Killingly Villager - › pdf › 2 › 903804bc-b141-4... · The Killingly Villager (025-004) is published weekly by Villager Newspapers, 283 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Killingly Villager - › pdf › 2 › 903804bc-b141-4...· The Killingly Villager (025-004) is published weekly by Villager Newspapers, 283 - [PDF Document] (1)


KILLINGLY — What was your New Year’s resolution?

For Crystal Gauvin, it was to continue working her way towards qualifying for the 2020 Olympics. She has her eyes set on Tokyo. And with her astounding aim, this archer is sure to hit that bulls-eye.

Growing up a swimmer, the Killingly resident always had the Olympics as a goal. But when Michael Phelps – who is a year younger than her – started getting his gold med-

als, she realized it was time to finally push herself.

“As a compound shooter traveling the world, shooting with Olympic athletes, I’ve always watched the Olympics, every sport,” she said. “I can’t get enough of it. But it was tough for me to watch Rio. It was my friends. It was my teammates. People I spent all year with. They got be there. That was the final straw.”

Despite being the second best compound bow archer in the world — and number one in the US — she never made

it to the Olympics since com-pound bows are not yet part of the events. So one year ago she switched to the recurve, a more traditional bow, in hopes of achieving her dreams. And she is well on her way: Gauvin is currently 13th in the coun-try, despite being brand new to it.

“There was a trial for the indoor world championships in December, which is held every two years,” she said. “Only three people can make

Vol. X, No. 5

(860) 928-1818/email:[emailprotected] Friday, February 2, 2018

Complimentary home deliveryMailed free to requesting homes in Brooklyn, the borough of Danielson, Killingly & its villages

Killingly Villager


THOMPSON — Business students at the Tourtellotte Memorial High School are tak-ing what they’ve learned in class and bringing it the the real world. To fund a trip to New York City, the students are soliciting advertisem*nts from local businesses for a Monopoly board all about the Quiet Corner (also designed by the students).

“It uses skills where they have to interact with adults,” said business education teach-er Trish Tupaj. “It shows them the importance of keeping clear business records. They each get to play a director or business marketing role. Someone will be designing the cover, and the board itself. It’s

about networking. It can all be used in the real world, so making these connections is important.”

The idea to create a Quiet Corner Monopoly came to Tupaj when her students approached her with their goal: To take a class trip to New York City.

“It seems like a big goal,” said senior Justyna Gil. “We want to see businesses from the marketing aspect, and there’s so much of that in New York City. I think it will be sat-isfying to see that we met our goal. It’d be a nice way to sum up the whole year.”

The class started to brain-storm ways to get them there, and came across a Junior Achievement program called My Company.

The students learn how to begin a company, design a business plan, sell corporate stocks, develop and design a product, go to production and

finally market the product. The class must now raise $7,500 to go to production. The goal is to make $2,000 in profits for the bus trip, meals and other travel

expenses. This sounds like a hefty goal.

But it’s not at all daunting to the young entrepreneurs. In fact, some of the students have already made progress. Gil already sold a Monopoly space to Thompson House of Pizza.

“It went really well,” she said. “The manager seemed really interested and excited for us. He was excited to place an ad on the game board.”

On her way home, she

Please Read SCHOOL, page A9

KILLINGLY — After being involved in public service for more than 50 years — first as a member of a local recreation com-mittee, city council, board of selectmen, and Putnam’s Police Commission and as mayor of Putnam for 14 years – state Representative Danny Rovero (D-Killingly)

said on Jan. 29 he will not seek reelection to the 51st House District seat in the Connecticut General Assembly.

“It has been a tremendous honor and privilege to serve as the 51st District House representative for eight years. I’ve always given my best effort to this position,

and enjoyed many times being the first person to show up early at the Capitol on Monday morning ready and willing to work for the people of my district. But with Killingly more than 50 miles removed from Hartford, the travel and demands of this job have started to take its toll and I am afraid my health will no longer allow me to repre-sent the district to the best of my ability. This was not the easiest decision to make. I will truly miss engaging with and helping the people in my district. While I have decided not to seek reelec-tion, I will continue to be involved on a local level, close to the people, which is the best part of govern-ment,” Rovero said.

Rovero was first elect-ed as state representative in November 2010. Since being elected, Rovero has worked with state legisla-tors to create an eight-town

Rovero to step down

Charlie Lentz photo

DANIELSON — Killingly High’s Derek Turner hoists Ellis Tech’s Gavin White in the 170-pound division wrestling match Saturday at Ellis Tech. Turner pinned White at three minutes and Killingly topped Ellis Tech to lift its dual meet record to 25-1. Story in today’s sports section.

Targeting a gold medal

A different kind of school board

Courtesy photo

Crystal Gauvin hopes to compete in the 2020 Olympics.Please Read MEDAL, page A7

Courtesy photo

Danny Rovero will step down as state representative for Killingly.Please Read ROVERO, page A9

Olivia Richman photo

Students in Trish Tupaj’s business class has started their own busi-ness fundraiser to fund a trip to New York City.


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DANIELSON — State Senator Mae Flexer (D-Danielson) was recently presented with the 2017 Capitol Caregiver Award by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) as well as the 2017 Family Caregiver award by AARP Connecticut. The AARP cited Senator Flexer’s consistent

record of championing legisla-tive efforts to improve health-care and the quality of life for seniors in Connecticut.

“After working their entire lives, Connecticut seniors have earned a secure and relaxing retirement. I have worked alongside the AARP to help smooth the transition

into retirement, to ensure our seniors have access to the healthcare and financial sup-ports they need to enjoy their golden years, and to ensure that financial planners put the interests of seniors first,” said Flexer. “The AARP has been a great partner and advocate in these legislative efforts, and I am honored to receive their recognition for the work we have done together. I look for-ward to continuing our work in the 2018 legislative session as we make Connecticut an even better place for our seniors.”

“AARP congratulates Senator Flexer for her con-tinued advocacy to protect core senior services that help older adults access services at home like the CT Home Care Program for Elders and fam-ily respite. These programs not only help seniors and their family caregivers, but also save taxpayer money on costly nursing home care,” said Nora Duncan, AARP Connecticut State Director.

In the 2017 legislative ses-sion, Senator Flexer led the charge on numerous initiatives affecting seniors, including: Making Retirement Security Available to Everyone: Senator Flexer worked with AARP Connecticut to con-tinue the implementation of the Connecticut Retirement Security Program, which passed in 2016. Once fully implemented, this program will ensure that all Connecticut employees at businesses with five or more employees will have the opportunity to par-ticipate in a retirement sav-ings program in order to build a strong financial foundation on which to begin their retire-ment.

Fighting the Millstone Subsidy: Senator Flexer led the fight in the Senate against a subsidy for the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant. Senator Flexer and the AARP argued that this subsidy would cost Connecticut ratepayers an additional $300 million a year for energy. Millstone claimed the subsidy was needed to con-tinue operations, but declined to disclose their financial need and prove the subsidy was nec-

essary.Ensuring Better Financial

Planning for Seniors: Public Act 17-120 establishes adver-tising and disclosure require-ments for financial planners who are not otherwise regu-lated by state or federal law. It prohibits financial plan-ners who do not meet certain education requirements from expressing or implying that they have special training, edu-cation, or experience serving seniors. It also requires that these financial planners dis-close, upon request, whether they have a fiduciary duty with regard to each recommenda-tion they make. These changes will ensure that seniors know they can trust the advice of the financial planners they consult when planning their retirement.

Helping Seniors Stay Close to Family: As Connecticut’s popula-tion ages, creative ways to allow elderly people to stay close to home or to family members are being sought, and

temporary health care struc-tures, also known as “Granny Pods,” are a potential way to do that, according to the AARP. These structures would serve as a more affordable alterna-tive to nursing homes, allow-ing seniors to receive the care they need while maintaining the independence of living in a home of their own. Senator Flexer supported the success-ful passage of Public Act 17-155, which will allow municipali-ties to approve the placement of granny pods on residential property.

A2 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

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Killingly Villager

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Bird sightings at the Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret and Wyndham Land Trust properties for the week of Jan. 22: Golden-crowned Kinglet, Bald Eagle, Bluebird, Cooper’s Hawk, Brown Creeper, Pileated Woodpecker, Barred Owl, Short-eared Owl, Screech Owl, Great-horned Owl, Fox Sparrow, American Tree Sparrow. Visit


At Ct Audubon

Courtesy photo

State Senator Mae Flexer was awarded the Capitol Caregiver award in Hartford

AARP names Flexer its Capitol Caregiver


Courtesy photoPUTNAM — Ronald P. Coderre,

left, Commander of American Legion Post No. 13 of Putnam thanks Kevin Merchant, president and CEO of Jewett City Savings Bank, for a recent donation of $500 the bank made to the post. Post 13 was presented a grant from the bank in support of Boys State and Americanism programs that are sponsored by the Post for local youth.

Contact Brenda Today,860-928-1818

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HARTFORD — The chant rose from a dedicated con-tingent representing Quiet Corner Shouts (QCS) at the sec-ond annual Women’s March at the Capitol in Hartford on Jan. 20 — “Tell me what democracy

looks like. This is what democ-racy looks like.”

Lofting a large 5-foot by 7-foot banner emblazoned with the national logo for the Women’s March and the words, “Connecticut. Rise.

Resist,” and “Nevertheless We Persist,” the local delegation was asked by organizers to lead the march due to its highly vis-ible sign.

Quiet Corner Shouts formed in the wake of the National March on Washington one year ago. What began as simple gathering of Windham County women post-march, rapidly became an official Women’s March Huddle with over 200 members and followers, many of whom live in Pomfret and surrounding towns. QCS is working for human rights, the environment, affordable health care, freedom of the press, social justice, equality for races and genders, a peace-ful world, equitable education and other issues.

On Jan. 20 nearly a dozen members of the group joined the thousands of pink-hat wearing, sign-holding peaceful citizens wrapping the entire perimeter of the Capitol build-ing. The crowd was marked

by the young and old, repre-senting a diversity of racial/ethnic backgrounds and gen-der expressions. Marchers and speakers gave voice to many issues of concern displayed on colorful signs, including educa-tion, reproductive rights, sex-ual harassment and violence against women, voting rights, international peace/nuclear weapons, voters rights, and the environment.

Numerous marchers approached the QCS delegation after seeing its large banner, some to say they had heard of our organization. Many want-ed their picture taken in front of our banner. Others who hailed from various parts of the state extolled their fond-ness for the Quiet Corner. All were unanimous in their hope that these protests will lead to increased political action and meaningful change at all levels of government.

One of the goals of QCS is to help candidates who share

these values get elected. Quiet Corner Shouts wel-comes others (of all back-grounds and genders) to work to forward these goals. Participation in this first anniversary post-inaugural

Women’s March illustrated the group’s unified and continuing criticism of the current admin-istration. Its participation also illustrated the group’s collec-tive refusal to remain silent.

QCS meets on the second Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Individuals interest-ed in membership in Quiet Corner Shouts! can find fur-ther information on Facebook and request membership to the group.

Killingly Villager • A3Friday, February 2, 2018

Public Meetings


Monday, Feb. 5

Ethics Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall

Conservation Commission, 7:30 p.m., Clifford B. Green Memorial Center

Tuesday, Feb. 6

Economic Development Committee, 4 p.m., Town Hall

Wednesday, Feb. 7

PZC, 6:30 p.m., Clifford B. Green Memorial Center

Thursday, Feb. 8

Board of Selectmen, 6:30 p.m., Clifford B. Green Memorial Center


Monday, Feb. 5

Aquifer Protection Agency, 7 p.m., Town Hall

IWWC, 7:30 p.m., Town Hall

Tuesday, Feb. 6

Special Town Meeting, 7 p.m., Town Hall

Wednesday, Feb. 7

Permanent Building Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall

KCG, 7 p.m., Town Hall

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Courtesy photos

Quiet Corner Shouts marched in Hartford on Jan. 20

Quiet Corner Shouts marches in Hartford

PUTNAM — With the 2018 season quickly approaching, the First Fridays committee is launching the annual First Fridays poster contest in search of a poster to represent the theme. Artists of all ages are encouraged to create a 16” x 20” full color poster (portrait orientation) to represent the Mill Town Mosaics. The winning entry will encompass the sea-son’s theme with originality. The poster will be reproduced as the cover of the First Fridays Program, which will have thousands of copies printed and distributed throughout the region and at the events. The winning artist will be awarded a $250 cash prize and will be featured in the program. Entries will be accepted at WINY radio station, located at 45 Pomfret Street, Putnam, until the deadline of March 23.

The theme for the downtown street festival this season is “Mill Town Mosaics: Cultural Heritage of the Quiet Corner”. The series runs on the first Friday night of each month from May through October.

The First Fridays monthly events will take a closer look at particular cultures while enjoying the overall mosaic that creates community connections and supportiveness. The monthly focuses will be: Polish-Americans on May 4, African-Americans on June 1, French Canadian-Americans on July 6, Greek-Americans on Aug. 3, Native-Americans on Sept. 7, and Scandinavian-Americans on Oct. 5. For more information on First Fridays, the upcoming season, and poster contest, visit and their Facebook page:

First Fridays seeks entries for poster contest

Suspect nabbed after chase from Brooklyn Walmart

BROOKLYN — On Monday, Jan. 30, at approxi-mately 7:30 p.m, Connecticut State Police Troop D Troopers were dispatched to the Brooklyn Walmart locat-ed at 450 Providence Pike, for a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot. A Troop D QLTF Trooper recognized the license plate given out over the radio and knew that the owner of the vehicle, Joshua Robinson, 28, of 35 Chestnut Street, Danielson, had two active arrest warrants.

Troopers along with a State Police K9 Unit secured the area and began a search for the individual. Troopers determined that Robinson was hiding inside Walmart and began a systemat-ic search for him. After a short time, Troopers spot-ted Robinson in the garden department and ordered him to surrender. Robinson, who had a significant lead on Troopers, burst through a fire exit and fled on foot across the side parking lot and into the woods. Troopers sprinted after Robinson and entered the woods and caught up with him. Troopers placed Robinson

on the ground and hand-cuffed him. Robinson was transported back to Troop D where he was processed and charged with Failure to Appear in the First Degree 53a-172, Failure to Appear in the Second Degree 53a-173 and Interfering with a Police Officer 53a-167A. Robinson was held on a combined bond of $56,000 and appeared in Danielson Superior Court on Tuesday, Jan. 31for the above charges.

Members of the Connecticut State Police are committed to combating drug activity in the “Quiet Corner” and anyone with information regarding the illegal sale of narcotics are encouraged to call the Troop D QLTF anonymous Tips Hotline at (860) 779-4950 or message the QLTF Facebook page.

Courtesy photo

Joshua Robinson

www.ConnecticutsQuietCorner.comIn Print and Online

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POMFRET — State Rep. Pat Boyd (D-Pomfret) recently joined the Connecticut Business & Industry Association’s (CBIA) Small Business Advisory

Council and Manufacturing Advisory Council for a two-hour brainstorming session in Hartford on growing small busi-nesses and manufacturing in

Connecticut.He was one of three

legislators invited to the discussion with the influential councils, including Sen. Paul Doyle (D-Wethersfield) and Rep. Pam Staneski (R-Milford). The legislators and coun-cils, which are composed of business owners and CBIA members, discussed workforce development for the manufacturing industry, transporta-tion infrastructure’s impact on business, and Connecticut’s fiscal chal-lenges.

Michael Brault of Bristol-based Ultimate

Companies told lawmakers the state must do more to promote manufacturing as a viable career option.

“We are suffering from a nar-rative that says manufacturing is not a good career choice,” Brault said. “At this point in time, that argument is patently false.”

Boyd said the session was pro-ductive.

“The only way we are going to be able to grow jobs in Connecticut is to listen to the needs of the private sector and create a climate that develops a productive workforce,” Boyd said. “I was honored to be invit-ed to brainstorm with our state’s top business leaders on how we can continue to promote eco-nomic growth. I’m committed to continuing the conversation that must result in real action.”

A4 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

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Vil lager SELFIES

Keith Wilcox

Name: Keith Wilcox

Occupation: President/owner of First American Home Loans

Lives in: Pomfret

Family: Married, five children ranging in age from 12 to 21

Pets: Dog: English Setter (Brady); cat: (BooBoo)

How long have you lived in the area? All my life

Do you have a favorite food? Steak

What is currently your favorite TV Show? Game of Thrones

What is your favorite movie? Airplane

What is your favorite travel destination? Florida

What is the best part of your town? The rural character

Who has been the greatest influ-ence in your life? My mother, Sue Wilcox

Who is your favorite musical art-ist? Billy Joel

What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever been given? Lead, follow, or get out of the way

Favorite Sports Team: Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins, Celtics

Each week we will be celebrating a local resident. If you would like to suggest a resident to celebrate here, please send Charlie an email at [emailprotected].

For a list of Selfie questions please e-mail [emailprotected]

Courtesy photo

Rep. Boyd talks with CBIA members in Hartford

Boyd discusses business with CBIA council

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Killingly Villager • A5Friday, February 2, 2018

DO YOU LOVE TO WRITE?Are you a writer at heart? Do you love to capture the moment you’re in with a photograph? Do you have an interest in the goings on in your community, and want to get involved in your town?

Villager Newspapers, your best source for weekly local news, is looking for a hard-working, flexible freelance reporter. Job will include writing stories about local news, events, and people, for $35 per story and photo.

Must be a resident or have good knowledge of the Quiet Corner.

So what are waiting for? Send your résumé to Publisher, Frank Chilinski at



Memory Lane Café

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Transportation can be provided.For more information regarding our affordable rates

and possible financial assistance, call Memory Lane Café: (860) 963-1077

PUTNAM — Thompson resident Kim Durand, clini-cal manager at Day Kimball Healthcare at Home, has been named employee of the year for 2017 at Day Kimball Healthcare (DKH). Durand’s selection was announced at a staff event celebrating all of DKH’s 2017 Employees of the Month on Jan. 15, where DKH President and CEO Anne Diamond and DKH Chairman of the Board Joseph Adiletta presented her with the award and a commem-orative engraved clock.

“Kim is so deserving of this award. Her long history of pro-viding not only the best clinical care but also such caring and compassion to her Day Kimball HomeCare patients is a shining example of what we strive for each and every day across our organization,” said Diamond.

Durand, a resident of Thompson who has been working at DKH for almost 30 years, manages the day-to-day coordination and utilization of all patient care resources and services of Day Kimball HomeCare, the medical home health care division of Day Kimball Healthcare at Home. She also provides support, mentorship, and education to the HomeCare nurses in the field.

“As a member of our Day Kimball Homecare team for nearly 27 years, Kim’s level of professionalism and her dedi-cation to our patients and staff is second to none,” said Day

Kimball Healthcare at Home Executive Director Renee Smith. “In her role as Clinical Manager, Kim consistently exceeds even the highest expec-tations for being a clinical expert, mentor and educator for nursing staff, advocate for patients and families, and role model for other leaders. Kim’s level of dedication also extends

to her commitment to profes-sional growth as a nurse and leader. Our entire team at Day Kimball Healthcare at Home couldn’t be happier or more proud of Kim for receiving this well-deserved award.”

“I am honored to be chosen for this award from a group of equally deserving colleagues,” Durand said. “It is a pleasure

working in the community where I grew up and I appreci-ate the opportunity to give back to that community every day. I thank all who were involved in this decision.”

Durand grew up Thompson where she currently resides with her husband, two of her three daughters and one of her three grandchildren.

She attended St. Vincent’s Hospital School of Nursing and Assumption College, both in Worcester, Mass., to obtain her diploma of Nursing. Durand is currently enrolled in the Masters in Nursing Program Management through Western Governors University, online. She is also certified in Integrated Chronic Care Management through Sutter Center for Integrated Chronic Care.

The other 2017 employees of the month who were honored include: Deb Seney, housekeep-er at Day Kimball Hospital; Lilybeth Ly, physical thera-pist at Day Kimball Healthcare Center in Danielson; Philip Axtel, RN, Emergency Department at Day Kimball Hospital; Laura Kroll, RN, BSN, community liaison nurse for Day Kimball HomeCare; Rebecca Rainville, CNA, med-ical assistant at Day Kimball Medical Group; Jessica Stailing, CNA, patient service representative at Day Kimball Medical Group; Christine Peer, CNA, pre-certification/regis-tration clerk at DKH’s physical medicine office in Plainfield; Judy Favreau, RN, case man-ager at Day Kimball Hospital; Stephanie Schapp, CMA, med-ical assistant at Day Kimball Medical Group; and Janet Yannotti, RN, ambulatory care unit at Day Kimball Hospital.

Courtesy photo

From left, Joseph Adiletta, Kim Durand, Anne Diamond, with a commemorative clock and signboard honoring Durand as Day Kimball Healthcare’s 2017 Employee of the Year.

Durand is Day Kimball Employee of the Year

PUTNAM — Downtown Putnam will once again host a single ice block com-petition – the eighth annual Fire & Ice Festival. On Saturday, February 10th from 12:00 to 10:00 p.m., the public is invited to visit this community event, boasting more than four dozen ice carv-ings, ice photo opportunities, glowing fire torches, fire dancing performanc-es, rose sales, a wedding cake decorat-ing contest, and more.

Ice carvings will decorate the streets of downtown Putnam with both pre-carved ice blocks and live demonstra-tions on display. Throughout the day, patrons can watch as 300-pound ice blocks are transformed into a variety of shapes and figures – all of which are sponsored by local businesses. From noon to 5 p.m., watch as professional, amateur and group carvers create their masterpieces, with an awards ceremo-ny at Putnam Congregational Church at 6 p.m.

Despite the icy February weather, there will be plenty of ways to keep warm, with dinner and drink specials available at local restaurants. The fes-tival also provides an opportunity for newcomers to discover the many shops

and galleries of Putnam. The Putnam Congregational Church will be a hot spot of activity throughout the event, featuring roaring fire pits and free hot chocolate.

From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. the Putnam Congregational Church will also feature a special wedding cake contest, aptly titled, “Icing on the Cake.” Professional and novice bakers from around the area will be showing off their culinary mas-terpieces. All entrants will be judged based on originality and best flavor. Submissions are still being accepted, with the application available on In keeping with the romantic feel of the day, roses will also be available for purchase from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the church.

As the sun goes down at the Fire & Ice Festival, fire torches will fill downtown Putnam with an ambient glow. Adding to the spectacle of the festival, visitors will be wowed by fire dancing perfor-mances from Sasha the Fire Gypsy. Performances will take place at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. with Sasha combining cho-reography, theatrics, acrobatics, and dance with speed, difficulty, and excite-ment.

Fire and Ice Festival set for Feb. 10

WILLIMANTIC — EASTCONN’s Arts at the Capitol Theater (ACT) arts magnet high school will hold an open house for prospective students and their families on Saturday, Feb. 10, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., at EASTCONN’s Capitol Theater, 896 Main St., Willimantic. EASTCONN administers the ACT arts magnet high school for students who live in eastern and northeastern Connecticut.

The open house event will include school tours led by current ACT students; conversations with ACT’s arts staff, who will discuss the school’s acting, audio/video, creative writing, dance and theater production programs; and an opportu-nity to participate in a raffle. Light refreshments will be served.

ACT offers students in grades 9-12 a full-day high school program that focuses on rigorous core academics and a rich variety of arts disciplines. ACT teaching artists and certified teachers work collaboratively to provide students with per-sonalized, arts-integrated educational experiences in northeastern Connecticut. Each grade is limited to approximately 35 students.

For more information about the open house, please contact the ACT main office at (860) 465-5636, ext. 1, or contact ACT Principal Sarah Mallory at [emailprotected]. Visit to learn more or to download an appli-cation. EASTCONN is a public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center.

ACT open house for prospective students

Don’t miss a moment

Photo RePRints AvAilAbleCall Villager Newsapers for details 860-928-1818

or drop us an email at [emailprotected]

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The following local students were named to the Dean’s List or President’s List at their schools for the fall 2017 semester. The school is followed by the names of the local students who were honored.

Becker College: Casey Guli of Pomfret Center; Alexandra Lamontagne of North Grosvenordale; Shanna Steen of North Grosvenordale; Kaylin Shippee of Thompson.

Nichols College: Daniel Baker of North Grosvenordale; Kaitlyn Baron

of Woodstock; Amandalyn Brunelle of North Grosvenordale; Nicholas Dimopoulos of North Grosvenordale; Emily Faist of Woodstock; Julienne Faucher of North Grosvenordale; John Fox of Woodstock; Christian Mayotte of Woodstock; Rebecca Messier of Woodstock; Deon Poth of Woodstock; Joseph Santese of Danielson’; Kyle Verrette of Danielson; Averi Walch of North Grosvenordale; Evan Ware of North Grosvenordale; Benjamin Carbone of Brooklyn; Alexis Gevry of Dayville; Devon Harris of Dayville; Alexis Lapointe; Cara Mayhew of

Brooklyn; Abigail Teczar of Rogers’ Hunter Angelo of Thompson; Alexander Hebert of Thompson

University of Hartford: Nicholas Foucault; Abigail Orn of Putnam; Hans Wanner of Putnam; Gregory Roto of Eastford; Crystelle Ranhoff of Pomfret Center; Judy Shea of Brooklyn.

Worcester State University: Mackenzie Corriveau, Brooklyn; Stephanie Duquette, N. Grosvernodale; Audrey Ratliff, N. Grosvenordale; Molly Ware, N. Grosvenordale;

Thomas Watson, N. Grosvenordale; Victoria Babco*ck, Thompson; Jamie Barrette, Thompson; Karista Brissette, Thompson; Ann Bastien, Woodstock; Violet Dussault, Woodstock; Dominique Gould, Woodstock.

Lasell College: Jessica Lindell from Thompson

University of New Hampshire: Jacob DeLashmutt of Brooklyn; Cassandra Sleboda of Danielson; Katherine Dalimonte of Pomfret Center; Caitlyn Bavosi of Pomfret Center;

Matthew Rich of Woodstock

W e n t w o r t h Institute of Technology: Olivia Hussey, from Putnam

S y r a c u s e U n i v e r s i t y : Abigail Trivella, from Brooklyn

H u s s o n University: Kyle Derosier, from Danielson

S p r i n g f i e l d College: Jaime Jax of Brooklyn; Allison Tupaj of N. Grosvenordale; Alexander Zimmer of Woodstock; Derek Griffiths of Danielson

A6 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

LEARNINGSCHOOLS AND THE PUBLIC are encouraged to submit items for inclusion

on the Learning Page. The deadline is noon Monday. Send all items to Editor Charlie Lentz at


WOODSTOCK — Woodstock Academy’s aerospace engineer-ing recently partnered with Chamberlin Mill Inc. to cre-ate a model of the mill’s water turbine as a part of efforts to preserve the historic mill locat-ed on Old Turnpike Road in Woodstock.

“Recent research on the mill, in connection with a National Register nomination, has sug-gested that the current mill configuration dates to about 1900, though the site has been used for grist and sawmills since the 1700s,” said Jean McClellan, from Woodstock, who has led much of the pres-ervation efforts.

Students in Peter Sumner’s class visited the mill and then studied the 1872 patent draw-ings of the original water tur-bine with the mill’s technology expert Andrew Quigley. The class then created a digital model and used a 3D printer in Woodstock’s Spirol STEAM Center to print parts to build a working model of the turbine. The small model is about a 10th of the size of the original and can be used as an educational tool to demonstrate the historic mill technology in classrooms or at the mill since the original turbine is not easily visible to visitors.

Students have used the 3D printer to make small parts and pieces before but, accord-ing to Sumner, this is the first “major outside project.”

Jeff Paul, co-owner of Whitcraft in Eastford and pro-ponent of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) education at Woodstock Academy, is a member of the mill’s board and

formed the connection between students and the mill resto-ration project.

“The primary goal for the Chamberlin Mill is educa-tion,” Paul said. “What’s really exciting is that the education-al opportunities are accessi-ble now and Peter’s class will provide insights that will be valuable during the ongoing restoration of the mill.”

This spring, architecture students aspire to recreate the entire mill with both digital and 3D printed models that Paul hopes can be used for classroom presentations and “to assist in creating architec-tural plans that could be used to support further mill devel-opment.”

“The mill provides many types of learning opportunities – archeology, science, history, engineering - for students of all ages,” said Paul.

While studying and creat-ing the turbine students also learned about the history of mill technology in the region. Sumner said that his students were able to see “the progres-sion of the industry”.

“Newer technologies were introduced at the mill start-ing with a water wheel, then a water turbine, and finally a Studebaker engine,” Paul said.

“A goal in all of our courses is real-world application, but it is even better and if our stu-dents can make those appli-cations while partnering with members of our community like the Chamberlin Mill,” said Christopher Sandford, Woodstock’s Head of School.

Woodstock students use technology at Chamberlin Mill

Courtesy photos

The turbine parts and plans

The assembled turbine

The original turbine at the Chamberlin Mill.

Dean’s List

Killingly Villager - › pdf › 2 › 903804bc-b141-4...· The Killingly Villager (025-004) is published weekly by Villager Newspapers, 283 - [PDF Document] (7)

Killingly Villager • A7Friday, February 2, 2018

LEARNINGSCHOOLS AND THE PUBLIC are encouraged to submit items for inclusion

on the Learning Page. The deadline is noon Monday. Send all items to Editor Charlie Lentz at


We are looking for a Preschool Teacher for our wonderful early learning center. Must be 18 or

older and motivated. Call for an interview.

The Country Garden Childcare

423 Riverside Drive • North Grosvenordale, CT 06255


First Meeting of the Putnam Chapter of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce

Monday, February 19, 2018, 6:30-8:30 pm Held at Therapeutic Enterprises in the Family Center for Nature

Wellness, 174 Providence St., Putnam, CT 06260Price: FREE.

Plus Homemade Soup, GF Organic Cornbread, Tea will be provided.

RSVP to Pamela Thompson 860.774.5048 or online at

WOODSTOCK — Tim and Mackenzie Deary are heading back to the stage on April 7-8 for a reprisal of Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion’s famous duet, “The Prayer” in Broadway Live’s upcoming show ‘The Conncert’ at the Center for The Arts at Woodstock Academy.

The Conncert is a musical performance featuring over 30 regional vocalists, accompa-nied by a 16-piece orchestra, benefitting the Hale YMCA Youth and Family Center. With regard to the YMCA’s credo based on youth develop-ment, healthy living and social responsibility, the event is a musical production centered around performances arranged and performed by local fam-ilies and individuals. The Conncert performances will be

performed at the Center for The Arts at Woodstock Academy. For more details and ticket information can be found at

The Dearys, brother and sis-ter, are no strangers to the stage. Most recently Tim performed in “Broadway Live … 2015” where he sang “Run Freedom Run” from the Broadway musi-cal “Urinetown” among other hits. As a French Teacher at Pomfret School he continues to use the stage as an outlet to express his love of culture, life and music. Mackenzie Deary recently completed her Master’s degree in Public Policy at the University College London. She has been involved in musical theater since her debut as Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol at the

young age of 5. She is delighted at the opportunity to be back performing with some of the area’s most talented perform-ers.

“It is an honor to once again be performing “The Prayer” alongside my brother, Tim, because the song has such a deeply profound significance to our entire Deary family,” said Mackenzie. “It’s truly a beau-tiful song that gives me chills each time I hear it.”

“We are thrilled that Tim and Mackenzie are appearing in this benefit concert for the YMCA. They are both very tal-ented and gifted performers; and the fact that they are bring-ing “The Prayer” back to the Broadway Live stage is a real treat,” said executive co-pro-ducer David T. Panteleakos.

Courtesy photo

Tim and Mackenzie Deary

Dearys will perform at YMCA benefit

Quinebaug fire department offers scholarshipTHOMPSON — The Quinebaug Volunteer Fire Department is now accepting applications for the

Lieutenant George W. Walker Memorial Scholarship and the Chief Joseph Donovan, Sr. Memorial Scholarship. Requirements for application are as follows: Be a Thompson resident graduating high school senior pursuing higher education. Scholarship applications will only be considered if complete. Non-compliance will void application. Students may apply for both scholarships. Each scholarship requires its own application. Applications are available at most area schools’ guidance offices, and on our QVFD website. Student deadline is March 23 to the student’s guidance office.

DANIELSON — State Representative Anne Dauphinais will be at the Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse on Feb. 6 to make a Bronze Star presen-tation to local U.S. Navy Veteran Alan Joslin. Alan earned the Bronze Star while serving in Viet Nam.

The scheduled guest speaker for Feb. 6 is Deborah Steignaier, a U.S. Army vet-eran and founder of Well-Being for Warriors. Well-Being for Warriors is a non-profit organization locat-ed in Bloomfied Connecticut. They offer free Holistic and Energy Medicine ser-vices to Veterans with PTSD and MTBI. They are committed to serving the Veteran and their immedi-ate family focusing on Mind, Body, Spirit and Energy Re-balancing. Reconnecting the Veteran with himself or herself after their war expe-

riences through Holistic and Integrative Medicine tech-niques, modalities and edu-cational workshops.

The Feb. 6 Evening Veterans Coffeehouse will feature musical entertain-ment by Richard Young and Seamus McCalium. Richard Young is the owner of Still River Guitars and a Master Guitar Maker. The Duo are well known locally and per-form as Young and Seamus. For the Veterans entertain-ment the duo will perform on Guitars, Banjo, and Mandolin. It should be a won-derful evening.

The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse is located at 185 Broad Street Danielson. The coffeehouse opens at 9 a.m. The Evening Coffeehouse is at St. John Lutheran Church, located at 190 Wauregan Road Danielson. The evening coffeehouse opens at 7 p.m. All veterans are welcome.

Danielson vets to honor Joslin

the team in each division, and I qualified in the third spot, tied with a five-time Olympian. We had to have a shoot off match.”

Gauvin beat the Olympian six to nothing.

An indoor competition con-sists of shooting 600 arrows from a 20-yard range at a target that’s just over an inch in diam-eter. An outdoor competition for a recurve bow is just as challenging, 70 meters from a 10-ring target the size of a soft-ball.

While Gauvin has only been with the recurve bow for a year, she’s been into archery for five years. And it all started as a bet. A challenge with her husband, Gauvin “kicked his butt” with an old hunting bow. Fueled from the win, the two went to a local range in Manchester and got informed about good equip-ment from a five-time Olympian who worked there.

“I definitely think I had some natural talent,” said Gauvin. “But I also grew up a swimmer and competed internationally. I had that mental side of how to train and work hard, how to per-form under pressure. Archery, unlike a lot of sports, is way more mental than most people realize. It really comes down to can you repeat the same thing over and over again.”

And while archery may

sound like a very intense sport, one of Gauvin’s favorite things about it is that it’s accessible to everybody. There’s no age lim-its. There’s no preferred shape or size. In fact, at a national level tournament in Kentucky, Gauvin saw a 4-year-old shoot-ing next to someone in their 80s. It was that sense of togeth-erness and supportiveness that first drew Gauvin to archery competitively.

While her husband and she loved to race mountain bikes, once he became naturally faster than her they ended up not ever riding next to each other. But with archery, no matter how much better she got, she was able to practice and compete right there with her husband.

The process to the Olympics will start in fall of 2019, she said, and the event will be open to everybody. But while it’s open to everybody, Gauvin has noticed a lack of competitive women in archery.

“There might actually be more women than men that are into archery in the recent years,” she said. “Due to Hunger Games generating interest. But the biggest thing that I see, pay-outs are so different between men and women.”

That staggering difference — with men earning up to six fig-ures, and women barely break-ing even —has caused many women to drop out of the sport. And with less women compet-ing, there’s been no push for higher payouts. It’s a cycle that

has left competitive archery dominated by men.

“In a big Vegas tournament last year, it was opened up so a female could shoot in a men’s division,” said Gauvin. “Only one woman chose to do that.”

In the tournament, where everyone had to shoot perfectly to place, 13 men shot a perfect score. The woman only dropped two total. With the same equip-ment, same determination and same practice, there seems to be no real reason (besides arm length) that a woman can’t compete with men. And while kicking butt (of either gender) is kind of Gauvin’s thing when it comes to archery, right now she has her eyes on the prize: The Olympics.

She is practicing six days a week, two to four hours a day. She also does specific targeted exercises for her muscles, fit-ting in what she can during her full time job as an economist. With endless dedication and astonishing talent, Gauvin is perhaps well on her way to the 2020 Olympics. And the part-time archery coach is hoping it may inspire other local men, women and children to pick up archery themselves.

“Try new things,” she said. “You never know what you might have a hidden talent at. You just haven’t done it yet.”

Olivia Richman may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 112 or by e-mail at [emailprotected]

MEDALcontinued from page A1

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A8 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

Despite the partisanship that has taken hold from Washington to Connecticut, contributing to gridlock in the nation’s capitol, there appears to be one issue that Republicans and Democrats can generally agree upon, and that is promoting local economic growth through our nation’s community banks.

At a time of political polar-ization, it was encourag-ing to learn that the Senate Banking Committee last month accomplished some-thing rare. The Committee passed a bill developed by Republicans and Democrats on a bipartisan basis, that is designed to tailor finan-

cial services regulations to ease the burden of red tape on local-l y - b a s e d c o m m u n i -ty banks. E c o n o m i c G r o w t h ,

Regulatory Relief and the Consumer Protection Act passed with support from senators from both parties, and will now head to the Senate floor for a vote.

This legislation represents the best opportunity for Congress to support local communities, by advancing meaningful reforms for the community banking sector. After seven years of congres-sional hearings, every provi-sion in the multipronged bill has already passed a House or Senate committee by a bipartisan vote as standalone legislation.

Since the financial cri-sis, members of both polit-ical parties have lamented the decline in the number of community banks around the nation. Now is the time for them to stand up for their communities and support the institutions, like our community banks in east-ern Connecticut, that make a meaningful impact every day. Members of Congress who truly believe in helping the community banking sec-tor should support this leg-islation.

The bill has broad support for good reason. Regulatory burdens are plaguing local-ly-based community banks, which provide nearly half of the banking industry’s small business loans, despite mak-ing up less than 20 percent of its assets. Despite their low financial risk and high eco-nomic reward, Main Street community banks suffer from an onslaught of reg-ulations — exacerbated by Washington’s response to the 2008 Wall Street financial crisis — that is limiting the nation’s economic growth.

By reforming complex regulations on community bank mortgage lending and capital requirements, and while focusing oversight on the risky financial firms that caused the crisis, Congress can and should promote true community-based growth that extends beyond stock market gains and sharehold-er dividends. For instance, the bill would exempt many community banks from stringent new data-report-ing requirements on mort-gage loans, freeing lenders to focus on the borrower’s needs instead of regulatory paperwork.

The only question is whether the bill can remain focused on community banks to maintain its broad backing. The bipartisan allies on the Senate Banking Committee wisely resisted any changes to the bill to keep it focused on communi-ty banks, and lawmakers will need to continue to counter attempts by the largest banks to extend the scope of relief to Wall Street. We cannot let the largest and riskiest mega-banks jeopardize these poli-cies. All U.S. Senators from both parties, including our own Senators, should sign on and fight for this vitally important legislation.

These recent events have shown there is broad support for common-sense financial reforms despite our acri-monious political environ-ment. Now all members of Congress should seize on this common ground to achieve a rare bipartisan show of unity that will help local commu-nities like those in eastern Connecticut.

Thomas A. Borner is pres-ident and CEO of Putnam Bank.

P.O. Box 196, Woodstock, CT 06281

Telephone: (860) 928-1818Fax: (860) 928-5946

OPINIONOpinion and commentary from the Quiet Corner


To the editor:You truly have a gem in weekly columnist

Nancy Weiss. Each edition of the Villager she produces well written, thoughtful col-umns, which demonstrate not only her cre-ative writing skills but her ability to cut through topics in a fair fashion.

Her column of January 20, “Agree to Disagree” is a perfect example of her afore-mentioned skills. In view of the polarizing atmosphere in our country today, she was able to bring the ability to discuss issues in a civil manner to a level that was understand-able to everyone. Her closing suggestion about listening and learning from others and being able to express ourselves and form cogent arguments is food for thought in our

everyday dealings with others.She’s definitely on target with the fact that

we need debate clubs in schools and require training in Robert’s Rules of Order.

Lou Holtz, the famous University of Notre Dame football coach once said, “God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we could listen twice as much as we talk.” Good advice for all.

So Nancy, keep up the great job. Through your thoughtful writing let’s hope that people can “agree to disagree and sometimes agree to agree.”

Ronald P. CodeRRePutnam

Putnam reader salutes Weiss

Well, here we are again, bud-get season. While we have yet to get final revenue numbers from the state for this year, ending Jun 30th 2018, we must begin planning for next year’s budget which will come before the Board of Finance starting in early March and will go before the voters in May. Despite not having actual revenue num-bers for this year, Woodstock will be fine as we have had significant surpluses year after year for several years now. In fact, during the Audit revenue in December, we learned that we had over one million dollars in surpluses for fiscal 2017 which ended June 30, 2017 — $574,882 in excess revenue (read excess taxes), $294.962 in expense surpluses from Town Government (surpluses we have seen for several years now – must be from cutting the lifeguard and swim program at the town beach), and an additional $160,000 from the education budget ($154,000 went to the “non-lapsing account” and $6,000 more into the BOE health care account despite a gentleman’s agreement to not put any more into this account as it is already some $300,000 over funded!). What does all this mean? You paid roughly $1,030,000 more in taxes than was necessary to support town government and the school system. Roughly 1.5 mils or 6% more than needed. Don’t worry; it will go to a good cause. The state is broke and will be looking for where it can cut funding and we are on top of the list.

How does this happen? It’s a lot easier than you think. Budgets are put forward that are meant to serve primarily those who are in town government or employed by the school system. Notice I didn’t say the kids. Every year spending budgets go up and up while state revenues go down, down, down. These next few years are going to be a real test for property taxpayers. If you think Prop 46 is all you need to keep taxes in line, you’re sadly mistaken. Prop 46 doesn’t compensate for declining state revenue; in other words, as state revenue declines property taxes have to go up to offset the lost revenue especially when we spend to the limit as we have for the last several years.

Restructuring of both town government and education is going to happen but it will not come easily. The entrenched are going to fight it every step of the way. In town

government, restructuring has start-ed. With a new first selectman, and having replaced another, there seems to be a realization of the need. On the education side, well they are request-ing a legal opinion to allow them to make increases in tuition expense at Woodstock Academy an exception to the limits of Prop 46. In the 39-year history of Prop 46 this kind of expense

has never been allowed and would, for all practical purposes, throw Prop 46 right out the window as if this can be considered an “emergency” expense there would be no lim-its to what else could be “declared” and emer-gency. Someone needs to tell them to turn the binoculars around. The problem isn’t Prop 46 and more spending, it is a continuing loss of state revenue.

While there is no doubt that we can cover cuts in state funding this year – your tax dollars are stuffed into every crack and crev-ice that could be found – we cannot cover all likely state revenue cuts going forward. Restructuring is going to be required. We simply cannot continue the spending ways of the past. Others have done it. Massachusetts has done it and not only spends less per student but gets better results according to recently published articles. You read almost weekly about towns around us having to make cuts and changes in education budgets. Remember 80 percent of our spending is for education. We cannot only look at town gov-ernment to cover the necessary reductions going forward. Woodstock voters/taxpayers need to get involved now. If you can’t attend meetings, check out the videos of the Board of Finance meetings available through the town website – link in the center column near the bottom. See your town government in action; you may be surprised. If you don’t have time for a full meeting watch the Jan. 9 meeting: start at 1 hour, two minutes and watch the next 10 to 12 minutes for a taste.

Opinions expressed are mine and may not reflect those of the Woodstock Board of Finance.

dave RiChaRdsonWoodstoCk

alteRnate, WoodstoCk BoaRd of finanCe

On Woodstock’s budget

Community banks lead the way

Uncle Arthur’s

elixirI didn’t take communion at my church.

I wiped the table, the menu and the arms of the chair with hand sanitizer at the restaurant. I listened for a few seconds before I chose a seat at the movie the-atre to determine the relative health of those nearby. My precautions might not make any difference, but other than the flu shot, which I got several months ago, there isn’t much else one can do. I don’t want to get the flu. Neither should you.

In my family lore, there is a story about the pandemic of 1918. My Great Uncle Arthur sent a letter to his sister, my grandmother, that he was coming

to visit from his home in Wales. He planned to stay for several months. He gave her all the details. When he arrived after a long journey, no one met him at the train sta-tion. His feelings were hurt. There was no liv-ery service. He hoisted his trunk and a crate of scotch, so the story goes, and walked to my grand-parent’s house only to

find that they and my father, an 11-year-old, had the flu. Arthur nursed them back to health through the use of ample amounts of scotch. They were lucky. Many Americans and others worldwide were not.

I’m not sure we are facing a pandemic, but according to health statistics the flu season is worse than it has been since the swine flu of 2009.

When my daughters started school, they were taught that when they sneezed, they should sneeze into their elbows. Now the practice is very com-mon and seems like a fine idea. When the person checking my groceries sneez-es into her T-shirt sleeve, it feels health-ier than sneezing toward the floor or toward me. I appreciate the nearly uni-versal practice among younger people. Does it limit the spread of air born goo? I think it does.

On a trip to Japan we saw many peo-ple wearing surgical- type or “sickness” masks. Often white, they are the polite way to go about in public when not feel-ing well. Some are quite fashionable and are scented or contain moisturizing lotion. It is assumed that the wearer benefits from containing her own breath and doesn’t spread disease to others. One thing for sure: on seeing people wearing masks, the whole concept of ill-ness becomes more real. They are walk-ing reminders of the itty-bitty viruses that are lurking everywhere.

There is a great deal of pressure to go to work when sick. Some act as if it is a badge of honor. They are so important or so stoic that nothing will keep them away from their desks. It can be awful for everyone else. Children are another matter. They can be fine one minute and sick as dogs the next. Nothing sends a chill down the spine of a mother work-ing outside the home as dramatically as a call from the school saying that your child is ill and you must come imme-diately. In my experience the anxiety is always softened by the comforting presence of the school nurse, who has seen it all and just wants everyone to feel better.

As the movie theatre darkened and the previews began, I listened to the sounds of breathing all around me. I like to hear my husband’s breath as he sleeps or the little short pants of my grandson when he is dreaming. My father had emphy-sema, so his breath made me anxious. A co-worker breathed loudly through his mouth and annoyed me. The people seated nearby were not coughing or sounding congested. They were quietly waiting. They seemed healthy. Perhaps they were listening to my breath as well. Wait . . . was that a cough?

Taking advantage of employer sponsored retirement plans

Employer-sponsored quali-fied retirement plans such as 401(k)s are some of the most powerful retirement sav-ings tools available. If your employer offers such a plan and you’re not participating in it, you should be. It may offer great benefits in your financial plan and assist you in Planning Well.


Before you can take advantage of your employer’s plan, you need to understand how these plans work. Read everything you can about the plan and talk to your employer’s benefits officer. You can also talk to a finan-cial planner, a tax advisor, and other profes-sionals. Recognize the key features that many employer-sponsored plans share.

Your employer automatically deducts your contributions from your paycheck. You may never even miss the money--out of sight, out of mind. You decide what portion of your salary to contribute, up to the legal limit. And you can usually change your contribution amount on certain dates during the year.

With 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), SARSEPs, and SIMPLE plans, you contribute to the plan on a pretax basis. Your contributions come off the top of your salary before your employer withholds income taxes. Your 401(k), 403(b), or 457(b) plan may let you make after-tax Roth contributions--there’s no up-front tax benefit but qualified distributions are entirely tax free.

Your employer may match all or part of your contribu-tion up to a certain level. You typically become vest-ed in these employer dollars through years of service with the company. Your funds grow tax deferred in the plan and taxes are not paid you withdraw your money from the plan. You’ll pay income taxes and possi-

bly an early withdrawal penalty if you with-draw your money from the plan.


The more you can save for retirement, the better your chances of retiring comfortably. If you can, max out your contribution up to the legal limit. If you need to free up money to do that, try cutting certain expenses.

Why put your retirement dollars in your employer’s plan instead of somewhere else? One reason is that your pretax contributions to your employer’s plan lower your taxable income for the year. This means you save money in taxes when you contribute to the plan--a big advantage if you’re in a high tax bracket. For example, if you earn $100,000 a year and contribute $10,000 to a 401(k) plan, you’ll pay income taxes on $90,000 instead of $100,000.

Another reason is the power of tax-deferred growth. Your investment earnings compound year after year and aren’t taxable as long as they remain in the plan. Over the long term,


Letters to the editor may be e-mailed to


Please include your place of residence and phone number

for verification. Letters must be received by

noon on Tuesdays

thomas a. BoRneR

Guest Column



Guest Column



FinanCial FoCus

Turn To FINANCIAL page A9

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Killingly Villager • A9Friday, February 2, 2018

Most Americans do not know, or refuse to accept, the facts surrounding their potential need for long-term care and the costs associated with it. According to the Genworth Cost of Care Survey of 2015, seventy percent of Americans over the age of sixty-five will eventually need some type of long-term care. In addition, by the year 2040, twenty-two percent of the population will be over the age of sixty-five, which is a ten percent increase from the year 2000. Yet, this survey showed an increasing number of people over the age of forty refusing to believe they will ever need long-term care.

PLANNING FOR LONG-TERM CAREThe truth is that Medicare does not pay for

ongoing long-term care (although if will pay for intermittent stays at nursing facilities). Medicaid is the largest payer of long-term care services. Medicaid is a federally and state funded needs-based benefit that will provide for various types of long-term care depending on the state’s

regulations. In 2013, Medicaid paid for fifty-one percent of the national long-term care bill totaling $310 billion. The actual costs for long-term care are staggering. The Genworth Survey reported that, nationwide, the average bill for a nursing home is approximately $80,300 and for home health care, approximately $44,616 with a variety of options among and in between these levels of care. Although not a popular topic among Americans over the age of forty, long-term care is an increasingly important one.

We are in the business of providing options for people in planning for their potential long-term care needs. If you, a loved one or a client needs help figuring out their options, please call BORNER, SMITH, ALEMAN, HERZOG and CERRONE LLC at 155 Providence Street, Putnam We can help and we are always happy to hear from you.

“Keep it local, give us a call: 860-928-2429

this gives you the opportunity to build an impressive sum in your employer’s plan. You should end up with a much larger balance than somebody who invests the same amount in tax-able investments at the same rate of return.

For example, you par-ticipate in your employ-er’s tax-deferred plan (Account A). You also have a taxable invest-ment account (Account B). Each account earns 8 percent per year. You’re in the 28 percent tax bracket and contribute $10,000 to each account at the end of every year. You pay the yearly

income taxes on Account B’s earnings using funds from that same account. At the end of 30 years, Account A is worth $1,132,832, while Account B is worth only $757,970. That’s a difference of over $370,000. (Note: This example is for illustra-tive purposes only and does not represent a spe-cific investment.)


If you can’t max out your 401(k) or other plan, you should at least try to contribute up to the limit your employer will match. Employer contri-butions are basically free money once you’re vest-ed in them (check with your employer to find out when vesting happens).

By capturing the full benefit of your employ-er’s match, you’ll be sur-prised how much faster your balance grows. If you don’t take advan-tage of your employer’s generosity, you could be passing up a significant return on your money.

For example, you earn $30,000 a year and work for an employer that has a matching 401(k) plan. The match is 50 cents on the dollar up to 6 percent of your salary. Each year, you contribute 6 percent of your salary ($1,800) to the plan and receive a matching contribution of $900 from your employer.

Know your options when you leave your employer

When you leave your job, your vested balance

in your former employ-er’s retirement plan is yours to keep. You have several options at that point. You may consider taking a lump sum dis-tribution. This may be a bad idea because you will pay income taxes and possible penalties on the amount withdrawn. Plus, you’re giving up contin-ued tax deferred growth. You may leave your funds in the old plan, growing tax deferred if your plan permits. You might want to roll over your funds to an IRA or a new employer’s plan if it accepts rollovers. This is often a smart move because there will be no income taxes or pen-alties if you do the roll-over properly. Plus, your funds will keep growing

tax deferred in the IRA or new plan.

Taking advantage of these plans may be an important step in Planning for financial goals.

Presented by James Zahansky, AWMA, researched using Broadridge Investor Communication Services - Copyright 2017. Weiss & Hale Financial Principal/Managing Partner and Chief Goal Strategist, Jim Zahansky offers securi-ties and advisory services through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser along with Principal/Managing Partner, Laurence Hale, AAMS, CRPS. They prac-

tice at 697 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259, 860.928.2341.

The tenured financial team serves individuals, families, businesses & not-for-profit institutions and they are best suited for investment portfo-lios over $500,000. Weiss & Hale Financial helps clients put it all togeth-er with their unique pro-cess to Plan Well, Invest Well, Live Well™. For more information regard-ing wealth management and customized financial planning with Weiss & Hale Financial, please visit

History of slavery in northeastern ConnecticutRecently I received an

email from Trent Pappas, Jr. with a correction and clarifi-cation about the ownership of Michael’s Market. “Mike Pappas was my uncle. Trent Pappas, Sr., his brother, was never involved with the business. George and Carl were. Trent Sr. was a build-er and co-owned Pappas and Pockowski Builders out of the N. E. Ct. area with Paul Pockowski of Dayville, CT until 1972 when Trent Sr. and his wife Pearl purchased Ross Hill Park Family Campground in Lisbon, CT” (1/26/18).

February is Black History Month so the remainder of this column will be related to our African-American residents and related topics. Now I’m imagining that you usual-ly associate slavery with the Southern States. However, New Englanders did own slaves and there were some right here in Killingly and Northeastern Connecticut. Ellen Larned’s History of Windham County, Connecticut gives references for some slaves. However, cen-sus and probate records have been found to be one of the best resources for documenting the town’s very earliest slavehold-ers and learning the names of some of these non-white inhab-itants. (Note: I use the outdated term Negro primarily because that is how the non-whites are referenced in the 18th century documents which have been used as resources).

James Danielson, proba-bly early Killingly’s wealthi-est individual, sent one of his much-trusted slaves to Boston with a load of produce from the farm (Larned, op. cit. Vo. I, p.166). This slave was not the only African American in Danielson’s household for at the time of his death in 1728 he had five “Negro servants”

valued at 725 pounds: Cesar, Ziproah, Dinah, Hannah, and Jethro. The Danielson family continued to have non-whites working for them throughout the 18th century. Since Col. William Danielson had an iron works in present-day Danielson by 1770, it is quite possible that his slave helped in the day-to-day workings of this establishment in addition to assisting with the farm work. It is also quite likely that that the non-whites helped con-struct some of the stone walls which are still visible today.

Sampson Howe, another wealthy Killingly individ-ual, was one of the earliest inhabitants of the section of Killingly that eventually became Thompson. When he died in 1736, he left his slave Leah to son Sampson Howe and his man-servant Cesar to son Perley Howe, minister at Dudley, Massachusetts and by 1746 the minister on Killingly Hill/Putnam Heights (Larned, op. cit., p 324). Whether Perley Howe kept the slave is unclear.

In 1727, John Parks, who lived in the Stone Road sec-tion of Killingly, apprenticed his Negro servant Charles Dungen to Killingly trader Nell Elicksander (Alexander) for 21 years with the stipulation that Charles was not to frequent taverns nor ale houses. He was to be freed when his inden-ture was finished and was to be given five pounds (Killingly Land Records, Vo. 1, p. 111).

Josiah Dwight, minister in Thompson’s church society/Killingly, left a “Negro woman and a Negro child” when he died in 1749. (Plainfield Probate, Vo. 2, p. 43). “A very serious calam-ity befell his son, Captain John Dwight, February 18, 1750. His house was consumed by fire, the family escaping from their

beds with only the clothes that covered them. One ‘negro’ servant perished in the fire” (Larned, op. cit., p. 533). (Most of the above was extracted from a 2008 Villager article).

In researching materials for Black History Month I began rereading my old copy of Black Yankees by William D. Piersen. He mentioned Phillis Wheatley, a young Boston female who became the first African-American female to publish poetry. I was quite intrigued since women were often considered uneducated in 18th century New England (not always rightly so). I wondered how a slave had been able to accomplish this feat. Since I’m becoming more comfort-able with searching the inter-net, I found much of interest. The site had the following: “A pioneering African-American poet, Phillis Wheatley was born in Senegal/Gambia around 1753. (At the) early age of 8, she was kidnapped and brought to Boston on a slave ship. Upon her arrival, John Wheatley purchased the young girl, who was in fragile health, as a ser-vant for his wife, Susanna. Under the family’s direction, Wheatley (who, as was the cus-tom at the time, adopted her master’s last name) was taken under Susanna’s wing. Her quick intelligence was hard to miss, and as a result, Susanna and her two children taught

Wheatley to read and she was actively encouraged in her lit-erary pursuits by the house-hold. Wheatley received lessons in theology, English, Latin and Greek. Ancient history was soon folded into the teachings, as were les-sons in mythology and litera-ture. At a time when African Americans were discouraged and intimidated from learn-ing how to read and write,

Wheatley’s life was an anom-aly.

“Wheatley wrote her first published poem at around age 13. The work, a story about two men who nearly drown at sea, was printed in the Newport Mercury. Other published poems followed, with several also being published, further increasing Wheatley’s fame. In 1773, Wheatley gained con-siderable stature when her first and only book of verse, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, was pub-lished, with the writer hav-ing received patronage from Selina Hastings, the Countess of Huntingdon, in England. As proof of her authorship, the volume included a preface in which 17 Boston men, includ-ing John Hanco*ck, asserted that she had indeed written the poems in it.

Poems on Various Subjects is a landmark achievement in U.S. history. In publishing it, Wheatley became the first African American and first U.S. slave to publish a book of poems, as well as the third American woman to do so.

“While ultimately freed from slavery, she was devastated by the deaths of several Wheatley family members, including Susanna (d. 1774) and John (d. 1778). In 1778, Wheatley mar-ried a free African American from Boston, John Peters, with whom she had three children,

all of whom died in infancy. Their marriage proved to be a struggle, with the couple battling constant poverty. Ultimately, Wheatley was forced to find work as a maid in a boarding house and lived in squalid, horrifying conditions.

“Wheatley did continue to write, but the growing ten-sions with the British and, ultimately, the Revolutionary War, weakened enthusiasm for her poems. While she con-tacted various publishers, she was unsuccessful in finding support for a second volume of poetry. Phillis Wheatley died in her early 30’s in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 5, 1784.”

Winter Weather Closings: In the case of inclement weather check to see if the Killingly Historical Center is closed.

Volunteers wanted: Are you an accurate typist? Would you like to hone some office skills? If so, the Killingly Historical Center could be the perfect fit for you. Any help would be appreciated. To volun-teer, please call the Killingly Historical Center at (860) 779-7250, email Director Elaine Tenis at [emailprotected]. or stop in at the Center.

Margaret M. Weaver Killingly Municipal Historian, January 2018. Special thanks to Trent Pappas, Jr. for his cor-rection. For additional infor-mation email me at [emailprotected] or visit the Killingly Historical Center Wed. or Sat. 10-4 or or call (860) 779-7250. Like us at Facebook at Mail for the Killingly Historical & Genealogical Society, Inc. or the Killingly Historical Center should be sent to PO Box 265, Danielson, Ct. 06329.


Killingly at 300

FINANCEcontinued from page A8

stopped in with her folder of information and asked to speak with the manager. She discussed the board game and told him about the class’ goal.

“It made me feel like we can actually achieve our goal and that it’s not that hard. If we all come together, it will happen,” said Gil.

Her classmate Sidney Ratliff is also inspired. She has already discussed ad space with several companies and is currently waiting for a final offer. She felt the uniqueness of the project really made people interested in the concept.

“All the skills I’ve learned throughout my class-es here, especially the business classes, have came in handy,” said Ratliff.

The eagerness of the business students and their early-on accomplishments have really impressed Tupaj. Their drive has gone above and beyond expectations.

“It’s a huge project and I’m very proud that they’re willing to attempt it,” she said. “Hopefully we’re very successful with it.”

Local businesses throughout the Quiet Corner can apply for a spot until the deadline, March 1. Spaces range from $150 to $200, and banks are being asked to donate in exchange for their name on Monopoly money. For more information, con-tact Tupaj at [emailprotected] or call (860) 923-9303 ext. 222.

Olivia Richman may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 112 or by e-mail at [emailprotected]

SCHOOLcontinued from page A1

Enterprise Zone, an expanded regional industrial park gener-ated new job opportunities; and helped established the Center for Healthy Aging which serves Pomfret, Putnam, Thompson and Woodstock.

During his eight-year tenure, Rovero has advocated for fis-cal accountability, supported efforts to improve the state’s schools and backed legislation that addresses Connecticut’s opioid crisis.

“I’ve always done what I thought was right for my dis-trict and voted for legislation

that set Connecticut on the right fiscal path. More than anything else, when I first ran, I made the promise to my grandchildren that I would not mortgage their futures. I hope that during my time at the legislature, I have lived up to that promise and have made our state a better place to live, work and raise a family,” Rovero said.

Rovero currently serves as vice chairman of the Aging Committee, majority whip at-large, and is a member of the General Law and Public Safety and Security committees. Previously, Rovero was mayor of Putnam for 14 years, a mem-ber of the Killingly Charter Revision Commission, chair-man of the Northeast Council

of Governments, and served on the Northeast Regional Committee on Aging.

“Rep. Rovero has been a great friend and dedicated public servant,” said Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz, D-Berlin. “Throughout his time as a legislator, Danny has worked tirelessly for his con-stituents in Killingly, Putnam and Thompson. They have been fortunate to have such a strong voice advocating on their behalf in Hartford. I, along with the rest of my colleagues in the General Assembly will certain-ly miss working with him at the Capitol, but after 50 years in public service, this time off is well deserved.”

ROVEROcontinued from page A1

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PUTNAM — With a vision of healthy people on a healthy planet, the Holistic Chamber of Commerce (HCC) is weav-ing together an international move-ment promoting holistic, natural and sustainable products, services and solu-tions. To that end, the HCC recent-ly announced that holistic leaders in Putnam have started a local chapter.

“Putnam is the perfect place for the

Holistic Chamber of Commerce. We have a large population here and a com-munity that really values those prod-ucts and services. It’s time for us to come together and show the standard of integrity and professionalism we bring to the work we do. I see association with the international organization as a natural partnership for our vibrant and growing holistic business commu-

nity. We are in the service business, yet we are still hidden. That marketing aspect is where I really see a need for support. The HCC offers that,” said the statement.

Along with energy healing experi-ence and expertise, Pamela Thompson, President of the HCC in Putnam, brings a clear vision of her own to this local chapter. With her husband Brad, she is co-owner of WellnessWithin.

As a group associated with the international organization, the HCC – Putnam will promote and support local and regional holistic and sustain-able professionals and business own-ers. Meetings will be held on the third Monday of the month. For details and more information, go to

The HCC is an international organi-zation which serves as a bridge bring-ing consumers together with holistic

and eco-friendly options. Now with almost 1,500 Professional Members throughout North America, consum-ers have easier access to high quality health, lifestyle and business products, services and solutions. All members of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce are reference-checked prior to being repre-sented in the online Member Directory at

For more information on how the Holistic Chamber of Commerce can help consumers as well as holistic practitioners, profession-als and businesses, visit

All potential professional and busi-ness members must submit referenc-es before being accepted for member-ship. For further information, contact Pamela Thompson, Putnam, Chapter President, at (860) 774-5048 or [emailprotected]

A10 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

Brenda Pontbriand Sales Executive Villager Newspapers• 860-928-1818x119


Many a small thing has been made

large by the right kind of

advertising. –Mark Twain

BROOKLYN — Following the pro-motion of Candace Chamberlain to the position of Director of Nursing Services, Pierce Memorial Baptist Home is pleased to announce the addi-tion of Mary Lynne Catsam, long-time Pomfret resident, to their team of dedi-cated medical professionals. Catsam has taken over the role of MDS Coordinator, responsible for completing comprehen-sive documentation of all residents, as well as coordinating care plan meet-ings. Catsam contributes over 30 years of experience as a Registered Nurse, including such diverse settings as a VA hospital, family medical practice, trauma unit, and both private and pub-lic school systems. Most recently, she has also held multiple roles in skilled nursing facilities in the local area, including as a Charge Nurse and Relief Supervisor, Infection Control Nurse, and MDS Nurse.

Having previously divided her time between the MDS and Infection Control roles, Catsam is grateful to have Chamberlain as a teacher and mentor. With over 15 years of experience, she

did not hesitate to share her knowledge, continuing to delve into the intricacies of the position on a day-to-day basis. In fact, Catsam credits Chamberlain’s positive attitude and approachable demeanor as the reason she decided to apply for a position within our compa-

ny. When asked to elaborate on the new experience of working for a non-profit facility, Catsam lists the diminished stress levels, greater interdepartmental communication and emphasis on spir-itual well-being. “The priority truly is patient care,” she adds, citing the gen-

erous staffing levels, family-like atmo-sphere, and the opportunity to really focus on the needs of the residents.

“We are very excited to have Mary Lynne as part of our administrative team at Pierce,” said Chamberlain. “She brings years of nursing experi-ence, extensive knowledge, and a gen-uine enthusiasm for patient-centered care.”

Administrator Tom Sullivan agrees, saying that, “Mary Lynne has embraced the core values of our mission and prov-en herself to be a wonderful addition to our community”.

Pierce Memorial Baptist Home is a non-profit 72-bed skilled nursing facil-ity located at 44 Canterbury Road, Brooklyn. Part of the continuum of care, which includes Creamery Brook Retirement Village, PierceCare offers independent and assisted living, short-term rehab and respite care, long term and subacute care. It has an overall 5 Star Rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Pierce Memorial Baptist homes promotes within

DANIELSON — The Danielson American Job Center, located at 562 Westcott Road, is offering a variety of employment and training workshops in February to area residents. Advance registra-tion is encouraged due to space limitations. For further infor-mation go to or call (860) 774-4077 to register.

The following workshops are scheduled for February.

Networking with LinkedIn – Learn how to create or update a LinkedIn profile, how to build your online network, and how to enhance your job search through online networking. Attendees will be encouraged to join relevant profession-al groups available through LinkedIn to expand their elec-tronic network. Also includes how to use local labor mar-ket information to identify, research, and approach local employers. February 2 (9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.)

Metrix Learning – Offers an orientation to online training through the Metrix Learning System. E-Training licenses

allow 90 days of 24/7 unlimit-ed access to more than 5,000 courses (IT, desktop comput-er skills OR healthcare edu-cation). Learn new skills or upgrade existing skills to help find a new job or enhance your career. February 2 (1 – 3 p.m.) and February 12 (2 – 4 p.m.)

Confidence Makeover: Rebound & Recover – Presents an outline of how to work toward a concrete confidence makeover by suggesting a vari-ety of specific techniques and practical confidence-building tips that can make a signif-icant difference in being the right candidate. February 5 (9 a.m. – 2 p.m.)

Computers Made Easy – Learn the basic aspects of how computers work, basic comput-er operations and terminology for Windows 7. Topics include basic file management, using Help and Support features, Internet searches and how to identify secure sites. Geared for individuals who have never used a computer or who need a refresher on computer use. February 6 (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

Get Back to Work – You can overcome job search stress: Stay connected, get involved, and know your next steps. Our staff is here to offer guidance, direction and opportunity. February 8 (10 a.m. – 12 p.m.) and February 20 (3:30 – 5:30 p.m.)

Interviewing Strategies and Techniques – Learn how to strategically prepare for critical job interview ques-tions. Topics include compa-ny research, developing a can-didate message, questions to ask the employer, closing the interview and following up. February 8 (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

Ticket to Work Orientation – This workshop is designed for Social Security beneficia-ries wanting to return to work and become financially inde-pendent while keeping their Medicare or Medicaid benefits. February 14 (10 – 11 a.m.)

In-Demand Jobs in Eastern CT – Our On-the-Job Training (OJT) programs may provide the competitive edge to get hired. Explore in-demand jobs in advanced manufacturing,

technology or engineering, and the skills employers want. On-site screening will pre-qual-ify you for one or more OJT programs. February 14 (1 – 2:30 p.m.)

Health Careers Orientation – An overview of in-demand careers in healthcare, job skills and available certificate and degree programs. Also receive information about financial assistance. February 15 (10 – 11:30 a.m.)

CTHires: Résumé Builder – Learn to build and complete a résumé in the CTHires. online employment sys-tem. Opportunities provided to review and update your CTHires profile including job skills, and do a comprehensive résumé build in CTHires with the assistance of the work-shop instructor. Also learn to download, print and email your résumé from CTHires. February 20 (1 – 4 p.m.)

Introduction to Microsoft Word – In this two-day work-shop, learn how to create a doc-ument, save it to a disk, open and close it, make changes,

and print it. PREREQUISITE: Must possess basic knowledge of computers or have attended Computer Basics Workshop. February 20 and 21 (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

Email Skills for Jobseekers – In this is a six-hour workshop conducted over two days, learn how to compose and reply to emails and attach résumés to emails. Practice responding to a job posting via email while using a practice cover letter and résumé. Geared for job-seekers that will be emailing résumés to employers; instruc-tor will help attendees obtain an email address if needed. February 27 and 28 (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

Applying Online: The Basics – Learn the basics of apply-ing online, including use of job search engines, emailing employers, and attaching and inserting résumés to online applications and emails. February 28 (1 – 4 p.m.)

Danielson American Job Center workshops

POMFRET CENTER — Shandy Chen recently passed the Financial Industry Regulatory (FINRA) Series 7 and 66 exams making him a licensed staff member at Weiss & Hale Financial. Chen hails from Willington and leads client operations for Weiss & Hale Financial where he joined in June of last year after graduating with a B.A. in Economics from Hamilton College.

Both the Series 7 and 66 exams require extensive preparation and test an indi-vidual’s knowledge on a wide range of financial topics including investment vehicles, laws, regulations, as well as economic indicators.

“Shandy’s talent for problem solv-ing and analysis have helped improve

our business tremendously. This achievement is just another example of Shandy’s abilities and will further assist our clients in achieving their financial life goals,” said Jim Zahansky, W&S managing partner.

Weiss & Hale Financial, LLC, based in Pomfret Center, is a knowledgeable team of finance professionals who help clients achieve their goals using their unique Plan Well, Invest Well, Live Well™ process. Visit to learn more. Securities and advisory services for Weiss & Hale Financial, 697 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 (860.928.2341) are offered through Commonwealth Financial Network, Member FINRA/

SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. About Weiss and Hale Financial: Since 2006, Weiss & Hale Financial has been providing individuals and not-for-prof-its with wealth management, retire-ment income planning and financial guidance to help them to: Plan Well, Invest Well, Live Well™. Together the advisors – Laurence Hale and Jim Zahansky - hold extensive industry experience and help clients achieve their financial life goals. They are located at 697 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, Conn., 06259. For more informa-tion, please visit or call (860) 928-2341 Courtesy photo

Shandy Chen

Weiss & Hale’s Chen passes financial exams

Holistic Chamber of Commerce welcomes Putnam chapter

Contact Brenda Today,860-928-1818

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Killingly Villager • A11Friday, February 2, 2018

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WOODSTOCK — With approximately $35,000 left to raise to meet their $100,000 goal, playground committee members Crystal Adams and Joan Fortin are lacing up their sneakers to raise funds to build a playground at Woodstock Middle School and help clean up their community along the way.

Just over 148 miles of roads crisscross through Woodstock Connecticut, and Adams and Fortin say they are determined to walk at least 100 of them between March and the end of June to raise funds for the new playground planned for behind the school. Along the way they plan to pick up trash wherever possible.

“Bringing a playground to our community is all about exer-cise, movement, physical fitness and fun. Instead of talking about the importance of exercise and movement, we are going to put our words into action and walk across Woodstock,” Fortin said.

The duo is hoping community members can join some of these walks.

“When we are planning to walk a quiet back road where there is a place to park, we’d like to post the date, time, walk location and mileage to the Woodstock Middle School Playground Facebook page in case a few others can join us.” Adams said.

Adams has spoken to State Representative Pat Boyd, who has agreed to join them on one of their walks. Adams and Fortin will post photos of their walks to the Facebook page as well as update the total miles walked and the number of bags of trash they have collected. They hope their walk will inspire individuals, families, and businesses to pledge an amount per mile or make a flat donation to the playground fund. More information can be found at They will wear bright-colored t-shirts for vis-ibility. Follow their progress on on Facebook.

Walk planned for Woodstock Middle School playground


EASTFORD — Around 20 people were gathered in Amanda Manso’s Eastford home last week to play the fiddle togeth-er. And the Quiet Corner Fiddlers are looking for other passionate musicians and curious beginners to join them every Tuesday night, from 7 to 9 p.m.

Each week they meet at a different member’s home. And last week, Manso was the host.

“It was just wonderful,” she said of the experience. “Someone had said to me, ‘Where else can you get together every week and just make new friends?’ Everyone is happy to come together. There’s the bantering, the jokes... It’s so much fun every week.”

And there’s fiddling of course. Manso was one of the initial members

of the Quiet Corner Fiddlers, which formed 11 years ago.

One of the founders, Chuck Morgan, was giving fiddling lessons at EastConn, and Manso participated in the six week course. She had already played the vio-lin all throughout her childhood, and was excited about getting back into playing music.

“I loved playing the fiddle,” she said. “But I loved the comradery even more. There were probably 10 other people there. And after six weeks, we all want-ed to keep playing together.”

Two months later, Morgan contacted everyone in the class via email and asked if they’d be interested in meeting once a month at his home to continue

fiddling together. It started with five core members. But word got around, and now there

are over 25 fiddlers in the group. Last year, the Quiet Corner Fiddlers per-formed at a packed house in Willimantic for their 10 year anniversary.

“I love playing the fiddle,” said Manso. “It’s much more relaxed and laid back, unlike your standard orches-tral type of violin playing. And all of the fiddle tunes – especially the ones from 200 years ago – have stories behind them. I love that.”

And while she loves the instrument, Manso is adamant that there’s nothing better than playing with others. It’s encouraging. And fun. There’s social-izing and refreshments. There’s just a sense of togetherness.

“Playing the fiddle is another way to express myself,” she said. “And it’s just another whole facet of my life now. I love calling myself a fiddler. I’ve started going to music festivals and I volunteer to work the weekend. There are jams, impromptu jams. You pull up a chair, take out your instrument, and play. It’s just amazing the friendships that devel-op. I go to these festivals every year and I get to know everybody. I’ve branched out into that.”

As a teacher assistant at Head Start, Manso also loves incorporating music into the classroom. She feels music is an awesome way for children to learn.

Anyone interested in joining the Quiet Corner Fiddlers can contact Chuck Morgan at (860) 423-5403.

Fiddling around in the Quiet Corner

Photos courtesy of Amanda Manso

About 20 people gathered at Amanda Manso’s house to play the fiddle last week.

Quiet Corner Fiddlers from top left: Chuck Morgan, founder and past music director, Don S., Alan F., Paul M. Second row: Amanda M., Kathy L., Joan S., Noreen M., Saul A.

Present music director Bernie Schreiber. Some members, including Chuck Morgan, jamming.

Melissa J., Saul A., Joan S., Jane V., Quiet Corner Fiddlers.

Weekly fiddle sessions are held at homes throughout the Quiet Corner.

Time for a solo by Kathy L.

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A12 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

Photos courtesy Crystal Gauvin

KILLINGLY — Killingly’s Crystal Gauvin is working her way towards qualifying for the 2020 Olympics. The accompany photographs display aspects of her typical training regimen.

Killingly archer targets 2020 Olympics

Ideal career for Recent Grads, Moms looking to get back in the

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A14 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

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A16 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

Art show at Quinebaug Valley Community CollegeDANIELSON — Collages, sculptures, photography... Nothing is off limits in the

Quinebaug Valley Community College art show. Showcasing students’ artwork over the span of the semester, the gallery is a vibrant and inspiring display of what the students learned over the past few months.

A collaborative two dimensional art project.

Olivia Richman photos

An interesting 3D piece by Kimberly Kosteer.

Ceramics by Julianne Alice.

Adelyn Shellenberger’s dynamic 3D sculpture.

A spooky piece by Karena Burnham.

Three dimensional design made of cardboard.

A sculpture by Casey Dundon. Masks designed by Intro to Computer Graphics students.

A wall of photography.

Projects by the Intro to Computer Graphics class.

A two dimensional piece of the Justice League.

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Killingly Villager • A17Friday, February 2, 2018


THOMPSON — Earlier this month, Thompson resident and Historical Society member Ron Tillen presented his book “Thompson Public Library” to library patrons, discussing the history of the town.

“I’d like to see the town’s history saved and preserved,” said Tillen. “If you lose your connec-tion with the past, you forget the lessons of the past. As they say, ‘Those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it.’ This informa-tion relates to a lot of peo-ple that live around here. They need to have some appreciation for what it was people did to make such a nice place to live.”

Tillen wrote the book in 2002, which was exact-ly 100 years after the building was opened up on the hill.

“It seemed an appropri-ate thing to write about, and a chance to discuss some milestones along the way,” he said. “I think

it was a very worthwhile thing to do. And it was kind of fun to do as well.”

When the Historical Society took over own-ership of the old library building last year they renamed it the Ellen Larned Museum. Larned was the inspiration, of course. Born in 1825 to a good family from around this region, she formed a little private book club in 1882. By 1898, said Tillen, she held a meeting asking if anyone had an inter-est in forming a public library. Over 50 people showed up. She already had enough books for a library. But now they needed funding.

The building was pur-chased by primarily four people. There was Lisah Converse and Joseph Gay. Then there was John Doan and Norma Rene, both “multi multi millionaire families who owned big houses up here on the hill.”

In 1902, the building was created with Spanish tile roof and stone walls. Tillen became interest-ed in the library once he was retired.

“My wife was con-cerned that I would be bored,” he joked. “Since I’d been working 60 hour weeks. The first thing I did was write the history of the fire engine com-pany, because the town had minutes going way back.”

Formed in 1832, the fire engine company had an involvement in the cre-ation of the library. So naturally, Tillen began researching the library’s history soon after.

Originally from England, Tillen viewed Thompson as a “small village left behind by time, by the modern world.” He felt it was a peaceful place that still

had the charm of a town common and old houses, and other historic build-ings. It was apparent to a once outsider like Tillen that Thompson had a rich history.

“There’s something about this place that speaks to you,” he said. “You can understand that it’s just so historical. And it does go back to the early colonial times.”

One thing that sur-prised Tillen about the library’s history was how fast it had grown. What started as a small dona-tion from the fire engine company, turned into a revered public library inspired by Larned’s love of books.

“There’s a quote from James Russel Lowell,” said Tillen. “ ‘The open-ing of a free public library is the most important event in the history of the town.’ It is interesting that even the very first settlers that came to this region, even as long ago as early 18th century, had a library club. There’s always been a thirst for knowledge — and enter-tainment.”

What drew Tillen to collecting all of this rich history is his personal-ity, he confessed. “I’m afraid I’m obsessive,” he laughed, noting that his career spent in technol-ogy gave him a desire to always know more about

everything. Currently, the old

library building needs a new roof.

“It would be wonder-ful to have it redone with Spanish tiles, so it no lon-ger leaks,” he said. “We need another roof that will last for another 100 years. Once upon a time in 1902, residents thought enough about the town and about the need for a library to put the money together to put that build-ing up on the hill.”

Olivia Richman may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 112 or by e-mail at [emailprotected]

Rich history at Thompson Historical Society

Photos courtesy of Ron Tillen

The four biggest financial supporters of the public library 100 years ago.

Passionate about Thompson’s rich history, Ron Tillen has written several books about the town’s unique buildings and organizations.


PUTNAM — Putnam Head Start held their monthly parent meeting/event on Wednesday, Jan. 24, which featured three speakers discussing finance and budgeting.

The monthly meetings are meant to not only educate families participating in Head Start, but provide a time to socialize with other parents in the pro-gram. The meetings range from various topics such as math and science, parent-ing, healthy eating, financial literacy and more. The topics are picked based on suggestions from families.

“Head Start believes in educating the families on everything,” said Family Services Coordinator for Head Start

& Early Head Start Ashlyn Ellsworth. “We provide child care and light refreshments. We want it to be a time for us to all get together and learn some-thing new.”

January’s meeting was all about bud-geting. The three speakers were not only local experts on the topic, but par-ents participating in the program.

Rachelle Alix from Putnam Bank spoke about monthly budgeting, and even gave out budget worksheets to help families stretch their money. Another Head Start parent, Kim Harris, talked all about couponing, “something she enjoys doing that helps her family save money,” said Family Advocate Michelle Giard. The third speaker is Christine Gaumond from Vita, a free income tax

preparation service for low income fam-ilies in the area.

“We’re just hoping they can use this information to help with their month-ly budgeting and expenses, and filing income taxes,” said Giard.

Families can participate in the income tax preparation program by signing up at the 211 information line.

“This information empowers them with resources they will need beyond the times that they’re with us,” said Early Head Start Home Visitor Louise Brodeur. “It gives them the tools.”

Added Ellsworth: “This is some-thing that costs, but we’re giving them resources on where they can find it for free. Rather than spending their limited resources.”

The Head Start monthly meetings also allows families in the program to bond.

“It’s a good chance for parents to get together and meet one another and interact,” said Giard, “while their chil-dren play together.”

Ellsworth recalls families that ended up carpooling once they met each other at the meetings.

“It’s about socializing,” she conclud-ed. “They bond with other families. They know that they’re not the only ones going through certain situations.”

Olivia Richman may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 112 or by e-mail at [emailprotected]

Putnam Head Start has monthly meeting

Editor’s note: The information con-tained in these police logs was obtained through either press releases or public documents kept by the Putnam Police Department or Connecticut State Police Troop D and is considered the account of the police. All subjects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If a case is dismissed in court or the party is found to be innocent, The Villager, with proper documentation, will update the log at the request of the party.


Wednesday, Jan. 24

Leito P. P. Demaio, 38, of 28 Katherine Avenue, Danielson, was charged with disorderly conduct

Friday, Jan. 25

Cle Undray Ceyphes, 48, of 210 Maple Street Apt. #B, Danielson, was charged with burglary, larceny, disorderly con-duct


Tuesday, Jan. 23

Geovonni Andres Hernandez, 19, of 50 Walnut Street, Putnam, was charged with simple trespass, interfering with an officer

Friday, Jan. 25Deirdre L. Brennan, 54, of 139

Mechanic Street, Putnam, was charged with failure to carry license, operation of a motor vehicle when registration or license is suspended/revoked and ille-gal operation of a motor vehicle under the influence


Saturday, Jan. 26

William R Whitham, 29, of 33 Lyon Hill Road, Woodstock, was charged with operating under the influence of drugs/alcohol and second degree assault with a motor vehicle


Sunday, Jan. 21

Martin Reid Taylor, 20, of 855 Thompson Road, Thompson, was charged with criminal violence of restraining order


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A18 • Killingly VillagerFriday, February 2, 2018

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Killingly Villager % Town-To-Town Classifieds % B1 Friday, February 2, 2018


DANIELSON — Who bet-ter to ask than Rafael Calixto about Killingly High’s chances to win the Class M state wres-tling crown this season? After all, coach Calixto’s Ellis Tech matmen captured the Class M state title last year — and Calixto got a first-hand look at Killingly in the final match of a quad meet at Ellis Tech last Saturday.

“They’re a solid team this year,” Calixto said. “We knew they were going to be tough this year. I think they’re one of the top teams for the Class M tournament, absolutely. They’re solid. They’re above average in just about every weight class. We wrestle a tough schedule. We see a lot of tough teams. They’re probably one of the better teams we’ve seen from 108 (pounds) all the way to heavyweight. They’ve got somebody decent at every weight class.”

Killingly defeated Ellis Tech 50-15 last Saturday to lift its record to 25-1. The Redmen are perhaps the favorites to add another championship plaque to their trophy case. Killingly won the Class S state champi-onship in both 2008 and 2009 and took home the 2003 Class M state crown. Coach Rich Bowen, in his 32nd season, has another strong lineup. Part of the success springs from a strong wrestling ethos in town which starts with the Killingly Youth Wrestling program.

“The youth has helped. I don’t know if we have great depth but we good numbers,” Bowen said. “But our kids from the youth are all wrestling here

varsity with me now so they all have good experience, which is nice.”

Coach Calixto lost many tal-ented Ellis Tech wrestlers to graduation last June, includ-ing New England champion JoJo Gonzalez. He knew the match against Killingly on Jan. 27 would be a tough one. Ellis Tech’s dual meet record was 15-9 through last week-

end — and the Golden Eagles were one match away from 100 victories over the last four years after last Saturday’s competition. Calixto wrestled at Windham High School, fol-lowed by a career at American International College, and then he competed for the Puerto Rican National Team. His team won the state championship last season and he knows a

good program when he sees one.

“Killingly does a great job. Their kids are all well-coached and they’re good wrestlers,” Calixto said. “We’re young. Our guys didn’t just lay down for them. We’re battling. They’re just better than us at this point.

Bowen wasn’t quick to accept the status of favorite to

win the state title. The Class M state meet is scheduled for Feb. 16-17 at Guilford High School. Guilford, along with Lyman Memorial, attended last Saturday’s quad meet at Ellis Tech.

“It’s a tough tournament. So we’ll see when we get down

Killingly grapplers seek Class M state crown

Villager sports BSection“If it’s important to YOU, it’s important to US”

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Charlie Lentz photo

Killingly High coach Rich Bowen, far left, watches Killingly’s Zack Burgess, top, wrestle Ellis Tech’s Sean Benson last Saturday at Ellis Tech in Danielson. Burgess pinned Benson at 4:53 in the 145-pound weight class.

Turn To GRAPPLERS page B3

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MONTVILLE — Mackenzie Eaton and Jamie Woods each scored nine points to help lift Woodstock Academy over Montville High 38-19 in girls basketball on Monday, Jan. 29. Woodstock broke to a 21-2 half-time lead en route to the victo-ry. The win lifted the Centaurs record to 12-4. Woodstock is currently ranked No.-8 in the state in Class L.

Emily Meigs led Montville with seven points. The loss dropped Montville’s record to 5-10. Woodstock Academy is next scheduled to travel to Waterford on Friday, Feb. 2.



Trafaconda scored 12 points to lead Killingly High past Fitch 42-32 in girls basket-ball at Killingly High School on Jan. 29. Kylie Mazzarella added 11 points and Reagan Morin scored 10 points for the Redgals. Jazzlyn Henderson led Fitch with 14 points.

The loss dropped the Falcons record to 1-13. The win pushed Killingly’s record 6-9. The Redgals are next scheduled to travel to Bacon Academy on Friday, Feb. 2.


WOODSTOCK — Heather Converse tallied a game-high 16 points to help host Woodstock

Academy defeat Longmeadow in girls basketball last Saturday, Jan. 27, at Alumni Fieldhouse. Kali Dingui scored 15 points and Jamie Woods added 11 points for the Centaurs. Jordan Shubrick led Longmeadow with 10 points.


LEBANON — Hailey Tompkins scored 20 points to help host Lyman Memorial top Tourtellotte Memorial in girls basketball on Jan. 26. Lauren Ramos scored 12 points and grabbed 11 rebounds for Tourtellotte. Katey Kwasniewski had 11 points and four assists for the Tigers. The win lifted Lyman Memorial’s record to 9-6. The loss dropped Tourtellotte Memorial’s record to 8-9. The Tigers are next scheduled to play host to Wheeler on Friday, Feb. 2, with tipoff set for 6 p.m. at Canty Gymnasium.


LEDYARD — Heather Converse tallied 17 points to lead the Centaurs past host Ledyard on Jan. 23. Jamie Woods scored nine points and

Olivia Perry added eight points for W o o d s t o c k . J a d e Langworthy led Ledyard with 13

points. Ledyard’s record was 6-8 through 14 games.


THOMPSON — Tourtellotte led 34-30 after three quarters but the Panthers outscored the host Tigers 20-7 in the fourth quarter and Plainfield’s Sophie Mercer scored all 14 of her team-high points in the second

half at Canty Gymnasium on Jan. 24. Tourtellotte’s Lauren Ramos scored 15 points with 13 rebounds and Ashley Morin tallied 13 points with four rebounds and two assists for the Tigers. Katey Kwasniewski added eight points, with four rebounds, two assists, and one steal for Tourtellotte. Plainfield’s record was 11-4 through 15 games.

B2 % Killingly Villager % Town-To-Town Classifieds % Friday, February 2, 2018


THOMPSON — This one might haunt Tourtellotte Memorial’s nine seniors. Tourtellotte snatched defeat from the jaws of victory last Friday night against Lyman Memorial and coach Neil Bernier hopes the 62-56 overtime loss won’t shut the Tigers out of the Division V state tournament.

“It’s getting desper-ate now,” Bernier said. “We’re running out of time. We’re running out of time for these mistakes to be cured. It’s not going to be easy. We pretty much have no margin of error.”

Tourtellotte led Lyman by five points with under two minutes left in reg-ulation before falling to the Bulldogs on Jan. 26 at Canty Gymnasium.

“Tonight, we were there, we were up 47 to 42, and we decided to leave guys open,” Bernier said.

Lyman Memorial senior guard David Lopez torched the Tigers for 25 points. The loss dropped Tourtellotte Memorial’s record to 5-8. With eight victories needed to guar-antee a berth in the state tournament, Tourtellotte needed three wins over its final seven games to qualify. Two of those final seven games are against St. Bernard (an 88-39 loss on Jan 19) and Plainfield (a 69-22 loss on Jan. 24) and are likely foregone conclusions.

“We have seven games left but we St. Bernard and Plainfield at the end. Basically we have to win three of five,” Bernier said.

Among the final seven

opponents are Ellis Tech and Wheeler. Tourtellotte defeated Ellis Tech 65-39 in their first meeting on Dec. 27 and the Tigers downed Wheeler 67-43 in their first meeting on Jan. 9. Tourtellotte again plays Ellis Tech on Feb. 8 and Wheeler on Feb. 2 — if the Tigers defeat those two teams they still must gain one more victory to earn a tourney berth.

“Wheeler and Ellis Tech are the teams that we have to beat,” Bernier said.

The Tigers almost pulled out the victory over Lyman Memorial. After surrendering a 47-42 lead late in regula-tion, Tourtellotte senior forward Ben Leveille canned a three-pointer with :21 remaining in reg-ulation to tie it at 50-50. But the Bulldogs out-scored Tourtellotte 12-6 in overtime.

“Ben (Leveille) made a huge three to bail us out and put it in overtime,” Bernier said. “And then, unfortunately, we missed too many free throws, too many layups at the rim, and those are killers. At the end of the day we left too many points on the board by missing nine out of 19 free throws. I get lost on how many point-blank shots we missed.”

Bernier lamented sev-eral lost opportunities this season that could have mitigated a need for a feverish finish in the quest for a tourney berth. The Tigers fell to to Griswold 61-47 on Jan. 11 and lost 45-37 to Windham on Jan. 12. Bernier said both games were winnable.

“We’ve let a few oppor-tunities go by the way-

side — this one, Griswold, Windham. We’ve let three golden opportuni-ties escape us. When they come up — if we miss one more — we’re probably done,” Bernier said.

Lopez led the Bulldogs with 25 points. Senior for-ward Mike Franchi added 13 points for Lyman. The win lifted Lyman Memorial’s record to 5-6. Senior guard Simon Silvia led Tourtellotte with 19 points. Senior center Jackson Padula scored 14 points for the Tigers. Tourtellotte is next scheduled to play at

Wheeler on Friday, Feb. 2. Time is running out for nine seniors.

“We have our work cut out for us. We have a team loaded with seniors. It’s good to sit here and say you want it more than the other team but you have to play smart too,” Bernier said. “That’s the pressure we’ve put our-selves in.”

Charlie Lentz may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 110, or by e-mail at [emailprotected].

Tigers playoff hopes precarious after loss to Bulldogs

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Tourtellotte’s Josh Dodd shoots over Lyman’s Mike Franchi.

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Woodstock Academy’s Mackenzie Eaton tallied nine points in a win over Montville High on Monday. The Centaurs record was 12-4 through 16 games.

Woodstock Academy girls keep on rolling

Charlie Lentz photo

Tourtellotte’s Jackson Padula fights for a rebound with Lyman Memorial’s Mike Franchi last Friday at Canty Gymnasium in Thompson.



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POMFRET — After the Zamboni spreads a layer of water it takes some time before the rink freezes — a young hockey takes a while to solidify as well. Woodstock Academy’s identity is slowly crystalizing as the season nears the half-way mark and the Centaurs were solid in a 3-2 victory over Suffield/Granby/Windsor Locks last Saturday at Pomfret School’s Jahn Rink.

“This proved right here that we can really play with any-body,” said Woodstock coach Mike Starr. “It’s a good confi-dence boost moving ahead.”

Starr said SGWL could have melted a lesser team’s compo-sure.

“That was a solid 45 min-

utes of hockey,” Starr said. “(SGWL) is a D-I school. It’s well-coached. They’re fast. The message going in was ‘They’re fast. They’re going to be phys-ical. So we need to match it.’ And the kids did. They played fantastic.”

Junior winger Matt Odom scored two goals to help the Centaurs defeat SGWL. Sophom*ore forward Jake Starr scored one goal for Woodstock. Jake Black, Guerin Favreau, and Ethan Thorpe each notched one assist for the Centaurs. Junior goaltender Dylan Shea made 20 saves for Woodstock. The win over the Wildcats lift-ed the Centaurs record to 4-6 — Odom has lifted his game as well.

“Odom is really starting to relax a little bit. I think at the

beginning of the year he was a little tense, trying to do a little bit too much,” Starr said. “He’s new to the team. I don’t know if he was trying to prove him-self but he’s been relaxed the last three games. I think he’s having fun with it now and it’s good to see.”

Odom tallied with 57 seconds left in the first period to give the Centaurs a 1-0 lead. The Wildcats answered early in the second period but Odom responded with his second goal with 34 seconds remain-ing in second frame to give Woodstock a 2-1 lead. Jake Starr pushed the lead to 3-1 with 12:31 left in the third peri-od before the Wildcats tallied a late goal with 2:38 left in the match.

Coach Starr was pleased that the Centaurs never allowed SGWL to take the lead.

“We always ask the kids — whenever we’re win-ning a game

— what’s the score? And they always say zero-zero, because they know that’s the way I want them to play,” Starr said. “Play like we’re tied zero to zero. Play like there’s no score or play like we’re losing the game. Play with a little more sense of urgency.”

The Centaurs are coming together with a lineup filled with underclassmen.

“We only have one senior (Pat Delaney) right now that’s playing a regular shift on for-ward. Mike Scott can fill in, he’s another senior — so our forwards are basically a mix of juniors, sophom*ores and two freshmen,” Starr said. “I real-ly think the underclassmen — the sophom*ores and the fresh-men — have really stepped up well this year. The juniors are acting like leaders on the ice and that’s what we need. Even defensively, our defense is real-ly starting to come around and play strong and smart. We’re just trying to minimize our mistakes right now and we’re doing a pretty good job.”

Julian Cultrera and Tyler Gazdik each scored one goal for SGWL. Goalie Dan DeGagne made 21 saves for the Wildcats. The loss dropped SGWL’s record to 5-7. Woodstock Academy is next scheduled to play at Watertown/Pomperaug on Saturday, Feb. 3. Woodstock Academy is scheduled to return home on Saturday, Feb. 10, when it will face the Redhawks, with the puck set to drop at 8:15 p.m. at Jahn Rink on the cam-pus of Pomfret School. While the Zamboni keeps smoothing over the rink’s rough edges — Starr hoped the Centaurs do the same.

“We’ve got some tough games coming up,” Starr said. “If we play 45 minutes like we played tonight, if we can keep that up and we can pressure the other teams, I’ll match our lines with anybody.”

Charlie Lentz may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 110, or by e-mail at [emailprotected].

Killingly Villager % Town-To-Town Classifieds % B3 Friday, February 2, 2018

February 3, Sat.Library Day for kids at Aldrich Free Pub-lic Library (299 Main St. Moosup). This day we will be celebrating the love. The love between: family, friends, pets, and literacy. We will be doing three crafts all including hearts. Feel free to bring your pets to the library with you. Please pre-register and let us now if your furry friends will be joining you at 860-564-8760.

February 6, Tues., 3:30-4:30(and February 13) Chew club: Cooking with children, ages 6 and older. We MAY use peanut butter in CHEW club. Any al-lergies, PLEASE let us know! Sign up is required 860-564-2692, Sterling Public Library, 1183 Plainfield Pike, Oneco.

February 6, Tues., 7pmBingo every Tuesday at the VFW, 1523 Providence Street, Putnam.

February 8, Thurs., 2pmPutnam Senior Citizens meeting, the second Thursday of every month at the

Putnam VFW, 1523 Providence Street, Putnam.

February 9, Fri., 9:30-11:30amStonecroft Women’s Connection Brunch Buffet, Inn at Woodstock Hill. Stephanie Troy, Spa One, Pomfret, Speaker Darlene Clark, sign language teacher. Reserva-tions required, deadline February 5. $13 at the door. Call 860-774-5092, 860-455-7671 or email:[emailprotected]

February 10, Sat., 10am-2pm The Finnish American Heritage Soci-ety’s Laskiainen /sledding day at the Finnish Hall 76 north Canterbury Road, (Rte.169) Canterbury. Fun family ac-tivity! - includes lunch of pea soup and breads $2 per person - EVERYONE IS WELCOME! event will be held regard-less of snow, indoor activities available.

February 10, Sat., 10:30amValentine story & craft for children 3+, register by February 3 @ 860.947.0125, Eastford ublic Liabrary, 179 Eastford Rd., Eastford

This page is designed to shine a light on upcoming local nonprofit, educational and community events. Submissions are limited to 50 words or less and are FREE to qualifying

organizations, schools, churches and town offices. To submit your event contact: Teri Stohlberg at 860-928-1818 ext. 105, or [emailprotected].

Deadline for submission is Friday at Noon


“Shining a light on community events”

Woodstock icers finding their identity

Charlie Lentz photo

Woodstock’s Ryan Black skates up ice against SGWL.

Charlie Lentz photo

Woodstock’s Matt Odom, white sweater, splits SGWL defenders Nate Ratti, left, and Julian Cultrera, right. Odom scored two goals in a 3-2 win on Jan. 27 in Pomfret.

Charlie Lentz photo

Woodstock’s Doug Newton skates past SGWL’s Ryan Ziemnicki last Saturday.

there. We had a couple teams here today that were tough that we were able to handle. We’ve got Foran next week-end, it’s a real solid team down at the other end of the state,” Bowen said. “Hopefully we’re in the mix (for the state title), that’s for sure. So we’ll see what happens.”

The Redmen will compete at the Foran Duals on Saturday, Feb. 3. Bowen doesn’t duck tough competition.

“We just switched up to go down and see Foran, so that will be a nice battle for us,” Bowen said. “They’re right with us in the state. We’ve got to see them.”

Killingly’s 106-pounder, junior Danny Charron, was undefeated through last weekend. Senior Zach Caffrey, at 182 pounds, has only one loss this season.

“We’ve got a pretty solid squad throughout,” Bowen said.

The State Open meet is scheduled for Feb. 23-24 at Floyd Little Athletic Center in New Haven, coming one week after the Class M state meet.

“The Opens are a whole different ball-

game. First you’ve got to push through the M’s and see who you get through first — then the matchups (at the Opens), you’ve got to just battle and take one at a time up there,” Bowen said. “Hopefully you have a good day. If you’re on, you’re going to be good. If you’re off any little bit, it’s a tough tournament.”

Bowen wrestled at Killingly High School back in the day and he went on to compete at Rhode Island College. He’s coached a lot of good wrestlers over his 32 years at Killingly so he doesn’t take this year’s team for granted. The veteran coach looked forward to the challenge of trying to pin down another state title.

“It’s like you don’t know when they’re coming and you try to keep them togeth-er. It’s a long season so you hope you don’t get nicked up with injuries, and other things happen, you keep them up with grades,” Bowen said. “So it’s a long season. Hopefully we can keep it togeth-er here the next couple weeks and make a real run. That’s our hope.”

Charlie Lentz may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 110, or by e-mail at [emailprotected].

GRAPPLERScontinued from page B1

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THOMPSON — After a two-year absence Tourtellotte Memorial has reached the Class S state tournament and the reward will last beyond the first round of the playoffs in late February. The tourney berth is also a motivating force for the underclassmen.

“It’s been two years since we’ve been in the state tournament,” said coach Carla Faucher, in her 20th season. “My seniors were in it as freshmen and we hav-en’t been back since then and it’s always been one of our goals to make the state tournament.”

Faucher’s seniors — Katey Kwasniewski, Skyla Wesoloski, and Becky Torres — were in the program the last time the Tigers earned a spot in the state tourney. Now Faucher’s underclass-men can see the benefit of hard work.

“Don’t pick up a bas-ketball in November and think you’re going to be successful right off the bat. We play in the sum-mer league in Putnam. I encourage all of the kids to play in that. It gets them playing together. And I tell them that we’re not there to assess you or what have you. This is a time where you can try things, experiment with certain moves, get comfortable with your shots. Get comfortable with playing inside or outside, depending upon your position,” Faucher said. “And that gives them team building over the summer and under-standing how each other plays.”

Sometimes all the work in practice and the off-season doesn’t pay off. That was the case the past two seasons, when the Tigers fell one victory shy of making the post-season two years ago and came up two wins short last season. After a slow

start this season Faucher wasn’t so sure her team would reach its tourney goal. The Tigers’ record was 2-4 over its first six games, senior guard Katey Kwasniewski missed the Clipper Classic with a sprained ankle and junior for-ward Lauren Ramos was on the shelf in the early part of the schedule while rehabbing a knee injury suffered during the soc-cer season last autumn.

“The season kind of looked bleak,” Faucher said. “We had injuries but weren’t playing up to our potential.”

The turning point came on Jan. 16 when the Tigers played host to Putnam High. Tourtellotte entered the game with a 5-7 record but eked out a 35-33 victory. The Tigers fol-lowed that victory with wins over St. Bernard and Griswold to gain the required eight victories needed to earn a berth in the state tourney.

“All of a sudden from the Putnam game for-ward we started really gelling,” Faucher said. “They’re really begin-ning to believe in the themselves.”

The tourney berth helped confirm Faucher’s belief in her team and their belief in themselves.

“It gives them some-thing to say ‘Hey, we made the state tournament.’ Their season extends fur-ther,” Faucher said. “It’s something they can say they’ve accomplished as a team.”

And the accomplish-ment makes it easier for Faucher to help her team navigate a tough schedule in the Eastern Connecticut Conference.

“It shows that our pro-gram can be a strong program. We play in a difficult division in the ECC so we always have to work hard to get those eight wins,” Faucher said. “Every win that we get you can see that they start believing in them-selves and their abili-ties.”

That belief helped the Tigers put togeth-er a four-game winning streak midway through the season with wins over Gilbert, Putnam, St. Bernard, and Griswold.

“All of sudden, once we got those wins, they played together as a team and they really came together,” Faucher said.

Winning has a way of making practices more bearable.

“They understand we’re not pushing them in practice. We’re not pushing them in games. They understand the reason why. I think if you’re constantly losing and you’re constant-ly pushing them, they don’t understand, it’s not working,” Faucher said. “When you win, now

they can believe in why we do what we do and reap the benefits.”

Tourtellotte is next scheduled to play host to Wheeler on Friday, Feb. 2, with tipoff set for 6 p.m. at Canty Gymnasium. The Tigers conclude their regular season at home against Windham on Tuesday, Feb. 6. First-round games in the Class S state tournament are scheduled to begin on Feb. 27 — Tourtellotte

will be there.“That’s what we work

for. Everything’s get-ting towards the next goal, that’s always been the state tournament,” Faucher said. “Play together. Play hard. Play smart. And we’ll win as a team.”

Charlie Lentz may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 110, or by e-mail at [emailprotected].

Tourtellotte girls look forward to state tourney

Charlie Lentz photo

Tourtellotte’s Mary Steglitz goes up for a layup with Plainfield’s Chloe Lapierre trailing on Jan. 24 at Canty Gymnasium in Thompson.

Charlie Lentz photo

Tourtellotte’s Becky Torres gets past Plainfied’s Kayla Morey.

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Tourtellotte’s Lauren Ramos chases a loose ball against Plainfied.

RWICH — Woodstock Academy junior Ali Crescimanno scored 9.35 on the bars and 9.3 in the vault, winning both events, and finishing first in the all-around (35.6) for the Centaurs in their win over Norwich Free Academy in gymnastics at Thames Valley Gym on Jan. 25. Woodstock’s point total was 137.35. NFA finished in sec-ond place with a score of 125.75. Killingly High finished third with 122.3 points.

Woodstock Academy’s Maddie Grube finished second in the all-around with 34.35 points and Woodstock’s Grace Gronski finished in third place in the all-around with 34.1 points. The win lifted Woodstock’s record to 6-0 overall, 3-0 Eastern Connecticut Conference. Arianna Cohen finished second in the bars for NFA (5-2 overall, 1-1 ECC). Killingly’s record was 2-4 overall, 0-3 ECC.

Woodstock Academy is next scheduled to play host to a tri-meet with Killingly High and Norwich Free Academy on Monday, Feb. 5, with events scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at Deary’s Gymnastics Center in Danielson.

File photo

Woodstock’s Ali Crescimanno won the bars, vault, and the all-around at a meet on Jan. 25.

Woodstock Academy gymnasts atop ECC



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Killingly Villager % Town-To-Town Classifieds % B5 Friday, February 2, 2018


PUTNAM — Coach Shawn Deary likely expected his Putnam High team to have wrapped up a berth in the Division V state tournament by now. But the Clippers have stumbled in a few close games and senior guard Connor Holloman has been hobbled by some injuries this season, including a strained hamstring that kept him out of Putnam’s 61-53 loss to Cheney Tech on Monday at Putnam High School —a nine-point deficit after one quarter didn’t help.

“We started getting down on ourselves to the point where we weren’t finishing,” Deary said. “I’m hoping we can fig-ure out what it was and get

through it.”The Clippers record stood at

6-6 after the loss to the Beavers on Jan. 29 and Deary is still seeking the eight victories needed to guarantee a berth in the state tournament.

“Eight’s going to be the goal. I’m still shooting for 10 or 11 (wins),” Deary said. “So we’re going to have to pick up one or two that weren’t on my check-list.”

The Clippers fell behind Cheney Tech 11-2 after one quarter and although they made several nice runs — get-ting within five points late in the fourth quarter — they could not hit enough buckets to pull out the comeback. Deary said they need to connect on those shots down the stretch in

order to make the playoffs.“We definitely need to really

focus on putting the ball in the hole a little bit better, rebound-ing a little bit better, with those two things done — we’ll win games,” Deary said.

The Clippers failed to clear the boards against Cheney Tech, allowing too many sec-ond-chance points.

“We have position. We have the habit of jumping up with them instead of boxing out, waiting for the ball to come down to us,” Deary said. “We’ve been working on it, and working on it, but it’s a tough one.”

Putnam pulled within seven points, 33-26, on a three-point-er by freshman guard Colby Livingston with 5:10 left in the third quarter. And the Clippers cut their deficit to 55-50 on a putback by junior center Tyion Harris with 1:02 left in the game — but couldn’t pull off the comeback.

“Coming down the stretch after missing, I don’t even know how many easy shots, we were still in the game,” Deary said. “We did things right but we just didn’t finish around the rim.”

Harris led Putnam with 19 points and has been a bright spot for the Clippers as the season has progressed, rapidly improving his game.

“They’re definitely working on the things they need to work on,” Deary said. “You pick a couple of things and you work on them. Being kids, they for-get the things that they know — the little things they did well they all of a sudden don’t do again. So it’s continuous-ly reminding them what they need to do.”

Deary hoped Holloman’s sore hamstring heals quickly.

“Connor being out hurts us a little bit so hopefully he’ll be back,” Deary said. “Hopefully by the end of the week he’ll be back but we’ll see.”

Junior guard Sebastian Ramos added 12 points for Putnam. Jake Montas led Cheney Tech with 21 points. The win lifted the Division III Beavers record to 8-7.

Putnam is next scheduled to travel to Parish Hill on Friday, Feb. 2, with tipoff set for 7 p.m. The Pirates were 8-5 through 13 games. Coach Deary like-ly expected to have wrapped up a tourney berth with eight games left in the season — but better late than never.

“We’ve really got to focus,” Deary said. “We’re going to push on. Everybody’s beat-able.”

Charlie Lentz may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 110, or by e-mail at [emailprotected].

Putnam boys still hunting for tournament berth

Charlie Lentz photo

Putnam High’s Sebastian Ramos goes up for layup past Cheney’s Ben Smith.

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Putnam High’s Mitchel Barylski drives past Cheney Tech’s Brian Mitchell on Monday at Putnam High School.

PUTNAM — Jason Akana, a former Tri-Town American Legion baseball standout, was named recently to take over the coaching reins of the Tri-Town American Legion senior division base-ball program. Tri-Town represents American Legion Post 13 in Putnam, Post 67 in Grosvenordale, and Post 111 in Woodstock.

“We feel we’ve been fortunate to find the right person to take over our pro-gram. Jason Akana is a quality person with great baseball knowledge and a love of the game. It’s the committee’s feeling that he is able to impart the values of American Legion baseball on and off the field to the young men in his charge,” said Ronald P. Coderre, Tri-Town executive committee chairman.

Coderre said the 45-year-old Akana may be small in stature, scaling in at five foot eight inches, but when it comes to baseball knowledge he’s a giant. As a player in high school and college, he’s always had to battle for the right to prove himself. Despite his size Akana has succeeded and surpassed expecta-tion at all levels.

Akana not only brings a solid play-ing resumes to his new position, he’s also enjoyed success as a coach along the way. He’s served as a coach for many years in the Thompson Little League and organized coaching clinics in Thompson. He’s also served as the Tri-Town assistant coach for the past two seasons.

A 1991 graduate of Tourtellotte Memorial High School, he played three years of varsity baseball as a middle infielder for coach Tom Auclair. He also enjoyed three summers on the dia-mond as a player for Auclair with the Tri-Town American Legion program.

“Playing for coach Auclair provided me with the solid fundamentals of the game. Many of the techniques and basics of the game that I espouse and teach were gained during my high school and Legion years,” said Akana. “My goal is to transfer the knowledge I have of the game to my players. I want to instill a winning attitude on and off the field in these young men. I’m hop-ing to improve on our wins and losses but most of all I want them to learn and master the nuances of the game.”

As a baseball fundamentalist, Akana expects his players give 110 percent effort. A taskmaster for the little details that make the difference, his philoso-phy is work hard, practice hard and the wins will come. This is a philosophy he learned playing for his earliest coach, his dad, Michael Akana.

In addition to Coach Auclair, Akana played briefly at Eastern Connecticut State University for Coach Bill Holowaty and one year at Manchester Community College, where the team went to the National Junior College World Series before bowing out in the championship game.

Akana enjoyed his greatest success

on the collegiate level at Worcester State University where he played for Coach Dirk Baker. In three seasons with the Lancers he achieved signifi-cant success, eventually emerging as the leading Div. III hitter in the nation with a .514 batting average, which was also tops in the country on all NCAA levels. He also enjoyed a brief stint in professional baseball with the Meridian Brakemen in the Big South Independent League in Mississippi.

“In all my years in baseball I’ve learned you have to respect your oppo-nent. In so doing you push yourself to do better in all aspect of the game. I hope to infuse this respect in the Tri-Town program,” said Akana.

Akana inherits a good group of returning players from his predeces-sor John Foucault. The Towners are returning the majority of last season’s team and a good crop of players ready to make the jump from the junior to the senior level.

Akana and his wife of 20 years, Christie, reside in Thompson. The couple have three children, Kobe, 17, a senior in high school, Brayden, 14, an 8th grader and 10 year old Grace. Akana’s employed as a health and safe-ty engineer in the bio-tech industry in Worcester, Mass.

Courtesy photo

Jason Akana

Akana named Tri-Town American Legion coachCharlie Lentz photo

Putnam High’s Colby Livingston is guarded by Cheney Tech’s Ben Smith.

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B6 % Killingly Villager % Town-To-Town Classifieds % Friday, February 2, 2018

Ellis Tech hosts Killingly High grapplersDANIELSON — Ellis Tech played host to a quad meet last Saturday, Jan. 27. Killingly High, Lyman Memorial, and Guilford High attended the meet. Killingly High

defeated Ellis Tech 50-15 in its match. The win lifted Killingly’s record to 25-1 in dual meets. Ellis Tech’s dual meet record was 15-9 following last weekend’s competition.

Charlie Lentz photos

Killingly’s Mike Charron, top, vs. Ellis Tech’s Travis Connetti at 120 pounds. Charron pinned Connetti at :19.

Killingly’s David Charron, top, vs. Ellis Tech’s Gavin Rickaby at 113 pounds. Rickaby won a 6-2 decision

Ellis Tech’s Sean Johnson pins Killingly’s Trevor Johnson at 1:17 at 132 pounds.

Killingly’s Greg Gosselin, top, vs. Ellis Tech’s James Roberts at 160 pounds. Gosselin earned a 7-3 decision.

Killingly’s Zack Burgess, top, vs. Ellis Tech’s Sean Benson at 145 pounds. Burgess earned a pin at 4:53.

Ellis Tech’s Hayden Minski, top, vs. Killingly’s Willie Postell in the 285 pound match. Minski won a 4-0 decision.

Killingly’s Danny Charron, top, vs. Ellis Tech’s Jared Oenning at 106 pounds. Charron won a technical fall, 19-3.

Ellis Tech’s Caleb Ferland, top, vs. Killingly’s Cooper Morissette at 126 pounds. Ferland won a 5-0 decision.

Killingly’s Sam Burdick, top, vs. Ellis Tech’s Cameron Louis at 138 pounds. Burdick won a 13-7 decision.

Killingly’s Rene Bernier, top, vs. Ellis Tech’s Dominic Alvarez in the 220-pound match. Bernier earned a pin at 5:41.

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Killingly Villager % Town-To-Town Classifieds % B7 Friday, February 2, 2018

Local Events, Arts, and Entertainment ListingsHERE & THERE


The Bradley Playhouse will present the play “Almost Maine”Tickets are $20 for adults and $16 forstudents and seniorsFor tickets call 860-928-7887


9:00 p.m.BAND OF BROTHERS4-piece blues band with members from Wilbur and the Dukes308 LAKESIDE308 East Main St. East Brookfield, MA774-449-8333


7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.42nd Annual Memorial ICE FISHING DERBYWest Brookfield Boy Scout Troop 118Lake Wickaboag, West Brookfield, MANo-ice date: Sunday, February 18Trophies: Adults - four $50 prizesDoor prizes - over 50 prizesTickets available for $1.00 each by scouts or on derby day You do not have to fish to win a door prize. In remembrance of Mark Cook,Peter Coulthard, J. Irving England,Michael Higgins and Dick Shepardson


3:30-5:00 p.m.NOTRE DAME ACADEMYQ&A THURSDAYRSVP by February 5Learn more about NDA at this info session designed for 5th-8th grade girls and theirfamilies. To register contact KimberlyKossuth, Director of Enrollment at508-757-6200 (x 229) or [emailprotected]


9:00 p.m.DÉJÀ VU TRIOPlaying a mix of cover tunes from the 70’s to today308 LAKESIDE308 East Main St. East Brookfield, MA 774-449-8333


POULTRY SEMINAR AT KLEM’S2:00 p.m.With Nutrena guest speaker, Amelia NollKLEM’S117 West Main St. Spencer, MA508-885-2708 (Ext. 104)


Woodstock Academy presents theMARSHALL TUCKER BANDwith opening act Cold Train at theCenter for the Arts on the Woodstock Academy South Campus, 150 Route 169,Woodstock, CT Admission tickets can be pur-chased for $35 A limited number of premiun tickets, which include admission to a pre-show reception, can be purchased for $100 The reception will be held next door at the Head of School’s home and will feature heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages.Tickets can be pur-chased

SECOND CHANCE PET ADOPTIONS AT KLEM’S2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.Come visit with dogs and cats availableKLEM’S117 West Main St. Spencer, MA508-885-2708 (Ext. 104)


BEEKEEPING SEMINAR AT KLEM’S11:00 a.m.Learn the basics Instructed by Roland SevigneyKLEM’S117 West Main St. Spencer, MA508-885-2708 (Ext. 104)


EASTER BUNNY PICTURES AT KLEM’S10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.Hop on in - pets and children welcome!$5.00 donation to the SpencerAmerican LegionKLEM’S117 West Main St.Spencer, MA508-885-2708 (Ext 104)


2:00-4:00 p.m.NOTRE DAME ACADEMYOPEN HOUSEMeet the faculty, take a campus tour,learn all that NDA has to offer.For more info, contact Kimberly Kossuth, Director of Enrollmentat 508-757-6200 (x 229)or email [emailprotected]


KLEM’S FISHING EXPO9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Reps, experts and the latest gear for 2018KLEM’S117 West Main St. Spencer, MA508-885-2708 (Ext. 104)


BEEKEEPING SEMINAR AT KLEM’S11:00 a.m.Learn the basics Instructed by Mary DuaneKLEM’S117 West Main St. Spencer, MA508-885-2708 (Ext. 104)


SECOND CHANCE PET ADOPTIONS AT KLEM’S2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.Come visit the dogs and cats availableKLEM’S117 West Main St.Spencer, MA508-885-2708 (Ext. 104)


EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION AT KLEM’S10:00 a.m., Buy or sell!KLEM’S 117 West Main St., Spencer, MA 508-885-2708 (Ext. 104)


ROADHOUSE BLUES JAMEvery Sunday, 3:00 - 7:00 p.m.CADY’S TAVERN2168 Putnam Pike, Chepachet, RI401-568-4102

TRIVIA SATURDAY NIGHTS7:00 p.m. register • 7:30 p.m. start upHILLCREST COUNTRY CLUB325 Pleasant St., Leicester, MA508-892-9822

WISE GUYS TEAM TRIVIAEvery Tuesday, 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.CADY’S TAVERN2168 Putnam Pike (Rt. 44), Chepachet, RI401-568- 4102 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY NIGHTHEXMARK TAVERNAT SALEM CROSS INN260 West Main St., West Brookfield, MA508-867-2345 •

TRAP SHOOTINGEvery Sunday at 11:00 a.m.Open to the public$12.00 per round includes clays and ammoNRA certified range officer on site every shootAUBURN SPORTSMAN CLUB50 Elm St., Auburn, MA 508-832-6492

HUGE MEAT RAFFLEFirst Friday of the monthEarly Bird 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.1st table: 7:00 p.m.Auburn Sportsman Club50 Elm St., Auburn, MA 508-832-6496

TRIVIA TUESDAYSat 7:00 p.m.Cash prizes308 LAKESIDE308 East main St., E. Brookfield, MA774-449-8333

TRIVIAL THURSDAYNo cost to play - Cash prizesEvery Thursday at 7:00 p.m.CHESTER P. TUTTLE POSTAMERICAN LEGION88 Bancroft St., Auburn, MA508-832-2701



KILLINGLY704 Lainey Lane 11-12:30 $159,900 The White/Cook Team 860-931-6006 Berkshire Hathaway HS

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Ellis Tech hosts Killingly High grapplers

Killingly’s Jon Cresswell, right, vs. Ellis Tech’s Ryan Wesson at 152 pounds. Cresswell won a 15-7 decision

Killingly’s Zach Caffrey vs. Ellis Tech’s Logan Mish at 182 pounds. Caffrey earned a technical fall, 23-8.


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SHERMAN -- Barbara Mary Schimpf Tiebout, 82, Sherman, Connecticut, died peacefully of natural causes at her daughter’s home in Miami, Florida, on January 11.

Devotedly married for 46 years to her late husband, Allen Robert Tiebout, Sr., “Bobbie” was a highly accomplished seamstress, an expert in both garment and residential interiors. She was a master knitter with vast experience in Fisherman’s Knit and Fair Isle styles. Well known for her accomplishments in landscape and vegetable gardening, Bobbie lovingly tended her treasured garden, feeding her family, neighbors and friends. She loved baking, reading, and traveling with her husband, Al. She worked as the cook at The Sherman

School for many years and was treasur-er of The Sherman Players.

Born in The Bronx, daughter of the late Edward B. and Barbara Schimpf of Crooked Furrows Farm, Sherman, Bobbie joins in heaven her sister Nancy Wetherbee, and brothers-in-law George Beatty, Kenneth Johnson and Donald Tiebout, Jr.

Bobbie is survived by her children, Edward R. Bennett (Cindy) and Terri A. Stephen (John); step-sons Allen Robert Tiebout, Jr. (Mary), Jeffrey C. Tiebout (Rachel Theo-Maurelli), and Craig L. Tiebout, Sr.; sisters Elizabeth Beatty and Martha Johnson; sister-in-law Sue Tiebout; grandchildren Anthony Ryan Tiebout (Angela), Robert Tiebout (Tara), Nicholas Tiebout (Dana), Jessica Taylor, Amara Tiebout, Logan Tiebout (Kelly), Marissa Tiebout, Benjamin Tiebout, Craig Tiebout, Jr., Adam Tiebout (Janelle), William Bennett, Elijah Stephen, Kamal Stephen, and Eva Kate Stephen; and 11 great grand-children and one on the way.

A funeral service was held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Bridgewater, on January 27. Burial fol-lowed in Coburn Cemetery, Sherman.

The family asks that, in lieu of flow-ers, you remember Bobbie by planting a flowering shrub in your own yard for all to enjoy.

BROOKLYN – Anne M. Panicci, 98, formerly of Wallingford, died Monday, January 22, at Touchpoints at Farmington. She was born March 8, 1919 in New York City. She was the wife of the

late Elio W. Panicci who died in 1986. She is survived by her son Ronald J. Panicci and wife Loretta of Brooklyn

and daughter Dianne Kaseoru and hus-band Peter of Sheldon, Vermont; two grandchildren, Johanna and Anthony Kaseoru and many nieces and neph-ews. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Saturday, January 27, at Our Lady of LaSalette Church, Brooklyn. There were no calling hours. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memo-ry may be made to Touchpoints at Farmington Recreation Fund, 20 Scott Swamp Road, Farmington, CT 06032.

B8 % Killingly Villager % Town-To-Town Classifieds % Friday, February 2, 2018


W E B S T E R , MASSACHUSETTS - Theresa (Robitaille) O’Connell, 87, passed away peacefully on Friday, January 26, at Matulaitis Nursing and Rehabilitation in Putnam.

Her husband of 57 years, Charles J. O’Connell, Sr. died September 23, 2008.

She leaves behind a son, John J. O’Connell and his wife Donna of Fabyan, three daughters; Karen O’Connell Gaskell of Vass, North Carolina, Patricia A. Battista wife of Anthony J. Battista, Sr. of Dudley, Massachusetts and Maryann T. Hoenig wife of Donald R. “D.R.” Hoenig of Thompson, 8 grandchil-dren; Charles J. O’Connell, III and his wife Jill, Gianna M. Battista, Anthony J. Battista, Jr., Patrick Gaskell and his wife Kristina, Rachel Woodco*ck-Richards and her husband Sexton, Laura Woodco*ck, J. Riley O’Connell and Jack O’Connell, four great grand-children; Chase, Connor and Reed Gaskell, and Shelby O’Connell, and a sister, Claire Bartolomei of Putnam. Theresa was born in Putnam, daugh-ter of the late Armand and Albina (Cusson) Robitaille. She was also predeceased by a son, Charles J.

O’Connell, Jr., who died May 3, 1984 and a daughter, Margaret M. ‘Margie’ Dahl who died June 11, 2014.

Theresa worked for many years at the former Stevens Linen Associates in Dudley, Massachusetts. She enjoyed crossword puzzles, and was a vera-cious reader.

When the family lived at ‘The Lake’ in Webster, she enjoyed being there and being with her family, which she kept an eye on and was proud of all her family.

The family would like to ‘Thank’ the staff at Matulaitis for their caring and attention given to Theresa and the quality of life given to her to make her comfortable.

As per Theresa’s request, there will be no services. Theresa will always be in the hearts of her family and all that knew her. She has joined Charlie, Charlie, Jr. and Margie.

Kindly omit flowers, please consider a contribution in Theresa’s name to: Matulaitis Nursing Home, Activities Fund, 10 Thurber Rd., Putnam, CT. 06260, or the charity of one’s choice.

The ROBERT J. MILLER FUNERAL HOME and LAKE CHAPEL, 366 School St., Webster is Honored to be assisting Theresa’s family with arrangements.

To leave a message of condolence, please

Theresa (Robitaille) O’Connell, 87ATTAWAUGAN

-- Cecile “Sis” (Boucher) Kallio, 67, passed away peace-fully surrounded by her loving family on January 2, after a courageous battle with cancer. Sis was born in Putnam, on

September 6, 1950. She was the daugh-ter to the late Norman and Theresa (Blain) Boucher. She leaves behind her loving husband of 48 years, John Kallio Sr.

In her earlier years, Sis was a mem-ber of the 4H Club, adored horse back riding, and played the accordion. On September 20, 1969, Sis married her high school (Killingly High School class of ‘68) sweet heart and soul mate, John. They briefly lived in Hawaii while John, a US Navy veteran, was stationed in Pearl Harbor. Sis and John returned to the Kallio family farm in Connecticut and raised two sons and a daughter.

Sis was a hard-working seamstress with a strong work ethic. She retired from Symbol Mattress Company in Dayville in 2012. For over 30 years, she often could be found with her hus-band volunteering during the many Game Suppers and functions at the Thompson Rod and Gun Club. They enjoyed hosting family and holiday gatherings and picnics at their home and at their former summer cottage on Quaddick Lake.

In the quieter moments at home, Sis enjoyed a good book, word search

and crossword puzzles, and watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. She had an amazing green thumb and her variety of house plants thrived under her tender care. In the spring and summer, Sis and John planted vege-table, herb and flower gardens. In her retirement, she loved playing Bingo, Michigan Rummy and venturing out with her aunts. Warm days were spent outside, under the shade of a tree, with her husband and dogs, Willow and Sasha (Rocky and Pee Wee).

What Sis loved most of all was her family. Her love was immense and unconditional.

In return, her family adored her and loved her fiercely.

Sis is survived by her husband John Kallio Sr.; her son Johnny Kallio Jr., and his fiancée Christie Spetrini; daughter Lisa Bernier and husband David; son Eric Kallio and girlfriend Christina Brodeur; her grandchildren Brittany Lawrence and husband Scott, Maxwell and Jonah Kallio, and Jake Bernier. Sis also leaves behind her brother Kevin Boucher and significant other Lori Neirodzinski; sister Patty Kozlowski and husband David; neph-ews Matthew and Mark Kozlowski; aunts Jean Morris and Cecile Blain; sister-in-law Laila Paige, niece Audrey Murphy and husband Mickey; and many great-nieces and great-nephews, cousins and two foster great-grand-daughters she considered her own.

A private Celebration of Life will be held to honor Sis’s memory at a later date.

Cecile “Sis” (Boucher) Kallio, 67

PUTNAM – Barbara (Hebert) Martin, 81, of Sabin Street, died January 27, in Worcester, Massachusetts. She was the wife of the late Wilfred E. Martin. Born in Webster, Massachusetts, she

was the daughter of the late Euclid and Stastia (Czechowski) Hebert.

Mrs. Martin worked as an LPN for Day Kimball Hospital for 30 years. She enjoyed walks on the beach, vacations in Maine, puzzles and playing with her grand-dogs. Her family was her “everything.”

Barbara is survived by her daugh-

ters, Brenda Senecal and her husband Glenn of Putnam, and Sharon Stasko and her husband Gerald of Webster, Massachusetts; her son, Kevin Martin and his wife Pamela of Killingly; her grandchildren, Derek Martin, Adam Przystas and his wife Heather, and Andrew Senecal; and her great grand-daughter, Laurana Przystas.

A Mass of Christian Burial was held on February 1, in St. Joseph Church in N. Grosvenordale. Burial will follow in St. Joseph Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made in Barbara’s memory to East Coast Canine Rescue, P.O. Box 387, Pomfret, CT. For memorial guestbook visit

Barbara D. Martin, 81

WOODSTOCK – David M. Bernard, 48, of Dugg Hill Rd., died Tuesday, January 23, at the Hospital for Special Care sur-rounded by his fami-ly. Born in Putnam, he was the beloved son of Jude and Nilda

(Rivera) Bernard. David earned his Associates Degree in manufacturing and engineering from Thames Valley Community College. He worked for many years as a High Stakes Dealer at Foxwoods Resort and Casino.

David was a gentle soul, who loved his family and was always willing to extend a helping hand. David was the mixer in the family Doughboy busi-ness for many years, and was widely known at the fairs for making the best dough in the family. He also enjoyed gardening, games, and rooting for the Red Sox and Patriots. David loved

being with family and friends and cheering on his nephews and nieces, be it on the field or on the stage. David saw the good in all people; helping them wherever he could.

David is survived by his parents; two brothers, Jude A. Bernard, Jr. of Palm Springs, California and Stephen J. Bernard and his wife Agnes of Windham; two sisters, Virginia E. Sharpless of Chapel Hill, North Carolina and Lisa M. Hart and her husband Martin of Pomfret. He is also survived by many cherished nieces and nephews.

Relatives and friends visited with David’s family on January 28, in the Gilman Funeral Home in Putnam. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Monday, January 29, in St. Stephen Church in Quinebaug. Burial will be in the Spring in Elmvale Cemetery. For memorial guestbook visit

David M. Bernard, 48

Barbara “Bobbie” Schimpf Tiebout, 82

S P E N C E R - Antoinette S. (Bisson) Dee 92, of Sunset Lane, died Sunday, Jan. 28 at Baystate Mary Lane Hospital in Ware.

She was the wife of Robert F. Dee, who died in 2006.

She leaves her son Robert J. Dee of Spencer, her daughters Karen L. Dee-Zupancic and her husband Frank of Spencer, and Linda M. Lafortune and her husband Larry of Putnam, CT, two grandchildren Franny Zupancic of Spencer and Stephanie Lafortune of Putnam, a great granddaughter Kelsey Parent of Putnam and many nieces and nephews. She is predeceased by brothers Henry Louis, Raymond, Roland, Gerard and Paul Bisson and her sister Orianna O’Brien. At one time she was a technician at the St. Vincent Hospital Blood Bank.

Born in Worcester, she was the daughter of Paul and Louise (Giroux) Bisson. She was a member of Mary, Queen of the Rosary Parish. She enjoyed reading, crossword puzzles, cross stitching, and knitting.

Her funeral will be held on Friday, Feb. 2 from the J.HENRI MORIN & SON FUNERAL HOME, 23 Maple Terr., Spencer with a Mass at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 7 Church St., Spencer. Entombment in Worcester County Memorial Park Mausoleum will follow. Calling hours were Thursday, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the funeral home.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Quaboag on the Common Patient Activity Fund, 47 E.Main St., W. Brookfield, MA 01585 or Second Chance Animal Services Adoption Center, Po.O. Box 136,East Brookfield, MA 01515.

Antoinette S. (Bisson) Dee 92

PUTNAM - Carol Ann Osborne (Mimi), 77, of Putnam passed away sud-denly on January 15, in Putnam. She was born on June 8, 1940 in Putnam, daughter of the late Charlie and Doris

( F o n t a i n e ) H a m e l . Carol worked as a local hairdresser, then for National Chrome, Foxwoods, the Irish Club and at group homes in the State of Connecticut. She enjoyed yard sales, auctions and being with family and friends. She loved her sum-mer trips camping with her lifelong friend Mary Ann Michon. She also enjoyed having daily lunches put on by the local churches. Carol cherished family gatherings while being sur-rounded with love, laughter and good times. “There’s no greater love than

the love you have for your mother but there’s no greater loss then when she leaves and goes to heaven.” We love you and will miss you forever. She leaves her children, Paul and wife Kim Osborne, Colleen Harvey-Michon and husband Kurt Michon, Sean M. Osborne, her grandchildren Lindsey Osborne Browning and husband Clayton, Ashley Osborne Padula and husband Anthony, Alyssa Harvey, Cameron Osborne and Gabby Osborne. She was predeceased by a son-in-law Barry P. Harvey and by a friend of 28 years, Paul Gregoire; they enjoyed being together, camping and going out dancing. In lieu of flow-ers, donations may be made to her family, C/O Colleen Harvey-Michon, 3021 David Ave, Danielson, CT 06239. A Mass of Christian Burial was held January 19, at St. James Church in Danielson. Share a memory at

Carol Ann Osborne, 77

Anne M. Panicci, 98

NORTH FORT MYERS, FLORIDA -- Therese O. Ethier, 73, of North Fort Myers, passed away Thursday, January 25. She was born February 25, 1944 in Southbridge, M a s s a c h u s e t t s

to Raymond and Estelle (Goulet) Chenette. She and her husband moved to Florida from Connecticut in 1987. She retired as a registered nurse and spent much of career as a traveling nurse.

Mrs. Ethier is survived by her hus-

band of 54 years, Richard Ethier; her sons: Brian Ethier of Fort Myers and David Ethier (Leslie) of Brooklyn; her grandchildren: Alec and Tyler, and her sister, Janice Bellezza (John) of Chandler, Arizona.

A memorial service was held on January 31, at Old Bridge Village Clubhouse in North Fort Myers, Florida.

Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Fort Myers Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, 1589 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33907, 239-936-0555. Online condolences may be made at:

Therese O. Ethier, 73

OBITUARIES are published at no charge. E-mail notices to [emailprotected]

or fax them to (860) 928-5946. Photos are welcome in JPEG format.

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LEGAL NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 7, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. at the Clifford B. Green Meeting Center, 69 South Main Street, Brooklyn, CT on the following:SP18-001 McDonald’s USA, LLC, 554 Providence Road, Map 41, Lot 16-A, PC Zone; Proposed façade update, side by side drive-thru layout, ADA accessible parking spaces, walkway improvements, and pedestrian con-nection to the public right of way. A copy of the above application is on file and available for review in the Land Use Office located at 69 South Main Street, Suite 22, Brooklyn, CT.All interested parties may appear, be heard and written correspondence received. Dated this 25th day of January 2018

Michelle SigfridsonChairmanJanuary 26, 2018February 2, 2018


ESTATE OF Doris Germaine Laprade (18-00002) The Hon. Leah P. Schad, Judge of the Court of Probate, District of Northeast Probate Court, by decree dated Jan-uary 23, 2018, ordered that all claims must be presented to the fiduciary at the address below. Failure to prompt-ly present any such claim may result in the loss of rights to recover on such claim.

Heather Crecco, ClerkThe fiduciary is: Pierre Laprade Smith, c/o Andrea L. Truppa, Esq. (attorney for Pierre Laprade Smith), 24 Stearns Street, Danielson, CT 06239, (860)779-1000February 2, 2018

NOTICE TO CREDITORSESTATE OF Jacob Oliver Bowen(18-00028) The Hon. Leah P. Schad, Judge of the Court of Probate, District of Northeast Probate Court, by decree dated Jan-uary 23, 2018, ordered that all claims must be presented to the fiduciary at the address below. Failure to prompt-ly present any such claim may result in the loss of rights to recover on such claim.

Heather Crecco, ClerkThe fiduciary is: Richard O. Bowenc/o Edwin C. Higgins, III, Esq.,Bachand, Longo & Higgins, 168 Main Street, PO Box 528,Putnam, CT 06260,(860) 928-6549February 2, 2018

NOTICE TO CREDITORSESTATE OF Rhea R. McCarthy(18-00001) The Hon. Leah P. Schad, Judge of the Court of Probate, District of Northeast Probate Court, by decree dated Jan-uary 23, 2018, ordered that all claims must be presented to the fiduciary at the address below. Failure to prompt-ly present any such claim may result in the loss of rights to recover on such claim.

Heather Crecco, ClerkThe fiduciary is: Kimberlee A. McCarthy,c/o Nicholas A. Longo, Esq.,(attorney for Kimberlee A. McCarthy),Bachand, Longo & Higgins, 168 Main Street, PO Box 528,Putnam, CT 06260,(860) 928-6549February 2, 2018



75, of Danielson died January 26, at home. Francis was born in Putnam on September 19, 1942, son of the late Albert Joseph and Marie Antoinette (Wajtas) Ruest. He worked at the former Anchor Glass in Dayville for 25 years and had served in the Army National Guard. Francis is survived by his children, Susan Miller of Middletown, Michael Fontanella of Middletown and granddaughter Emma Fontanella.

A graveside ser-vice will be held at a later date at the State of Connecticut Veterans Cemetery in Middletown. There are no calling hours. Tillinghast Funeral Home, 433 Main Street, Danielson is in charge of arrangements.

Francis T. Ruest, 75MOOSUP –

Laura G. Main, 88, of Moosup, died January 24, at Hartford Hospital. She was born in Oneco on February 22, 1929, daughter of the late Leslie G. and Ellen Mae

(Parkhurst) Hyde. Laura was the wife of George A. Main. She worked for the State of Connecticut Department of Human Resources for 25 years. She was a member of the Moosup United Methodist Church. Laura loved camp-ing, traveling and spending time with her family. Besides her husband she is survived by her children, Carl G.

Main and wife Tammy of Moosup and Judith E. Chmura and husband Stanley of Canterbury; grandchildren, Jason Chmura and wife Nina of New Jersey, Jonathan Chmura and wife Amy of Plainfield, Brittney Main and fiancé Mike of Danielson and great grandchildren, Michael and Dominic Chmura of New Jersey. She was prede-ceased by her brother Leslie G. Hyde. A graveside service will be held in the spring in Evergreen Cemetery, Central Village. In lieu of flowers, donations in her name may be made to Day Kimball Hospital Cardiac Rehab, P.O. Box 632, Putnam, CT 06260. Tillinghast Funeral Home, 25 Main St., Central Village is in charge of arrangements.

Laura G. Main, 88

SOUTHBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS - Richard A. Harrington, 53, passed away on January 22, in the UMass Memorial Medical Center, U n i v e r s i t y Campus, Worcester,

Massachusetts.He leaves his sister, Brenda K.

Vander Ende and Pieter of North Wales, Pennsylvania; his four stepchil-dren, Henry, John, Lynn and Amanda; one step grandchild, Romeo; many nieces and nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his two brothers, Jeff Warren and Albert Reed, Jr., a sister, Linda Comeau and a step son, Romeo. He was born in Putnam, the son of William “Gabby” and Lucille (Billings) Harrington. Richard served in the US Army.

Richard was a happy, hardworking farmer and worked for numerous farms in the Woodstock area. He enjoyed going deep sea fish-ing and having pig roast cookouts.

A celebration of life for Richard was held on January 27, at the Elks Lodge in Putnam. Burial will be private. There were no calling hours.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Richard Harrington Memorial Fund, c/o Charter Oak Credit Union, 1055 Hartford Turnpike, Waterford, CT 06385.

The Daniel T. Morrill Funeral Home, 130 Hamilton St., Southbridge, is directing arrangements.

Richard A. Harrington, 53

P L A I N F I E L D -- Mildred I. (Kent) Grous, 81, former-ly of Third St., died Wednesday, January 24 at Westview Healthcare. She was the loving wife of the late Raymond Grous. Born in South

Brunswick, Maine, she was the daugh-ter of the late Harold and Eleanor (Colburn) Kent.

Mildred was a veteran of the Post Korean War time serving with the United States Air Force from 1955 - 1959.

Mrs. Grous worked for many years in the housekeeping department at the University of Connecticut.

Mrs. Grous enjoyed collecting salt and pepper shakers, doing crossword puzzles, and playing cribbage. Mildred

was a devoted mem-ber of the Plainfield Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses.

Mildred is sur-vived by a son, Davis Grous of Moosup,; two daughters, Cynthia Robb and her husband Steven Gencarelle of Moosup and Donna Athorne of Central Village; a broth-er, Lenny Kent and a sister, Beverly Hawkes; eleven grandchildren, eight great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. She was prede-ceased by five siblings.

Funeral arrangements and cre-mation have been entrusted to the Gilman Funeral Home & Crematory, 104 Church St., Putnam, CT. For memorial guestbook visit

Mildred I. Grous, 81

THOMPSON – Gary Ray Duclos, 58, of Thompson died Tuesday, January 23, at home. He was born in Putnam on September 7, 1959, son of the late Raymond and Pauline (Weaver) Duclos. Gary served in the United States Marine Corps and had worked as a machinist. He loved music and playing his guitar. He was predeceased by his grandmother Albina Weaver who raised him and with whom he was very close. He is survived by his chil-dren, Kristin Shea of Baldwinsville,

New York, Kaycee Krummel of Colchester, Tyler Duclos of Killingly and Justin Duclos of Webster, Massachusetts. He is also survived by sev-eral grandchildren. Funeral services will be private. Tillinghast Funeral Home, 433 Main St., Danielson is in charge of arrangements.

Gary Ray Duclos, 58

OBITUARIES are published at no charge. E-mail notices to [emailprotected]

or fax them to (860) 928-5946. Photos are welcome in JPEG format.

OBITUARIES are published at no charge. E-mail notices to [emailprotected]

or fax them to (860) 928-5946. Photos are welcome in JPEG format.

(NAPS)While many strategies for “healthy

aging” exist, recent evidence points to the important role of hearing health in maintaining quality of life long-term.

Better hearing starts in the brain. Your brain processes and interprets the sounds your ears receive. When you have hearing loss, your brain doesn’t get all the sound information it needs to understand what’s being said and it spends more energy trying to fill in the blanks. That extra effort can take its toll.

A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that people with hearing loss who wear hearing aids had the same risk for age-related cognitive decline as people without hearing loss. When you active-ly use hearing aids, you are more likely to stay socially engaged, one of the primary ways to stimulate your brain. Like any exercise, the mental give-and-take of social interaction helps to keep your brain fit and slows down acceler-ated cognitive decline.

That’s the idea behind the BrainHearing™ technology built into Oticon hearing aids. With BrainHearing, Oticon hearing aids deliver sound with the clearest, purest signal possible—in the way your brain is best able to understand it.

Because this innovative technol-ogy preserves the important details

in speech, your brain doesn’t have to strain to fill in the gaps. There’s less effort involved in listening. You enjoy a more natural, more effortless listening experience, anywhere, anytime so you can stay active and engaged in all that life has to offer.

Learn MoreFor further facts, visit www.Oticon.


Keep Your Brain Fit

A hearing health checkup may be your best defense against cognitive decline.

(NAPS)Sometimes, what you don’t know

can hurt you. Consider this: Smallpox vaccines were used as far back as the Revolutionary War. This serious dis-ease, which has killed more people than all the wars combined, has been wiped from the Earth by vaccines. It’s a shame that recently the safety of vaccines has been questioned. It’s time people focused on the facts.

Vaccines have long been one of the safest medical treatments. No credible study has proven otherwise. Just like other medicines, vaccines are approved by the FDA. By and large, the rewards of prevention are worth the small risk of any vaccine’s side effects.

Another fact is that vaccines for mature Americans can save lives. When seniors get pneumonia shots, they could lengthen their life expectan-cy by four years. Flu shots will also pro-tect seniors from a debilitating illness with life-threatening consequences. Vaccinations are generally affordable and they are safe.

What To DoIf you have questions about a vaccine,

talk to your doctors. They can explain the safety of vaccines and their impor-tance to your health. There are three easy steps you can take to get protected:

1. Find out which vaccines you need. You can go to the RetireSafe web-

site,, and click on the vaccine icon on the left side of the home page. It will take you to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site that will ask you questions about you and your life. It will then give you a list of vaccines you may need.

2. Discuss the vaccines on the list with your doctor or health care profes-sional.

3. Get the recommended vaccina-tions.

That’s it...that’s all you have to do to be healthier and possibly add years to your life.

What You Should Know About Vaccines

For your health’s sake, give vaccination a shot.

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100% STAINLESS STEELHOT DOG CART: ExcellentCondition! Only used a seasonand a half. Dual Heat Source,Wet Steam Table, SS DualSinks, Hot/Cold Water Sup-plies, Easy to Maneuver.$3,200. Call (508) 839-9338

1949 INTERNATIONAL HAR-VESTER CUB TRACTOR:Runs Well, Two New Tires, Attachments Include SnowPlow, Harrow, Cultivator, andLand Plow. $2,500. (508) 248-6860

1991 HARLEY DRESSER:55,000 Miles. Runs Great! $4,500or Will Trade for Car of EqualValue.BASS BOAT16 1/2FT LUND Very Good Con-dition! MANY EXTRAS $3,750O.B.O. Call for Info (508) 943-5797, Cell (508) 353-9722

1BEAUTIFUL DW MOBILEHOME IN GATED SENIOR MO-BILE HOME PARK $16,0002 bdrms, 2 baths, working kitchen,dining room, LLR & 2 Floridarooms, completely furnish. 863-682-6473. Lakeland, Florida

1HOSPITAL BED:excellent con-dition 2 years old, 80” long x36” wide, sanitized plastic coveredmattress w/metal frame; remotecontrol,head and foot. $750 or bestoffer. 508-735-8095

2 HARLEY DAVIDSONS FORSALE: 1998 883 Sportster. Only5,800 Miles-Runs Great, LooksGreat! $3,000. 1989 EXR 1340:28K Miles- Runs and Looks Great!Lots of Chrome and Extras$4,500.(508) 868-1320

2 TWIN BEDS: Complete, InExcellent Condition. 508-423-4824

*******6-PIECE TWIN BEDROOMSET FOR SALE: Matchingheadboard, footboard, 5-drawerchest, 6-drawer dresser withmirror, and night stand in darkoak. In very good condition. Asking $500.00 or best offer.Call 508-846-5486

*******ALL BEST OFFER MOVINGSALE: 6 Chairs, Two weddingdresses size 14 & 18; Mother ofbride dress size 18; Bridesmaiddresses, size 18; Piano; 2-drawfiling cab. Green Sofa &Loveseat; 4-burner gas grill;Patio Table w/ Glass Top; Pres-sure washer; 6 Chairs; UmbrellaTools, Axes; Recliner; TwinBeds; Desks; Book Cases; TV.(774) 262-0442

ALUMINUM OUTSIDE PATIOFURNITURE WITH CUSH-IONS: 6 Swivel Chairs, LoungeChair, Three-Seat Glider, Two-Seat Glider, Glass Coffee Table,Glass Side Table, Will Sell Indi-vidually, Excellent Condition,Never Been Outside! (508) 234-2573

ANGLE IRON CUTTER ForShelving 4W296, HK Potter2790. Normally Sells For $700.$50 OBO. Call 5pm-8:30pm,(508)867-6546

BICYCLES FOR SALE: One Men’s And One Women’sBicycle Specialized CrossroadSize Medium, Avenir Seat , Himano Revoshifts, 7 Speeds& More, Mint Condition. A Must See. Asking$175/Each Or Best Offer. Call(508) 347-3145.

COMPLETE MACHINESHOP: Bridgeports, C & CMilling Machine, Lathes, AirCompressors, Fork Trucks, DrillPresses, A Complete Mezza-nine 3,500 sq.ft. NEVER IN-STALLED! Pallet Racking,Electric Pallet Jacks. (508) 792-9950

CRAFTSMAN Roll Around ToolBox: 6 Drawers, 52Hx34Wx19D$100. Computer Desk23Dx30Hx47W $30.00. GlassChess Set $15.00.Poker Chips/Aluminum Case $20.00.Leapfrog6 Books $25.00. Call (508) 867-4546

DINING ROOM TABLE CenterLeaf With Four Chairs $100.Screenhouse 8 Panel, 4’ WideScreen Sections, All New RubberConnectors. In Great Shape!$300. Hand Tools-All DifferentKinds. (860) 947-0290.Vtgreenmounta [emailprotected]

ELECTRICAL MATERIAL:Industrial, Commercial, Resi-dential. Wire, Pipe, Fittings, Re-lays, Coils, Overloads, Fuses,Breakers, Meters, Punches,Pipe-Benders. New RecessedTroffer, Flourescent 3-Tube T-8277V Fixtures Enclosed $56Each. Call 5pm-8:30pm.(508)867-6546


FINLAND BLUE FOXJACKET: By Michael ValenteSize 8, very good condition.$200 OBO. Vintage Black American Sable Coat, sz. small$100 OBO 508-864-4075

FOR SALE DR MOWER: Electric Start with Attachments-Snowblower with Cab, Chains,500 Watt Generator, Woodchip-per. Like New Condition. Origi-nal Cost $5,000. Selling for$3,500. (860) 774-6944.

FOR SALE: Rich BrownLeather Sectional with Chaise.Very Good Condition. Asking$450. Call (508) 320-7230

******************FULL LENGTH MINKCOAT: Size 12. New $2,400.Asking $300. 508-612-9263******************

GARMIN GPS 12XLPERSONAL NAVIGATOR:powerful 12 channel receiver,moving map graphics, backlitdisplay for night use. New!! Per-fect for Hunters, Boaters, andHikers. REDUCED $125/bestoffer. (508)347-3145

GAS KITCHEN STOVE TwoYears Old, 20” $65. 2 StormWindows $15/each. 4 DrawerDresser $15. 2 Oak DiningRoom Chairs $15 each. BestOffer on All Items. (860) 779-0423

GORGEOUS HAND-CARVEDChina Cabinet From China $4,000New, $1,500 OBO. Cherry DrTable & Six Chairs $900 OBO.Oak Table & Four Chairs $75OBO. Dove-Tailed Dresser $80OBO.(860) 630-4962

JAMAICA WICKER queenBed Set: Head & Foot Board,Woman & Man’s Dresser, 2Nightstands. Paid $5,400. Ask-ing $1,200. 2 SEATERLANCER POWER CHAIR 4’ Long, Olive Color. NEVERBEEN USED! Asking $350.(508) 461-9621

KENMORE ELITE MI-CROWAVE W/ ConvectionOven $75. 860-928-0281

LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENTTrailer $995 OBO. Call 5pm-8:30pm. 508-867-6546

MOTORS: 1/2HP 230/460V1725RPM, 56 Frame $30. 5HP,230/460V 1740RPM, 184TFrame/TEFC $100. 5HP,230/460V 3495RPM, 184TFrame/TEFC $100. 4 MotorSpeed Controls Hitachi J100,400/460V Best Offer. Call 5pm-8:30pm 508-867-6546

MOVING SALE: Hillsboro Full-Size Iron Sleigh-Bed with BoxSpring & Mattress. ExcellentCondition. $1,000. WalnutDresser & Nightstand andFull/queen Headboard. Excel-lent Condition $450. Beige Re-clining Lift Chair $350. WhiteCouch and Blue Velvet Chair &Floral Chair $450. 48” RoundSlate and Cherry Coffee Tablewith Matching End Table $500.Antique Dining Room Set; Tablew/ Six Chairs, Buffet Server,China Cabinet & Secretary. Excellent Condition $1,500.queen Size Hillsboro Iron Bedw/ Beautyrest Black Box Springand Mattress. Excellent Condi-tion. $2,000. (508) 987-2419

NEW BALANCE SNEAKERS:3 Pair, Black Leather WalkingShoes, Velcro Close, NeverWorn! 91/2 Wide. $60/each.(508) 637-1304

NICHOLS AND STONEPedestal Dining Table: 78”x60”plus 18” Extension, 6 Side Chairs$800. Harden Gold Wedge SofaExcellent Condition$400,. (774) 241-0141

NORDIC TRACK TRL625:Recumbent cycle w/stabilizngfloor bar for secure balance.TREADMILL - for therapeutic fit-ness (walking & jogging) (for upto 400 lbs.) $300 each OBOboth in excellent condition. 508-892-3998, 508-723-4452


PINE DINING ROOM,PedestalTable, 2 Leaves, 8 CaptainChairs. $100 Or Best Offer. 508-248-7055

PRECISION 15 DAY SAILERwith Trailer Specifications: LOA-15, LWL-13’9”, BEAM-7’, DRAFT,Board Up-0’6”DRAFT, BoardDown-3’8” In Pristine Condition with Mainsail and Jib. $2,500 obol.Mercury 50HP Outboard 2-Stroke$300 obo.(860) 338-3797

REMEMBER YOUR SWEET-HEART: Collection of VictorianEra hand-painted items ALLwith roses: vases, rose bowls,pitchers, chocolate pot, cakesets, planters. No reasonableoffer refused. 508-237-2362Auburn


**********RETIRED FORMER HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR: Selling AllPower and Hand Tools, AsWell As Good Cargo Van.(203) 731-1750 Evenings orAM. Connecticut Location


SEARS 12” BANDSAW. NewTotal Gym. (774) 241-0027

Small Bureau $75.00. Printer’sAntique Drawers $20.00 Per.Fake Brick Fireplace WithHeater $140.00.Kitchen Chairs.Spare Tire P225/60r16 EagleGA With Rim $45.00. VanityTable & Chair $135.00. CarSunroofs $100.00 Per. Home-made Pine Coffee Table AndTwo End Tables$100.00. An-tique Lamp Jug $40.00. AntiqueCroquet Set $40.00. WoodTruck Ramps 8 Foot $100.00.Drop Leaf Cart $50.00. EndTable W/Drawer $50.00. EndTable W/Drawer $60.00. Call 1-5 0 8 - 7 6 4 - 4 4 5 8 , 1-774-452-3514

SNOW TIRES: Like new (4)Firestone Winter Force 215/60-15. $240.BECKETT BURNER,CONTROL AND AqUASTAT:Runs great, Instruction, wiringand owners manual $250. AR-TIFICIAL CHRISTMAS TREEWITH STAND : 6 FT. Storagebox included. Excellent condition$50.CAST IRON CHRISTMASTREE STAND: Beautiful $20.SUNBEAM WHOLE HOUSEHUMIDIFIER: Used, worksgreat, 6-7 gallon, faux wood cab-inet on casters. $50.14” SNOWCHAINS: Used, very good con-dition $25. 15” CABLE SNOWCHAINS: New $45. Call Ed.508-479-9752

SPORTS CARDS/ MEMORA-BILIA COLLECTION: Call formore info(413) 668-6330

SWAMP MOTOR BRANDNEW!!!Swamp runner w/5’ longextension propeller. Predator en-gine, 6-1/2 HP, 212cc, paperworkand book. Used 2 hours; not evenbroken in! Asking $500 or bestoffer!!! 508-885-3697

TOOL SHEDS Made of Texture1-11: 8x8 $775; 8x10 $960; 8x12$1050; 8x16 $1375. Delivered,Built On-Site. Other Sizes Avail-able. CALL (413) 324-1117

TREES/FIELDSTONE:Trees- Evergreens, ExcellentPrivacy Border. Hemlocks-Spruces-Pines (3’-4’ Tall) 5 for$99. Colorado Blue Spruce(18”-22” Tall) 10 for $99. NewEngland FieldstoneRound/Flat, Excellent Retain-ing Wallstone. $28/Ton(508) 278-5762 Evening

TWO DRESSERS best offer.Custom made parlor cabinet,$1500. Glass door hutch - bestoffer. John Deere snowblower(like new) $700 - must be seen!Call for appt. 774-507-6315



FREE PLAYER PIANO: youmove it. CHARLTON. 508-248-3985, 508-410-5654



15’ STARCRAFT ALUMINUMCANOE with Keel. $350. Call(508) 278-2083

16FT OLDTOWN OTTERKAYAK: 2 Person, Paddles Included. $500. (508) 347-9979

2013 MIRRO-CRAFT 14’6”Boat Trolle1416 2013 40HPYamaha Motor, Full CoverHummingbird Fish Finder, ManyExtras, Boat, Motor, and 2014Trailer Like New, Ready to Go!Call (860) 935-0340 LeaveMessage. Price $8,500.00

OLD TOWN CANOE: 1931 oldtown 18’ restored Maine guidecanoe. Clear resin coated,Mahogany gun wales andcaned seats, a third seatmahogany caned seat andback. Paddles included. Perfectfor the wooden canoeenthusiast. $5800.00. (508)479-0230


FIREWOOD: Cut, Split &Delivered. Green & Seasoned.Wood Lots Wanted. CallPaul(508)769-2351

283 PETS

STANDARD RED POODLES:White. Males & females, 7 wksold, best blood line in country,good agility. $700 each. Shots &wormed. 413-262-5082



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HORSE BEDDING: Pine BagShavings 3.25 cubic feet,$4.85/each. HORSE HAY forSale Big Squares 3’ x 3’ x 71/2’Square Bales. EXCELLENT forHorses. West Brookfield. Call(508) 867-2508


ROUTE 169 ANTIQUES:884 Worcester St., South-bridge MA. Looking To Purchase Antiques And Collectibles Single Items OrEntire Estates. We Buy It AllAnd Also Do On-Site EstateSales And Estate Auction.Call Mike Anytime (774)230-1662.


WAR RELICS & WAR SOUVENIRS WANTED:WWII & EARLIER CA$HWAITING! Helmets, Swords,Daggers, Bayonets, Medals,Badges, Flags, Uniforms, etc.Over 30 Years Experience.Call David 1-(508)688-0847. I’ll Come To YOU!


TOWN OF DUDLEY AssessorClerk: The Town of Dudley Ass-esor’s Office is seeking a fulltime (39) hour per week clerk.Salary per hour is based onqualifications. For job descriptiongo to www.dudleyma.govSend cover letter/resume to:Town of Dudley,Principal Assessor71 W. Main St.Dudley, MA 01571Deadline is Feb. 9, 2018



DIPPIN DONUTS: Seeking reli-able people to join our crew. Flex-ible shifts available. Call508-943-3517 or apply in person:32 W. Main Street, Dudley, MA




HELP NEEDED - If someonecould do removal of mold in anattic for an elderly person at nocharge. 508-892-3209 (Leicester)

454 HOME


FURNITURE DOCTOR: Haveyour furniture Professionallyrestored at Reasonable rates.Furniture face lifting, painting,striping to Refinishing, caning andrepairs. ANTIqUE DOCTOR,Daniel Ross (508)248-9225 or(860)382-5410. 30 years inbusiness



2 CEMETERY PLOTS: Gardenof Honor, Lot #156A Spaces 1-2,Worcester County Memorial Park,Paxton, MA. $2,500 each or bothfor $4,000. (774) 272-1921

WORCESTER COUNTYMEMORIAL PARK: Gardenof Faith, Paxton, MA. 2 LOTSFOR SALE. BUY ONE FOR$2,500. GET 2nd LOT FORFREE!! Call Dick. 508-612-9263

WORCESTER COUNTYMEMORIAL PARK: Paxton, MA,Garden of Heritage. Plot 535C 1-2, Asking $3,000. (508) 248-7750


PARK MODEL: Located atHighview Campground, WestBrookfield.Seasonal 4/15-10/15Two Bedroom with Addition andStorage Shed. (508) 873-6312,(508) 867-8736


CAPE COD TIME SHAREFOR SALE: EdgewaterBeach Resort, 95 Chase Av-enue, Dennisport, MA 02639On the water, Studio (Unit706). Permanent Week 33(August). Deeded rights.You’llown it for a lifetime & can bepassed down to your childrenand grandchildren. $5000.(508)347-3145



CAPE CODSouth Dennis off Rte. 134:

Cozy 3 BR, (dbl, queen, 2 twins) 1 bath home withfull kitchen & microwave,washer/dryer, screened inporch w/ picnic table, grill,cable TV. Outdoor shower.

On dead-end street. Near shopping, theater,restaurants, bike trail,fishing, playground,

10 minutes from bay andocean side beaches.

Off season rates available

Call Janet at 508-865-1583

after 6 pm, or email June at

[emailprotected] for more information


705 AUTO ACCESSORIESCAR COVERS: Custom Fit, Excellent Condition. (Hail, SnowProtection). Audi A4, A5, andSubaru CXT. NEW LASERCUT FLOORMATS for recentA4. Email: aspen400@ SAVE $$

720 CLASSICS1951 FORD CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE: V8, StandardTransmission with Overdrive,Excellent Driver & Show-Car.$42,900. (860) 377-7230

1977 CORVETTE Automatic,Red, Rebuilt Original Motor350HP, Rebuilt Front Suspen-sion, Rebuilt Rear End with 3:55Gears, Excellent Body, SolidFrame, Painted and Restored in1996, Runs Excellent, No Win-ters! $11,000 obo. Call or Text774-318-7014

WANTED - 1930/31 Model AFord rear steel fenders for eithera 2 door sedan or a 4 doorPhaeton. 508-981-4813

725 AUTOMOBILES1999 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE: 35th Anniver-sary Edition. 121,000 miles, 5speed manual transmission, V-8, Great Condition Inside andOut! Always Garaged. $4,500 orbest reasonable offer. Call (508)943-7705 to See

2011 DODGE CHALLENGER:305 hp V6 SE auto w/slap stickMango Tango w/black strips59,000 miles, Loaded, remotestart. $14,500. 508-864-1906

VW ROUTAN $5,500 2009,108K miles, Great condition,new front & rear brakes. Thirdrow, towing & roof rack features.860-428-7170

740 MOTORCYCLES1982 HONDA GOLDWING AS-PENCADE: 25,500 Original Miles,One-Owner, Recent Tires, Battery, Front Fork Seals, PlusCover, 2 Helmets, Extras! $3,000or Best Reasonable Offer. (774)696-0219

1985 HONDA ELITE MOTORSCOOTER: 150 CC’s, Only2,257 miles, Original Owner, Ex-cellent Condition. $1,200. CallDave (508) 765-0656

740 MOTORCYCLESAMERICAN IRON HORSE(2005): Pro-Street Softail, 3,000miles, Polished 111 S&S Motor, 6-speed, Dual Disc, 280 Rear,Right Hand Drive, Bought Left-over in 2008. $11,000 or bo.(508) 733-8020, (774) 280-9865

CAN-AM SPYDER MOTOR-CYCLE FOR SALE: 2011, Ex-cellent Condition, 13,000 Miles,One Owner, Never Saw Rain.Asking $10,500. A Lot of Extras!(508) 248-5406



TRAVEL TRAILER 31’ 2010Flagstaff: 2 outside doors,2 slide-outs, large awning, roomy bed-rooms, large front kitchen,excellent condition. $14,000.Putnam. 860-208-7160

760 VANS/TRUCKS2008 RAM (BIGHORN)TRUCK: Hemi Motor, 4 Door, InGreat Condition, Only 37,000miles. Call for more info. SERI-OUS INTERESTS ONLY. (413)245-9651

765 HEAVY EQUIPMENT1997 BOBCAT 763 skid steerloader in great condition. 1800hours, 46hp. Auxiliary hydraulics$2100. 617-706-6736


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.