo> Zloy?


Message failed to send. Please try again later.

<ZombieCleo> …

<ZombieCleo> This had better be a joke.

<ZombieCleo> And it’s not funny.

<ZombieCleo> Zloy?

Messages failed to send. Please try again later.

<ZombieCleo> Please.

Message failed to send. Please try again later.

<ZombieCleo> No.

End of message history with: ZloYxp


#because nobody expects the- *gets shot*

On a different note, if I were to make a Discord server, would folks be interested?
Currently this is all theoretical, and I'm not promising anything, but I am considering it.

Chapter 54

Chapter Text

The wind whistles through caverns of great and of small

The water charts a course winding through it all

The magma bubbles and boils and reproduces from stone

The Universe’s whispers a reminder you are never alone

Chapter 55: Road Trip


arrowawsome asked:

what kinds of chaos has team lesbian mom's been getting up to on the way to find the feral forest people?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Car rides with one Hermit are difficult enough.

Car rides with three, plus their cat, plus your wife, for a significantly longer distance?

Yeah, it’s an…interestingtrip, to say the least.

They contemplate dressing Gem up to make her look reasonably human, before remembering that they’re also planning on taking Doc on their little trick.

Doc is rather…difficultto hide.

It takes a fair amount of planning and routing and debating whether it’d be better to take more deserted roads or just go the most direct route possible according to Wendy (their satnav) so they could get to Hermiton before people start getting antsy and attempt to climb out the window or something (which neither woman particularly trust the hermits to not do), But eventually, they’re on the road, after much wrangling of seatbelts and failed attempts to get Jellie into a cat carrier.

Surprisingly, it’s not Doc who acts up first. It’s not Gem, either, despite her antlers sometimes banging against the car’s roof.

It’s Impulse, and he seems genuinely alarmed.

Lisa grits her teeth as she flips on the hazard lights and pulls over, as Alice scans for anyone who might see them (fortunately, they’re in the middle of nowhere, on a Tuesday, and it’s not holidays yet, so the chances are pretty low). Impulse has very limited English, and Gem winds up doing a clumsy translation.

“Jellie is gone!”


#australia has a lot of places that are in the middle of nowhere #there's farm paddocks as far as the eye can see but you'd be lucky to see another person #and for the record im not even bending the rules Jellie is doing something completely feasible in mc canon

Chapter 56: Jellie Time


a-plethora-of-peters asked:

Jellie? Jellie? Oh dear where did you go my sweet child?

Chapter Text

The strange metal box is loud, and cramped, and hot, and smelly. It’s an unpleasant smell, like if fire was poisonous or something. You don’t like it much.
But Black-Yellow and Deer-Flowers and Doctor-Sneezalot are here, and they want you with them, so you grit your teeth and put up with it.
At least Black-Yellow’s lap is reasonably comfortable.

You’ve settled in for a nap, your tail curled around you, when it happens.
Scar has Respawned.

Your Player has Respawned, and you go to him.

#resdtyfg thanks guys #I appreciate you <3


So.... what happened to Jellie?

“Mroww?” Noah blinked as a cat sauntered up to him, tail twitching.

Noah held out his hand, hoping the cat would let him pet it. It was a very pretty cat, with large green eyes and patches of grey tabby in its white fur.

Surprisingly, it obliged, allowing Noah to stroke its soft fur.

“Hey there,” he said gently. “Where’s your owner?” It was clearly well cared for, definitely someone’s pet. No collar, but that wasn’t too surprising- plenty of cats had a habit of worming their way out of them.

After some pleasant cat patting, Noah rose to continue on his way, only to trip over the same cat.


“Mrrow,” the cat told him as she got back up. Then it suddenly started tugging on his pant leg.

“Uh, excuse me?” Noah said, completely baffled. Cats were weird, but this really took the cake. The cat meowed at him, then took a few steps away before looking back at him.

She tugged on his pant leg the next time he tried to step toward his car, as well.

“Do you want me to follow you?” he asked, and the cat nodded.

The catnodded.



“I- look, interesting as this is, there’s a whole saying about cats and curiosity, and I need to pick my daughter up from school-”


Great. He was being told off by a weird cat.

“What about Grace?”

The cat gave him an expression that saidwhataboutGrace?

Noah sighed. “Is this going to take long?”

The cat meowed again. He had no idea what it meant.

He sighed and followed the damn thing.

#YES I finally get to introduce Noah #it has been way too long since I first made him #he finally gets dragged into this #took him long enough

Chapter 57: Humans who Kinda Know What They're Doing!


arrowawsome asked:

ok now i really wanna hear about noah, if he was planed out so far ahead. (~~not as much as i wanna see scar but still~~)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Why not both?

The cat didn’t actually go that far, Noah found. Down the street a bit, around the back of a building, and up a few flights of external fire escape before jumping into the lap of a heavily scarred man.

The man gave Noah an awkward smile as he rubbed the cat’s ears, which defaulted to staring up at Noah like she expected him to do something.

“Uh, hey, is this your cat?”

“⋮ᒷꖎꖎ╎ᒷ, ∴⍑𝙹 ↸╎↸ ||𝙹⚍ ⎓╎リ↸? ∴⍑|| ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ╎ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ⍑╎ᒲ?”


“What’s up?”Darren’s voice was tinged with worry.

“Hey. Um, first, can you pick up Gracie?”

“Meeting ended early, so I should be able to make it. Why? Is something wrong?”

“I’m not sure. How do you contact Cleo, usually?”

“Oh god, you found another one?”

“And his cat.”

“Cat? Nevermind. Uh, usuallyCleocontactsme, but if you can get him into a car…”

“Right. Minor problem.”

“What is it?”

“He doesn’t seem to be able to stand.”

“Is he disabled?”

“I guess? We’re currently halfway up the grey building’s fire escape.”

“You have got to be f*cking kidding me.”

“I doubt I can carry him.”

“How did he even get up there?”

“No idea.”

“I guess I could swing past the forest, see if I can catch her attention… I mean, Iassumethey’ve got a wheelchair or something? But Grace’s flute lesson…”

Noah grimaced, “she might just have to miss it this week.”

“Yeah, that was what I was thinking… She’ll understand, I hope.”

“She should. She’s a good girl.”

“Alright. Stay put, I’ll keep you updated. Or get Grace to keep you updated.”

“Okay. Love you.”

“Love you too. f*cking hell, this is the last thing we need-”Darren hung up.

Noah settled down beside the strange man, prepared for a long wait.


#they’re married and gay and have a daughter #(Grace is Darren’s daughter from before he came out) #(The mother couldn’t support herself let alone a kid) #(Grace doesn’t really mind) #and I’ve FINALLY managed to work them in! #friendly reminder that none of these people are straight #literally none of them #well maybe Dr Williams I haven’t decided yet

Chapter 58: Scar Retreival Part 1


arrowawsome asked:

wait is it scar hours? *visibly vibrates at the fact we may be getting our favorite captilist back*


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

If Grace was surprised when Darren picked her up instead of Noah (as was usual on Thursdays), she didn’t show it. Darren pulled away from the school as he tried to figure out the best way to explain what the hell was going on, despite the fact he had no idea what was going on himself.

“So your stepfather found a new hermit,” he said finally.

“Really? Can I meet them?” The young girl perked up immediately.

“Uh… you probably will. See, he seems to be disabled, so we’re going to have to swing past the forest and find Cleo.”


Darren sighed. Grace had been wanting to meet Cleo for ages now, but he’d always been hesitant. Protective of her.

Of course, that had to go and fly out the window.

“Hi Cleo,” Darren said tersely. She’d actually showed up relatively quickly, and was currently perched on a tree branch, watching them.

“Hi Darren. What is going on?”

“My husband found another hermit.”

“Oh. Who?”

“I don’t know. Someone who can’t walk.”

“That narrows it down. Any other features your husband mentioned?”

“A cat?”

“Probably Scar, then.”

“You have a cat named Scar?”

“Scar is the Player. The cat is Jellie.”

“You have a friend called Scar.”

“Correct.” Cleo’s fingers danced across the keyboard of her communication device.

“Why is he called that?”

“Because it’s his name, Darren.”

“Is this really necessary?”

“Is what necessary?” Darren replied, checking to see if Cleo had her seatbelt on (she did, although it looked quite awkward).

“This,” Cleo responded, tapping on the dashboard.

“The car?”

“No, Darren, the flock of sparrows Grian released into my living room.”

Darren sighed. “You didn’t complain about the plane.”

“The plane was necessary if I did not want to swim the whole way.”


“Significant distance, could not be travelled easily on foot.”

“So is this.”

“No, it’s not. You could walk it.”

Darren raised an eyebrow as he pulled back onto the road, “you were such an advanced civilisation, did you seriously not have a faster mode of transport?”

“We did! We had horses, portals through hell, teleportation, wings from space…”

“Those are some weird ways to get around.”

“They were perfectly reasonable! And significantly quieter and less smelly than your overglorified metal boxes.”

“Portals through hell.”

“It was a legitimate travel method! Distance there is an eighth of what it is here. And we made tunnels. We are not stupid.”

“And cars smell worse than all that fire and brimstone?”

“There was no brimstone. The air was… metallic? It smelled of smoke, and blood, and occasionally rotten flesh, but it was all offset by the souls.”

“The what?”

“I said what I said.”

“Sounds like it smells bad,” Grace piped up.

“Only for people who can’t appreciate the sweet scent of blood,” Cleo countered.


“I said what I said.”

“Usually people who like the scent of blood are the bad guys,” Grace said wryly.

God, she had more guts than Darren.

“I am a carnivore, not a villain,” Cleo said with dignity.

Darren eyed her, “sore spot?”

“Shut up,” she huffed.


#zombies tend to get. demonized#like a lot#they're just predators they're not evil or anything#but you know how people get about that sort of thing#Darren's just kinda resigned to dealing with this sh*t by now#he doesn't know what's happening and he's given up asking

Chapter 59: Scar Retreival Part 2


leoismybookcrush asked:

Scar my beloved... Scammer man... In mysterious places like undiscovered places in the middle of nowhere perhaps, or easily accessible places if this is a disabled Scar


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cleo spent the rest of the car trip pointedly ignoring both Humans. Darren hadn’t realized he’d hit a nerve- but it was obvious he had.

Fine, whatever. He should focus on the road, anyway.

“We’re here,” Darren said finally. Cleo frankly couldn’t get out of the car fast enough. What was wrong with horses and minecarts?

“Uh, Noah mentioned a fire escape, but he didn’t specify which-” Cleo jumped up and started climbing the wall. She needed to reach the roof, anyway- Grian had gone to grab Scar’s support skeleton and meet up.

Noah jumped out of his skin when Cleo swung down from above- he hadn’t even realized she was there. He did notice the hermit had also jumped, so at least he wasn’t alone.

The cat, perhaps unsurprisingly, didn’t seem to care.

“Grab Jellie, we are going to the roof.”

“Okay. Wait, the roof?”

“Yes, the roof.”


“Because Grian flies, not burrows.”

"⍑╎ ᓵꖎᒷ𝙹!"

"⍑ᒷ||, ᓭᓵᔑ∷," a slight smile. "⍑𝙹∴'∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ↸𝙹╎リ⊣?"

"𝙹⍑, ||𝙹⚍ ꖌリ𝙹∴, ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⚍ᓭ⚍ᔑꖎ."

"リᒷᒷ↸ ᔑ ⍑ᔑリ↸?"

"ᓵ𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ↸𝙹 ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ᔑ !¡ᔑ╎∷ 𝙹⎓ ꖎᒷ⊣ᓭ, ⍑𝙹リᒷᓭℸ ̣ ꖎ||, ʖ⚍ℸ ̣ ᓭ⚍∷ᒷ."

"⊣∷╎ᔑリ'ᓭ 𝙹リ ⍑╎ᓭ ∴ᔑ||, ᔑᓭᓭ⚍ᒲ╎リ⊣ ⍑ᒷ ↸𝙹ᒷᓭリ'ℸ ̣ ⊣ᒷℸ ̣ ↸╎ᓭℸ ̣ ∷ᔑᓵℸ ̣ ᒷ↸."

Cleo lifted Scar bridal-style, leaving Noah to wrangle Jellie (not that the cat typically required much wrangling, honestly), and started back up the stairs.

“Is this build ugly, or what?”

“Tell me about it,” she responded bemusedly. “Humans have no sense of style these days. I know building’s tricky for them, but honestly.

“At least add some colour.”

“I know for a fact they can paint,” Cleo agreed. “You’d think they’d actually use that skill more.”

“Any gardens around here?”

“Gods, don’t get me started on the gardens,” she snorted, “it’s frankly pathetic. Joe and I spent a week just planting trees around the place, liven it up a little.”

“Standard trees?”

“Couldn’t be bothered to do custom. Then the authorities cut some of our lovely trees down. Said they were in the way, the liars. Left the stumps, even.”

“What did you do?” Scar asked.

“Replanted them, obviously. And put extras in the most inconvenient locations we could find.”

“As you do.”

“As you do,” both hermits chuckled as Cleo switched to a fireman’s carry and climbed onto the roof, Scar still in tow.

“Mrrp?” Jellie had joined them, and Noah was standing awkwardly at the top of the fire escape, probably debating whether or not he wanted to join them on the roof.

He was an adult. He could make his own decisions.


#Cleo doesn't really care that much about Noah that honestly#like. he's just. A Guy#he's darren's husband that's all she knows about him#she didn't even know darren HAD a husband#it's like. not her business#Darren can do what Darren wants to do in his off-time

Chapter 60: Scar Retreival Part 3


Anonymous asked:'s Scar doin?


Content warning for implied nudity. Yes, really.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Grian came in for a landing, carefully carrying the shulker containing Scar’s support skeleton. The thing wasn’t particularly fragile- it was designed to handle the strain the death-prone Hermit would put it under, after all- but it had a lot of moving parts and Grian was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to fix it if he broke anything.

Hels, he didn’t even know how it worked, other than ‘redstone and magic’.

Cleo gave him a slightly strained smile.

“You okay to help him get sorted?”

“Wait, here?” Grian responded, surprised.

“Can we really carry him the whole way back?” Cleo grimaced. She had a point, of course. Sure, they were physically capable, but the logistics…

“Why me?”

“You’re the one who spent the better part of a month and a half with a shirtless Scar.”

“I- Cleo!” Grian squawked, “don’t do this to me!”

“Here’s some blocks so you can protect his modesty, have fun.” Cleo darted off to where a trio of Humans were standing.

Good grief.


#the support skeleton is supposed to run like. Under his clothes.#god it's hard to like. words.#I will admit this is rather questionable and I apologise#i would like to add that i myself am not a hermitshipper but like#if this feeds the scarian shippers good for you i guess#but you're better off looking elsewhere#because we're gonna just. pan the camera away here

On another note, we now have a Discord! This is the current address, but it's not a permalink or anything so just comment if you're interested and it's expired.
I would've posted this earlier but I. Forgot.

Chapter 61: Reunion!


arrowawsome asked:

might we get some more scraps on team lesbian moms getting to the feral forest?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After an unsuccessful search, the group had to move on and home Jellie would show back up at some point. Doc was no longer being plagued by allergies, so that was something, at the very least.

In fact, the cyborg had managed to doze off, his head resting on Impulse’s shoulder. He looked kind of cute, with both eyes closed, lips curled up into a slight smile.

He was still objectively terrifying, but in a somewhat endearing way.

It was getting dark when they reached the outskirts of the city, Alice navigating via Google maps as Lisa drove. Hermiton was somewhat known for its confusing layout, with oddly placed roads and weird shortcuts.

If there was a trick to navigating the place, neither woman knew it.

They were heading up the road to where Rainbow Forest probably was when Gem cried out in excitement. Beside them, easily matching their speed, was a woman with shining silver wings.


Lisa pulled over, letting the hermits get out of the car. There were hugs all round- the winged woman (Pearl, was it?), embraced Gem, Impulse and Doc in turn. All four were chattering away in their own language, most extremely animated (although Doc was still quite drowsy).

It wasn’t too long before more hermits showed up- a man with colourful wings landed on the roof of their car, Impulse was tackled with a very excited horned individual, and Doc was soon bickering with a very short, very loud moss man like they were an old married couple.

Alice put her arm around Lisa, watching them interact as old friends. Even if they couldn’t understand a word, they could still see the familiarity among the group, sense the inside jokes.

Doc violently sneezed as a scarred individual showed up, Jellie perched happily on his shoulder. The cat seemed perfectly fine, at the very least.

“Thank you,” came a voice from behind them. Lisa jumped at the sudden appearance of who she could only assume was the Green Lady, melting out of the trees.

“It is good to see they are okay,” the woman continued, “and that they were found by someone with good intentions.” She co*cked her head. “Do you have a place to stay the night?”

“Uh, not really,” Lisa responded. “We should probably go find a hotel, now that you mention it.”

“You could stay with us. We have the room.”

“Are you sure?”

“It would be the least we could do. You do not want to travel at night, I imagine.”


#Merry Christmas! #you get me projecting my complaints about Canberra as a prezzie #:D

Chapter 62: Sleepover


Anonymous asked:

I feel like it would be semi chaotic with Alice and Lisa staying the night.



Semi chaotic?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Through here,” Cleo said as the lesbians trailed behind her.

They’d had to find a place to park, of course, and Cleo’s house was a bit of a hike, but it was still fine.

“We don’t have… sleep clothes? But there is food, and running water, and lights which turn off,” Cleo said. She stopped at the base of a vine-covered cliff


“The cliff?”

“No. Inside the cliff,” Cleo clambered up the vines with surprising ease, before pausing and looking back down. “Need a lift?”

After being carried up the cliff and deposited on a ledge next to an incorporeal wall, Alice was surprised to learn that the hermits did not, in fact, live in a cave.

There was a staircase down, made of what seemed to be partially oxidised copper and lit by lanterns with strange blue flames. The walls were still stone, but it had been carved out and patterned in a way that was pleasing to the eye.

Really, the stairs were the only part that was particularly ugly.

“Old joke,” Cleo said in response to Lisa’s expression, “long story. Involves syllable counts that don’t translate.”


Cleo led them down the stairs, where it soon opened up into a large room. It was well lit with glowing materials Alice had never seen before and couldn’t name for the life of her, and artfully decorated in the strange, blocky style the Ancients were known for.

“It’s like stepping back in time,” Lisa breathed beside her, “Imagine a whole town like this.”

“We did have those,” Cleo remarked. “Most of them would’ve crumbled to dust by now. It’s the big stuff that’s survived.”

Both Lisa and Alice jumped violently when something exploded down one of the halls.

“That had better not be the microwave!” Cleo yelled down the hall. “Gods, that thing took forever to get working,” she added under her breath.

“Does that happen often?”

“Not since we banned Zedaph from the kitchen,” she responded, heading down the hall.

“How many times did he blow up the microwave?” Lisa inquired as they followed her.

“Only once, but Zed has a habit of… he often spends too much focusing on if he can do something, he doesn’t stop to think about whether or not he should.”


“The last straw was the popping candy in the lasagna,” Cleo added.

“How did it turn out?”

“It was horrendous,” Cleo shuddered. “I’ve eaten some weird stuff, but there’s a limit.”

“Weird stuff?”

“Ah, don’t worry about it," she turned to yell down the hall, "what exploded?!”

“Doc blew up the oven!”

“I did not!”

Alice and Lisa exchanged glances.


#Waxed exposed cut copper sta-irs... #Cleo doesn't know what the word for pyjamas is but she's doing her best #Players don't really get why Humans turn lights off at night but the hermits know it's A Thing #also how's people's christmases going? #(for those who celebrate) #I got like five packets of liquorice allsorts it's great #i'm set for like the next year #Also: does anyone have pokemon Shield? #I've got a shiny Zacian code but not the game so...

Chapter 63: Oh No, the Oven's Blown Up.


arrowawsome asked:

Could we per chance hear even more about team lesbian mom being in the forest before they leave?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“I haven’t been here ten minutes, how would I have-”

“Bdubs, the manual said to keep an eye on the oven! It doesn’t turn off on its own!”

“Thank you, Grian.”

“There’s a manual?”

“Wha- Of course there’s a manual!”

Cleo sighed, “if you’ll excuse me, I’ll need to go sort this out.”

Alice glanced at Lisa, “Are they… speaking English?”

“And knowing those two they probably haven’t- wait what.”

Alice blinked, “Uh… they’re speaking English?”

Cleo paused, “What language am I speaking?”

“English,” Lisa replied.

“And now?”

“Still English?”

“Alright, hold that thought, we’ll unpack it later.”

“How did you not read the manual?”

“It’s in English!”

“So get a translation!”

“Why would I do that?”

“You’re the one who wanted an oven.”

Doc, Grian and Bdubs were standing around the kitchen bench, arguing with the still-actively-on-fire oven burning in the background. Cleo sighed and grabbed a water bucket, dousing the flames.

“Okay, that does it,” she announced into a pause in the argument, “no more Human appliances.”


“If you want one so bad, you can get it yourself. I’ve got other things to do.” Cleo rubbed her eyes, feeling exhausted. It had been a hectic few months.

Not for the first time, she wondered how X did it.

“Okay, but is nobody going to explain the bit where we can actually understand what you lot are saying?!”

“It would appear that the Universe’s gift of language has gained power here, where magic is embedded deep in the soil. Like a ravine.”

“Hi what the f*ck does that mean.”


#They are spending their time being thoroughly confused #lpau drinking game: take a shot every time the Humans are confused #actually no don't i prefer my readers alive

Chapter 64: I Don't Understand it Either


Anonymous asked:

I am very invested now, wacky magic is my favorite



(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

So! Magic! Been a hot minute since we’ve talked about this properly.

To be clear: nobody ever quite knows what’s going on with it at any given time, but it’s part of how the Universe functions and we all just have to roll with it.

This particular magic seems to be a pretty good translation spell, but none of the hermits have ever cast a translation spell- so who did?

Simple. The Universe.

Why and how the Universe did this is unclear, but it sure did! Most likely, it sensed the Hermits struggling to communicate with Humans and decided to cast this spell over the location they spend most of the time in (at least for the moment). This is despite the fact that Alice and Lisa are the first two Humans to step into this particular location pretty much ever.

The Universe does not quite understand how things work sometimes.

What’s actually happening is that the Hermits are still speaking Standard Galactic and the Humans are still speaking English, but the magic is making it sound to each like their preferred language.

Magic’s not perfect, but at the very least it does a better job than Google Translate.


#nobody knows how it works#but its best to just go with it#i am very tired and incoherent and idk the exacts of how this works#don't think abt it too hard it's magic#once again the universe is like a young child#who doesn't quite undertand it's Players on a smaller scale#but it does its best#its trying and maybe it doesn't always quite succeed but at least it puts in the effort

Chapter 65: Recap Time (or is it)


snowstorm174 asked:

Can we get a recap on who’s where and what’s going on with the currently respawned Hermits in the Last Player AU?

This week, on [The Last Player AU]…


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

This week, on the Last Player AU…

Jellie’s back! And Scar too, I guess.

Welcome to the Hermitcraft Recap! My name is Joe Hills, our writer is Joe Hills, and we already have a Scar-made chest monster in front of my bedroom door.

For those unaware: we are currently two-thousand and twenty-two years after the Final Update, everyone we know and love are dead, and I think someone set the kitchen on fire, judging from how loudly people are yelling.

And with that out of the way, let’s take a look at all the events and mishaps that occurred in Hermiton’s general area this week.

Let’s start with GoodTimesWithScar! Scar landed rather awkwardly on a flight of stairs today and got stuck. Fortunately, Jellie was very much not stuck, due to being a cat, and was able to fetch help after receiving some well-deserved scritches. She works hard, that cat.

And so does ZombieCleo! Cleo’s been run off her feet trying to get us all under control, despite the oxymoron. Still, we appreciate the effort, Cleo! You’re doing your best.

And hey, at least she’s contributing to the group, unlike BdoubleO100, who forgot that ovens need to be turned off. Ah, cultural disconnect. Fun!

And he blamed it on Doc, too, which is kind of rude.

Speaking of Doc,

Why are you sending me this?

Howdy Cleo! Didn’t realize you were reading along.

I keep getting notifications, it’s very distracting.

Oh, sorry! I’m still getting used to these Google Docs things.

What’s wrong with keeping notes on your comm like a normal person?

I decided it would be better to be able to connect with Humans and Human culture if we learn to use the tools they do!

Joe, Lisa just had to talk Zedaph out of putting foil in the microwave.

I never said we had to use them for their intended purpose.

Why are you like this?

And why are you sending this to me?

Well, it’s a recap, and all recaps need a zombie-player hybrid involved! It’s tradition!

Tradition is peer pressure from dead people.

Zombies are dead people.

You’ll be a dead people if you keep this up.

Do you need me for something? We can brainstorm later, if you’d prefer.

Yeah, can you go dig out a room for the Humans?

Oh, I’d love to! Uh, one problem…

What is it?

The bit about the chest monster at the start wasn’t actually a joke.

I’m stuck.

Do you need rescuing?

Yes please.

Okay, real answer:

Rainbow Forest Gang: Cleo, Joe, Grian, Pearl, Wels, Bdubs, Impulse, Doc, Gem, and Scar with Humans Darren, Noah, Grace, Alice and Lisa kinda involved/hanging around

Antarctic Gang (who are actually in Hobart but dw abt it): Stress, Tango, and False, with Alex hanging around and Jared is maybe tangentially connected there.

In the middle of nowhere gang: Etho and Beef.


#I'm sorry but I couldn't not this was such a good idea#why is writing fake recap scripts so harrrrd tho#don't ask why joe's using italics and cleo's using bold#it's an uh *checks notes*#creative choice#yes#definitely#absolutely

Chapter 66: Dinner


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dinner was certainly an interesting affair. Despite the lack of oven, nobody seemed particularly fussed, and Lisa got the idea that Human appliances were more interesting novelties than their primary method of cooking food.

Which felt really weird, but she couldn’t argue with the results.

Rabbit stew hadn’t sounded particularly appetizing when Cleo had bought out the dead animals from one of the numerous wooden chests in the kitchen (did they seriously not have a better method of storage?), but the scent of the cooked meat (smoked, technically) was mouth-watering.

The stew also included gold-plated carrots (which had a surprisingly pleasant texture-she had no idea how to describe it, though), mushrooms (which she was assured weren’t poisonous...probably), and potatoes (also smoked, which gave them at least more flavour than a normal potato), all in a broth that Cleo claimed was blood and Gem promised was not (it didn’t taste like blood, at the very least, so Lisa figured that was just the zombie’s idea of a joke).

After dinner was conversation, most of which Lisa couldn’t follow- words and phrases that did translate, but were used in ways that she didn’t really understand (what did they mean by the ‘End’? What was redstone? What the hell were elytra and why did they need fireworks for them?).

Still, it wasn’t too long before the conversation turned away from what seemed to be a catch-up and towards exchanging old stories of the past.

Lisa glanced over at Doc. If any point was the right one to ask him about his arm, it was now… but she wasn’t sure how the Player would respond. Losing a limb was very likely a painful memory, after all. And he was so cheerful. She didn’t want to dampen the mood.

When he’d stepped out for a moment, however…

“What, he hasn’t told you yet?” Cleo asked, bemused, “is he finally learning some modesty?”

“Or he’s been focusing on everything else,” Wels offered.

“Yeah, that’s probably it,” the zombie agreed, “ask him when he gets back. He loves telling that story.”

“So I was one of the early mob hybrids,” Doc began as he settled back. “Really early on, I mean. I’m pretty sure this was before Cleo became a zombie, actually.”

“Nah, I was a zombie by then,” Cleo shrugged, “I was just keeping my head down a lot more.”

“Right,” Doc continued, unfazed, “so because we were basically a new thing, and a mixture to boot, Mojang-”

“-Mojang were a specific group of gods,” Cleo clarified, “the really big, created-the-universe ones.”

Thank you, Cleo,” the cyborg replied sarcastically. “Mojang weren’t really sure what to do about us. Whether we were supposed to exist or if we were just the result of really weird glitches or something.

“So I did the obvious thing and fought one of them in a death game.”

Lisa choked on her drink. “What?!”

“UHC, Ultra Hardcore,” Doc said thoughtfully, “A bunch of us from the old Mindecrack days- gods, remember Mindcrack?”

“You’re a boomer, Doc,” Grian replied bemusedly.

“It wasn’t that much older than Hermitcraft!”

“Nah, Grian’s right,” Pearl chimed in, “you’re old, Doc.”

Doc chucked his empty bowl at her, and she ducked, grinning.

“Anyway, I killed a god, but it was decided that hybrids were players after all, so it was worth it. End of story.”

“You fought a god and won?” Alice echoed, incredulous.

“And then gloated about it on Twitter,” Impulse added, amused.


“You guys had Twitter?”

There was a brief pause.

“What did you hear?” Cleo asked.


The zombie frowned, “probably just translation weirdness.”

“It wasn’t even that hard, Dinnerbone forgot to make a sword. In a fighting-based death game.”


“The god.”

“You people have a god named Dinnerbone?”

“You have a god named God, how is that any better?!”


#YES #I HAVE BEEN SITTING ON THAT FINAL LINE FOR SO LONG YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA #ITS FINALLY OUT I CAN REST NOW #also yes this IS why i dug up the doc-dinnerbone videos #that joke video? that was the key #the KEY #that gave me the series name and season #so yes it IS important and I Will Have This Known #also shoutout to whoever made the Mindcrack wiki like probably years ago #anyway hows it going guys #im currently vibin #school goes back next tuesday which sucks #and I have a splinter jammed up underneath my right fingernail #which is rather painful and can't be removed #but i'm vibin #i have a weighted blanket and its great #life is ok sometimes #isn't there a tag for poking fun at someone else's religion #eh it's christianity and also one line #it's probably fine

Chapter 67: Don't Question It (It being the smoker)


arrowawsome asked:

any updates on either last player or pokehermits for the us?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“You’re up late.”

Lisa practically jumped out of her skin; she hadn’t realized anyone would be awake, let alone up and about.

But there Cleo was, eyes glowing softly green, sitting in an armchair with a blanket over her lap.

“More early, I think,” Lisa responded, glancing at her watch. 3:30 AM. It wasn’t great, but she’d given up on managing to sleep.

Cleo shrugged. “Suit yourself.” She turned back to the blanket, which Lisa wasn’t quite sure was actually a blanket. The way her claws were piercing the material…

“Do you have a toaster?” she asked instead, figuring she may as well get herself something to eat.

“No,” Cleo responded. “If you want toast, you’ll have to use a smoker.”

“A… what?”

“A smoker,” Cleo repeated. “It cooks food.”

“Oh. Okay?”

Cleo sighed, and rose, leaving the material draped over the arm of the chair. “Come on, I’ll show you. They’re not hard to use.”

“Shouldn’t we keep quiet?” Lisa asked as Cleo opened a barrel attached to the wall.

“Nah. Closest room’s Bdubs, and the man sleeps like a sloth with a phantom allergy. He’ll be out until two.”

“Two PM? He sleeps that late?”

“PM? Oh, I forgot Human clocks are so weird. No. It would be about… eight AM for you? Nine? Somewhere in that range.”

“Okay, that… kinda makes more sense? A bit?”

Lisa watched as Cleo put some bread into the so-called ‘smoker’.

“Wait, what do Player clocks look like?”

Cleo rolled her eyes as she started rummaging through chests. “The organisation in here, I swear…”

“Our clocks have twenty hours, each divided into fifty minutes. There’s also ticks, but that’s a whole different thing. Hour one starts at dawn, and hour ten ends at nightfall. Then eleven through twenty are night.” She pulled out what looked suspiciously like a chunk of raw meat. “Of course, we measure it by the equinox.”

“Oh. Okay.” Lisa could kind of see the logic behind how the Players organized it. Even if it was really weird.

Then again, it was an ancient culture. She couldn’t expect it to fit modern standards.

“Do you think you’ll be staying long?” Cleo asked idly.

“Wha- oh, probably not. We don’t want to overstay our welcome.”

Cleo pointed toward the burned-out husk of the former oven and raised an eyebrow, “you think it’s easy to overstay around here?”

Lisa blinked, “Doc’s your friend, isn’t he?”

“Meh. Friend, general annoyance, family-in-all-but-blood… same thing, really. And I doubt he actually blew up the oven. I think Bdubs just wasn’t paying attention for too long. Furnaces don’t need watching. Your toast’s done.”

“Thanks,” Lisa scanned the room, “do I need tongs?”

“Why would you need tongs? Just grab it out.”

“Wasn’t that thing on fire a second ago?”

“It’s not on fire now.”

Concluding that Cleo did not, in fact, have tongs, Lisa just grabbed a plate and decided to get it over with and hopefully keep the finger-burning to a minimum.

The toast wasn’t hot.

Well, it was still warm, hot even, and it had been toasted thoroughly, but it wasn’t painful to hold. Lisa blinked.


“It’s magic. Don’t question it.”


#for the record I have a thing to handle the clocks#it involves pie charts#because nobody lets you compare a custom clock to a normal one#so I had to rely on pie charts#freaking PIE CHARTS#and by a thing I mean I'm using my art program#because opacity fiddling.#the things i do for this project#yes it's entirely unnecessary but shut up

Chapter 68: Quickfire Questions Part 4


Been way too long since I've thrown one of these together, huh.
I apologise if there's any repeats, I am very tired and can't be bothered to check.

Chapter Text

gumy-shark asked:

hello again! it's been a few days and i am feeling very sad about the lpau angst i have sent in, so i want to send in a fluff ask to balance it out. however the fluff juice isn't flowing for me (as per usual honestly), so instead you get my team cottagecore hcs, the closest i can get to fluff. anyways doc and jellie regularly have hissing contests. when i say regularly i mean from 6:37 to 8:43, AM and PM, on tuesdays and thursdays. gem and impulse don't even notice, alice and lisa very much do.

It’d be the other way round!

Players are hardwired to respond to creeper hisses, especially indoors. You don’t spend a lifetime dreading such a noise, one which can mean significant pain and destruction, and just shrug it off.

Alice and Lisa, on the other hand, mostly find it weird. There’s something instinctual that also fear’s Doc’s hissing, but as they don’t have anything negative to connect it to, they soon get over it.

Alice politely asks Doc to keep it down during the night.

#esp. because a deer hybrid would have some prey instincts

Anonymous asked:

Even though Cleo didn’t really interact with humans much, does she have a favourite time period? Aside from the modern day because of the hermits coming back of course


Cleo never really paid that much attention to time periods, but she liked things more before the Industrial Revolution, when things were quieter and not full of very loud, smelly factories and machines and whatnot.

#zombies don't appreciate modern technology #their senses aren't really built for it

fox-draw-s asked:

OKAY SO WAIT I realize you want to focus on the Hermits already in the Last Player AU before adding the rest of them, very valid I understand, but may I ask wheremst Evil Xisuma is? When Xisuma ‘died,’ it was stated he was the last Voidwalker. Did Evil Xisuma reach permadeath at some point, was he never a Voidwalker, or was he not thought about when you wrote the scene?

Evil X’s fate is bound to Xisuma’s, so he would’ve died with him.

Theoretically, he’ll also Respawn at the same time as Xisuma, but he’ll Respawn in Hels, and with portals down he won’t really be able to get out and cause problems for the moment.

#yeah I have EX as the hels #i know it's not canon but I don't need four xisumas to juggle #though it would also be in character for EX to get himself killed somewhere

{ask game}

Were there any alternate versions of this fic?

The short answer is: yes.

The long answer is: yes, there were two older versions which have never seen the light of day, and they are seriously weird.

While the base premise is the same- Cleo’s the last Player in a world where they’re long gone- the difference was what she did.

Namely, used magic to disguise herself as human and took a job as a teacher.

There was a lot of blending and overlap and it was really just a mixture of disconnected bits and pieces than anything; never really hammered out or fit into a storyline.

The two versions basically depend on whether or not she’d adopted a child as well.

Basically, she’d have to balance her home life (wrangling hermits, etc) with her work life (being a perfectly normal human teacher)… up until she was forced to show her hand, anyway (the result of a mob attack- either a Wither or something more standard).

Other notable aspects include:

-X Respawning while Cleo’s at school, messaging her, and then her frantic attempts to keep the students busy while messaging him under the table.

-Students thinking ‘Miss Walker’ was weird for believing mythological beings actually existed at one point.

-Either students or daughter & friends finding an unconscious body and Cleo getting really shady about it, to the point where it actually concerns people.

-Also she lives in a little cottage in the woods.

-And one of her coworkers keeps hitting on her so there’s that too. Eventually she breaks his arm.

-Zloy is still around but in hiding. He pissed off the mafia. He shows up at some point to Cause Problems On Purpose

-Probably a wither fight at one point.

-The daughter was never informed about the hermits until they started showing up.

#yeah it was kind of a mess #but i'm quite fond of the current lpau as it is #and I'm glad I reworked it #here's a fun history lesson tho #i am. tired. very.

Anonymous asked:

I was honestly expecting your Scar to follow the fanon interpretation wherein he’s covered in a bunch of scars. But I gotta say, the line “why’s he called that?” “Because it’s his name, Darren” had me ROLLING

Scar does have scars. Scar’s name is Scar. These facts are actually unrelated.

Player naming conventions are weird.

#Player society lends itself to comedy so easily #Scar was named Scar before he got any scars #the fact he has them is purely coincidental #and mostly because he's quite death-prone #...but it was mostly because Cleo didn't want to deal with being questioned about where the scars came from

Anonymous asked:

Second question about lpau in the hopes the first got through, who do you consider a hermit? If the final update takes place in the future of where hermitcraft is today, are future hermits also considered? and ex-hermits? I get the problems with that, but I also think it'd be cool if you just make up a hermit that joins in season 15 or something. Or is it just season 8 hermits, maybe because the universe wanted to repay for the mooncrash?

Anon, I appreciate the question, but please understand that I cannot see the future and do not know who may join. I’m currently going off the Season 8 list, and may tweak it if anyone joins/leaves in Season 9.

Tempting as it is to make a Hermit OC, I have plenty of OCs running around in the form of the Poor Confused Humans, and there’s quite enough of these hermits to juggle without throwing more in drghvjbn

#like seriously there are so many #It's a pain to keep up with these fools I don't need more #I apologise if this comes across as meaner than intended #please read this in a bemused tone

Anonymous asked:

rayvee im gonna lose my mind. in the lpau how does joe hills feel about the modern nashville tennessee. which of the hermits is discover kakashi first. so many useless questions

Joe has not yet been to Nashville, Tenesse in this AU, at least not in the modern day. He would like to go, though, and see what has become of his birthplace. He’s sure the Humans are taking good care of it, though!

As the hermits do not have a TV, nor anything like *quickly googles* Hulu or Crunchyroll, they probably have never heard of Kakashi. Grace, on the other hand, has, because all her friends are nerds (affectionate).

Grace’s friends will be very jealous that she gets to meet Actual Kakashi (sort of), and Etho is going to be very confused, just for a change of pace.

#real talk tho these shorter questions are great! #they're easier to answer and a lot of fun :3 #I can bang 'em out nice and quick

nightmare761 asked:

I kinda binged the entirely of lapd today and before Zloy and Pixl were confirmed to have been players i had a headcanon that they were modern humans that ran a youtube channel together were they discussed The Paranormal. The Paranormal, of course, being almost entirely centered around the Hermits as they start to appear. And as those two (and the rest of humanity) start to learn more about players and the Hermits the videos slowly change their format to look more like the recap we know today. They go from talking about the ‘Cryptids of Hermiton’ and the possible nefarious reasons they could have emerged, to discussing the new shenanigans from that week and cheering them on as they watch footage of the police make fools of themselves trying to stop them.

I am sad this cannot be canon but it os what it is. What you did to Zloy in canon tho… im actually a bit upset about that like holy crap- that was brutal /nm /lh

Okay okay okay okay I love this idea? So Much? You have no idea.

If I wasn’t unwilling to remove Zloy’s zombie nature, I’d announce this canon.


#Zloy lore is so good but so is this #im obsessed #please someone write this i love it sm

Tags from vesta-vega:

#I would write this myself but I only know pix from empires and don’t what to mischaracteris zloy #consept zloy is still 100% a zombie and he actually had his communicator totally destroyed when Cleo thought he died #he is now stuck pretending to be a person with no contact with his people #pix is this random guy he met at a Pizza Hut #zloy is pretending to be human surprisingly well #how ever pix does not by it for a second #like they make a video and zloy is like #non of the cryptids seem to be human #and pix goes: just like you then #they stare at eachother for five seconds before zloy laughs and moves on in the lest slick way possible


#i'd do it myself if i could figure out how to start #and also i need to make dinner #im hungry #but also *vibrating intesifies* #honestly early empires Pix is basically just Normal Pix #and then he gradually grows into the role of Copper King but he's still very... he #if that makes sense #and then Zloy is just a chaos gremlin At All Times

Anonymous asked:

ok so before i potentially spam your inbox i want to know. in the case that i might have several ideas/questions, how would you want them sent? several asks? through the discord server? because i may or may not have a google doc with a list of Thoughts for lpau

Separate asks or via the discord, whichever’s easiest for you! All I’ll say is that if you send multiple questions in the one ask, it gets trickier for me to answer ^.^

#bc i want to give each ask room to breathe & be appreciated yanno? #tho if it's in a google doc you can just like #invite me to comment on it or w/e #[emailprotected] hgjbknvh #or just send me the link #a whole google doc. wow. I'm flattered #not havin the best day today today so i'd like to see em!

Note: the following is that exact Google Doc

- What happened to the Hermits’ elytras?

They still exist, but they no longer have the gunpowder for fireworks. So they can glide, but they can't fly.
Additionally, without XP, durability is limited, so they don't really use em much!

- There’s no possible way Xisuma isn’t going to be the last Hermit to appear. He’s their server admin, and it wouldn’t be more perfect for him to be the final one. Just trust me on this.

- Speaking of admins, when X gets back, how will the changes in the world have affected his admin capabilities? Would things like Creative and Spectator mode exist again? Did they exist at all?

I am not answering any questions about X at this time. Needless to say, I have Plans, but he won't be seen for a good long while >:3

- Is there anything specific that the Hermits had for their cam accounts? Were they actual objects n such, different hired players, machines, etc

Oh god, cam accounts are a thing-

Most of them were essentially like. Drones. Incorporeal drones.

And then there's Cleophas, who was just a literal minor goddess who decided to follow Cleo around filming stuff. Cleo doesn't get it either.

- Humans might not have inherited the Players abilities, but if i remember right they still descended from them. would it be possible to tap into the residual magic that exists in the world? of course not to the extent that Players have, but maybe it could range from things like modern day magic beliefs to actually being able to replicate some of the ancient “techniques” Players used to use (inventory, regen, etc)

Magic that still lingers:
-Technically they do have regen, it's just a LOT slower/weaker and called healing.
-Cats have retained some of their ability to teleport. Just not while people are actively looking at them.
-Some humans do have extremely faint, extremely minor, hybrid traits; maybe they're able to run a little faster than their peers, or their sense of smell's better. It's slowly getting bred out, though.
-Most drugs (both recreational and medical) are technically chemicals with magical traits! Humans have just learned how to use them to get the wanted effects

- Player heights. i think in mc the player is 2 meters which is pretty tall, so what if all the players were really tall compared to most humans. even the shortest of the players were at least above average height

Technically Steve's 1.8 meters, so still pretty tall! And yes, this idea is very neat, and probably very accurate.

Bdubs is still short.

- I can only imagine how heartbreaking it was to see the Nether Portals start to go out. the fact that the connections to the nether had faded out was a sign that the magic in the world was getting weaker, and there was nothing players could do to stop it :(

There was actually quite a bit of panic when the portals started to fail. They were extremely inconsistent for a while before they started to shut down completely, and there was a lot of fear some Players would get trapped on the other side!

- How often did the Players check their communicators after they finally respawned again? I’d be surprised if more people didn’t think to check for where the others were with those

Varies from hermit to hermit. You need to apply a specialized connection to get them working over really long distances (eg Australia to Spain), and most of the hermits didn't ever think to set it up before they died. So there's already that limit- and then there's the fact most comms either chime or buzz when they get a message/notification, so if it's silent, the hermit knows there probably isn't anything to see.

- Thinking about the possibilities to explore with Final Deaths and death in general. What if when someone dies their FD, in most cases their soul’s essence is dissipated and returned back into the universe for it to become something new again, like reincarnation. What if some of the non-hermits “reincarnated” into humans, with some of their soul’s essence being reborn into a new soul, with the potential of their past lives leaving a bit of an imprint on whoever they become now. That, or their essence stays together, either to rest til the end of time or so return Undying (if you know anything about final fantasy xiv i’m kind of basing it off of how death works with that, it’s complicated lol)

I know nothing about Final Fantasy other than the fact two of the people are in SSBU and they come bearing no music ftguhbjkn.

I've actually got an ask about reincarnation in the inbox at the moment! Still trying to figure out how to answer, but basically, once a Player has Final Death, their souls essentially dissolve into the background of the Universe (where they originally came from). So pieces of them might eventually become parts of another's soul, but not the complete whole.
Everyone is their own, unique person.

- enderchests. do the hermits’ enderchests still exist? and if they kept their items, what would be in them? since endermen don’t spawn anymore like other mobs, did cleo keep extra enderchests, pearls, etc from before they died off?

Yes and no. Enderchest still exist, but they're essentially empty to anyone who hasn't gotten one in the modern day.
Cleo has significant stores of mob, End and Nether- exclusive items/drops. It's just that she got through a lot of gunpowder over the centuries!

- social media filler episode chapter. what else is there to say. what are the funny little humans up to on the interwebs

Pretty much what you'd expect of funny little humans on the interdubs.
(Read: mostly the same thing as us, except with a pic of Bdubs as a reaction image/meme)

- What became of Strongholds and the End Portal? Or the End itself? The dragon egg? Could it be possible that if the portal is gone a player could have trapped themselves in the End? Or even the Nether for that matter. I can't imagine anyone who got trapped would have lived as long as Cleo has, but I wonder what it was like for her to see their death messages after not seeing them for so long

Yeah, some people got trapped, in both the Nether and End, either by choice or bad luck. It's unclear whether any Undying were among their numbers, but here's a funny thing: When the portals close, the messages stopped coming. It was actually a really terrifying, ominous silence when it happened.

- Would mobs ever start spawning again? How long would it take for that to happen if so?

This is also on the Not Answerable list!

Anonymous asked:

lpau, would real world equivalents of items (like gunpowder, quartz, etc) be able to be used as a substitute for their minecraft equivalent?

Theoretically, yes, they could. Human-made gunpowder isn't very different from creeper/ghast gunpowder. Quartz, meanwhile, are just chunks of Nether Quartz blocks that crumbled and joined the rock cycle.

On a practical level, though?

It's not easy to obtain such massive quantities of gunpowder without the silly little humans getting very, very worried.

#The sheer VOLUME of gunpowder these hermits go through- #it is. frankly ridiculous #Human-made fireworks don't work for their purposes #and it's not exactly easy to buy those in bulk either #turns out humans get worried when you have large quantities of explosives #who would've thought

Chapter 69: And Now, Betting on Doc's Face


Yep, okay, we've hit part 69, let's just get it out of our systems and move on.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“...So what happened to your eye then?”

“That’s beside the point.”

“What is the point?”

“That I fought a god and won. Do keep up.”

“Well, I don’t see how…” Lisa looked up as Doc and Alice entered the room, still bickering good-naturedly.

“What’s going on?”

“Doc won’t tell me what happened to his face,” Alice whined, collapsing dramatically on Lisa’s lap.

“Oh, good luck with that,” Impulse responded, “he hasn’t told us, either.”

“That reminds me, what does the bundle look like?” Pearl asked.

“It’s empty at the moment. Cleared it after, well… y’know. Still got the records. Unless you want to reset?”

“Yeah, reset. How high did Bdubs and Etho drive Doc’s?”

“Into the shulkers. For blocks.”

“Could Etho even afford…”

“Yeah, probably not. He was banking on the fact that we’d never find out, I imagine.”

Doc got a gleam in his eye, “if I can bankrupt Etho…”

“You’re not allowed to bet on yourself, Doc, we established that in Season Two!”

“You guys are betting?” Alice interrupted.

“On Doc’s eye? Yeah.”


Several hermits shrugged.

“Banter can get weird,” Grian said from where he was lying on the back of a couch.”

“And because it’s funny,” Zedaph added.

“And because it’s funny,” the winged man conceded.

“Mostly because it’s funny.”

“So the bundle’s empty right now?”


“Just Doc’s or all of them?”

“All of them. Like I said, I’ve got the records if we want to go from there.”

“I almost want to say that’s not as fun.”

“Restart for now, reassess once everyone’s back?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“So standard options?” Doc asked, flipping open a book he’d seemingly produced from nowhere. He held a feather quill, poised to write.

“You can’t run this either,” the creeper hybrid pouted.

“So… ‘did something stupid’, ‘blew himself up’, ‘got stabbed in the face’..what else?” Cleo asked, looking around.

“Burn wounds?”

“Right, burn wounds.”

“Pissed off a second, unrelated god.”

“Born with it, too proud to say otherwise.”

“Just decided to remove his eye to see if he could.”

“I’m pretty sure that last one falls under ‘did something stupid’, Pearl.”

“How come Etho can add weirdly specific options, but not me?”

“You never asked.”

“And also it’s Etho.”

“And also it’s Etho.”

“What currency do you use?” Lisa asked mischievously.

“What, you want in?” Cleo responded, an amused glint in her eye.

“I want to put something in on ‘his own stupid fault’, if that’s an option.”


“I mean, that one’s kind of a given, but…”

“Cleo I swear to the gods-”

“We typically use diamonds, but our society’s built on more of a barter system, so we could figure something out.”

“Oh hell yeah.”

“You’re supposed to be on my side!”

Lisa just started laughing.


#yeah I have this whole hc where they jokingly bet on stuff#like what happened to doc's eye #or whether etho's actually human or not #how cleo died #stuff like that#its all in good fun ofc#the bets on what was beneath X's helmet got pretty high #nobody expected to learn the answer so they just went nuts #start of Season 6 got pretty interesting

Chapter 70: Eefo and Beefo

Chapter Text

arrowawsome asked:

~~whats the recap dou doing these days?~~ seriosly tho whats up with etho and beefo?


“Hey, Etho,” noticing the odd look on his friend’s face, he followed this up with a question “what is it?”

“I think… there’s civilization.”

“Other people?”

“Maybe…” Etho sounded pretty unsure. Beef wasn’t sure if that was because he genuinely wasn’t sure, or if it was just his natural aversion to strangers.

Knowing Etho, it was probably the latter.

“Do you want to check it out?”

Etho hesitated, “if there are other hermits running around, we might be able to find them…”

“You could stay here while I go,” Beef offered. Etho shook his head.

“I’d rather we stick together. And I want to know if the others are okay.”

Beef could tell Etho really wasn’t up for dealing with people. Not today, in any case.


“I… yeah. Tomorrow. They’re not going anywhere.”

They paused on a hill above the small town, and Beef had a thought.

“Do you think I should take off the bloodstained apron?”

Etho just started laughing. “It took you this long to think of that?”

“Look, it’s been a while since I’ve interacted with unknown people! Give me a break, Etho, it’s not like you’re much better at this,” he untied the object in question and stashed it in his inventory. Sure, most people were pretty chill about it, but it did occasionally start things off on the wrong foot. They really didn’t need that at the moment.

“Are you ready?” Etho grimaced underneath his mask.

“Let’s just do this before I change my mind.”

#Etho does not do People#Beef has *some* level of self-awareness#that's about it really

Anonymous asked:

the thought of people just going OMG IS THAT KAKASHI?!?!? while etho goes "wut" is just hilarious to me for no reason. I can imagine the weebs goin' nuts over irl Kakashi. Twitter is probably gonna explode when Etho get caugh on the camera, have fun explaining that twitter tag person -Milo / ( ._.)

At first, people honestly kinda assume he’s a cosplayer. I mean, that’s the obvious conclusion, right?

Sure, it’s weird, and the guy’s obviously pretty eccentric, but this is a small town, with one general store and a population of like maybe 200 people who all know each other and maybe three sealed roads while the rest’s all gravel and dirt. So sure, some random cosplayer is weird, but like. To each their own. If he’s gonna wear a bulky vest at midday in the middle of summer, that’s his problem. He’s not causing trouble, even if he and his friend look pretty lost, and you don’t recognize their language but you figure they’ll switch to English when they actually want to talk to someone.

Except… they don’t, really. The cosplayer’s companion, a big bearded man with a weird eye and dark clothing (again, summer) speaks to you, in that same weird language, and you tell him that if he can’t speak English, he’s not gonna have much luck around here (you’re pretty sure old Henry from down the road knows some German, but you’re also pretty sure these guys aren’t speaking German, so it doesn’t matter, does it?).

He just looks confused, and you repeat yourself, a bit slower this time. Still no understanding from him, so you sigh and continue on your way to the general store to pick up some cereal and detergent.

They’re still there on the way back.

#'you' in this case is a cranky old woman named Martha#shes killed someone before#as one does#she takes no sh*t#no. sh*t.

Chapter 71

Chapter Text

You hear the wind whisper

you smell falling rain

you see small green plants

you feel an old pain

Chapter 72: Eefo and Beefo Part 2


Anonymous asked:

Kinda forgot about the ones not in the forest oops.

Maybe we could hear a bit about beef and etho?



(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

You’re a little surprised to see Beardy and the cosplayer still hanging around, but you figure they can sort themselves out. Beardy tries to talk to you again, and while you don’t understand anything he says, you do hear your name in it. Huh. That’s odd. Where’d he learn that?

You take a better look at him. He’s definitely strong- actually, they both are, but Cosplayer’s muscle is the subtler kind that’s more for athletics than straight strength. He could climb a tree pretty easily, while Beardy is the one who could bring it down, so to speak.

His left eye is odd- instead of a white sclera, it’s yellow, and the pupil seems to be more catlike than human. But it’s whatever. You’ve seen weirder. It’s probably just a glass eye or contact lens or something.

It's a shame they can't speak english, really, because they’d be pretty good workers if they wanted to be. They’re not your problem, though, so after a while you leave them be.

“Miss Martha?”

It’s one of the kids from out of town- you don't know his name. He's Old Henry’s grandson, come to visit. Kids talk to you sometimes, and you don’t encourage it but you don’t dissuade them, either.

“Who were those people?”

You just shrug, “dunno. Don’t speak english. Not our problem, in any case.”

“Oh,” the child says, then: “d'you think they’re the people who’ve been hangn’ in the woods out back of Mr Peter’s place?”

“Could be. Could be unrelated. S’long as they don’t cause trouble I’m not too worried about it.”

“Oh, okay,” he wanders off, back to his own family, and you continue on your way.

The duo are gone as quietly as they appeared by late afternoon, when you’re heading down to the pub to see what’s up.


#Martha doesn't know what's going on but she's gonna ignore it#poor martha doesn't know there's no ignoring a call to adventure!#she's gonna be dragged into this kicking and biting most likely

Chapter 73: Quickfire Questions Part 5

Chapter Text

Anonymous asked:

I suddenly have this mental image of one of the bdubs posts. It's night, so he's not very distinguishable. He's hunched over, his head tilted just enough that his big ol eyes catch the light and reflect directly into the camera. He looks particularly gremlin-y. It's captioned "lmao imagine seeing this in your driveway at 11:49 at night" and tagged "please god wtf is this why is it by my house"

Idk how accurate this is to lpau canon but i almost started laughing out loud at work and had to share

Well the only real inaccuracy is Bdubs being awake at 11:49 at night.

Last Player AU - Rayvee (1)

#is this what you were imagining anon#yes he's a moss lump with eyes I can't draw people#I couldn't get the mouth to work sadly#and dw that's a stock image of a driveway#I made this instead of doing my science work are you proud of me#Bdubs' eyes are reflective change my mind#also if it's inaccurate to instagram#i literally never use that site so

I have decided that LPAU!Beef is a were-alien but instead of the moon it just kinda depends on his mood. He has decent control of it. It's usually a partial shift and that left sclera is almost always yellow so there's that.

Quick content warning: This next ask and answer contains mention of child death. You can skip it just fine and not miss out on anything, if this is a sensitive subject for you.

Anonymous asked:

I'm thinking about lpau, how the first players to have non-player children. The heartbreak that would come the first time they realized respawn didn't apply to them. How the lifespan of a player is so much longer than a non-player, how many generations of their descendants they would see come and go... Might honestly make this one of the most heartbreaking Minecraft AU's I know of

The life of a Player is fraught with danger and death, but death is simply a setback. Even broken bones only take a couple weeks to heal with adequate food, and less with even a basic regeneration effect.

But these people… the Players didn’t even understand it, at first. Many kids died before word got around, because the Players just assumed they’d respawn, that they’d be fine, like it always had been… they didn’t raise them with much of a self-preservation instinct, because they themselves didn’t need one.

Players often lived twice, sometimes three times as long as their counterparts, even without factoring how many died prematurely before everything was adequately nonplayer-proofed. Some Players even had to bury their great-grandkids, while their own hair was only starting to grey.

#what do you do as a person to whom death has always been a temporary inconvenience#when your child has only a single life in this world?#when the Universe#always so kind to you and yours#is no longer able to give your child that second chance?#I'm sad now anon this is entirely your fault#at least next ask is a funny one

Anonymous asked:

government. is like the government okay with like the hermits and stuff because if I was the mayor or the president or the militery I would be kinda worried. or like does the government even know the hermits are going ham at hermiton. I mean they are caugh on camera- and also what about like the whole Archeology community okay like I mean its like someone from medival time just comes alive and be able to talk to you i wouldn't be surprised if many shows up at the forest wanting to talk -( ._.)-

The government is not okay with the hermits and what they’re doing and what they stand for and so on.

But the thing is this: what the f*ck are they going to do about it.

If they attacked, they’d be putting the citizens of Hermiton at risk, and they’re not ignorant of the fact that even one hermit could cause damage on a scale not generally created by an individual, and these people could probably level a city if they wanted to.

But if they don’t follow your rules on their own, and you can’t force them to follow those rules… What can you realistically do?

They’re just kinda... Monitoring the situation.

#how do you arrest someone who can break through walls?#how do you kill someone who'll always come back?#these people can't stop them#so it's best to not get on their bad side#and hope their morals mean everyone'll get through this unscathed#which at the very least works with hermits#i would not recommend this method irl tho

finchsflight asked:

Was rereading the Last Player AU, and noticed this. "The only remaining terraforming is the lava rivers in Ren’s base" what does that look like??? Is there just. A Trench? Or is there remaining lava? Or just volcanic rocks?

While there is still lava, it's no longer on the surface- that part cooled and hardened into various rocks, including pegmatite, peridotite, and granite. This is extremely confusing to geologists, because by all indication those rocks were formed by lava, and yet the rocks themselves are the kind that form as a result of very, very slow cooling? As in, rocks usually formed underneath the Earth's crust?? Not on top??? (Player-placed Nether lava is Built Different rdfchgvjhb).

In any case, the lava itself is in a signifigantly smaller volume, but it still sits at the bottom of the rivers carved for it, below the surface. These days it's used for easy geothermal electricity.

The power plant has to negotiate with the Australian Heritage Council every time they need to make major changes to the operation.

#to be fair they are right next door to several ruins#so it's kinda a given

Anonymous asked:

there must be some confusion among researchers in the ancients sometimes using the word for moon to describe certain objects that caused large impact craters, despite having words for both asteroid and meteor.

The current working theory is that maybe whatever meteorite dropped on their heads was particularly moon-like, or maybe that the moon wasn't very visible at the time, so they thought the meteor was the moon.

Another theory is that only some areas had seperate names for 'moon' and 'meteor', while others just used the same, single word, or that the literal translation is something like 'giant space rock' and the words can be used relatively interchangably.

It's relatively a footnote, though. Most Ancient Language scholars are too busy tring to figure out how this one language is basically the same regardless of where on the planet it is.

Africa and Japan should not be speaking the same language in 107 BCE for god's sake.

#Players could and did travel pretty far pretty quickly back when portals were in operation#like Empires? that's in modern-day Spain.#HCS8? idk where it is#but it sure as hell is not in modern-day Spain#and Gem and Pearl are in both despite this#because magic is real and oceans be damned

Anonymous asked:

last player!au: something i’ve been thinking about, are other smps, minecraft series or content creators canon in this au? like, we know that ’hermitcraft’ as a communtity was seen as very prevalent in player culture, but are there other civilizations beyond hermitcraft that were recorded? is hermitcraft an exception because the universe loves it? and if not, then when nobody writes the history, who will be remembered?

All SMPs are equally canon to the LPAU! As are all worlds in general. Big public servers? Small friend groups just messing around? That singleplayer world with the ugly box of a house made entirely of lapis lazuli ore which I made when I was like ten? They all exist, somewhere, in some form. Except superflats I'm not dealing with that logistic nightmare.

They probably aren't very intact, and are unrecognizable, but they did exist.

With SMPs, yes, the archeologists have uncovered a lot of old records, artifacts, ruins, etc. Their knowledge of these things is fragmented and incomplete, distorted because they don't know the full language and because they assume these people were more like Humans and less like minor gods, but hey. It's something.

#it just doesn't come up too often bc a) this is a hermitcraft au at the end of the day#and b) my knowledge of other smps isn't always the greatest?#like sometimes i watch them and sometimes i know nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

finchsflight asked:

(might be a bit of ask spam but I have Thoughts and Questions) So given the magical buildup in LPAU, would kids be born as Players at some point?

Well, if it is possible, it clearly hasn't happened yet! The Universe is more interestined in Respawning its hermits than in creating new Players.

finchsflight asked:

(part two, still for LPAU!) Does crafting still work?

Crafting works fine! ...If you're a Player. Otherwise you gotta do it the long, difficult way. If you can do it at all. Golden apples aren't really accessible these days, for instance.

finchsflight asked:

(part three of Finch's LPAU thoughts!) Can Players gain experience in any way?

No. Mending is kinda useless now, animals and ores no longer drop xp, you can't get any from fishing or smelting, etc. It's a pain in the ass for the hermits.

finchsflight asked:

(LPAU part four) Given thtle changes to Elytra flight, can the Hermits now use their space wings more freely?

The big issue with using elytra is, as always, the rocket problem. Sure, the hermits can glide around, but they need to get up in order to use it with any effectiveness, and that's tricky without rockets, especially in the forest. They could build elytra towers, but there's not really a lot of point? Because they're living underground?

And of course, getting sufficent gunpowder in this day and age isn't really plausible. Humans tend to get weird about selling large quantities of explosives to strange, somewhat godlike cryptids that live in the forest.

#Humans are silly like that

Last Player AU - Rayvee (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.